The Secrets of the Early Church - Sam Strom

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the Revival) actually HID HIMSELF AWAY because he did not want to lead any longer (-he was convinced it would mean stealing glory from God). But really this was DISOBEDIENCE. -Because God had raised him up to lead and he had a job to do. The most "humble" thing that we can do is simply WHATEVER God is telling us to do. If we are called to lead then it is a disaster for us to shrink back from it. Times of Revival are always times when leadership is at a premium and God searches the earth for those who are willing to pay the price and respond to His call. A similar attitude to Evan Roberts prevailed in the Azusa Street meetings - where the leaders would hide themselves in prayer and allow ANYBODY to speak from the platform. Not just Christians but all kinds of charlatans and demonized characters sometimes were able to get up and preach, and this caused endless problems. A little authority sometimes goes a long way - and God raises up leaders for a REASON. There can be little doubt that the Azusa Revival faded away before it's time - largely through failings like these. It is a very delicate balance that leaders in Revivals face - how to keep everything on the rails without being too heavy-handed. -How to give the Holy Spirit free reign - but not allow things to become so "loose" that the devil is able to wreak havoc as well. -A difficult balancing act that requires great sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and a lot of wisdom. Many have tried and failed down the ages. But it is not impossible. I think it is a very important fact that two of the most long-lived Revival movements in history were also the MOST ORGANIZED. They definitely involved powerful 'OUTPOURINGS' of the Holy Spirit, and yet there was a well-organized 'New Wineskin' that was formed to give the whole thing structure and long life. The moves of God that I am referring to here are the Wesleyan Revival (ie. the Great Awakening in Britain) and the early Salvation Army. Both of these movements remained pretty much in a 'Revival' state for about 40 years apiece. -Much longer than most Revivals by far. What was the major key to this success? -I believe it was the fact that both of these movements left behind the "old wineskin" and formed a totally new one - far closer to the Book of Acts. They did not try and cram the new move into the existing churches, but took the bold (and controversial) step of forming a truly NEW wineskin - leaving the old one behind. Interestingly, both of these movements were also "OUTDOORS"based. -They held great gatherings in the open air - out where the people were. They also had smaller meetings just for the converts. And they raised up "lay-preachers" (to the churches' great horror). They prayed without ceasing and preached fiery Revival sermons on repentance and the new birth. (-The early Salvation Army modeled a lot of it's preaching on Finney). These were some of the most glorious and long-lasting Revival movements in history. And not forgetting - they were also the MOST ORGANIZED.

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