Mobiliario mater

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Mater is a Danish design brand, founded in 2006 with a strong vision to create

Creating classic, timeless and durable design is at the heart of the Danish design

timeless and beautiful design, based on an ethical business strategy. Through

industry and we take pride in preserving this by commissioning designers of both

collaborations with an external base of established and fresh design talent,

Danish and international talent.

Mater combines exclusive high end furniture and lighting, with working methods

Our aesthetic reflects our dedication to high-quality materials, a simple

that support people, local craft traditions and the environment. Designed for

style and a colour scheme of calm, organic muted tones. Commissioned

both commercial and residential use, we strive to avoid and minimise any adverse

designers work with exquisite craftsmanship using genuine materials, such

impact on society, by following ethical and sustainable production criteria and

as certified wood, leather and natural fibres and focusing on clean lines and

creating products that will both stand the test of time and inspire the consumer

fine detailing. Simple, organic and modern shapes add an understated, yet

to cherish and savour them. Our core business philosophy is based on three key

interesting aesthetic appeal. The Mater collection is an ongoing interplay

principles: design, craftsmanship and ethics, which emphasise our approach to

of exquisite design talent, shared wisdom from craftsmen and master

the design industry.

artisans, sustainable techniques, premium materials and reflective insights.

Winner of Best Debut Design Brand by Wallpaper* Magazine in 2008. Craftsmanship With a distinct passion for wood and quality textures, we partner with master artisans, exploring both ancient and modern techniques. From old woodturning communities to the newest LED sources, we constantly explore materials and production methods that are friendly towards mother earth without compromising aesthetics. An ethical choice of material such as renewable or certified wood, recycled waste and low energy light sources is our source of inspiration. Great craftsmanship and pure materials produce quality and durability - making design that lasts a lifetime and ages beautifully, marking the passage of life. contributing Designers S p ace C o p enha g en M a i j a Puos k a r i S o r en Rose T odd b r ache r A y ush k asl i wal

Etihcs We care about using resources responsibly in our designs, as well as the quality of the materials we use, their durability, the timelessness of the pieces and the conditions in which they are manufactured. We care about the people we work with by implementing or motivating sustainable business principles within the production chain, as well as demanding that our rapidly growing base of committed

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production partners are properly certified.

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We care because within every one of the millions of products we use to improve

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our lives, there are associated environmental, ethical and social consequences.

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We want to inspire consumer behaviour and engage people in sustainable thinking,

Jean - f r anco i s M e r i llou

making design matter and reducing our ethical footprint.

Jes p e r K . T homsen & S anne T r abe r g N i s F i sche r C h r i stensen


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