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Second Chance


Lifelong Learning

Programme Grundtvig

2013 - 2015

Summary Summary.................................................................................................2 Introduction – About our project .................................................................5 Education systems in prison .......................................................................9 ESTONIA............................................................................................. 10 Viru Prison........................................................................................ 10 General education ............................................................................. 12 Vocational education.......................................................................... 12 Estonian language ............................................................................. 13 Social programmes in Estonian prisons ................................................ 13 SPAIN................................................................................................. 15 Rehabilitation and treatment area in the prisons of Catalonia .................. 15 Which fields are included in the rehabilitation area? ............................... 16 Which are the organisms of decision?................................................... 18 TURKEY .............................................................................................. 19 Education system in prisons – turkey ................................................... 19 ITALY ................................................................................................. 21 ROMANIA............................................................................................... 24 POLAND .............................................................................................. 28 About of the participating partners and their organizations........................... 32 ESTONIA: Psychology Aid Center ARIADNA ............................................. 33 SPAIN: CFA Jacint Verdaguer ................................................................. 35 2

TURKEY: Gebze Public Education Center .................................................. 38 ITALIA: C.P.I.A. 1 – Siena ..................................................................... 41 ROMANIA: Gheorghe łiŃeica .................................................................. 44 POLAND: Detention Center Warsaw-Bialoleka .......................................... 48 Summary of the first and second year activities .......................................... 50 First and second year activities .............................................................. 52 First phase of the project.................................................................... 53 Second phase of the project ............................................................... 56 Presentation of the new proposals............................................................. 58 ESTONIA............................................................................................. 59 Introduction...................................................................................... 59 Proposals and activities ...................................................................... 60 SPAIN................................................................................................. 63 Introduction...................................................................................... 63 Proposals and activities ...................................................................... 63 Conclusion........................................................................................ 73 TURKEY .............................................................................................. 75 Introduction...................................................................................... 75 Proposals and activities ...................................................................... 78 Conclusion........................................................................................ 79 ITALY ................................................................................................. 80 Introduction...................................................................................... 80 Proposals and activities ...................................................................... 80 3

Conclusion........................................................................................ 85 ROMANIA ............................................................................................ 87 POLAND .............................................................................................. 93 Introduction...................................................................................... 93 Proposals and activities ...................................................................... 94 Conclusions ...................................................................................... 99 Exchange activities................................................................................ 101 Mail Art ............................................................................................. 102 Letters.............................................................................................. 104 Other activities .................................................................................. 105 Riddle exchanges ............................................................................ 105 Our festivities ................................................................................. 106 Presents exchange .......................................................................... 106 E-Guide Conclusion ............................................................................... 108


Introduction – About our project


Education in prison is an opportunity for the inmates to be included and to participate in society in a way that had been impossible before as a consequence of their lack of training.

Our project aims at discussing and

investigating two issues: The first one refers to the actual situation of education in prison. Education in prison can be a “second chance” to train the inmates, who, for various reasons and situations, did not take advantage of their “first chance” when they were children or youth. Education for adults, and particularly education for adults in prison, allows the person to think about training and start again. In this case it represents to them a second training opportunity and it is also a benefit for the entire society as it plays an important role in reducing crime. The second issue is that education can go beyond formal training and guide the inmates towards social integration. They have the opportunity to learn the language of the country they live in, to study a foreign language and ICT. The educational activities also allow them to have an insight into the culture of the country where they are, to learn the values of respect and tolerance and experience an active involvement. Thereby the inmates could in the future fully participate in society and enhance their chances of social integration. Adult education is different from children education, it reflects the different needs and abilities of these students. Educating adults in prison is even more complicated as the teachers have to work with people in disadvantaged situations because of various problems: learning difficulties, psychiatric







additionally we add the socio-economic and cultural hard situation in which we are, we believe the best way for the return of our students in society is through the education. 6

The teachers have to use special strategies to motivate these students and help them to understand the benefits of education. Education in prison goes beyond academic training: communicative skills and social inclusion are often more important than formal qualifications. The teachers involved in the project will have the possibility to observe how education in prison is organized in other countries and learn the best methods and practices used by each partner. The activities of the project will allow the inmates to express their ideas and opinions about education, to consider themselves as “students�, not just as prisoners and allow them to become aware of the important role that education plays in reducing crimes as it motivates the offenders to live crime-free lives in order to be completely included in society. The opinions of students will help us in thinking deeply on our work in the classroom and improve it. At the end of this project,

society will have more

information about the educational activities organized in prison and about the prisoners’ lives and opinions. Therefore, since these types of studies in relation to the education in prison are scarce, we think this project is very interesting and useful. It will help us to evaluate the effectiveness of our educational intervention and improve it in order to help our students to be integrated into society when they are set free. Our project will be fully integrated into the regular curriculum of the participating institutions. However, we will organize new spaces in order to involve all the participants in the project activities. Creating the logo and the poster, reading and writing postcards and life stories can be integrated in our regular classes. We will dedicate additional hours to the interviews and to the


discussion groups. The new methods acquired by the teachers will be used in their regular activities. Activities taking place in the class and inside the prison mean an opportunity, as these allow the students to get in touch with the outside world getting to know other realities similar to theirs, other countries and cultures. This will develop being more critical, being more curious to investigate and learn, and the evaluation of permanent training. To summarize, all the activities proposed in this project will enable the student to become actively involved in the project and in the society to which he belongs in order to obtain more tools for his social reinsertion. Working with 6 different European countries - Spain, Italy, Turkey, Romania, Estonia, and Poland - represents a significant enrichment concerning the research to be carried out in this project because it allows to exchange of experience and good practice. If you want to know more about the project, check our website: http://www.secondchancegrundtvig.com/8-news/2-about-ourproject.html


Education systems in prison


ESTONIA According to the initial estimate of the Statistics of Estonia, the population number of Estonia as at 1 January 2015 was 1,312,300. There are 4 prisons meant for 3500 inmates. Below is the number of inmates kept in Estonian prisons by March 2015:

Harku and Muru Prison 177

Condemned Detained Prisoners in total including:






Tallinn Prison

Viru Priso n

Tartu Priso n
























Life imprisonmen t Open prison




Viru Prison Viru





completed in 2008. Viru Prison is the first in the history of Estonia’s prison service






heightened There

is 10

also a juvenile department, accommodating up to 250 minors. All underage prisoners who have been convicted or who are being held in custody and all young prisoners who have been convicted are held here. Viru Prison has 1000 places in closed prisonhouse, 150 places in aresthouse and 100 places in open prison. The complex also has studying premises, a sport hall, rooms for social work, a chapel and workshops.


General education The purpose of providing education is to prepare the detainee for release, by supporting the person's complete development and the increase of coping ability. Prison education is a part of Estonian national education system. It is organized by the Ministry of Education and Research. Prison education is regulated in legislation including the Education Act, the Imprisonment Act, and others. All prisoners have a right for education by the law. According to the education act school attendance is mandatory until possessing primary education (9 years of school) or the age of 17. In case of Viru Prison it's J천hvi Secondary School. So, studying in prison is voluntary for the adult detainees. General education on the levels of primary and secondary school is organized by the regional municipal education facilities. Thereby the school diploma does not show that the student has mastered it in prison. In every prison, there is possible to obtain full secondary education of 12 years. Basic education (9 grades) is available both in Estonian and Russian languages. The inmates who were studying on simplified basic education programme









Secondary education (10-12 grades) implies studies in Estonian language, but Viru Prison offers it in Russian language too. In 2015 general education is being received by app. 260 inmates.

Vocational education Vocational education is organized by area vocational education centres or public schools. It is available in all prisons. The most common professions are metal and woodwork, construction, gardening, sewing, welding, electrician, 12

cooking and small entrepreneurship The programmes comply with state requirements and last 1-2 years.

Prisoners who have not acquired basic

education can choose between vocational education and shorter vocational training courses. In 2015 vocational education is being received by app. 270 inmates. The inmates from open prison receive education outside the prison, in Ida-Virumaa Vocational Education Centre.

Estonian language Non-Estonians are integrated into the Estonian society by the state language and civic duty courses organized by the prison. The state language is Estonian. There are 793 state language studying places created for the inmates. 715 condemned and 48 detained prisoners took part in Estonian language courses in 2014.

