Cubertería Comas

Page 42






1297 1298 1299 1314 2416 1315 1316 1317 1300 1301 1302


12976 12983 12990 13140 24160 13157 13164 13171 13003 13010 13027

mazo 2 cuchillo chuletero mazo 3 cuchara mesa mazo 3 tenedor mesa mazo 3 pala pescado mazo 3 tenedor pescado mazo 2 cuchillo postre mazo 3 cuchara postre mazo 3 tenedor postre mazo 6 tenedor lunch mazo 6 cuchara café mazo 6 cuchara moka


film 2 steak knife film 3 table spoon film 3 table fork film 3 fish knife film 3 fish fork film 2 dessert knife film 3 dessert spoon film 3 dessert fork film 6 cake fork film 6 coffee spoon film 6 moka spoon

film 2 couteau steak film 3 cuillère table film 3 fourchette table film 3 couteau poisson film 3 fourchette poisson film 2 couteau dessert film 3 cuillère dessert film 3 fourchette dessert film 6 fourchette gâteau film 6 cuillère café film 6 cuillère moka

film 2 coltello steak film 3 cucchiaio tavola film 3 forchetta tavola film 3 coltello pesce film 3 forchetta pesce film 2 coltello frutta film 3 cucchiaio frutta film 3 forchetta frutta film 6 forchetta dolce film 6 cucchiaio café film 6 cucchiaio moka

2/48 3/48 3/48 3/48 3/48 2/48 3/48 3/48 6/48 6/48 6/48

230 205 205 200 185 200 185 185 145 135 115


5380 2417 2418 2419 2420 2003 2421 2422 2426 2427 2428 1626 1627 1628 1629 1632

53801 24177 24184 24191 24207 20032 24214 24221 24269 24276 24283 16264 16271 16288 16295 16325

2 cuchillo chuletero 3 cuchara mesa 3 tenedor mesa 3 pala pescado 3 tenedor pescado 2 cuchillo postre 3 cuchara postre 3 tenedor postre 6 tenedor lunch 6 cuchara café 6 cuchara moka 1 cazo sopa 1 cuchara servir 1 tenedor servir 1 pala reposteria 1 cazo salsa

2 steak knife 3 table spoon 3 table fork 3 fish knife 3 fish fork 2 dessert knife 3 dessert spoon 3 dessert fork 6 cake fork 6 coffee spoon 6 moka spoon 1 soup ladle 1 salad spoon 1 salad fork 1 cake server 1 sauce ladle

2 couteau steak 3 cuillère table 3 fourchette table 3 couteau poisson 3 fourchette poisson 2 couteau dessert 3 cuillère dessert 3 fourchette dessert 6 fourchette gâteau 6 cuillère café 6 cuillère moka 1 louche à potage 1 cuillère à servir salade 1 fourchette à servir salade 1 pelle à tarte 1 cuillère à sauce

2 coltello steak 3 cucchiaio tavola 3 forchetta tavola 3 coltello pesce 3 forchetta pesce 2 coltello frutta 3 cucchiaio frutta 3 forchetta frutta 6 forchetta dolce 6 cucchiaio café 6 cucchiaio moka 1 mestolo 1 cucchiaio servire 1 forchetta servire 1 pala torta 1 mestolino salsa

2/6/24 3/6/24 3/6/24 3/6/24 3/6/24 2/6/24 3/6/24 3/6/24 6/6/24 6/6/24 6/6/24 1/10/50 1/10/50 1/10/50 1/10/50 1/10/50

230 205 205 200 185 200 185 185 145 135 115 260 235 235 240 170


2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2 2 2

2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2 2 2 2,5 2,8 2,5 2,7 2,7

1/2/3/6 unid.


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