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"Go and may God be with you." David goes out to meet Goliath without sword or armor, only with his slingshot and a few stones, and his deep abiding faith in God. Seeing him Goliath laughs: "Am I a dog that you come to me with sticks?" But David is undisturbed: "You come towards me with a sword, a spear and a javelin, but I come to you with the name of the Lord of Hosts, the God of the battalions of Israel whom you have insulted. This day God shall deliver you into my hand ... and this entire gathering shall know that it is not by a sword or with a spear that God saves..." (1 Samuel 17:47) As Goliath advances toward him, David uses his sling to hurl a rock at the giant's face. It hits him in the forehead and he falls to the ground, flat on his face. David then removes Goliath's sword and cuts off his head. The stunned Philistines start running, pursued by the Israelite army. The end result is a tremendous victory for the Jews.

NOT BY MIGHT The words that David speaks on the battlefield are very powerful. He emphasizes that the true strength of the Jewish people is God, echoing the famous words of the Prophet Zechariah: "Not by strength, not by might, but with My spirit," says the Lord of Hosts." (Zechariah 4:6) Jews have to remember that they will win if God is with them, but as soon as they lose sight of that, they are in trouble. We'll see this when we get to modern Israeli history -- the great victory in 1967 and the terrible losses of 1973. Jews must always remember where the source of their strength comes from. David is one Jewish leader who is not likely to forget that, even though overnight he becomes a super hero. He marries the king's daughter, Michal. And even a song is composed about him and it becomes very popular: "Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands." The adoration of David makes Saul insanely jealous. He tries to kill him, but, warned The adoration of by Michal, David manages to flee. Saul hunts him all over the country, and David has David makes Saul to go into hiding.

insanely jealous. But Saul has not much left to his reign; he is about to be killed in battle.


The Philistines attack again -- at Mount Gilboa, up north near the Galilee.

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