Estonian language courses are available until the level C1.

The prisoners have the right, if they wish, to make the Estonian language proficiency test.

Social programmes in Estonian prisons •

Anger management

Training of social skills

Training of anger replacement

Training of life-style

EQUIP ( for minors inclined to violence)

Safe-driving course

Right moment 13

Preparation for the release

Rehabilitation program for sexual offenders

The decision about participation in the social programmes is taken by prison social workers.

846 condemend and 115 detained took part in social programmes in 2014. Other supportive services

Chapel and chaplain service

Music band



Handicraft and artistic activities


SPAIN Rehabilitation and treatment area in the prisons of Catalonia

Our prison authorities have competencies transferred from 1984 and its purpose is to target maximum imprisonment to social reintegration. Following this general objective, in Spain, the Catalan prison system has been the promoter of scheduled releases, of the classification system of progressive phases; it created the first prison therapeutic community treatment for drug addiction, it became the first intervention programs in sexual offenses... Currently, one of the main objectives of the Catalan prison system is becoming an opportunity for change. This has led in recent years to develop an area of major rehabilitation and treatment.


Different professionals work in this area: psychologists, jurists, social workers, social educators, educators, teachers, librarians, artistic teachers and sports teachers. All professionals in the area of rehabilitation depend on the deputy treatment, however, teachers, although they are functionally part of this area, are dependent on the educational director.

Which fields are included in the rehabilitation area? Intervention with inmates is based on rehabilitation programs, which are prepared by the Department of Justice. These programs can be related to the intervention in different major areas and each one of them is subdivided in different programs. 1. Specialized attention The purpose of this field is to prevent and/or reduce the risk of recidivism. The programs are directly related to the types of crimes (Addictive behaviors, violent behaviors and intervention in mental health and disabilities) 2. Working field The purpose of this field is to incorporate the inmates to work, not only inside the prison but also outside. So it works in two main areas: occupational training and work placement.


3. Health and personal development This field includes all these areas that encourage the improvement quality life of inmates, like physical, emotionally and basic skills 4. Legal, social and cultural context This field includes all the activities addressed to get skills and capacities in order to allow the inmates adapting to present society, like increasing their cultural knowledge, and providing them of legal information in order to allow a better adaptation to the penitentiary context. This sphere is being developed by multidisciplinary teams’ professionals of the penitentiary center: social educators, instructors, jurists and librarians. 5. Adult education This field includes all courses in adult education school. The Education Department defines the educational curriculum and is common to all adult education. So the prsison schools teach the same course and this allows our inmates to continue their studies out of the prison. Each prison has a school located inside and full-time dedicated teachers.


Which are the organisms of decision? The main collegiates organisms are the Treatment assembly and the Multidisciplinary teams. 1. Multidisciplinary Teams The professionals who comprise them carry out functions of guidance, counseling and individualized assessment of the evolution of inmates assigned in relation to treatment programs and intervention models that have been designed. 2. Treatment Assembly The treatment assembly has to adopt the agreements according to the proposals made by the multidisciplinary teams. It exerts, among others, the following functions: Approve the programs of treatment, propose the degrees of classification, the transfers, the leave permits and solve the requests and complaints formulated by inmate to the teams. If you want to read more about the educational system in prisons of Catalonia, you can read the document that you will find here: http://issuu.com/cfajacintverdaguer/docs/education_sistem_in_prisions_f rom_c/1


TURKEY Education system in prisons – turkey

In Turkey, prisons are under control of Ministry of Justice. All educational activities are under control of Ministry of Education. The main purpose of the educational activities in the prison is: •

To provide basic, primary, secondary and higher education opportunities.

To open vocational education courses.

To organize creative and cultural activities.

To open sports, social, religion, general courses. In order to organize the educational activities there is at least one regular

teacher in every prison. The main purpose of the teacher is to provide communication between the prison and the adult education center. The duties of the responsible teacher is to •

Be a member of some committees

Organize official correspondences 19

Keep track of student’s exams

Ensure co-operation of the prison and the Public Education Center. On the other hand, the regular teacher in the prison is responsible to

determine the needs of education of the inmates. According to the educational needs, they apply to public education centers. After the application, the Public Education Center is responsible for the whole process. The most important duties of the Public Education Center are: •

To find the suitable teacher for the course.

To pay the salary of the teacher during the course.

To get the confirmation of the course from the Ministry of Education.

To supervise the process during the course time.

To certificate the successful trainees after the course.

To carry out the process of open education activities



The prison system in Italy is ruled by a law issued in 1975, which has since then been modified many times. The prison police is responsible for the inner security. The policemen wear a uniform and they are employed by the Ministry of Justice. Educators and social assistants are responsible for social issues and reeducation. They are employees of the Ministry of Justice. Educators compose the “pedagogical area� and they work inside prison. Social assistants work outside and are in charge of the relationships between prisoners and their families as well as the territorial community. School teachers are employed by the Ministry of Education and the whole school system is run by the Ministry of Education. Education in prison is very important for the social rehabilitation of the inmates, it represents an opportunity to develop their cultural and social skills and it is a benefit for the entire society. Education surely plays an important role in reducing crimes as it motivates the offenders to change something in their lives in order to be actively included in society.


In the Italian system the educational courses are organized by the C.P.I.A., structures of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research which offer education to adults. Our school organizes courses into two prisons in the Valdelsa area: Siena – Casa Circondariale Santo Spirito, in this prison there are usually people who are waiting for a trial or have to spend a short period of imprisonment. San Gimignano – Casa di Reclusione Ranza, in this place there are people who have to serve a long term sentence. There are two security levels here: medium and maximum. In prison there are the following courses: •

Basic literacy and numeracy courses: many inmates cannot read or write, so our courses represent their first opportunity to learn basic skills.

First level - first educational period: the inmates who have basic skills can attend structured courses and get formal qualifications. In San Gimignano prison there is the possibility to attend Secondary

School courses and to take University exams. There are agreements between prisons and universities, according to which a small jail section is appointed for student prisoners. The university assures tutoring and exams. Other









associations: theatre, concerts, singing, cinema, painting. In both prisons there is a small painting room, a library, a small gym and a football ground.


In the prison school we usually have to face some problems: lack of prison officers to ensure the security of the inmates, mobility of the inmates, overcrowding; most inmates are disadvantaged people: immigrants who don’t have a job and can’t read and write in Italian, people who have family problems, learning difficulties or disabilities, psychiatric disorders, drug or alcohol dependence. Most inmates left school when they were children or teenagers, so they are sometimes unable to see the benefits of education. The GRUNDTVIG partnership Second Chance, focused on teaching and learning in prison, gave us the chance to improve the quality of adult learning in difficult situations and gave our school a wider European dimension. The teachers and educators involved in the activities and mobilities of the project had the possibility to know the educational systems in prison in other European countries and share ideas and methodologies. The inmates had the chance to express their ideas about education in prison and outside, they also became aware of the importance of education in order to be included in society.



In this project partners work together for a better education given to people in prisons. Romania managed to form a group of young people in Juvenile










extracurricular activities. Craiova Juvenile Penitentiary is the institution specialized in social recovery of the inmates (minors, young adults, and women). Being in prison, the inmates follow intensive educational and vocational training programs, according to their skills and other activities and programs for social reintegration. Education








behavioral change and abandonment of criminal background by giving quality to the time spent in prison, identifying and fostering positive potential and awareness of new possibilities that they can benefit of. In order to be supported in their effort to change and to become self aware about the things they have to change, the inmates have the possibility to choose different activities and also are regularly informed about the progress made. 24

Programs and activities developed with the inmates have as goal to: •

Improve and balance the personality, intellectual and social skills development, develop communication skills, experimenting peaceful ways of solving problems,

Psychological and social vulnerability reduction through early detection of inmates with different disorders: alcohol and drugs, depression, potentially aggressive and placing them in programs to facilitate their understanding of the problems faced, develop their capacity to adapt to social requirements.

