Light on yoga

Page 96

Y o g d sa1l a s 79 Eff E C TS

The ase na stretch es th e hamstrin gs and he lps the blood to circulate p roperly in the pelvic region and kee ps it health y . It pre vents the d evelopment of hernia of which it ca n cu re mild cases and re lieves scia tic pa in s. gtnce th e asana co ntrols and regularizes th e menstru al flow and also stimu lates the ovaries, it is a boon to wom en.


th e ind ex a nd m idd le fingers and likewise th e left big toe . (Plate 75) 3. Extend th e sp ine and try to keep the back concave . To start with the back will be like a hum p . This is due to stretching the spine only from the area of the shou lders. Learn to blond righ t from the pelvic region o f the back and also to extend the arms from th e should ers . Then th e hump will d isa ppear a nd the bac k will become flat as in Plate 75. Take a few dee p breath s.

(also called UgTl;5a. a

or BrahmacharyasanaJ SIX -

paschima litually mm ns Ih~ u~. It imp/i t'S f~ back of th~ UVJol~ body from tltt htad 10 t~ httls. The anltrior or tIlStmr tlSptd is t~ front of th~ body from 1M fau dawn to the lot'S. The C7VU'Pl of the head is the upper or northernasptd while tM soles and httIs of th~ ftt t form the lou't'r or southernasptCt of the body. In this .:Isana the back of the whol~ body is inttn sd y strt !chtd, hence tht Izamt . Ugra mtllns formidable, powtrful and noblt . Brahmaclwrya mtallS rtligious study, Slit-restrain! m,d celibacy. T EC H N I Q U E

1. Sit on the floor with the legs stretched stra igh t in fro nt. Place the palms on th e floor by th e side of th e h ips. Take a few dee p breaths. (Plate 35)

2. Exhale, extend th e hands a nd atch th e toes. Hold the righ t big toe between the right thumb and


4. Now exha le, blond and widen th e elbows, us ing them as lever s, p ull th e trunk forward and touch the forehead to the knees. (p lale 76) Gra d ua lly res t the elbows o n th e floo r, stre tch the neck a nd trunk. , touch the knees wit h the nose and th en with the lips . (Plate 77)

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