Calling all community gardners!

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Recounting the Recalls Page 4 La Crosse's Free Press

Calling All Urban Gardeners!

Your guide to farmers markets, community plots & CSAs

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VOLUME 11, NO. 15 | APRIL 28, 2011

2// April 28, 2011

Second Supper


Social Networking NAME AND AGE: Shaylee Ann Luna Wavra, age 19

latest ones have been vinyl records and tea cups. TELL US A JOKE: What animal is 'out of bounds'? A: An exhausted kangaroo!




WHAT'S IN YOUR POCKET RIGHT NOW?: A lighter and a receipt for discounted pencils

DREAM JOB: Photographer for National Geographic Magazine




WHAT IS YOUR PET PEEVE? When people smack their gum. Ick.

HOW DO YOU KNOW SHOOGYPOP? I met Shuggypop while I was sitting outside of Jules Coffee House when he rode by. I was admiring his bicycle. He then stopped and asked if I wanted to ride it, but I was too shy. I never did...

WHAT IS YOUR BEVERAGE OF CHOICE? Pomegranate Tazo Teas, Delicious! CELEBRITY CRUSH: It's a tie between David Bowie and Hugh Laurie

— Compiled by Shuggypop Jackson,

WHAT BOOK ARE YOU CURRENTLY READING? House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielwesk WHAT IS YOUR GUILTIEST PLEASURE? Obsessions. I get super obsessed and start collecting things. My

W3923 HWY 16 West Salem




FREE BOWLING Every Monday at Features in West Salem FREE BEER – 5:30–6:30 PM FREE WINGS – 7:30–8:30 PM FREE BOWLING AFTER 9 PM FREE DRAFT BEER – Bud Light, Miller Lite, Pabst Beer Will Be Served in 10 oz. Plastic Cups, One at a Time

6 WINGS PER PERSON – Plain, Hot Or Mild

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FREE BOWLING with the Purchase of a Shoe Rental MUST BE 21 TO PARTICIPATE

Second Supper

Things To Do Bang your head!

The Top Garden fresh produce 1. Tomatoes 2. Green beans 3. Bell peppers 4. Strawberries 5. Broccoli 6. Cantaloupe 7. Cucumbers NBA playoff teams 1. Chicago Bulls 2. Boston Celtics 3. Oklahoma City Thunder 4. Miami Heat 5. Memphis Grizzlies 6. Los Angeles Lakers 7. Riverfest 8. Dallas Mavericks

April 28, 2011 // 3

FIRST THINGS FIRST Lacking a bit of Metal in your life? Well JB’s has a cure for that. On Wedensday, May 4 the Wings of Steel Tour will be rocking the doors off La Crosse’s humble speakeasy. The tour brings together two of metal’s loudest bands Angels of Babylon and Seventh Calling. Angels of Babylon is a brand new lineup of metal heavyweights featuring Rihno (former drummer of the biggest band on the planet, Manowar) and legendary thrash metal bassist David Ellefson (formerly of Megadeath). Vocalist David Fefolt and guitarist Ethan Bosh round out this face melting foursome. Seventh Calling is a Minneapolis-based group that churns out their own brand of modern metal that draws heavily on the classic ‘80s metal sound. They boast no love songs or fake angry anthems; this is as metal as it gets. Show starts at 9 p.m.


Get Fit

Tired of carrying around those extra winter pounds? Well then check out some of the events at the La Crosse Fitness Festival going on this weekend. The festival kicks off on Friday night at 5 p.m. at the La Crosse Center with a Health and Fitness Expo. The festivities continue with a bike tour a 5k run walk. Registration for these events starts bright and early on Saturday May 1 at 7 a.m., near the Bandshell in Riverside. For those of you with wee ones the registration for the youth races begins at 11 a.m., with the mascot race starting at noon. For the serious bikers out there, there are two separate time trials happening at Granddad’s Bluff at 3:30 p.m. and 6 p.m. These events are the build up to the La Crosse Marathon. That race starts at 7 a.m. in Pettibone and concludes in Myrick Park.


Play our namesake

Lacrosse in La Crosse!?! Yes La Crosse will finally live up to its namesake and host the Great Lakes Lacrosse League’s Conference Tournament this weekend. Matches will be held at UW-La Crosse Sports Complex and at the North Campus Field. The matches begin at 10 a.m. on Saturday and typically last about an hour and 30 minutes. Teams from seven different states will be competing in this year’s tournament. Our hometown heroes play their first match at 11:15 a.m. on Saturday. So come on down and see where La Crosse gets its name.


Live inside the box


Camp out in cardboard this Friday night as the UW-L chapter of Habitat for Humanity hosts its annual Cardboard Village. Designed to raise awareness about substandard housing in the Coulee Region, students will assemble cardboard houses and sleep in them overnight. Live music provided by 1,2,3...Walrus kicks off at 7 p.m. To register for the event or to make a donation, please contact Sara Sturdevant at

See the string-pullers

Ancient stories of human foibles and magic will be presented at the Three Rivers Waldorf School Puppet Show this Saturday, April 30 at 3:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. at the Muse Theater, 1353 Avon St. Shadow puppets and marionettes will tell the story of Akimba and the Magic Cow, Abyoyo and Tikki Tikki Tembo. Following the evening performace, there will be a backstage party where you can meet the puppets and puppeteers. This is a Three Rivers Waldorf School Production and all ages are welcome. Tickets will be sold at the door and are $5 per person or $10 per family.


4// April 28, 2011


Second Supper

Round Nine: Recounting the Recalls


Every vote counts, but some call for a recount. Paging Sancho Panza!

By Bob Treu Special to Second Supper


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Or I might call this recalling the recount. The two words are now horribly mixed in my mind. Each one has several meanings, and some of them interlace in intriguing ways. To recall can mean to remember. Generally, voters are better at this than elected officials. It can also refer to a manufacturer recalling a defective product, which does have some relevance to electoral recalls. Similarly, to recount suggests the process of counting over, possibly because the counter, like the clerk of Waukesha County during the KloppenburgProsser Supreme Court race, was distracted. Recounting can also refer to telling stories. Curiously, French, Spanish and German all connect the act of narrating with counting. Getting the numbers right is an important part of the story. Ask anybody on the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board (GAB) who has time to talk. The board is a useful institution, invented to oversee elections and call foul when someone is caught tampering with the levers of democracy. It was designed to deal with the occasional recount mandated by close elections, and with the slight chance the electorate would want some elected official to retire early. No one anticipated eight (or possibly more) recall elections and a state court race with two candidates less than a half a percent apart in a single season. The GAB is suddenly very busy. Our local recall race isn’t helping matters. Senator Kapanke’s opponents had no trouble gathering enough signatures, even after the inevitable challenges. So Jennifer Schilling officially declared her intention to run against the senator, and it looked like the race was on. But then, in this most surprising of springs, the senator announced that his opponents hadn’t done the paperwork properly. He claims that Pat Schaller, organizer of the effort, did not file a campaign financial report. The Democrats, on the other hand, argue the Republican’s argument depends upon a false distinction between the recall committee, which did the paper work, and Schaller, who merely acted