Creating activities in which they can succeed and thereby can change self-image by exploiting their own potential, optimization of skills, discovering and amplifying some of their skills and talents. Formal school education is done through Special Professional School

Craiova, independent institution subordinated to the Minister of Education (MEN), and includes the following forms of education: primary, secondary and high school - at this time is included in educational courses a number of 106 students. Recognizing that social reintegration of the inmates requires a long term approach, in which a significant component is the development of cooperation with institutions and civil society organizations in joint projects, the detention center runs a series of steps designed in partnership to diversify the offer of educational and psychosocial assistance. We as “Gheorghe Titeica” Association during our Second Chance project make one step forward in the social reintegration of the inmates. Official educational system in prison in Romania is legislated by ORDER nr. 2.199/C from 28 October 2011 approving the Regulation on conditions for









counseling and social work in prisons. Some important details in this order: -

Cultural, therapeutic, psychological and social activities in prisons is organized and conducted by:


National standards in education, psychological and social assistance to inmates;


Characteristics and educational, psychological and social needs of inmates;


Execution time route;


The type of enforcement regime of deprivation of liberty;


Specific things for each place of detention.


Specific approaches of the social reintegration personnel are conducted on three areas of intervention: education, psychological and social assistance.


Participation of inmates in educational programs and activities, social and psychological support is realized, as a rule, based on the recommendations of specialists recorded in the individualized plan.


The activities and programs platform is presented to the inmates in quarantine and observation period and made available to persons in execution of sentences, prisons, in places accessible.


Education programs and activities, psychological and social assistance conducted in places of detention are mandatory and also optional.


Educational field includes all education programs and learning activities, training, vocational training, leisure and creative which should have as 26

purpose the development of pro-social behavior, autonomous and accountable in the community. -

Educational programs and activities have as purpose evaluating and compensating educational needs of inmates, facilitating their reintegration into society.


Educational programs are general, applying to all inmates.


The contents of educational programs correspond to areas such as: literacy, civic behavior, family life, health, general education, physical education and sport.


Diplomas, certificates, transcripts and graduation certificates shall be issued by the school in accordance with the laws in force.


Educational and cultural activities are confined to the following Educational Representative areas: intellectual, aesthetic, moral, physical and vocational education.


Educational and cultural activities are aimed at strengthening the knowledge, creativity, practical skills development, also artistic, literary, musical, plastic, technical skills, to maintain physical and mental tone properly.


Artistic activities are:


painting, drawing, graphics, pottery, sculpture, technical applications, fretwork, craft, embroidery, tapestry, knitting, fabrics, garments;


reading courses, literary, literary clubs, theater, music, dance;


other artistic events.



Recruitment and organization of learning schools in prisons and detention centers takes place based on the regulation, of the Minister of Justice, on the detailed rules and procedures for conducting teaching in prisons (Dz. Uz poz. 337 2004 No. 37 as amended) and in accordance with instructions No. 5 of the Director General of the prison service on the specific mode of organizing teaching in schools and training programs in prisons and detention centers from 25 November 2008. The following qualify to be taught/ to learn: •

Obligatory – Prisoners, who are under 18 years of age, obligated to realize the compulsory schooling and obligatory learning process under the act on the education system;

At the request of the penitentiary department – Prisoners, who in individual programs influence the specific needs of the teaching process.


Prisoners who have made a request to start learning or to continue in a specific type of school. Prisoners, with the aim of starting to study in school make a request to









commission qualifies prisoners to study in a specific type of school, guided particularly by: •

Documented learning until now made up of the necessary foundation programs to start learning in the selected type of school or teaching semester;

The level of motivation and aptitude to study in the appropriate type of school;

Recommendations contained in influencing individual programs;

Recommendations arising from psychological studies, if any studies have been carried out;

General state of health as assessed by a doctor employed by the prison health care department;

The term of conditional release or the end of the prison sentence;

The work experience until now of the prisoner in the chosen profession;

Compatibility of the chosen school by the prisoner and the education path from the list of schools and current, for a given semester, list of education courses and teaching semesters in schools;

The function of the penitentiary unit, through which function the selected school of the prisoner;

The necessity to ensure order and safety in prison.


Prisoners qualify to learn in school, if the time remaining until the end of their sentence is not shorter than the teaching period in school. For all types of school the prisoner can furthermore qualify for conditional release, if the release term from the prison in connection with the early release or the end of their sentence is not less than 6 months, and they require the completion of the interrupted study or have adequate motivation to learn and the possibility to continue it after leaving prison.Accepting prisoners into school run by the prison is based on the results of the recruitment process conducted by the school recruitment commission. For candidates recruited for the first semester in school there are no entrance exams and qualification interviews conducted. Priority for admission to the school is: 1. Prisoners serving prison sentences influence the program system, which in individual programs influence the specific teaching needs;

2. Prisoners who have remaining to the end of their sentence a period shorter or equal to the learning period in school. A condition for the prisoner to enter the school leading to vocational education is for him to obtain











start studying in his chosen profession. D


Detention Center Warsaw-Bialoleka is one of the biggest penitentiary centers in Poland. It has been in use since 1958. The nominal capacity of Detention Center Warsaw-Bialoleka is 1385 places. In September 2005 we opened an Education Centre where we teach basic skills at an elementary level. Our Centre has room for 106 inmates and they have classrooms, a computer room with internet access, audio-video equipment, library and sport area for basketball, football etc. The Centre also offers workshops where prisoners learn professional jobs, such as constructor, carpenter and others.


About of the participating partners and their organizations


ESTONIA: Psychology Aid Center ARIADNA Psychology Aid Center ARIADNA is a non-governmental organization that was founded in 2005 in Narva, Estonia. Narva is the third largest city in Estonia with population of 59,000 people. Nowadays over 90% of the current city population are Russian-speakers, mostly either Soviet-era immigrants from parts of the former Soviet Union or their descendants. This fact creates a specific environment in the city and determines the whole scope of problems we face. There are crisis situations in lives of every person. There are moments when we lose our goals, feel emptiness and helplessness, need support. Our psychotherapy goal is to support a client, help him/her understand the situation deeper, realize the causes of suffering and find resources that enable our clients to have fulfilling and happy lives. We are sure that every person has all necessary resources to cope with any challenges. Psychology Aid Center ARIADNA offers following services: •

help in solving problems of mental health: depressions, fears (phobias), eating behavior disorders, psychosomatic disorders;

psychological counseling;

psychological help in crisis situations;

family therapy;

group and individual psychotherapy;

Psychotherapy of gambling addiction.


We have participated in the projects of European Social Funds in cooperation with NGO Uus Sild and NGO Procivitas. Our activities included carrying out trainings and consultations for conditionally convicted persons, prisoners and former prisoners. Our main tasks were to provide social and psychological adaptation in the changing environment, group work, career counselling and planning further steps after prison release. We have experience of working with prisoners of Viru Prison (http://www.vangla.ee/35470-).


SPAIN: CFA Jacint Verdaguer

The CFA Jacint Verdaguer, an Educational Centre of adults, is in the Men's Prison of Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain). There are 18 teachers, a librarian and around 1.800 students each school year. The inmates are over 21 years old, and are mostly held for purposes of crime prevention, meaning that they have not faced trial yet. This criminal situation affects the school because new students are registered every week of the course, which is something teachers have to take into account in the methodology they use. The students are characterized by great diversity: ethnic, cultural, religious, social, linguistic and geographical origin. The school depends on the Educational Government Department, so the courses are the same that can be found in any other adult school in Catalonia. This helps our students not to see the school as a part of the prison because


teachers try to speak as little as possible about it and be as similar as possible to any other school. The courses that are offered can be: Basic training courses: Basic training means a general education and compensatory education in relation to the demands of modern society. Understood as a learning process, it has two parts: instrumental training, which if we compare it to children will be the primary studies or till 12 years; and Secondary education, if we compare it to children will be high school or studies from 12 to 16 years. The curriculum of instrumental training is organized into three levels and students who get the objectives of these levels will receive a certificate of instrumental training. Regarding secondary education, it is organized into two levels and students who get the objectives will receive the qualification of secondary education. Initial and Basic Education courses: The objective of the initial and basic education is that students get the minimum level of competence to develop in today's society in areas of Catalan, Spanish, foreign language (English and French) and computer skills. The courses can be: Catalan and Spanish courses (A1, A2 and B1); Foreign Languages: English (A1 and A2) and French (A1); Computer courses: Initial and Basic level. University The school also offers the possibility of a university education to students who have secondary education and a good level of Spanish. This is carried out through the Open University. The school is responsible for coordinating and enrollments. There are some volunteers that help students to study in some


subjects, but basically they have to study by themselves. These volunteers are people that came here without earning anything and also inmates. Self-learning class It is a classroom where students can study by themselves using computers, books, dictionaries, television. Basically it is used by high school students to study and complete their studies because their teachers give them a lot of homework to do in this classroom to learn to work alone, without the teacher. This class is also used by people that are studying University courses or languages: students that are doing a language course at school, as a supplement to revise what they do in school or students that have a language level that is not taught at school. Furthermore, it is possible to study other courses, like the theoretical part of the driving license, and others. Many other complementary activities are done at school as a resource to work other values and social skills with the students. They also are very important and go beyond the academic training: social cohesion, respect for other people and cultures, understanding and respecting human rights, democracy, tolerance, etc. To sum up, this school tries to help their students to be integrated in today's society when they are set free.


