Selamta September-October 2019

Page 15

Why I

Johannesburg Why WhyI I Johannesburg Johannesburg

e so many reasons why hannesburg. I am n awe of how dynamic, nd energetic the city is. rketing specialist and coach, I engage regularly South African es and I'm impressed their about the future and how s and driven they are. This is e the energy in sburg - it's a city where are made!

There There areare so so many many reasons reasons why why I love I love Johannesburg. Johannesburg. I am I am always always in awe in awe of how of how dynamic, dynamic, vibrant vibrant andand energetic energetic thethe citycity is. is. As As a marketing a marketing specialist specialist andand business business coach, coach, I engage I engage regularly regularly with with mymy South South African African audiences audiences andand I'mI'm impressed impressed their their positivity positivity about about thethe future future andand how how ambitious ambitious andand driven driven they they are.are. This This is is why why I love I love thethe energy energy in in Johannesburg Johannesburg - it's - it's a city a city where where dreams dreams areare made! made!

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I travel I travel to Johannesburg to Johannesburg with with a group a group of friends of friends at at thethe beginning beginning of every of every year year to participate to participate in in various various excursions excursions around around South South Africa. Africa. TheThe most most memorable memorable adventure adventure thatthat wewe hadhad on on ourour lastlast triptrip was was to atocrocodile a crocodile park. park. I actually I actually zip-lined zip-lined across across Johannesburg beautiful thirty thirty (30) (30) crocodiles crocodiles andand lived lived to brag to brag about about it! it!


Nelson Mandela Nels Nels on on Man Man deladela Squ Squ Squ are areare skyline

skyline skyline Johannesburg Johannesburg beautiful beautiful TheThe

oleside posid e ol thethpo n' by ChiCllihin'lliby

Johannesburg is not only a Johannesburg Johannesburg world-class is is not not only only a world-class a world-class business business business andand a giant a giant snake snake (not (not afraid!) afraid!) hub, butMeMe also the perfect starting hub, hub, but but also also point thethe perfect perfect for starting starting an point point for actionfor anan actionactionpacked South African holiday. packed packed From South South African African wildlife holiday. holiday. From From wildlife safaris, wildlife safaris, safaris, to extreme sports to team-building to to extreme extreme sports sports activities, to to team-building team-building activities, activities, South South South Africa is full of adventures waiting Africa Africa is is fullfull of of to adventures adventures be waiting discovered. waiting to to bebe discovered. discovered.


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