in the committee’s behalf. Graeme Zielinski, Democratic Party spokesman, told me: “The challenge to the recall of Dan Kapanke is not worth the paper it is printed on, even though Scott Walker and Kapanke are trying to end recycling in Wisconsin.” The GAB has two weeks to decide on the validity of Kapanke’s challenge, but I wouldn’t want to be the one to tell citizens their efforts have been in vain. I don’t think they’re in the mood to hear that, and I don’t think such a decision would be in the spirit of democracy. As of now, recall petitions have been filed for five Republicans and three Democrats. If all five Republicans lose and one Democrat, the Dems would have an 18-15 advantage, just to ponder one possibility. However, there’s still time for other petitions to be filed. My guess is that Glenn Grothman will join him on the GOP side, and there’s a chance Julie Lassa will do so on the Dem’s side. Wednesday morning’s Milwaukee Journal Sentinel raises the likely number to nine (six GOP and three Dems). Also, deadlines have been missed for four Democratic senators: Spencer Coggs, Fred Risser, Lena Taylor and Mark Miller. They should all be safe, although a separate drive against Miller, run by the American Recall Coalition of Utah, has until May 4 to complete its efforts. You might want to note that in the Republican vision you can’t vote without a photo ID, but you can run a Wisconsin recall election without residing here. Meanwhile, the recounting (as in checking the numbers) of the Prosser-Kloppenburg Supreme Court race goes forward, very slowly. Given her current 7,000 vote deficit, it isn’t likely Kloppenburg will prevail, but, as she says, the recount is worthwhile if it gives the electorate some confidence in the honesty of our elections. Prosser, on the other hand, found the idea of a recount “frivolous.” The candidates finally agreed upon a statewide recount that includes a hand tally of Milwaukee and other key precincts. Generally hand recounts will occur where older

machines do not allow data to be copied. In Brookfield, whose votes were found two days after the election, reversing Kloppenburg’s narrow lead in favor of Prosser, only two of the seven precincts will get a hand tally. Maybe I’m making too much of it, but I’m still bothered by the difficulty of verifying touch screen computer votes. An estimated 10 percent of state voters use that method, and that includes Brookfield. None of the media accounts have touched this issue, although the bloggers are driving themselves crazy with it. It didn’t help that the GAB found “nothing suspicious” after its initial assessment of the Brookfield situation, which must be a lonely position, since most of us are walking around with fingers firmly clamped on our nostrils against the pervasive reek. In any case, the investigation will continue. Meanwhile, the Wisconsin spring can try your patience, and our political life suddenly seems painfully slow, like watching the Mississippi flood waters recede. In Don Quixote, Sancho Panza is something of a raconteur, which is how the French describe a person who recounts a story. One night, at the campfire, he tells his master a tale in which a man finds himself having to cross a stream with a herd of sheep. He must carry each animal individually, an action Sancho describes in loving detail each time. After 30 or so episodes the Don becomes impatient and demands to know how many sheep crossings he will be subjected to. Sancho then gives him a large number which has, like so much else, slipped out of my memory. I’d look it up, but I have a deadline. Quixote finally orders Sancho to lump the rest together and get on with it. To his everlasting credit, the storyteller refuses. That’s a tale worth recounting. Election officials should learn it by heart. There’s an even more relevant passage in Henry David Thoreau’s Civil Disobedience: “All voting is a sort of gaming, like checkers or backgammon….” When I first read those words years ago, they seemed cynical, but in this Wisconsin spring they seem to take on added significance. Indeed, there was a sort of gamesmanship about the way one party answered the other with exactly the same number of recall targets. And to be sure there is a sort of extravagance in the sheer numbers involved in both the recall and the recount efforts. And there was something invigorating, like a football game, in the passionate chanting of the Wisconsin protesters who wanted to show the country what democracy looks likes. But it’s time now for counting and recounting, the careful work of getting the numbers right so that we can establish a majority. That’s a flawed concept, as Thoreau knew, but it too is what democracy looks like.

Second Supper

April 28, 2011 // 5


Local CSAs

Calling All Urban Gardeners!

Driftless Farm CSA

By Tegan Daly Special to Second Supper

Harmony Valley Farm CSA

Nurture your green thumb at free community plots After spending a portion of my youth living on an organic farm in a beautiful valley in rural Monroe County, I am often left unsatisfied with my flowerpot “gardens” on the back steps of my apartment. A tomato plant confined to a flowerpot is indeed a sad sight. Last summer I even tried to plant a small garden in the yard I share with five other apartments, but almost found myself in tears to discover that it had been mown over. Thankfully, this summer I will be putting my green thumb to use in the Southside Community Garden, a 70- x 14- foot plot of land located near Gundersen Lutheran. The garden, which was started in 2003, is not only a way to produce food that goes directly to the community (and volunteers!) at no cost, it is also used as an educational tool for students of Hamilton Elementary. The students help out by planting seeds, and their science curriculum incorporates lessons about seed germination and good nutrition. The Southside Garden is an example of people coming together to improve their community. It is currently run through a partnership between YES AmeriCorps, Gundersen Lutheran, Hamilton Elementary and the City of La Crosse. The land is owned by Gundersen, and since 2007, YES AmeriCorps has provided a full-time garden coordinator. Initially, other partners involved

in the garden included the Rotary Club of La Crosse, Hunger Task Force and the La Crosse Community Foundation. What makes a community effort like this so great is the sense of mutual stewardship and accomplishment. As members of the community, this garden belongs to all of us. Whether you’ve ever helped out in the garden or not, it’s your garden. Last year about 3,350 pounds of food were produced and went straight to the community. Drop-off sites for produce are at Hamilton Elementary and the Southside Neighborhood Center throughout the summer and early fall. Volunteers are an essential part of the garden and are always welcome! So for all the apartment dwellers who miss having a garden, or people who want to learn about gardening, or who just want to help out, the Southside Garden is a great way to get some dirt under your fingernails! Current spring volunteer hours are Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., but will vary depending on the season. Chances are someone will be out there most days anyway, so just let them know when works for you. You can contact the Southside Community Garden at, or leave a message with Workforce Connections at (608) 789-5620.