TURKEY: Gebze Public Education Center

Gebze Public Education Center is a governmental organization depended to Ministry of Education. Our institution is located in Gebze in the northwest of Turkey, on the border of two big cities, Kocaeli and Istanbul. Gebze is a huge industrial town and it has a high rank of population and people migrate from other regions of Turkey in order to get a job. The main area of responsibility of our organization is educating people who are outside of formal education. We open courses in our building also we cooperate with municipality, non-governmental organizations and formal education institutions to open courses outside of our building. In 2014 we organized 918 courses and 21261 trainees attended our courses.


Areas of service •

To organize reading and writing courses

To organize mass education courses in cooperation with public institutions and organizations, municipalities, foundations, associations and chambers.

To organize, seminars, meetings, symposiums, clubs etc.

To organize open secondary school operations. (Registration of students, certification of students etc. 3141 students)

To organize open high school operations. (Registration of students, certification of students etc. 4540 student) Gebze Public Education Center have a very wide range of courses (118

Type), such as: •


Foreign Languages,



Family Education,




Musical Instruments,


Dancing, 39

Hairdressing etc. Courses which was opened by Gebze Public Education Center at 2013 –

2014 Academic Year. Course Type

Cour se Num ber

Trainees (Woman)

Trainees (Man)

Traine es (Total)

Vocational Courses





Social and Cultural Courses













Reading – Writing Courses Total


ITALIA: C.P.I.A. 1 – Siena

C.P.I.A. 1 - Siena, Centro Provinciale per l’istruzione degli adulti, is an education centre for adult students. It is located in the province of Siena, a lively city in the centre of Italy. It includes two institutions: CTP Poggibonsi and CTP Piancastagnaio. There are 15 teachers and the number of students varies according to the enrollments. C.P.I.A. 1 Siena is a structure of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research which offers education to adults and young adults who have not completed their compulsory education or who are not in possession of the qualification for the first cycle of education, in the perspective of lifelong learning, in order to acquire knowledge and skills necessary to exercise active citizenship and face the changes of society. The C.P.I.A. is a type of autonomous educational institution with a specific organizational and educational structure. It is organized into a network of Territorial Services, has its own staff and its own governing bodies like the other schools, though adapted to the particular users. It establishes a close 41

contact with local authorities, with the other schools and institutions and with the world of work. The courses are usually attended by participants aged over 16 with special needs: •

Migrants who need to learn Italian language and obtain a certification;

Young adults and adults who have abandoned school education and need a qualification;

People who need to improve foreign language and ICT. Our school offers various courses:

Courses of Italian language for migrants who want to live and obtain a residence permit – certification of level A2 - Common European Framework of Reference for Languages;

Foreign Language courses (English and Spanish) for adult people: levels A1, A2, B1, B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages;

ICT courses: basic and advanced levels;

First level - first educational period aimed at obtaining a certificate of the first cycle of education (former middle school);

First level - second educational period aimed at obtaining a title certifying the acquisition of basic skills related to compulsory education. The First level - first educational period is a course of 400 hours +

200 more hours for students who need to increase their knowledge and competences; we teach the following subjects: Italian, English, History, Geography, Math and Science. In June there is a final exam to get the certification of the first cycle of education. 42

The First level - second educational period is a course of 825 hours, divided into lessons at school and distance learning (FAD); the students study the following subjects: Italian, History, Geography, English, French, Math, Science, Law and Economics. There is a final exam to obtain a certification of basic skills related to compulsory education. We also have agreements with the other local institutions which allow the students to continue their education and obtain the high school graduation. Our school also organizes courses into two prisons in the Valdelsa area: •

Siena – Casa Circondariale Santo Spirito, in this prison there are usually people who are waiting for a trial or have to spend a short period of imprisonment.

San Gimignano – Casa di Reclusione Ranza, in this place there are people who have to serve a long term sentence. There are two security levels here: medium and maximum.


ROMANIA: Gheorghe łiŃeica

Gheorghe łiŃeica Secondary School is one of the best schools in Craiova, has 20 classrooms, three laboratories modernly equipped, chemistry and physics, computer science and biology, one library with 15,000 volumes, projectors, DVD players, TV high speed internet connections and here study approximately 950 students educated by 50 teachers and teacher assistants. We offer quality education; we have over 1400 awards at national and international competitions. Our students participate in many extracurricular activities that develop their resourcefulness, help them to socialize with other 44

children and improve their citizenship. Information about our school is permanently










www.gheorghetiteica.ro. We founded "Gheorghe łiŃeica" Association having as goals activities related to the current work in the school. It was established to promote democratic values and universal cultural values in the Romanian and European traditional cultural and economic space. The Association has the following objectives: •

Contribution to respect Human Rights and of the Citizen as they are proclaimed in international treaties and European authorities to the Romanian state, the development of Romanian democratic system in all its contents - economic, social, cultural and spiritual;

Contribution to the knowledge of Romanian authentic cultural values by European countries;

Initiating and supporting development projects and school improvement;

Mediating relations between "Gheorghe łiŃeica" Secondary School and other organizations and institutions by identifying viable partners for projects carried out in the country and abroad;

Directing resources obtained for developing projects, taking into account the school's priorities;

Attracting and using extra-budgetary funds in the interest of the school, the mobilization of the parents in obtaining material and logistical support for the school;

Promoting the school's image in the media and the local community;


Sponsorship of school’s curricular and extracurricular cultural activities, stimulating students and teachers with outstanding results in school Olympiads and National and International competitions;

Increase school inventory value by purchasing modern teaching materials, equipment, books and magazines;

Maintenance of school premises in order to ensure good conditions for carrying school. Association has exceptional results such as:

Campaigns created to inform citizens about the role of education in the lives of children and parents, studies, research, surveys, reports, summaries of the importance

of education in Romania's integration in the EU, to respect Human Rights and Citizen Rights, Children Rights in Romania and the European Union;

Editing and printing publications, creating radio and TV shows, creating different websites depending on the topic of the project, ex www.befarmex.com.

Organizing symposiums, seminars, training sessions, numerous extracurricular activities, trips, shows, charities, European projects;

Ensuring the support for students and teachers of the school with outstanding results in school activities, ensuring by own funds, a part of the assets of the school;

Winning two European projects:

Grundtvig project: BEGINNING FARMERS EXTENSION-BEFARMEX reference number GRU-10-P-LP-34-DJ-TR. 6 countries participating in this project, project coordinator Turkey and partners: Greece, Hungary, 46

Italy, Spain and Romania - the main objective of the project was the exchange of experiences between the countries on agricultural methods and those used by farmers; •

Grundtvig project: SECOND CHANCE, reference number GRU-13 P-LP442-DJ-ES. Partners: Spain as project coordinator, Estonia, Poland, Italy, Turkey.


