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TRIPLE ATTACK Moriah Plowden is a true all-star athlete. She participates in sports year round: volleyball in the fall, basketball in the winter and soccer in the spring. With her family and friend’s support, she continues to strive in her athletics, as well as academics.


Moriah Plowden, jr., is a popular, smart, talented and athletic young girl. Aside from her academic and social life, you can usually find her out on the soccer field or on the court. Plowden plays volleyball, basketball and soccer. She plays volleyball year-round and it is also her favorite sport. “It’s fun and exciting to me. I play middle blocker and I love to block people,” said Plowden. Before high school, she actually started out as a cheerleader for her brother’s little league team that her parents got her into. Then, her mother introduced her to the black-and-white

checkered sport of soccer. “That was my first official sport. I was faster than the other girls which allowed me to score a lot,” Plowden said. Sometime afterwards, Plowden had to stop playing soccer, so her dad got her onto a basketball team in the seventh grade. She grew to like it very much, so when the season ended she wanted to stay in shape for next season. That’s where her other sports, volleyball and track, came in. When high school came she dropped track for soccer, volleyball and basketball. “Volleyball quickly became my favorite sport. Basketball is a close second because it’s so intense. Soccer is third because I really don’t think I’m that great. I’m good but not like other varsity players,” said Plowden. Plowden also has many achievements she’s received while participating in sports, including the All-City Hitter Award for volleyball and a varsity letter in all three sports: basketball, volleyball and soccer. Plowden recalls one of her favorite moments in volleyball when she was playing against East and she hit the ball in one of the

players’ face and scored. The girl’s face got red, but she was happy for scoring. In addition to sports, Plowden keeps her grades up, which means endless hours of homework. “It’s very hard to do, but I get it done. The thing that keeps me going is my parents,” Plowden said. According to Plowden, her parents encourage her to do the best in all that she can do, as well as always saying the right things to help her. Encouragement is what she needs to help her get into a good college. “I want to get into a good one, and if the Lord blesses, I will. And He always does. Corinthians 15:10 also keeps me motivated,” said Plowden. Corinthians 15:10 reads, “But by God’s grace I am what I am, and his grace shown to me was not wasted. Instead, I worked harder than all the others—not I, of course, but God’s grace that was with me.” Plowden says that her family, friends and her faith are what keep her motivated to go above and beyond in all that she does.

general. “It’s a waste of money,” said McAdam. “Some people will have to change their means of transportation to adjust.” Despite concerns, Allison assures the public that this switch up is nothing Wichita can’t live with. “Their voices have absolutely been heard as we move through this process,” Allison said to the Wichita Eagle. “I think some of them assume if there isn’t a change, they weren’t heard. That’s just not the case at this point.”

ally, it’s a lot harder than it used to be. We have to watch what we do and watch our spending. Now my mom has to work like two jobs because my dad can’t find one,” Bethel said. Not only does the closing affect students, but teachers alike. Special education teacher Marian Mitchel’s husband currently works at Boeing and is faced with the question: what’s more important, a friendly living environment or a job? “The Boeing closing is going to cause our family to relocate within the next two years. Considering my husband and I have lived in many states, Wichita’s the place we’ve enjoyed the most. This is a nice town and the people are friends,” Mitchell said. “How can Wichita be the Air Capital without Boeing?”


JUMPS FROM BOUNDARIES ON PAGE 4 fected by boundary change discussions. A new Northeast school would open along with the moving of the current school. District lines would contradict the initial intentions of the bond, which was supposed to open a new base school to reduce overcrowding at East, Southeast, Heights and North. The proposal would also close Bryant Elementary, Emerson Elementary, Lincoln Elementary and Mueller Elementary. The boundaries for Coleman, Robinson, Mead, Hamilton, Trusdell and Hadley Middle Schools would be switched as well. According to Allison, this is due to the fact that “some facilities are less efficient” and “some facilities exceed building capacity.” The changes may also impact the merits of schools, beyond attending a new school in




FROM BOEING ON PAGE 5 decided to remain in Wichita, rather than relocate to Seattle, Washington. “It was either take everything and go to Seattle or lose his job. He lost his job. Person-


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