Stoddard, WI 608.452.2315 – Viroqua, WI 608.483.2143 –

Lynwood Farm CSA

Stoddard, WI 608.483.2718 –

Keewaydin Farms CSA Image by Tegan Daley

Farmer's Markets Bridgeview Plaza—La Crosse

Wednesdays: 1st Wed. in June–Last Wed in Oct. 8 a.m–1 p.m

Fesitval Foods—Holmen

Wednesdays: Last Wed. in May–Last Wed. in Oct. 3 p.m–7 p.m

Hmong Cultural Center—La Crosse

Viola, WI 608.627.1701 –

Old Oak Family Farm CSA

Bangor, WI 608.486.4205 –

Ridgeland Harvest CSA

Viroqua, WI 608.675.3855 –

Sylvan Meadows Farm CSA

Viroqua, WI 608.637.2544 –

Thursdays: June to end of the season 8 a.m–4 p.m

Small Family Farm CSA

Cameron Park—La Crosse

Whitaker Family Produce

Fridays: First Fri. in May–Last Fri. in Oct. 4 p.m–8 p.m

La Farge, WI 608.637.6895 – Hillsboro, WI 608.343.4500 –

County Building—La Crosse

Saturdays: 1st Sat. in June–Last Sat. in Oct. 6 a.m until items are sold

Festival Foods—Onalaska

Sundays: 1st Sun. in June–Last Sun. in Oct. 8 a.m–1 p.m

Community Supported Agriculture

By Julie Schneider Special to Second Supper

Wouldn’t it be great if you received a wooden crate of fresh fruits and vegetables every week, grown organically by local farmers? If you are one of the hundreds of local CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) members, this is your reality for most of summer and fall. There are at least 15 CSA farms in the Coulee Region, ranging from giant operations with hundreds of members, to small plots serving local families (a small directory is found on this page). They vary in price, yield and number of deliveries, but they all stand for the same core mission: delivering fresh produce that largely avoids chemicals and supports the local economy. This is the season to sign up for CSAs, which gives farmers seed money at the time of year they need it most. Over the course of the harvest, CSA baskets come stocked with dozens of different fruits, vegetables and herbs, and some even offer up coffee, cheese and free-range meat. Kyle Zenz, CSA manager at Old Oak Family Farm in Bangor, described the benefits that CSA’s offer their members. “CSA’s are a great way to eat certified organic food that is local, healthy and good tasting, which in turn reduces your personal carbon footprint,” Zenz said. “Members really can connect with their food, knowing where it was grown and the farmer that guided the process.” All CSA’s have different delivery policies, but they generally bring their produce

baskets to central drop off points once or twice a week. The delivery season can last from 10 to 30 weeks, with options for ordering a full or half basket. Of course, the privilege of receiving dozens of fresh fruits and vegetables every week has price. Shares can range from $200 to $1,000 per season, but Terri Kromenaker, CSA coordinator for Harmony Valley Farm in Viroqua, explains that the costs are in line with retail prices and provide additional value to members. “Harmony Valley Farm offers a secret shopping comparison where our CSA members go in to conventional grocery stores and compare prices of items offered,” Kromenaker said. “The differences are a huge eye-opener and help explain how the CSA produce has a much greater value and are truly solid, healthy items.” In addition to fresh produce, CSA boxes often arrive with newsletters containing news from the farm or suggested recipes. Many CSAs also hold parties where members can come out and see the farm in action and meet the people who grow their weekly diet. “Inviting people over for dinner and offering food grown from a local CSA farm is one of the best ways to spread the word that there is a difference in the food that we are consuming,” Kromenaker said. “CSA’s provide that difference.” An online database of CSA farms and other guides to local agriculture can be found at


Henry Hansen & Friends


All Good Things

4/30 The Smokin Bandits 8 Year Anniversary Show! 5/1

Earth Day Celebration! Open Jam, Free Beer, Food & More

Image by Ashly Conrad

6// April 28, 2011

Second Supper


A taste of fresh Erin

Dublin Square serves up fine Irish fare A Review by Marcel Dunn Special to Second Supper

Irish culture runs deep in many of America’s cities. After the beginning of the Great (Potato) Famine in 1845, over 20 percent of the Emerald Isle’s population began a mass exodus, many of whom passed through the inspection lines at Ellis Island. Because work outside of the cities was scarce, most of the Irish immigrants settled in the major urban areas of the East Coast and in the heartland. It was in these cities that many established Irish restaurants and pubs, La Crosse being among them. Yet, for the most part, the Coulee Region is of a predominantly Scandinavian and Germanic heritage. Thus, for as long as I have lived in the area (on and off for 13 years), I cannot recall a true Irish restaurant or even a quality Irishthemed bar (no, I don’t count Bennett’s). Lucky for us, those days are numbered. Located in the heart of the historic business district, on the corner of Third and Main streets, the brand new Dublin Square Pub has brought some much needed Celtic pride and cuisine to our city by the river. The first thing I noticed about Dublin Square, after the pleasant surprise of outdoor seating, was the design. Tables and chairs encircle the long bar of polished oak that looks out onto the street corner in a kind of squarish circle around the pub. There are enough bar stools at the taps for 10 or so people. Those

amusing Guinness posters with the toucans and 1950s art design adorn the walls along with other Irish memorabilia including a rather large Harp Lager mirror that I kind of wanted to walk out with. There are also several high definition televisions tacked up around the pub for the ubiquitous sports bar experience. Though I went during the rush hour of lunch on a Tuesday, I really enjoyed the atmosphere created by the combination of heavy starches and heavy Guinness. Patrons were talking animatedly with one another and across the way to other tables. It was a great hybrid of mid-afternoon lazing and late night bar atmosphere. Atmosphere and Irish flags does not a good pub make, however. At an establishment like Dublin Square, the Guinness and whiskey only go so far. It’s ultimately the food that makes or breaks a pub-style restaurant and based on what I tried, I think they will do very well. The menu had a large number of options to choose from, including American fare like burgers, wraps and sandwiches, but I couldn’t say no to some more traditional Irish cuisine. So between myself and my ever-present silent partner, I decided on the fish and chips and a bowl of the Irish beef stew. We also threw in an order of onion rings, which were quite good, but at the end of the day good onion rings are just,


Images by Ashly Conrad

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Second Supper

The Majak Mixtape By Jonathan Majak We here at the Majak Mixtape could not give a singular shit about the royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. We have a hard time mustering give-a-damn about weddings of people we actually, you know, KNOW, so two royal stranger bitches are not going to get us boohooing into some Kleenex. But we, like the rest of the media, know that the grand royal wedding makes for great copy and easy coverage so here we are, making a mixtape for the occasion in a mix we’re calling “Do You Promise to Love, Cherish and Mixtape.” Our first song is “It’s a Culture” from Times New Viking’s new album “Dancer Required.” The impending nuptials have created their own culture, with its own cottage industry of selling merchandise like shirts, hats, even a refrigerator with a picture of the couple on the front. According to the “L.A. Times,” CNN is planning to have some 125 reporters covering the wedding while even the freakin’ Weather Channel and the Game Show Network are getting in on the act. Granted, we’d sort of love Prince William having to answer where the craziest place he

ARTS and his bride made whoopee on “The Newlywed Game.” Our next song is “Welcome to Your Wedding Day” from The Airborne Toxic Event’s new album “All at Once.” The royal wedding is, according to RadarOnline, going to cost some $34 million. But before you start thinking that’s a HUGE budget for some uncooked rice to be thrown, $32 million of it is just for security for the event. The rest of it is being split amongst receptions, wedding dress, cakes, making sure Prince Harry doesn’t go to any parties dressed up as a Nazi, etc. What’s a damn shame is that nobody threw any money at getting Prince William some hair plugs. Our last song of the Mixtape is “Darlin’ Kate” from Emmylou Harris’ new album “Hard Bargain.” We don’t know if Kate Middleton is darling at all. The press are desperate to make Kate Middleton the second coming of Princess Diana. We’re not quite sure what that means other than we guess Kate won’t become interesting until they divorce each other? Maybe? No matter, we wish them the best of luck on their nuptials as we start the countdown to “TROUBLE IN PARADISE” headlines in the British press.