POLAND: Detention Center Warsaw-Bialoleka

Detention Center Warsaw-Bialoleka is one of the biggest penitentiary centre in Poland. It has been in use since 1958. The nominal capacity of Detention Center Warsaw-Bialoleka is 1385 places. In September 2005 we opened an Education Centre where we teach basic skills at an elementary level. Our Centre has room for 106 inmates and they have classrooms, a computer room with internet access, audio-video equipment, library and sport area for basketball, football etc. The Centre also offers workshops where prisoners learn professional jobs, such as constructor, carpenter and others. Our main objective is to develop the inmates’ skills in order to enable them to live properly in an open environment and particularly to prepare them for a return to open labor market after being released from penitentiary institutions. Our activities aim at creating conditions to enhance the inmates’ family bonds, especially the contacts with children during the imprisonment. We offer to our inmates a large 48

number of re-adaptation programs, like: "The new men in the new time" – an educational program about history, technology, arts and humanities, "Read Me" – a re-adaptation program to prepare the inmates to the integration with their families, "Aggression gate" – an educational program of social re-adaptation presenting the causes of aggression and proper behavior between inmates, "Angel dog" – a re-adaptation program for inmates with auto aggressive behaviors. The Program is designed for inmates classified as a group of people with suicide risk. They had the possibility to work with a dog therapist, a dog trainer instructor, a coordinator and a psychologist. Our other programs include effective coping with the labor market, ecological problems, aggression and violence prevention, addiction prevention, first aid, ICT and other trainings according to the diagnosed deficit.


Summary of the first and second year activities


Second Chance project has been an immeasurable enrichment for all countries participating. It is important to say that this project has allowed us to know students of our schools in prison in a different way, not only more deeply, but also more aware of their needs. Furthermore, from the professionals’ point of view, this project has meant a motivation, an incentive to improve not only personally but also professionally and methodologically to do our best and desire for the better. It has been two years of constant reflection on our work, about what we do and what we should do. On one hand, this has allowed us to be stronger and united as a working team. On the other hand, this experience has made us improve both professionally and personally. For example, all the participants have improved their English skills (as a language of the project) in order to participate in it. In addition, it also meant the opening of the schools in prison and students, disseminating the different activities carried out. This openness has meant, on the one hand, the opportunity to better understand the specificity of education in Prisons and their schools; on the other hand, it has also contributed to the recognition of our institutions. Finally, this project has supposed, not only for professionals but also for students, a linguistic and cultural enrichment as we are allowed to know the different realities of the participating countries: different ways of working, thinking, organizing, cultural and linguistic differences, different ways of understanding the prison system and the education and, consequently, to understand schools in prisons. Despite this diversity, we have been able to fit the differences and build on them a challenge that together we could achieve success and, consequently, it has allowed us to strengthen us and see reality from a perspective much more open and flexible. 51

First and second year activities Second Chance is the result of the hypothesis that education at penitentiaries is a second chance for many inmates as it enhances the tools they require to participate in society in a way that they were unable to do in the past. All participants think that the training we develop in prisons may favour reducing criminal recidivism, with the social impacts that entails. This project began in September 2013 and will end in June 2015. We considered the following goals: 3. Knowing what our students thought about the school in prison and finding out if actually their passing through the school had helped them or was helping and how. 4. Using their information to make suggestions in order to improve, create a change, and share them among all the participating countries with the aim of achieving that the Education in prisons really becomes a second chance. In order to achieve these two goals, we designed two different phases: 5. During the first year we collected the information of our students, in order to be able to analyze our work as professionals of Prisons and make suggestions for improvement. 6. During the second year, we have been implementing some of these proposals in order to improve the Education in prisons.


First phase of the project

To collect the information from our students, we designed a model based on qualitative research which was based on interviews, life stories and focus groups. We wanted to listen to our students, be empathic, sensitive with them and understand their school experience. Our students were the protagonists and, through their voices, we could reflect on our role as teachers and look for ways to improve it. Interviews and life stories Together with all the countries, we agreed on elaborating the guidelines and the script of the interviews in order to know important aspects of inmates' lives in general and their school experience in particular. The final goal was to find out their feelings regarding schooling, what it meant for them, their participation in the school in the prison and their opinion on the methodology used and the comparison with their previous experiences. Regarding their school experiences, we focused on three main aspects: the person, the social context and the educational institution. 53

The life stories were the result of our interviews. The intention was to write a narrative that reflected the interpretation of the memories, ideas, facts, feelings... In total 71 interviews were made and their life stories: •

In Turkey, 12 to students from Gebze Prison

In Italy 13, 5 from Siena prison and 8 from San Gimignano Prison

In Romania 15, to inmates from juvenile and young prison of Craiova

In Poland 10, to inmates from Detention Centre in Varsaw-Bialoleka

In Estonia 8, to inmates from Center Open Prison Jõhvi, "Viru Prison"

In Spain, 13 to students from Barcelona Men's Prison Focus groups Based on the life stories, all countries together formulated new lines of

work , some new hypotheses in order to be verified, confirmed, refuted or find new ones with new students, new voices, to enrich our research. These focus groups were organized in all the countries. In total there were 12 groups, 85 inmates participated in them. •

In Turkey, 1 group of 9 inmates.

In Italy, 2 of 7 inmates each one.

In Romania, 3 of 5 inmates each one.

In Poland, 2 of 6 inmates each one.

In Estonia, 2 of 7 and 8 respectively.

In Spain, 2 of 10 inmates each one. Finally, we drew the conclusions from this first phase of the project.


Regarding the students, we concluded that, at attending at school, they stop feeling as inmates of prison to become students. Often daily life in prison is hard, lonely, and hostile.... with very rigid structures. In general, the inmates feel insecure and their self-esteem is very low. In fact, they think they are not capable of doing many things, for example, studying and learning. However, the school is seen as one of the few places where change is possible. For them, school is a relaxed place where they feel protagonists, active part of their learning process, and, moreover, respected for their knowledge and their chances to learn. Those things help them to increase their confidence and selfesteem. Regarding the methodology, we realized that our students really value the collaborative learning, with other students, because it means recognition of them and the others and, therefore, it increases their self-esteem and confidence in their abilities. If, in addition, the learning is useful, they find more sense and motivation to continue learning as they see the applicability of learning in the future. As a result of this, it is established a commitment to the school, with the teacher and the other students. Certificates and degrees are also a good incentive to be linked with the school and they are valued, therefore, as a key aspect for the reinsertion in situation of freedom. Finally, with regard to teachers, students emphasize the importance of teachers and they stress their ability to listen, understanding, sensitivity, empathy ... among other qualities, but especially emphasize their patience that could be interpreted as having in mind the peculiarities of students and different learning rates. They value the ability of teachers to adapt materials, activities and explanations in order to reach all students and thus ensure their learning. The conclusions of the focus groups triggered suggestions, proposals for improvement which were carried out during the second year of the project. 55

These proposals were about four blocks: improvements relating to students, teachers, methodology and thinking about the future. It was a very intense first year. The participating countries had different ways of working, thinking, organizing; there were cultural and linguistic differences;









understanding the education, and, as a consequence, understanding schools in prisons. But this, at the same time, was a great enrichment. We were able to agree with the differences and build from them. The main result of all that work was our digital book, where you can find a selection of the life stories made by each country. We invite you to read them: issuu.com/rosilu80/docs/life_stories_ebook_final/0

Second phase of the project

New proposals During the second year of the project, we proposed to implement some of the agreed improvements at the end of the first year and collect them in a digital guide, as a result of all things done during this second phase of the 56

project. Each country selected the ones that they wanted to carry out, according to their immediate needs and possibilities. It was agreed that each country would do, at least, three from different blocks. The objective was to design an action plan and begin the implementation. Exchange activities Moreover, to achieve the involvement and participation of different students in that second phase, it was agreed that a series of exchange activities would be carried out: letters, postcards, small gifts... which were a means of communication and a channel to share their point of view on the project. Thanks to the exchanging activities carried out throughout the second year, students have been able to express their views on the changes implemented in their schools and share them among the participating countries. As in the first year of the project, we wanted that students were the true protagonists, that they felt participants and could live the project. And through their voices, we could redefine and improve the different activities we had planned. In order to disseminate the results of these exchange activities, a large exhibition has been carried out in our last meeting, in Poland. The second year of the project culminates with the publication of this digital guide, where the results of all improvements implemented in each country are finding. We are absolutely convinced that this digital guide reflects the efforts of all of us to get that education in prisons becomes, really, a second chance for all inmates.


