Varieties of Timber Utilized in House Construction

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Varieties of Timber Utilized in House Construction Homeowners have




choose different forms of timber. The factors to take into consideration are


durability and quality. Seek the advice of construction materials suppliers in looking for the best type of wooden materials for your house. One of the most popular varieties is the Australian Red Cedar which is a bit pink to dark red in shade. Expert carpenters say that this type of lumber is perfect for cabinets, counter tops and closets. Maple is more of tone wood with auditory attributes. It is used for musical instruments like guitars and violins. Maple wood comes in diverse classifications such as quilt and flame. American White Oak is an indigenous tree in North America. It is more of hardwood lumber that resembles the English oak wood. This wood variety has gentle yellow brown to tanned shades. This resilient wooden material is designed for boat hulls, barrels, interior finishes and high-en furniture pieces. There are six classes of Black Walnut. Construction companies, manufacturers and companies choose this kind of wood primarily for floors, walls, fine furniture, delicate woodwork, and musical instruments. Said wood is tough and resistant to shock. There are also other species such as European Fir, Ash, Tropical wood and Beech. If you are looking for a supplier of timber needs, please click on the link. Or you can contact Serano Timber at

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