Buy: The Weekend’s free mixtape “House of Balloons.” YouTube: The new Wombats video for “Techno Love” Read: WotYouGot

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to pin a genre on Brahman Shaman. It’s catchy and upbeat, poppy and folkie, experimental at times, and lyrically direct without being overtly preachy. The songs are all pretty consistent with one another and the By Jason Crider album flows rather seamlessly and at a very steady pace. I realize that that could possi Matt Olson is undoubtedly one of the bly be a bad thing, and it might be for some most active musicians in the La Crosse area. listeners, but for me it definitely wasn’t. I When he’s not playing shows, collaborat- found the charm of this record to be in its ing with other musicians or recording vari- direct and simple approach, both musically ous other artists in his home studio (known and lyrically. Olson never hides his messages behind as Ghost In My House Studio), he can be overtly convoluted lyrics, for example in the found writing and recording music under song “Best Behavior,” Olson sings “I’m so the pseudonym Brahman Shaman. sick and tired of/what you believe Brahman Shaman’s latest rein” and then goes on to basically delease, Animist, is a double album scribe how people shouldn’t need featuring 20 songs that sound like a religion to follow to be on their some sort of musical journal on “best behavior.” It’s a deeper ideal which Olson reveals a lot of his delivered in an accessible way, which personal hopes and beliefs. The is oddly reflected in the song strucmost impressive thing about this ture: a simple pop melody concealalbum though, is that Olson not ing a very interesting keyboard proBrahman only wrote all the songs and progression (and in both cases you can Shaman vided all of the instrumentation, choose which one to follow). 'Animist' but recorded and produced the Other standout tracks include entire record in his home studio as “Clairaudience,” which starts off with a Nirwell. Olson displays an incredible amount of talent throughout the entirety of the record, vana-style guitar riff before quickly evolving and shares his views about life, personal ex- into somewhat of a surf rock sound, as well periences and his distaste for religion. The as “Great Escape” with its clever New Age record has an inherently spiritual feel to it, feel. Oh, and “Polyglot” and “To Educate,” with heavy Eastern influences in both the just because they’re both so contagiously music and lyrics. It’s somewhat reminiscent catchy. of some of The Beatles later work in a way: pop-infused catchy rock songs with the occasional Eastern tinge. That being said it’s somewhat difficult

Brahman Shaman will play the Root Note on May 7 alongside local artists Reuben and Neon. The show begins at 8:30 p.m. and have a $3 cover charge.

UW-L play bites

For UW-La Crosse student and “Dracula” cast member Donnie Mezera, getting into acting in college has given his life a sense of direction. “Before I found acting I was just that weird guy,” Mezera said with a laugh between sips of his coffee. “Now I’m that weird guy with a purpose.” And one of his purposes is apparently to be very busy. It’s a rainy Friday at Jules Coffee House and Mezera has spent most of the afternoon dashing from one production to the next. Mezera, a senior, is playing doctor/ vampire slayer Abraham Van Helsing in the university’s production of the Bram Stoker classic of lust, murder and fangs. With something as iconic as the character of Dracula, a figure that has more often than not been treated in a winking/vaguely campy way of late, Mezera said that he was a bit nervous since the Stephen Dietz version they are doing plays the story fairly straightforward. “We as a cast, we’ve had to worry about that a lot,” said Mezera. “You’ve got this 19th century decorum, and it is sort of campy. You just have to stick to the story.” Mezera also noted that shift in audience expectations puts a lot of pressure on the cast and crew of the show. “People have become desensitized to violence,” he said. “When I stab a stake through somebody’s heart, the audience really wants to see it. If it was a movie, they

By Jonathan Majak

April 28, 2011 // 7 could use camera angles and CGI and go inside the body and show everything. On stage, it’s all about trying to capture some of that but also the audience using their imagination; the audience will have to give over to the fear.” Bram Stoker’s “Dracula” is, in a lot of ways, the father of all the vampire off-springs that populate film, books and television today. According to Mezera, going back to the original has been a great thing to play. “This is the story that brought it all,” he explained. “Bram Stoker made it scary. It’s all about once what you learn what’s happening, can you ever turn away from the truth. It’s a scary idea.” For Mezera, the cast has bonded in a way that has lessened some of the stresses that come along with putting on any production as well as allowing a certain amount of freedom when it comes to acting choices people may make. “So many times during tech week, it’s not just for the technical people but for the actors to get their shit together,” said Mezera. “There isn’t really a lot of that here. We’re a real connected cast; we can trust each to really go further with things.” And about that one very popular vampire franchise? Mezera has one thing to say about that. “F*** ‘Twilight,’” he chuckled. “And you can quote me on that.” Dracula opens Friday and runs until May 8 with 7:30 p.m. shows Friday and Saturday, 2 p.m. matinees on Sunday. Tickets are $12, $10 for students/senior citizens/kids, and $4 for UW-L students. For more info, call (608) 785-8522.

8// April 28, 2011

Second Supper


music directory // April 29 to May 5 FRIDAY,

just a roadie away

April 29

Minneapolis population

FIELD HOUSE // W5450 Keil Coulee Rd. Mike Droho and the Compass Rose (pop-rock) • 9 p.m.

JAMES BLAKE // MAY 16 7th Street Entry • $14.50

FREIGHT HOUSE // 107 Vine St. Muddy Flats and the Hepcats (classic old-time accoustic swing) • 8 p.m.

DEATH CAB FOR CUTIE // MAY 21 First Avenue • $30.75 AESOP ROCK // MAY 21 Triple Rock Social Club • $17

JB'SSPEAKEASY // 717 Rose St. The Adam Palm Band (rock) • 10 p.m. NORTH SIDE OASIS // 620 Gillette St. Town & Country (reunion show) • 9 p.m. NEUIE'S VARSITY CLUB // 1920 Ward Ave. Rockstarz (hair band tribute) • 9 p.m. PEARL STREET BREWERY // 1401 St. Andrew St.

Paulie (one-man band) • 5 p.m. PIGGY'S BLUES LOUNGE // 501 Front St. S. Ross William Perry Band (blues) • 8 p.m. PUMP HOUSE // 119 King St. Michael Hauser (flamenco) • 7:30 p.m. POPCORN TAVERN // 308 S. Fourth St. All Good Things (Americana) • 10 p.m.