Presentation of the new proposals


ESTONIA Introduction Changes that have been produced in the last two years as a result of project: -

on the basis of the information received in the discussion groups we made changes in the methodology and working methods with exinmates;


on the basis of the information received in the discussion groups and from the questionnaires where ex-inmates underlined teacher's personality, we now pay more attention not only to the aims of our social programmes but also to interpesonal communication of exinmates and teachers;


exchange activities opened new traits and personality sides of exinmates (creativity, depth of emotions and feelings);


information about learning needs that we received from the questionnaires set up a new challenge how to support inmates' motivation to learn and increase educational status after release.


Proposals and activities Activity 1: We used the feedback questionnaire that we developed at the beginning of the project Second Chance in order to get to know inmates’ learning needs, their opinion about organization of learning process and their system of values. We conducted a survey in two groups: -

studying inmates (45 persons: 17 are receiving general education, 28 are receiving vocational education)


ex-inmates under probation supervision, who are following the adaptation programme of regaining working skills (32 persons) Survey results showed difference between system of values of inmates

and ex-inmates. Inmates' value family, health, freedom, friendship, love, independence and education. Ex-inmates value money, power, status, success, independence and health. The value of general education is much lower after release.


Results of research of the system of values Significant values (inmates)

Significant values (parolees)















Popularit y



Love Money


Status Success

6,813 Independence






4,235 5,05 6,322 7,45 8,656

Opinions about organization of learning process and teaching do not statistically differ. Results of the learning needs research The main characteristic: released inmates didn't mention such learning needs as self development or increase of educational status. Their learning needs are very practical: these are mostly well-paid and in demand vocations with high possibility of job placement.


Results of research of opinion about organization of learning process There are no significant differencies between inmates and ex-inmates under probabition supervision opinions. Both groups insist on -

individual approach – (71% of inmates / 68% of ex-inmates)


practicality (53/61%)


teacher's empathy and non-judgmental attitude (64/66%)


interesting way of teaching and variety of activities (45/50%)


opportunity to decide and define what and how to learn (40/46%) Activity 2: We organized two information stands in the libraries of Ida-

Virumaa Vocational Education Centre and Viru Prison (open prison) with booklets, posters and brochures about the available and possible future education and professional development of inmates. Activity 3: On the basis of the achieved results we developed 2 seminars on the following topics: -

Identification of learning needs and motivation of adult learners. Seminars were conducted on the course of Andragory and in the Vocational Education Centre.


Dissemination seminar based on results achieved from interviews, discussion groups and surveys was organized for the teachers and educators working with inmates in the Vocational Education Centre.


SPAIN Introduction The realization of this project has been an immeasurable enrichment for our school and all members: students, teachers, volunteers‌ Our challenge has been to involve the whole school community, and, especially, that our students feel as participants of the project; so we think we got it. It is important to say that this project has allowed us to know our students in a different way, not only more deeply, but also more aware of their needs. The teacher-student relationship has become much closer and more human. Communication, mutual understanding and empathy have increased, too. The project also meant the opening of the school and students, presenting the different activities carried out. This openness has meant, on the one hand, the opportunity to better understand the specificity of education in Prisons and their schools; on the other hand, it has also contributed to the recognition of our school institutionally and socially.

Proposals and activities 1. To publicize the benefits of attending school and promote the desire to attend: We chose this proposal because we believe it is important to disseminate and publicize the variety of training activities that the school has, so that the students can have this information and feel motivated to enroll them. 63

Actions and results: To increase the number of students in the school: During this year has taken place a specific committee composed of four teachers in charge of overseeing, proposing and developing various activities that promote the incorporation of new students. To show the school and the activities that are performed in it: We prepared posters, leaflets and posters to advertise the various activities taking place at school (lessons, courses, schedules, classrooms...). Activities and exhibitions at school: We prepared exhibitions to show what is done in school. The students that have made them and their classmates have appreciated and participated in the exhibitions that have been done throughout the school year. To enhance taking part in the school: Monthly benefits have been done by the school (extra positive points from SAM “Continuous Evaluation System and Motivation�) to those students for their excellent support and dedication to reward their efforts. To explain what it is the school to the new students: Talks of teachers and students have been planned in order to explain the educational programs and school activities to other inmates who have just arrived at the center. To explain the benefits and resources available to students within the prison: Different group tutorials have been performed throughout the course and we give attention to the benefits of coming to the school, not only educational but also institutional level.


9. Organize seminars, master classes... In order to share experience between professionals who are connected to education in prison: We chose this proposal because we were all convinced that, to ensure that our project had resonance and projection not only in our school but outside, we had to promote all kind of activities aimed at dissemination.


Actions and results: Dissemination of the blog and website of the project: We included both links referring to this project in our school sign emails, in our website, blog, presentations, etc. At the same time, the addresses of the project and blog were sent to the Department of Education, which appeared in an article about our project: http://www.xtec.cat/web/projectes/plurilinguisme/programeseuropeus/pi e/grundtvig Giving talks and workshops about our project at the University: In the University of Barcelona (Social Education degree), we presented a talk: I talk and they listen to me: https://grundtvigcfajacintverdaguer.wordpress.com/2014/11/11/parlo-imescolten/ Participation in seminars and discussion sessions contributing our experience: During the school course, a teacher of the project participated in the seminars: "The orientation and prevention of school dropping out at Adult Training Centers." and in the Fourth European Conference on ACEFIR about training teachers of adults: http://ivjornadeseuropeesacefir.blogspot.com.es/ Presentation of our project and its results at different entities of Education Department and Justice Department: We participated as trainers in an informative meeting about the Erasmus + European program conducted at the Department of Education: http://www.xtec.cat/web/formacio/educacioadults Also, during our meeting in Barcelona, we all visited the "Lledoners" Prison. Finally, a dissemination session of our project was conducted at the Center for Legal Studies and Specialized Training, aimed at professionals of the 66

Departments of Justice and Education, as well as others interested in the project. http://justicia.gencat.cat/ca/ambits/formacio_recerca_documentacio/formacio/ gestcon/comunitats_de_practica/ambit_penal/docents/jornada-presentacioprograma-grundtvig-second-chance-26-marc-2015/#

Production of articles to be published in different magazines: https://grundtvigcfajacintverdaguer.wordpress.com/2014/09/18/encetem-elsegon-any-del-projecte-2/ http://www.infonet-ae.eu/articles-projects-49/2203-life-story-book-fromprison Exchanging sessions with other schools of adults to share our experience: In CFA Carmel, we presented the talk: To go forward, sometimes we have to start again: https://grundtvigcfajacintverdaguer.wordpress.com/2015/02/23/xerradaal-cfa-el-carmel/


Organize exhibitions to show our results: Throughout the course, the results of Mail Art activities carried out by us and the other countries were exhibited in the hallway of our school. Next September, we have planned to participate in the exhibition of the Centre Civic Urgell to show our life stories. Involvement in summer schools for adults to show our project: This year we are going to participate in a workshop in the Rosa Sensat Summer School whose aim is publicizing our project: http://www.rosasensat.org/cursos/134/100:23/ http://www2.rosasensat.org/ca/post/l-any-2015-l-any-de-rosa-sensat Others: We presented the life stories that were done in our school (13 in totals) in order to take part in the competition of small tales named “Look at my eyes” organized by the association staff of “La Caixa” bank. http://www.miramalsulls.cat/ 13. Carry out activities in which students have to decide what they want to do, what material they need, … We chose this proposal because we thought that if we improved our methodology and our teaching task, students’ learning and personal aspects would improve (motivation, self-esteem, learning capacity…).


