Let's Idea Exchange

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Let’s Get Unstuck We know that when it comes to thinking up ideas - especially new and breakthrough ideas - it can be hard. In fact, we often feel like our minds are stuck in a box and we just can’t get the ideas out. And all the stresses and interruption in the average word day don’t help. With the dozens of emails, phone calls, reports, deadlines and meeting how is anyone supposed to get any thinking done?!?! Thankfully it can be done with a little help, a little time and techniques. Techniques? Yes. Creative problem solving and ideation techniques have been around for a long time. But it is always surprising how few of us use them. Instead we fall back on the belief that if we just concentrate hard enough we will force the idea out of our head. This rarely works. Innovative and creative thinking requires us to think differently, temporarily suspend judgement, consider issues from new perspectives and widen our scope of possibilities. Techniques are like games that trick the mind into thinking differently and suspends it natural desire to focus only on what you know. Basically said, techniques help you use your imagination and stop the bad habits that kill creativity. So let us introduce you to a technique that can improve your innovative performance and get you unstuck.

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