IRON & WINE // JUNE 8 First Avenue • $27.75 This Saturday night the Ericksons, La Crosse’s favorite sisterly folk act, will play a show at the Cavalier Lounge, La Crosse’s most comfortable venue. We imagine it will be like sitting in on the Ericksons’ den when they grew up in town — only with the addition of high-end cocktails. Now residing in Minneapolis after a career-making residency in Brooklyn, this sister act sings sweet but haunting folk songs usually accompanied on the acoustic guitar and banjo, but Saturday’s free show starts at 8 p.m. and will feature a full band. Still, their best instrument of all may be their otherworldly vocal harmonies, formed through a lifetime of song.

HOWIE'S // 1125 La Crosse St. Monkey Wrench (hard rock) • 9:30 p.m.


April 30

May 2 May 3

THE JOINT // 324 Jay St. New Blues Crew (blues rock) • 10 p.m.

BODEGA BREW PUB // 122 4th St. Fayme Rochelle and the Waxwings (old time, bluegrass) • 8:30 p.m.

THE WATERFRONT TAVERN // 328 Front St. Dan Sebranek (folk) • 8 p.m.

CAVALIER LOUNGE // 114 5th Ave. N. The Ericksons (folk) • 8 p.m.


FIELD HOUSE // W5450 Keil Coulee Rd. The SoapBox Project (pop rock) • 9 p.m.


DEL’S BAR // 229 Third St. JB'SSPEAKEASY // 717 Rose St. Open Jam • 10 p.m Shot To Hell, The Fret Rattles (Midwest hard rock) • 10 p.m. POPCORN TAVERN // 308 S. Fourth St. Shawn's Open jam • 10 p.m. NEUIE'S VARSITY CLUB // 1920 Ward Ave. TUESDAY, Flashback (classic rock) • 9 p.m.

PIGGY'S BLUES LOUNGE // 501 Front St. S. THE JOINT // 324 Jay St. Ross William Perry Band (blues) • 8 p.m. Moon Boot Posse (rock fusion; Pat’s Birthday Bash) • 10 p.m. POPCORN TAVERN // 308 S. Fourth St. The Smokin’ Bandits (bluegrass, blues; THE ROOT NOTE // 114 4th St. S. David Kruse, Hear & Now (songwriter, 8 year anniversary show) • 10 p.m. a cappella) • 8:30 p.m. RIVER JACK'S //1835 Rose St. Spin Off (classic rock) • 8 p.m. THE WATERFRONT TAVERN // 328 Front St. Dan Sebranek (folk) • 8 p.m.


May 1

CAVALIER LOUNGE // 114 5th Ave. N. Buckmistrel Fueller, Igloo Martian, Glorified Bodies, Doomsday Care, Esproc, Zobin, Boyle, The Alien Autopsy Guild, B.R.U.N.C.H. (noise) • 5 p.m. POPCORN TAVERN // 308 S. Fourth St. Paulie (returns to Tuesday) • 10 p.m. THE ROOT NOTE // 114 4th St. S. 3rd Relation Jazz Trio (jazz) • 7 p.m. THE JOINT // 324 Jay St. Adam Palm (acoustic hits) • 6 p.m. VITERBO FINE ARTS CTR. // 929 Jackson St.

Steve Lippia (Simply Sinatra) • 7:30 p.m.


May 4

POPCORN TAVERN // 308 S. Fourth St. Earth Day Celebration (open jam; CAVALIER LOUNGE // 114 5th Ave. N. Reggae vs. Hip Hop (rare vinyl) • 10 p.m. free meatballs) • 6 p.m.

THE MOODY BLUES // JUNE 9 Orpheum Theatre • $50-$100 OKKERVIL RIVER // JUNE 12 First Avenue • $15.75

DEL’S BAR // 229 Third St. TBA • 10 p.m. JB'SSPEAKEASY // 717 Rose St. Angels of Babylon, Seventh Calling (metal; Wings of Steel tour) • 10 p.m. POPCORN TAVERN // 308 S. Fourth St. Dave Orr (man about town) • 10 p.m. RECOVERY ROOM // 901 7th St. S.


May 5

CAVALIER LOUNGE // 114 5th Ave. N. Hipster DJ (pretentious indie) • 10 p.m. DEL’S BAR // 229 Third St. Evergreen Grass Band (jamgrass, acoustic rock) • 10 p.m DUBLIN SQUARE // 103 N. Third St. Traditional Irish Music • 8 p.m. POPCORN TAVERN // 308 S. Fourth St. Roster McCabe (jamband) • 10 p.m. THE ROOT NOTE // 114 4th St. S. Open Mic Night • 8:30 p.m. THE STARLITE LOUNGE // 222 Pearl St. Kies and Kompanie (jazz) • 5 p.m.

Second Supper

The Beer Review Cask Aged Cream Stout St. Croix Brewing Company St. Paul, Minnesota With some exceptions, there are basically two kinds of beer festivals — those that cater to snobby beer drinkers and those that showcase beer sellers. At snobby fests (here I’m thinking of Madison’s Great Taste of the Midwest or St. Paul’s Autumn Beer Review), breweries pour their rarest, strongest and most inventive creations. Tickets are expensive and hard to come by, but once inside the festival grounds, drinkers know they’ll find beers they may never see again. The other kind of festival is more democratic and middlebrow, an opportunity for indus-

try types to display their wares. I’d place last weekend’s Between the Bluffs Beer, Wine & Cheese festival into this second category, not due to the quality of their samples (which were generally fine) but because they were already widely available. A few larger breweries like Central Waters and Rush River appreciably poured rare stock, but I didn’t see too many beers I never had before. The St. Croix Brewing Company from St. Paul offered a nice exception to that rule. I had never heard of this brewery prior to the festival, and in fact their beers are not currently available in La Crosse. But for being such a small operation, every brew they brought was unique. Their Maple Sour Ale may have been a better idea than was executed, but this Cask Aged Cream Stout was my sleeper hit of the weekend. Cask-condi-

tioned ales are unfiltered and unpasteurized and are frequently poured at high-end beer gatherings. St. Croix had the only cask ale I saw at the Oktoberfest grounds, so naturally that’s what I chose to review. Purchase: Sample of the Cask Aged Cream Stout at the Between the Bluffs Beer, Wine & Cheese festival; $30 Style: Cream Stout Strength: Unknown Packaging: The brewery rep poured this directly from a nozzle on small silver keg. Appearance: “Real ales” don’t have nitrogen or carbon dioxide additives, so there was almost no head on this opaque inky beer. Aroma: A strong aroma of vanilla beans and lactose floats on top of smoky malts. Taste: The Cream Stout tastes a bit like vanilla ice cream melted into a Guinness.

