Sensi Magazine - Las Vegas (September 2019)

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Visual Disruption

Graffiti has transformed from vandalism to an art genre, including street art, and Las Vegas has become a canvas, sometimes for a fleeting moment. The underground movement morphed into the public eye with styles including abstraction and imagery. Street Art Las Vegas, published by Smallworks Press (SMALLWORKSPRESS.COM ), captures the spirit of the artists through photography. Murals embrace surfaces on Fremont Street calling out to locals and tourists to explore this style. In the 18b district, artworks explode on walls and in alleyways. The small voices that are not heard communicate with expressions of art in the tunnels running underneath the city. Photographers William Shea and Patrick Lai have compiled the photo essay in a beautiful book documenting art that could be lost to the elements or time. The artwork is recorded using 252 high-quality photos from all around the valley and the Life is Beautiful festival. “Originally, I was working on urban photography,” explains Shea. “The photos came out so beautifully, and I realized that nobody has ever written a book about street art in Las Vegas.” Artists bloom in Southern Nevada and reach out through colors, styles, and bold statements. This art will live on even if the buildings are torn down or walls are painted over. –DH

Organic Headache Relief

Aculief Wearable Acupressure relieves pain without medication. Whether chronic or sporadic, migraine headaches can

finger. Many leading acupuncturists, including holistic

interfere with day-to-day life. There is medication, but who

system Qi Gong expert Lee Holden, recommend Aculief

wants to be dependent on medicine? Aculief Wearable

Wearable Acupressure for effective self-treatment.

Acupressure (ACULIEF.COM ) has been developed as a nat-

Aculief Wearable Acupressure is manufactured in the

ural way to relieve the pain and tension. It uses your body’s

US and is available for purchase online and in other

own endorphins to heal headaches and muscle pain nat-


urally by applying pressure to the LI4 acupressure point. The wearable clip is designed for active lifestyles and can be comfortably worn during the day and while sleeping. The LI4 between the thumb and index finger has been used for thousands of years to provide natural headache and tension relief as well as promote the body’s natural energy. In fact, it’s one of the most potent acupressure points on your body. In Western medicine, doctors sometimes suggest getting a hand massage or gently applying pressure to the area between your thumb and index 10 SEPTEMBER 2019 Las Vegas



Street Art Las Vegas captures creativity in photographic images.

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