The Connector January 2018

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January 2018

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HOBBIES Hobbies are as varied as the people enjoying them. There is a common denominator, though, holding us together in one massive movement. That movement is creativity. Anyone giving lip service to the notion they are not creative needs to look to the heart and mind where feelings and thoughts grow. Subconsciously, we bring our heart’s desire alongside our clever mind’s ability to express our individualism, and this results in creative urges. Included in our thinking and feeling is the gift of passion. We need only unwrap this gift, discovered through life experiences, to put us on a satisfying journey. So, why don’t we? To answer the question of why we need to find our passions, we look to where the onset of creativity has taken place. Children love to play; it is in their play that they find joy and enthusiasm. A child running a toy into a pile of blocks gets excited and, during play, an innate intent—call it passion— allows creative juices to flow as the youngster restacks the blocks. It is fun! Over time, forthcoming ideas and new challenges along with appropriate reinforcement and affirmation allow a pair of busy little hands to do what comes naturally. It’s easy to say you’re not that young any more or you’re not the type, but there can be no truth to the statement if, in your own corner of the world you use your imagination and sensory gifts to work in your own fashion with illustrations, directions and patterns or from instinct… and have fun at it. Who says we don’t have talent? Who says we don’t need hobbies? Who denies they are a worthwhile path to self-discovery? Unfortunately, many of us are guilty of not taking our innate inklings seriously enough to uncover treasure troves of sweet emotions and positive thinking which result from what some call insignificant makework projects/time wasters. A fine and sometimes unexpected benefit of having a thoroughly enjoyable hobby is the explosion of deep-felt acceptance of one’s self and of one’s achievements whether or not they are quirky and impractical. Self-satisfaction and achievement magically enhance life. Observation is, in its own way, rich and pleasurable. The quiet unobtrusive pastime of people-watching takes no effort aside from finding places where people work and play and mingle. The act of observing leads to noticing others’ passion-outlets and styles. The element of enjoyment moves us quite naturally, if not surprisingly,

by Rita Joan Dozlaw into contagious inspiration. Our creative potential, found in using all our senses—seeing, touching, tasting, smelling and listening, is stimulated, and the right side of the brain knows what to do with incoming messages. We are all uniquely endowed with abilities we may have suspected we had but never knew for sure. A bonus, in the process of taking on an intense hobby, is relaxing so completely that we lose awareness of time. Another awesome reveal is the rich and challenging learning curves in the activity which serve to deepen our selfconfidence. Embarking on a creative journey exposes basic ground roots such as an urge to discover. Subtle interest, in time, can become keen interest translating to passion. From a heart-string perspective, even the most insignificant hobby may expose something about a person. Personality traits, sensitivities, intuitive strengths and courage may become recognizable to both the hobbyist and the observer. At the other extreme, the more profound, radical and/or astronomical the hobby, the less we may understand about the hobbyist. Hence, the more we seek to know so as to appreciate one another and to excitably clutch something different. A person passionately involved in what he loves to do will tell others there is nothing quite like it and, in sharing, many wonderful opportunities present themselves as worthwhile. This is especially true when engaging with someone who enjoys the same hobby. Teaching and learning through lively exchanges of ideas founded on common ground is a great deal of fun. Who could deny that hobbies bring rewards? How, with pleasure, we use our precious twenty-four hours each day makes a strong statement. Are we happy with life and the folks around us or are we marching on the spot and bored silly? Watching natural creativity mushroom now and again into this hobby or that is undeniably therapeutic and healthy. In spite of life’s ways of interfering with well-intentioned folks, in terms of time, a talent and even a hobby gone dormant can come back to life. Applaud whatever it is that you love to be occupied with, most especially if it had not previously been in your sphere of interest. The wonder of it all stirs the passion, so continue and name those labours of love. Call them what they are—virtues—and reap the blessings of your most passionate auxiliary activities -- commonly known as hobbies!

The Ukulele Orchestra of Kamloops presents

Easy & Fun to Learn!


FOR BEGINNERS OR MORE Starting January 2018 Never played a musical instrument? Not a problem! Would you like to be able to play a musical instrument and sing along? Again, not a problem! In just 6 easy lessons you will be playing and singing songs! CONTACT: Gary Barichello, Lessons Coordinator • 250.579.1845


RUNNERS’ SOLE IS A PROUD SPONSOR OF THE KAMLOOPS PICKLEBALL CLUB All the staff at Runners’ Sole are very educated on the Fastest Growing Sport in Canada — Pickleball

CITY OF KAMLOOPS WINTER PICKLEBALL PROGRAMS Registration is currently open, we encourage early registration to avoid disappointment. Punch cards are always available to purchase for the drop-in programs. Drop-In Pickleball Programs. Punch Cards can be purchased at TCC, Kamloops Museum and Archives, and Westsyde Pool for $40.

PICKLEBALL Jan 8-Mar 26 Mon 8-11:30 am TRU

Drills and Skills clinics: PICKLEBALL D & S Jan 14 Sun 8 am-11 am Middle Crt-TCC $35 279933

PICKLEBALL Jan 10-Mar 28 Wed 8am-10:15 am TRU PICKLEBALL Jan 12-Mar 23 Fri 8-10 am TRU Beginner registered program: PICKLEBALL BEGINNER Jan 11-Mar 22 Thurs 7-9 pm Juniper $50 #279394

PICKLEBALL D & S Jan 21 Sun 8 am-11 am Middle Crt-TCC $35 279934 PICKLEBALL D & S Feb 4 Sun 8 am-11 am North Crt - TCC $35 279935

Call the City at 250-828-3500 and quote program number to register.

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