{newsfeed} by RANDY R O B IN S ON
SATIVA THE SUPERFOOD More than half of all US states—28 in total—recognize cannabis as medicine. But cannabis may be much more than a medicine. It could be considered a superfood, too. In recent years, Americans have veered away from drivethroughs and gas station food. Today, many are steering to-
can “activate” the plant’s cannabinoids, potentially causing the elevating effects for which cannabis is known.
ward healthier diets. As people prod the Internet, magazines, and shows for new sources of nutritious-yet-tasty meals, the term “superfood” is popping up quite a bit. Which brings up the questions: What, exactly, is a superfood? And does cannabis fall under this category?
Nutritional Facts To view cannabis as a superfood, it helps to think about it as just another vegetable. Parts of the Cannabis sativa plant are already available
A superfood could be considered any food item that’s in-
as a prepackaged superfood in nearly every grocery store.
credibly dense with vitamins, proteins, amino acids, antioxi-
Hemp seeds, which are non-psychoactive, won’t give any-
dants, polyphenols, or any number of other molecules that
one a buzz, and they’re packed with omega-3 fatty acids,
provide health benefits. Examples of some superfoods include
the same nutritional stuff found in avocados and fish oil.
salmon, oatmeal, green tea, blueberries, and quinoa. Let’s see
The seeds contain proteins, vitamins, and amino acids, too,
how cannabis holds up to these superfood standards.
which every person needs. The cannabis plant proper—its leaves and buds—offers
Beyond Edibles — Raw Cannabis
more nutrition than the seeds. Raw juice and plant material
As marijuana legalization sweeps the nation, infused edi-
are packed with cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, and oth-
bles have become a hot topic. Raw cannabis and its juice,
er nerdy-sounding stuff that confers a ton of health benefits.
although growing in popularity, haven’t been heavily market-
Those benefits include anti-inflammation, anti-cancer, an-
ed by the nation’s exploding cannabis industry. Cannabis juic-
ti-tumor, antioxidant, and possibly even anti-aging properties.
ing is exactly what it seems: dropping cannabis flowers and
Donna Shields, MS, RDN, founder of cannabis consulting
leaves into a juicer and separating its nutrition-dense juice
firm Holistic Cannabis Network, says making cannabis—
from the solid plant matter. Raw cannabis juice alone has no
especially raw cannabis—part of a healthy diet might help
“recreational” potential; it doesn’t get anyone elevated.
stave off illnesses. “Chronic disease is caused by inflamma-
However, cannabis can be incredibly useful without any
tion,” she explains. “The reason we eat superfoods is to tame
psychoactive effect. The buds can be eaten raw as part of a
the fire of inflammation in the body. Cannabis is an antiox-
salad or as some other side dish, but juicing is the quickest
idant and has anti-inflammatory properties.”
and easiest way to prepare cannabis as a part of a healthy
But wait, there’s more: Raw cannabis offers fiber, folic
and balanced diet. Cooking buds or heating them in any way
acid, potassium, riboflavin, zinc, niacin, phosphorus, thia-