2.b. Make exchanges and organize activities that enhance selfesteem and motivation. 6.b. Follow up with the interviews to the inmates to know their needs and opinions, in order to improve our task. We included this two other proposals as we considered that they were complementary and gave a global vision to the learning-teaching process. Actions and results: Creating a physical space in each classroom where the students can express interests, needs... about topics they want to learn: We prepared a physical space like a blackboard where the students could write their opinions,










programmes. During the development of the units to learn, the students are asked about what they want to learn or know in order to adapt these contents to their interests: In reference to this action, several proposals have been made, especially with initial activities in the different programs worked in order to know our students' interests. Proposals of open and flexible tasks and activities to allow the resolution of these activities to all students, with different materials and resources: With this proposal we want to offer the possibility to get the objectives to all the students. Here are some examples: •

Curse treasure quest (GES1): http://issuu.com/accesocat/docs/el_tresor_male__t?e=0/11680870


3,2,1‌ Action!!! (GES2): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbeJvKvgVTM 69

Natural disasters (FI1):

Volcano: http://www.slideshare.net/jacintverdaguer/el-volc-27202735

Hurricane: http://www.slideshare.net/jacintverdaguer/hurac2,

Flood: http://www.slideshare.net/jacintverdaguer/inundacio,

Tsunami: http://www.slideshare.net/jacintverdaguer/tsunami-27203309 Nowadays, our teachers are taking a course FIC (Internal Long-life

learning) and its objective is to make our lesson plans more skillful. Encouraging exchange activities with other students, levels, educational programs and schools: In this action, we developed different exchange activities: among students of different levels in all the school, with students from others Penitentiary Centers, with students from the Second Chance project. Incorporating a kind of evaluation (co-evaluation, self-assessment) along the learning process in order to involve the students in this process and help them to think about it: In this activity we asked some questions about what they had learnt, what they had liked most and least, how they had felt, suggestions… And this activity was directed as a co-assessment (teacherstudents, students-students) and/or self-assessment (own student).


15. Organize activities in order to create a connection between the inmates and the world of work to increase their employment opportunities: We chose this proposal because we thought that a good way to help our students and give them a really second chance in the future could be organizing activities that help them to increase their employment opportunities. Actions and results: Contact insertion services and guidance of the city of Barcelona in order to obtain advice and resources for our students on this topic: Work Office, Barcelona Activa, Tria Open Centre, E-IXAM: The assessment of these sessions that the students, advisors and teachers have done of the school is that they have been very interesting and useful information and resources provided: https://grundtvigcfajacintverdaguer.wordpress.com/2014/12/15/activitateixam/

Contact the CIRE (Centre for Initiatives for Reinsertion) of our Prison, in order to obtain information on the work carried out by the agency in connection 71

with the work of inmates: The assessment was made of these sessions was also quite positive because it allowed students to know first hand how a company linked to the prison, could help them improve their options in the workplace: https://grundtvigcfajacintverdaguer.wordpress.com/2015/03/05/el-monlaboral-a-lescola/ Do school-related activities during the fortnight labor devoted to this subject, in the annual program each year: The whole school was involved in different activities connected to the theme of labor. All these activities were highly valued by our students as it allowed them to approach the real world from learning that will be very useful in the future.: http://blocs.xtec.cat/novetatscfajacintverdaguer/2015/02/27/el-monlaboral-a-formacio-basica/#.VPg99HyG-So http://blocs.xtec.cat/novetatscfajacintverdaguer/2015/02/24/monlaboral-des-densenyaments-inicials-i-basics/#.VPg-HXyG-So


Conclusion It is difficult to explain in words the conclusions of this project, two intense years have left a major imprint on the school. The project has given us the opportunity to meet other penitentiary and educational realities that have enriched and made us appreciate our situation. It also allowed us to meet people committed to a common goal; and how, from this, we have worked from each country, and then share a consensus between all the different decisions. This possibility of working group has been very enriching. Furthermore, in this project we have already seen some improvements and results before finishing it, because there are actions that have been evaluated, and this point not only underlines our daily work, but also demonstrates that it is a living project. As teachers, it made us think more about our work and be aware of how far we have come, and also realize that we can continue to grow and know our working line. It also provided us to continue adding more security efforts in this direction. It has been a great opportunity to introduce our way of working and thinking of education and reach other professionals associated with this area of adult education and education in penitentiary centers. The project has allowed students to have an active role. On one hand, they are made aware of all the learning process, and on the other hand, we are aware of the importance of this active participation. In this regard, not only the sensitivity from teachers has increased, but also being more receptive towards the demands that students express. Furthermore, this aspect has been demonstrated because there is a greater capacity to adapt to change while programming.










communication that have been opened favored common enrichment; it has been very rewarding to hear our student’s voices and made us see that our 73

thoughts are reflected in their words, ideas and feelings. The main idea is that the school provides opportunities and different options for the students. Is there life after the "Second Chance"? We can say that this was the beginning of a project, a new line of work and understanding the adult school. It has meant a second chance in terms of personal and professional growth. We are very proud of the recognition and the echo it had at the institutional level as a center. We would like to continue working in this direction; so, yes, we believe that there is life after the "Second Chance", new projects are waiting for us. If you want to read more about our new proposals, you can read the document that you will find here: http://issuu.com/cfajacintverdaguer/docs/new_proposals_document


TURKEY Introduction Changes that have been produced in the last two years as a result of the project: A) Course variety: Before our project has begun we opened 7 different courses in Gebze Prison. (2012 – 2013) -





Needle Lace,


Reading and Writing,


Hairdressing ,




3-6 Years old children activities


In the first year of the Project (2013 – 2014) we increased the variety of the courses and we opend 10 different courses in Gebze Prison. -

7-19 Years old Family Guidance,




Bağlama (Turkish Instrument)




Hygiene Education,


Reading and Writing,


Reading and Writing (2. degree)




Ceramics Schapes d


3-6 Years old children activities) In the second year of the Project (2014 – 2015) we opened 10 different

type of courses in Gebze Prison by 15.04.2015. -



Bağlama (Turkish Instrument),




Being Family,


Communication in social life and work,


Reading and Writing,


Reading and Writing (2. degree),




Ceramics Schapes 76


3-6 Years old children activities) Thanks to our project the variety of the courses in the prison was

increased. In the first year we opened 3 different courses than before and in the second year we changed the variety of the courses according to the educational needs. We are planning to increase the variety of the courses until the end of educational term. B) Total number of courses in prison Below it is seen that the total number of the courses which were opened in Gebze Prison. The total number of the courses was increased every year. Until the end of this term we are planning to open more courses in the prison. •

Total Number: 11 (2012 – 2013)

Total Number: 17 (2013 – 2014)

Total Number: 17 (2014 – 2015) (by 15.04.2015) C) Course lenght : According to the result of the interviews and focus groups results we

planned to open more courses in summer time. Below it’s seen the number of courses which was organized at summer time. •

2012 – 2013: 2 courses at summer time.

2013 – 2014: 2 courses at summer time.

2014 – 2015: 4 courses at summer time. (We are planning to increase the number) D) An agreement with ministry of justice


We will arrange courses not only for the inmates in the prison but also for the «probation» inmates who are outside the prison. This year we opened 2 courses under this condition: •

Being Family.

Communication in social life and work.

Proposals and activities 1. Organize specific courses to learn the language. •

Total course numbers: 5

3 has finished.

Reading and Writing First degree: 2 courses have finished and 11 trainees got certificate.

Reading and writing Second Degree: 1 courses has finished and 14 trainees got certificates.

2 courses are going on. 2. Organize seminars, master classes in order to share experience

between professionals who are connected to education in prison. •

At the beginning of 2014 – 2015 academic year we organized a seminar for our teachers.

We planned to organize a seminer at mid term and at the end of the term.


3. Organize activities in order to create a connection between the inmates and the world of work to increase their employment opportunities. •

We made an agreement with ministry of justice.We will arrange courses not only the inmates in the prison but also for the «probation» inmates who are outside the prison.

2 courses have finished and 28 trainees got certificates from our courses.

Conclusion Our institution’s mission is ‘Education for everybody, everywhere and every time’ and prisons are our natural field of interests. Thanks to our project we increased the number of our courses and trainees in the prison. Also we think we pay attention to our activities and we began to work with the probation inmates too. In the future we plan to give more opportunities to the inmates in order to develop them selves in the prison to get ready for their life after prison.


ITALY Introduction The activities of the first year were: interviews and life stories, focus groups, creation of the e-book. All these activities had a deep impact on teachers and inmates: the experiences carried out have been positive and useful for both the inmates and the teachers, because it helped us to know our students better, to understand better their situations and to consider them as human beings who deserve a second chance, not just as inmates. They also helped us to be aware of how much our job as teachers is important to them. During the second year of the project we decided to organize some exchanging


between students



pictures, paintings made by the inmates. We also chose



new proposals to

improve our educational activities and we agreed on the creation of an e-guide containing the best educational practices.

