How do You Make Granite Countertops Shine?

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How do You Make Granite Countertops Shine?

Many people opt for granite stone for their kitchen countertops because it adds beauty to the interiors and also is easier to maintain than marble. Although the natural stone looks sturdy and classy, it is not entirely maintenance-free. Granite is a natural stone and hence is porous. When used in kitchen counters, it is prone to a lot of wear and tear making the stone lose its shine and brilliance after a few years. It needs to be maintained properly in order to preserve its integrity. A thorough ​granite cleaning job will restore the lost sheen and splendor.

D’Sapone offers the best solutions for ​cleaning of ​granite countertops​. Not only cleaning, the stone needs to be sealed efficiently to prevent staining again. But before understanding their procedures in-depth, let us understand the common issues with a granite countertop.

Common Problems Faced by Granite Countertop: ●

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Granite is a porous natural stone. Any kinds of spills of tea, coffee, food or other acidic beverages are absorbed by the stone. The stagnant water inside the pores and moisture absorption provide excellent circumstances for mold and mildew breeding. These quickly spread on the entire surface if not​ granite cleaning​ is not done properly. The spilling of acidic beverages and other drinks like tea and coffee on kitchen countertops is inevitable. These cause immediate staining on the surface. Some people use harsh acidic cleaners for ​granite cleaning countertops which lead to etching and surface damage. Regular chopping of fruits and vegetables on the surface also develops scratches on the stone.

All these issues on granite countertops can be prevented if granite is sealed with a good quality sealer. D’Sapone offers the best granite countertops restoration services by ​granite cleaning and sealing and granite polishing ​surfaces.Their patented services ensure that your granite countertops are restored back to their original sheen and lustre. Let us understand in detail about their procedures.

Cleaning Granite Countertops with Imperia Deep Clean: We offer ​granite cleaning services using Imperia Deep Clean - a deep soaking cleaner which penetrates deep into the stone and removes the tough stains at the root level. Cleaning the granite with an efficient and powerful cleaner is the first step towards restoring the shine of your countertops. Imperia Deep Clean is also used for ​cleaning granite floors​.

Sealing Granite Countertops with Celine: Sealing the stone is the only option to prevent mold breeding, staining and scratching. Our experts seal granite stone using Repela Bond - a water based sealer, which penetrates into the stone shutting all the pores. It creates a hydrophobic effect to shield liquids from entering the surface.

Polishing Granite Countertops with Celine: Granite polishing done with our clear topical sealer - Celine takes the beauty of the surface to the next level. After the stone has been sealed with Celine, we apply another coat of Celine to render a mirror-like finish. Polishing will preserve the sheen and lustre of your granite countertops for long.

So what are you waiting for? Contact us today to avail our exemplary services to make your granite countertops shine like new. Visit ​​ for more information.

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