The Best Food & Drink Specials in Town LOCATION





306 Pearl St. 784-0522


$5 domestic pitchers

1914 Campbell Road 782-7764


W3923 State Highway 16 786-9000


Bar Menu



2-Fers, Buy any regularly priced food item and get one of equal or lesser value for free

$4 Rueben Sliders

$1 Wells, $5 Domestic pitchers All specials 9 p.m. to close

Wristband Night: AUC2D domestic taps, rail mixers, Long Islands. All specials 9 p.m. to close

15-cent wings, $1.50 Keystone Lights, $1.50 rail mixers; $2.50 call drinks. 2 For 1 Captains All specials 9 p.m. to close.

Wristband Night: AUC2D, Domestic $1 Bazooka Joes, $2 Cherry Bombs, $1 Bazooka Joes, $2 Cherry Bombs, taps, rail mixers and Long Islands. $3 Long Islands, $3 3 Olives Mixers $3 Long Islands, $3 Bacardi Mixers $2.50 SoCo & Jack. All specials 9 to close. All specials 9 to close. All specials 9 to close.

5 domestic taps for $1; $2 domestic pitchers

$2 domestic pints and $2 rail mixers; $1 shots of Doctor (3 flavors);


1125 La Crosse St. 784-7400


214 Main St. 782-6010

JB’S SPEAKEASY 717 Rose St. 796-1161

SCHMIDTY’S 3119 State Road 788-5110


$3 Bacardi mixers; $3 Three Olives vocka mixers (8 flavors); $2 domestic pints and $2 rail mixers

Taco buffet 11-2; $1 Pabst bottles and $1 bowling after 9

All you care to eat pizza buffet, 11-2 (Holmen)

All you care to eat fish fry 4-10; un- Prime rib dinner 4-10; limited Glow-N-Bowl $9.99 unlimited Glow-N-Bowl $9.99

Bar Menu

La Crosse's Best Tacos: Beef $2, Chicken $2.50

La Crosse's Best Tacos: Beef $2, Chicken $2.50 Dog in a Diaper, $5

Fish’s Fish Taco $3.50

La Crosse's Best Tacos: Beef $2, Chicken $2.50 Chimis and Burritos, $5

9 p.m. to close: $1.25 rails, $1.75 bottles/cans

9 p.m. to close: $2 Captain mixers, $2 bottles/cans, $3 Jager bombs

9 p.m. to close: $2 Bacardi mixers, $2 domestic pints, $1.50 shots blackberry brandy

Free Wing Night (while supplies last); $5 AUC2D wristbands: domestic taps, rail mixers, Long Islands, 9 p.m. to close ($7 after 11p.m.):; live DJ

$5 AUC2D Wristbands 9 p.m. to close ($10 after 11p.m.): Domestic Taps, Rail Mixers, Long Islands; Live DJ, Dancing 9 p.m. to close

$5 AUC2D Wristbands 9 p.m. to close ($10 after 11p.m.): Domestic Taps, Rail Mixers, Long Islands; Live DJ, Dancing 9 p.m. to close

Happy Hour 5 to 7 p.m.

Happy Hour 5 to 7 p.m.

Happy Hour 5 to 7 p.m.


$1.75 domestic bottles, $1.75 Dom Monday Madness: $1.75 domestics bottles and rails, $2.50 Bombs and rails, $2.50 Bombs, $1 off all top shelf and specialty beers $1.79 burger (after 8 p.m.) Breakfast 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

All specials 9 to close.

Free Beer: 5:30-6:30 p.m. Free Wings: 6:30-7:30 p.m. Free Bowling: After 9 p.m.

Bar Menu

Ladies Night, $1 off all drinks, 4 to All you can eat boneless wings, inclose; Pint-Aritas $3 (lime or straw- cludes a choice of potatoe, slaw and berry) a frosted pint, 4-9:30 p.m., $8.99

Happy hour 4 to 9 p.m.; 9 p.m. to 9 p.m. to close: $3.50 domestic 9 p.m. to close: $1 rails, $2.50 pitch- $5 all you can drink close: Night Before Class - $3 pitch- pitchers ers, beer pong ers of the beast CLOSED


Fish Tacos: 1 / $2.50, 2 / $5.00, 3 / $6.50.

Happy Hour: 2 for 1 domestic bottles Karaoke 9 p.m. to close and rail drinks, 3 p.m. to 9 p.m.

All you can eat wings, includes a Wisconsin cheese steak sandwich choice of potatoe, slaw and a frosted with a pint of beer, $8.99 pint, 4-9:30 p.m., $8.99

400 Lang Drive 784-2242




$1.50 domestic taps and rail drinks, Bird Brain Trivia 8 p.m.; $1.50 do- Wing Night - 25-cent wings (dine- $1.50 domestic bottles and rail 4 p.m. to close mestic bottles and rails 4 p.m. to in only); $1 Miller High Life silos and drinks, $2 craft bottles, 4 p.m. to close PBR silos; $1.50 taps and rail drinks; close $2 craft taps. All specials 4 to close.

1452 Caledonia St. 782-6446


— Adam Bissen

$2 BBQ Pork Sliders


115 3rd St. S 782-7550


Sweet at the first sip, it becomes more roasted as it moves along the tongue and lingers with an aftertaste of vanilla beans and cold coffee with a drying kiss of noble hops. Mouthfeel: Thin to medium-bodied and a little “flat.” Drinkability: It didn’t taste like there was much alcohol in this, so I’d say it’s highly drinkable. I know it was the only beer at the festival I tried twice. Ratings: There are literally no mentions of this beer online, but everyone I knew at Between the Bluffs loved it. The guy at the St. Croix booth said he had talked a local distributor earlier in the afternoon, so there’s a chance we might be seeing more bottles of their Cream Stout — traditionally conditioned of course.


122 4th St. 782-0677


April 28, 2011 // 9


$5 AUC2D wristbands: domestic taps, rail mixers, Long Islands, 9 p.m. to close; ($7 after 11p.m.): karaoke 10 p.m. to close

$5 AUC2D wristbands: domestic taps, rail mixers, Long Islands, 9 p.m. to close; ($7 after 11p.m.): karaoke 10 p.m. to close

Tuesday Boozeday $1 off all liquor Happy Hour 5 to 7 p.m. drinks and 50 cents off all shots, $2 Bombs

Hat Night: Buy 1 drink, get 1 free w/ Rail drinks $2 (4:30 to close); Buckets of beer $10, Boston Bobby's Margaritas $4 (Straw, rasp, mango, hat (4:30 to close); $1.50 chili dogs After 8 p.m. specials: $5 skewer of drummies 10 for $2 (4:30 to close), peach and reg); After 8 p.m. specials: (after 8 p.m.) shrimp,l $1.79 burger, $1.50 chili dogs $1.79 burger (after 8 p.m.) $5 skewer of shrimp, $1.79 burger $1.89 hamburger + toppings Ladies Fish Dinner Special-$7.89 night, 2 for 1 drinks (6-close), Happy Hour 2 to 6 p.m. Happy Hour 2 to 6 p.m.

