The Fifth Level of Learning by Wes Penre Part II

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The Wes Penre Papers || The Fifth Level of Learning The Vedic Texts

However, why would the AIF care to sign a treaty in the first place? Because they wanted our consent to mass abduct people. I haven’t seen the original treaty myself, and therefore I don’t know how it’s worded, but it seems to me that when having the President’s signature, they could do more or less whatever they wanted. We have been told that only a small number of humans were allowed to be abducted per the agreement, and the ETs soon exceeded that “small number.” After a certain time, they also didn’t report whom they were abducting, but and his people are no fools—they know what they are doing! If they seemingly broke the treaty, they did so, knowing that they could get away with it in front of a Galactic Court, which doesn’t follow the same stipulations as we do on Earth. If the Nordics were siding with the AIF, why did they offer spiritual information to the Government? It’s of course all a farce. They knew all too well that the U.S. Government (as well as any other government) would never give away their power by letting their citizens get educated on spiritual matters. They were expecting a “no” from the Government, and thereafter they could offer the “real deal,” i.e. technology in exchange for abductions. At least the AIF had offered us a spiritual solution (although they would never give it to us), and in a Galactic Court of Law they could say that humanity’s representatives (the “elected” governments) were offered a spiritual solution but rejected it. By now, we know how these beings think— at least at some level. Already during WW II, the Aldebarans wanted to give free energy (zero-point energy) to the Nazis, together with technology. However, Hitler’s One World Government vision did not happen, so what did the aliens do? They wait a few years, and then they showed up in person—this time in the U.S. first (from what we know— they may have visited some other governments first, but it’s unlikely), and offer them technology, amongst which zero-point energy was probably one of the technologies. If we are to believe what Greer is saying on this subject, the Shadow Government is sitting on the zero-point energy technology, but is not going to use it in humanity’s best interest. According to my research, the second nation that was contacted by the AIF in the 1950s was the Soviet Union. Allegedly, today’s Russia has a very intimate pact with the AIF, which has made Vladimir Putin feel that he is invincible. The arrogance this man is showing the world is only in part his basic personality, but he also is convinced that he has a strong ET back up. The World Leaders are all AIF minions, of course, albeit some of them are not even glued in on the ET issue. This is how and his star races want it in order to be able to divide and conquer. In today’s world, my bet is that the U.S. has the strongest support by the AIF, but Putin is made to believe that he has the greatest power. It’s all very well planned, and by playing it in such a manner, the AIF can take almost any action and still come out on the other end as the winners—their goals will be met regardless. It is interesting how it works. Those who think they are the most clever (the world leaders) are in fact the most stupid, thinking they have something to gain from following the ET rules. There is no one on this planet who is not dispensable— regardless if we are talking about a starving kid in Africa or a top level Elite. The only 500

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