Yoga- Time To Explore The Real Benefits of Yoga

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Yoga- Time To Explore The Real Benefits of Yoga Are you really serious about coming up with the best version of yourself? If your answer is “yes�, Yoga is the thing that you must accommodate into your daily habit. The reason is pretty straightforward- it supports the mental, physical and spiritual development which help you create the better version of yourself.

Yoga also promotes weight loss. You can really lose some significant pounds by doing the active forms of yoga. A lot of experts say that yoga works in a various ways to bring down your weight so that you can build a perfect toned body. The Close Relationship Between Yoga and Mindfulness: The overall mental and spiritual aspects of yoga strongly focuses on enhancing the mindfulness of a person. Practicing yoga on a regular basis increases the overall health awareness on many levels. We all know the fact that different foods have different effects on our mind, body and spirit. According to a study conducted in 2016, people who practice yoga on a regular basis have the better resistance against unhealthy foods and practices. Another study published on the Science Direct’s official website has established the fact that mindfulness yoga practice has the direct positive impact against binge eating and unhealthy practices. It is always advised not to do yoga with full stomach. After the yoga session, people feel more likely to have fresh and healthy foods. Yoga Promotes Better Sleeping Habit Yoga plays a positive effect on your regular sleeping habit as it improves your sleep quality. You will be able to fall asleep more easily if you practice yoga on a regular basis. Idea the duration of sleep should be between six and nine hours on a daily basis. We all know the fact that more you sleep, the more you would be able to lose weight. A quality and sound sleep increases the BMR rate which causes more fat burn and promotes weight loss. Yoga Nidra, form of Yoga, is a guided relaxation procedure which allows you to have a

quality sleep which helps you stay away from the stress and gives a boost to the fat burning process. Know How Yoga Promotes Burning Calories: Yoga is not considered as a typical aerobic exercise, however, there are forms of Yoga which involves more physical activities than others. If your goal is burning calories, you must practice intense style of yoga. Power Yoga is one of the most practical examples of intense yoga exercises. These types of yoga exercises involves constant moving which burns more calories than the usual forms of yoga. Practicing power yoga improves your muscle tones and metabolism. Know How Often You Should Practice Yoga To Lose Weight: When it comes to losing weight in a consistent manner, you must practice yoga at least four to five times a week and devote at least half an hour for each session of yoga practice. If you are starting yoga for the first time, you should start in slowly and gradually build up your regular practice habit. The slow but steady approach would help you to make yoga your habit and stay away from any kind of injuries during the yoga session. If you want to speed up your calorie burning rate, you must practice other cardiovascular activities like swimming, cycling, walking, running, etc along with doing yoga. Few Highly Beneficial Yoga Poses That You Can Practice At Your Home: 1. Sun Salutation: Do Sun Salutation at least 10 times. 1. Stand straight and breath in as you lift up both the hand overhead.

2. 3. 4. 5.

Breath out as you swan dive down into forward bend Walk your feet back into plank position. Hold the same position for at least five breathes. Now drop your knees down and make your body down to the floor. 6. Breath in to lift your body up into cobra position. 7. Breath out as you get your lower back down and then push up and make a downward facing dog position. 8. Take five breaths in this same position. 9. Exhale as your walk your feet to the top of the mat and stand in a forward bend 10. Lift up your arms overhead and inhale. 11. Exhale as you lower your hands down by your body. 2. Boat Pose: This particular yoga posture works on your full body and, it is highly effective in reducing the overall stress. 1. Sit on the floor and take your legs together. Now, make it extended in front of you. 2. Bend your knees and lift your feet off the floor so that your thighs can be remained at an angle to the floor. Make sure your shins remains parallel to the floor. 3. Stretch your arms in front so they can be positioned parallel to the floor. 4. Now strengthen your legs while you must keep your torso lifted. 5. Hold this exact pose for at least 30 seconds 6. Repeat this particular moves for 5 times. 3. Yoga Plank: Spend 10-20 minutes on doing different plank poses. 1. Begin it from the tabletop position and take your feet back while keeping your heels lifted. 2. Now make a straight-line with your body. 3. Engage your core, arms and leg muscles. 4. Hold this position for one minute.

Conclusion: If your core objective is losing weight, you need to make commitment with your yoga practice. Make the small but gradual changes and set the modest goals so that you can stick to it. If you practice yoga on a daily basis, while maintain the healthy food habits, you will be more likely to see the positive result in your weight loss goal with time. It is always advised to use authentic Yoga program online so that you can achieve the best result. If you have been looking for a legitimate online yoga program, then you should use the program called Yoga Burn Final Phase.

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