$1.50 Tacos, $4.99 nachos; $11 buckets during pro and college football games.

Wristband night, $2 cherry bombs, $3 Bacardi mixers & $4 wristbands 50¢ shots (3 flavors); $2.50 Tuaca, after midnight Jack Daniel's & SoCo Mixers

$3 Three Olives Mixers & $4 wristbands after midnight

$5 Pitchers/$2 bottles of Miller prod- $1.75 Miller/Bud Light Taps, $2.25 $1.75 Rails, $1.50 Domestic Taps, $2 domestic bottles, $2.50 Skyy/ ucts (11-4pm) $2 Corona Bottles, $2 MIcro/Craft Taps, $2.50 Cherry $3.50 Jager Bombs Absolut mixers, $2 Dr. shots (7-1 Kilo Kai Mixers , $3 Bloodys (7-1 a.m.) Bombs (7-1 a.m.) (7-1 a.m.) a.m.)

5 Domestic Bottles for $10, $5 $2 Captain Mixers, $2. Long Island Micro/Import Bottles $11.50, $7 Mixers, $3 Effen Vodka Mixers (7-1 Micro/Craft Pitchers (7-1 a.m.) a.m.)

$5 Miller/Bud Light Pitchers, $2.25 Leinies Bottles (7-1 a.m.)


$2.50 Captain mixers $2 16oz Old Style & Lost Lake cans

$1.75 PBR Bottles $2.50 Captain mixers $2 16oz Old Style & Lost Lake cans

$2.50 Captain mixers $2 16oz Old Style & Lost Lake cans

$2.50 Captain mixers $2 Grain Belt

$2 Coors & Coors Light Bottles, $2.50 $2 16oz Old Style & Lost Lake cans Skyy mixers, $2.50 Captain mixers $2 16oz Old Style & Lost Lake cans

$2 16oz Old Style & Lost Lake cans


Happy Hour until 10 p.m. $1.50 domestic taps, $2 rails from 10 to close

$1.50 taps PBR, $1.50 rails

$2 domestic bottles, $3 call doubles

$2 taps, $3 Jack and Captain doubles

$2 Miller products, $8.50 fish bowls

163 Copeland Ave. 785-0245

THE LIBRARY 123 3rd St. 784-8020

TOP SHOTS 137 4th St. 782-6622 308 4th St. S. 782-9069

126 3rd St. N. 782-9467

$1.50 Tacos, $4.99 nachos;: $11 Tacos: $11 buckets during pro and 12-inch pizza $8.99 buckets during pro and college foot- college football games. Happy Hour Happy Hour 2 to 6 p.m. ball games. 2 to 6 p.m.; $2 pints all day $1 Taps & Rails during the game ; $6 wristbands starting at 7pm.

14-inch pizza, $2 off; Wings Happy Hour 2 to 6 p.m.

Breakfast 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.; lunch buffet 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., $6.99

Half price tequilla, $1 domestic taps K$2 Double rails and all bottles; $3 and rails Double call drinks

$2 domestic taps, $3 Three Olives products

10// April 28, 2011


Maze Efflux

By Erich Boldt

Second Supper

"Westerns Philosophy" One comes to mind. By Matt Jones

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Helping create healthy lives and families.

614 Main St., La Crosse, WI 54601 Phone: (608) 782-7001 Online: Publisher: Roger Bartel Editor in Chief: Adam Bissen Student Editor: Emily Faeth Sales: Mike Keith Sales: Ansel Ericksen Sales: Michael Butteris Regular Contributors: Amy Alkon, Erich Boldt, Jenn Bushman, Nick Cabreza, Mary Catanese, Jason Crider, Ashly Conrad, Ben DeLine, Marcel Dunn, Brett Emerson, Shuggypop Jackson, Jonathan Majak, Matt Jones, Briana Rupel, Julie Schneider, Stephanie Schultz, Nate Willer Second Supper is a weekly alternative newspaper published by Bartanese Enterprises LLC, 614 Main St., La Crosse, WI 54601

ACROSS 1 Company behind FarmVille and CityVille 6 Perrins' steak sauce partner 9 It may get passed in secret 14 Tennis star Chris 15 Clip-___ (tie types) 16 Magazine edition 17 Follow through on a promise 20 Leaky tire sound 21 Gave a rat's ass 22 Super Mario World console, for short 23 Isolates 25 Sudden increase in wind 29 Dig one's claws into 34 Be a positive, on balance 38 Went out with 39 "Ruh-___!"

(Scooby-Doo line) 40 "Beavis and ButtHead" spinoff 41 Gave the thumbsup to 42 Portions (out) 44 Schooner filler 45 Debussy's "La ___" 46 Hands-free phone feature 48 Medvedev's country: abbr. 49 Breakfast cereal brand 51 Doing the nasty 55 Split-second look 56 Cream in the hair care aisle 58 Like some pantyhose 59 Swiss cheese 60 Baby docs 61 "It Was Written"

Answers to April 21 puzzle "High High, Captain" — Time for some H-2-oh!

rapper 62 180 degrees from NNE 63 Highest point 55 "ER" actress Julianna 56 King of the gods, in Hindu mythology 57 Opera song, or a Vegas Strip hotel 58 Office corr., sometimes 59 "Today" co-anchor Matt 60 Lions' homes 61 Horse-drawn carriage 62 Joints for pleading? DOWN 1 Letters in a British puzzle? 2 Cosmetician Rocher 3 Wilco guitarist Cline 4 Gray, in Grenoble 5 Off-road rambler 6 Ecological Seuss character, with "The" 7 ___ nous 8 Phoenixes rise from them 9 Lively dance 10 Bears, in Bolivia 11 "Help ___ the way!" 12 Like some art class models 13 Dick Tracy's girl 18 Bad bacteria 19 She was told to "stifle" by Archie 23 Ran in the laundry 24 Have to have

25 Not Gomorrah 26 Reason for 2011 relief efforts 27 Speak 28 Filled with wonder 30 Simple rhyme scheme 31 Harder to find 32 Fond farewell 33 Russian rulers, once 35 What some are destined for 36 "A Buddhist walks up to a ___ stand and says, 'Make me one with everything'" 37 Blue man group? 42 Singer Etheridge 43 Folk singer Pete and his poet uncle Alan, for two 46 Go on 47 Candle-making material 49 MDXXV doubled 50 Actor Neeson 51 Amorphous horror movie villain, with "The" 52 Mid-road turnarounds 53 Final, for instance 54 22-across rival, once 55 Ronny & the Daytonas hit 57 Oscar winner Harrison ©2011 Jonesin' Crosswords (editor@

