2017 International Semex Beef Catalogue

Page 214


beef cattle gestation table based on 283 day pregnancy

Calving Ease Ratings Bulls denoted with a Calving Ease Gold Standard symbol are recommended for use on heifers. They all rank at the top of the breed for low birth weight and/or calving ease. Use these bulls with confidence that they will provide calving ease.

These bulls have been used on heifers and all CE successfully CE USA rank well above breed average for low birth weight and/or good calving ease or have strong progeny proof information showcasing excellent calving ease through the commercial sector that haven’t been reflected in the EPD’s. They are excellent choices to be used on both heifers and cows but use on heifers with some caution.


Sexed Semen Symbol & Disclaimer The bulls with the sexed semen symbol have been denoted as candidates to have both male and female sexed semen available in 2014. The symbol denotes the sire within that breed that will have sexed semen available, however due to a number of factors that affect the production of sexed semen we cannot guarantee availability at all times and will do our best to accommodate all requests. Please check with local representative for updates on current availability of sexed semen.

Pricing Prices listed in catalogue are the current Canadian retail prices. For pricing and qualification to your respective country, please contact your local distributor. Due to varying degrees of popularity and the qualifications to import semen to Canada, some bulls may become limited in availability due to high demand.

Bull is qualified for the EU Semen is available in Canada Bull is qualified for all global markets with the exception of the European Union Semen is available in the USA

Disclaimer: The availability status is a guideline only. Health status, semen availability or global availability has the ability to change from time to time. The status revealed is an indicator of the semen availability. This availability can change without notice. Please contact Semex for specific country guideline.

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