Second Supper

April 28, 2011 // 11

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 well, good onion rings. Now, a lot of American restaurants have tried their hand at fish and chips and from my experience, most have failed. It seems like an easy dish to make, what with the key ingredients being battered cod and French fries, but I honestly haven’t found a great place for fish and chips in my travels. And at the risk of sounding like a douche, I don’t think anyone can say they’ve really had authentic fish and chips unless you’ve gotten the take-out variety in England or Ireland, wrapped in all its oil-soaked, newspaper glory with potato wedges. I have had that pleasure, but I also don’t think it’s fair to compare that with Dublin Square’s dish, which I genuinely enjoyed. What you’ll get there are three small pieces of cod in a lighter batter than what you might find overseas, with shoestring French fries. The batter wasn’t quite as crispy as I would have liked, but it was certainly better than what you might find at your local tavern’s Friday night fish fry where the PBR costs a dollar and the women let the muffin-tops fly. I enjoyed the “chips” as well, which were crispy and not too salty. As for the beef stew, I found it a bit underwhelming if only because the egg noodle to beef ratio was totally in favor of the noodle, and that just isn’t fair to the beef. It was definitely tasty and like the fish and chips, I would absolutely recommend it, but it was basically an unbalanced beef stroganoff. It did come with a delicious soda bread bun though. As I’ve tried to mention in all of my past

reviews, the dishes I’ve sampled for the articles are just a small portion of the entire menu and so any negatives I have to say about stews and fried fish shouldn’t reflect on the restaurant as a whole. Both dishes were tasty and worth a try and I’m personally excited to get back to the Dublin Square for some of the other Irish dishes and maybe a burger. Wanting to go back to a restaurant is honestly a bit rare in this city and I think the folks over at Dublin Square are onto something. Cheers!

LA CROSSE’S NEWEST & TRUEST PUB & EATERY WITHOUT THE FRANCHISE! Monday: All U Can Eat Wings includes choice of potato, slaw and a $8.99 frosted Pint. 4-9:30

Tuesday: Wisconsin cheese steak sandwich with a frosted Pint. $8.99

Wednesday: Ladies Night, $1 Off All Drinks 4-Cl. Pint-Aritas $3.00 (lime or strawberry)


Karaoke on Thursdays

All U Can Eat Wings includes choice of potato, slaw and a frosted Pint. 4-9:30 $8.99

8 Plasma TV’s • Food & Drink Specials e o

Bucket and s Food Specials For All Nascar Races! 400 Lang Drive, La Crosse Images by Ashly Conrad



(Across From Menards) 784-2242



top shots joke of the week What is a gardener’s favorite novel? War & Peas Check out our new Beers on Tap!

Good People, Good Drinks, Good Times


$5 Pitchers $2 Bottles of Miller Products (11-4 pm) $2 Corona Bottles $2 Kilo Kai Mixers $3 Bloody’s (7-1am)


$1.75 - Miller/Bud Taps $2.25 Micro/Craft Taps $2.50 Cherry Bombs (7-1am)


$1.75 Rails $1.50 Domestic Taps $3.50 Jager Bombs (7-1am)



$2 Domestic Bottles $2.50 Skyy/Absolute Mixers $2 Dr. Shots (7-1am)


5 Domestic Bottles 4 $10 $5 Micro/Import Bottles $11.50, $7 Micro/Craft Pitchers (7-1am)

$5 Miller Lite/Bud Light Pitchers $2.25 Leinies Bottles (7-1am)


$2 Captain Mixers $2 Long Islands $3 Effen Vodka Mixers (7-1am)

12// April 28, 2011

The Advice Goddess By Amy Alkon The ultrasound of silence My 27-year-old girlfriend has two kids (ages 10 and 5). She is financially stable and owns her own house. We began planning to get married, but then she said she didn’t want any more children. She cites the financial burden, the time a baby would take from “us,” how she’d be starting all over again, and not wanting to do that to her body again. I think she’s being selfish, seeing me as good enough to help raise her two girls but not good enough to have a child with. I want a child who’s genetically related to me, who I can raise and form from the start. I told her, if she won’t have a baby, I won’t take the next step and get married and purchase a house together. Am I in the wrong here, or is she? —Feeling Used It’s always so cute when a man announces “WE’RE having a baby!”—as if “WE” will be getting huge, bloated, and

Second Supper

THE LAST WORD hormonal, and nuzzling the toilet bowl for nine months. And then there’s the really fun part, when WE get strapped to a table, legs spread, and we’re surrounded by strangers shouting “Push! Push!” (As if it’s sheer laziness that keeps a person from squeezing a Mack truck out a carport-sized opening.) Your fiancee was a teen mother way back before you’d get a reality series for that and has now spent over a third of her life being somebody’s mommy. Not surprisingly, she isn’t into having yet another human being to be responsible for for the next 20plus years -- understanding all too well that “Hey, can we get a new person?!” isn’t like getting another kitten (as in, what’s one more once you’ve already got two shedding on the couch?). Unfortunately, it seems you assumed there’d be some sort of kid pro quo here: You drive her kids to soccer and admire their crayonings, and she’d make you a kid of your own. You’re right to expect some really big hugs for doing the standin dad thing, but just because she has the womanparts doesn’t mean she owes it to you to fire up the assembly line and give you an heir. What you're calling selfishness on her part is actually a sign of emotional health -- not being so needy that she’d agree to be your baby vending machine, only to end up resentful and angry (“Here’s your lunchbox, you little snot!”). You don’t get a kid out of her by acting like one—sniffling that you’re “not good enough to have a child with”

and announcing, “No baby, no marry, no housie!” Instead of trying to pout and guilt her into more motherhood, discuss this like adults to see whether there’s any wiggle room here. (Don’t get your hopes up.) As for your question about which one of you is in the wrong, you’re probably just wrong for each other. Ultimately, this could be one of those unfortunate situations where love just isn’t enough. Two people also have to want the same major things: Must love dogs. Must want kids. Need to be horsewhipped daily. Should this relationship crash and burn, try to learn from it: If you really, really want to be something’s dad, prudent family planning involves casually putting that out there as early as the first date. This isn’t foolproof, but it beats the other kind of family planning: planning to swap out the wife’s birth control pills for 30 days of Tic Tacs: “Gee, my Ortho-Novum tastes mintyfresh!”

case, somebody has to say hi. (One wonders what you’d do for “Lovely weather we’re having” or “Have a nice day.”) If you care at all about your daughter, think hard about what creepy, narcissistic competitiveness led you to go home with her ex and how creepy you’re still being, wondering how you might snag her okay to go back for seconds. Sure, your daughter said she’s over the guy. And she could be—more than anybody has ever been over anybody—and still never get over hearing her mother say, “Oh, sweetie, I bumped into your ex… and then I ground into him for hours.”

Mommy dirtiest Last week, my 25-year-old daughter’s exboyfriend said hi to me in a bar, and one thing led to another, and we ended up in bed. I felt absolutely terrible about what happened, and then my daughter, out of the blue, announced that she’s finally over him. In fact, she insisted she is. Is there any way I could keep seeing him, and if so, should I tell her? —Don’t Want To Lose My Daughter A mother doesn’t risk her relationship with her daughter for just anything. In your

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