Proposals and activities 1. To give the possibility to external specialists, professionals or volunteers to take part in the classes. We have chosen this proposal because we are convinced that it is very important for the inmates to open their minds and to keep in touch with the external reality. The visit of famous people that they admire can help them to understand that their life in not only behind the bars of the prison. Actions and results: We have decided to invite famous people and artists, for example Italian singers or actors, to visit the prison and talk to inmates, in order to open the 80

gates of the prison to the external reality. We started to implement this proposal in March 2015. On 22nd March 2015 Simone Cristicchi, the first Italian artist that we have invited, visited the prison in Siena. Simone Cristicchi is an italian artist, become popular in 2007 when he won San Remo Festival with a song about the mental disease. In the last years, he focused attention on the theme of Memory: “Mio nonno è morto in guerra” that is a collection of stories about the II World War and “Magazzino 18”, dealing with the Istrian, Dalmatian and Julian exodus after the II World War. Cristicchi has immediately accepted to visit our prison in Siena and meet the inmates. In a very little room, in front of 40 or 50 inmates, he sang some of his greatest hits accompanied just by a classical guitar and he performed some pieces from his theatrical plays. At the end of the meeting with the inmates, he was visibly touched. The event had a very positive impact on the inmates. These are some of their thoughts the day after: “I didn’t know this artist before but I will remember this day for the rest of my life”, “Cristicchi is a very amazing artist that can range from the pop music to the historical day!”,



Cristicchi, performance


Wonderful could





recognizes me and tells me: How are you? I am happy to see you here”.


We want to continue the implementation of this proposal and we have invited other artists in May. 2. To use alternative methods, for example games, songs, films. We have chosen this proposal because we are aware that using alternative methods increases the students motivation and consequently improves their learning skills. Actions and results: All the teachers involved in the project tried to use more motivating methods and produce didactic materials to improve our activities. This action has been implemented during the school year 2014-2015. We organized teaching through documentaries related to the different subjects and we used different kinds of films, videos and songs. In Siena prison we organized a project about traditional fairy tales and drawings: the inmates wrote traditional fairy tales of their own countries and made drawings and paintings related to each story. A book containing all the tales is going to be published and delivered to the children in the province of Siena. The teachers produced teaching/learning materials which can be used by the










http://www.ctppertini.it/ctp/ 3. Trying to change the society’s perception about ex inmates. This proposal has been chosen because it is very important to change the society’s perception about inmates and ex inmates. Many people usually have prejudices and refuse to reintegrate ex inmates into society. Our purpose was


to help people who are behind the prison bars to express their idea and to let society know about their situation and their hopes for the future. Actions and results: Our main action was writing articles on newspapers and social networks about our activities in prison. The action has been carried out during the school year 2014-2015 and it is going to continue next year. SPIRITO IN LIBERTÀ is the name of the magazine written by the inmates of Siena Prison. The magazine is published every three months thanks to the editors of the newspaper LA NAZIONE – Siena. It is delivered with LA NAZIONE and some copies are given to the inmates so that they can send them to their families. The articles are written by the inmates who attend the literacy course. The inmates write about all the activities organized in prison: cultural events, theatre, school, and painting. There are interviews to the people who work in prison: teachers, educators, volunteers, etc. The articles are checked by our teacher Elisa Faleri and sent to the editors. The inmates have the possibility to communicate their ideas and opinions to the external society.


Other articles and blogs about our activities:


Conclusion Second Chance Grundtvig project had a deep impact on our school staff and on the inmates. It gave us the opportunity to know other penitentiary and educational contexts in different European countries, to make comparisons and share ideas with our European colleagues. The work and experiences we carried out through the two years of the project enriched both our personal and professional skills. All the activities of the project stimulated us to improve our teaching methodology and to promote actions aimed at obtaining better results in our daily work. The project was also useful for our students, the inmates. They had the possibility to play an active role and to express their ideas and opinions about education in prison and outside. They became more aware of the importance of education in order to be reintegrated in society, so most of them understood the benefits of education inside the prison as a mean to have a better life after their release. Also the sensitivity of the teachers towards them increased, because the students’ opinions and ideas about our job were useful to understand how our flexibility and our commitment can be important to enhance their educational results. Furthermore, the project gave us the possibility to develop new ideas in order to improve our educational activities in prison, to think about new actions which can create a link between prison and external reality, in order to facilitate their reintegration. Also the exchange activities were very useful, as they helped the inmates to express their feelings through letters, paintings, drawings, postcards, small objects. They felt the need to communicate something about their situation to other people and to shares messages of positive thinking and hope for the future.


On the basis of these positive results, in the future we want to continue the implementation of our new proposals, to

invite more artists and

professionals to visit the prison and talk to the inmates, to advertise our activities in prison and let the society know about the situation of the inmates. We also hope to improve our professional skills through new European projects.


ROMANIA Organizing cultural activities in order to learn the culture and the traditions of the country. Taking part in the activity “Spring fantasies”, making handmade “martisor” celebrating 1st of March With the occasion of 1st of Mach – traditional Romanian celebration – men offer gifts to women, spring symbol –“Martisor” and 8th of March – Women International Day – in our school takes place a fair of handmade “martisor” and greeting cards made by our students. Parents, grandparents and teachers buy the handmade objects created by our students. The handmade objects created have a symbolic value for our because they represent us, The students from Minor Person Penitentiary will take part together with our students and with their handmade materials in the fair organized in our school.


Participating at the activity “Santa Claus fair�- creating Christmas tree ornaments Close to Christmas, students from all classes create Christmas tree ornaments and greeting cards. All these activities represent Christmas fair and together with the decoration of the Christmas tree we celebrate the beginning of the winter holidays. Students from the Penitentiary for Minors will take part together with our students in this activity.


Participating in the activity “National Culinary products” Our students are great cooks and the students from the Penitentiary for Minors will be invited to take part into this activity. We will have stands with cooked products: traditional donuts, pancakes, apple and cheese pie, fried chips, sausages, “mici”, Romanian national products. They will cook all the food.

Students from the Penitentiary for minors will take part at the end of school year party. We have a tradition and a joy in our country and our school to celebrate the end of the school year. Students from the Penitentiary for Minors will participate together with our students at this cultural celebration. They will prepare a short artistic program and present them to the audience


To give the opportunity to the inmates to sell the products to finance the needs of the school:


Organizing a tombola with handmade products. Both the inmates and our students will have the opportunity to sell their handmade products: Both inmates and our students will prepare hand made products and with them we will organize tombola. The money raised will be used by the students. At this activity will attend students, parents and teachers. They will have this opportunity in the exchange of a tombola ticket. Creating greeting cards, “martisoare�, Christmas tree ornaments by the inmates and selling them during the activities in our school: Inmates from the Penitentiary for Minors will participate at the Spring Fantasies Fair and Santa Claus’s Fair and in this way they will be able to sell their products. 90

In this way we give the opportunity to the inmates to sell their products and finance their needs. Preparing posters, videos, flyers in order to publish the different activities. Publishing on our school website the activities done together: Our school has a website which is permanently updated with all the activities








Penitentiary for Minors will be uploaded on the section European Projects, Grundvig – Second Chance.

Creating short movies from the meetings between the inmates and our students and teachers: The common activities will be filmed and also we will prepare with the inmates a short movie by a script that will be written by us.


Creating promo materials, posters, flyers, brochures etc. Preparing posters, videos, flyers with the purpose of raising the awareness of the society related to our activities. Publishing articles in local media and participating to TV shows. We believe that these activities improve the educational level of the inmates; we offer a different perspective on life, improve their communication with other people and help them overcome certain social barriers. Sharing experience with the other countries involved in the project is beneficial for our students; they understand that there are other people with similar problems and by communicating with others that can understand the prison system from another point of view they can hope to improve their situation.


POLAND Introduction In the course of the project implementation the "Second Chance" we try to answer a few theses put forward. The most important, was the thesis or adult education, acquired in the conditions of imprisonment, provides a solid foundation in the process of returning to society. The education is the second chance which for many reasons convicted didn't use at the first possibility in a young age. Is a tool in the process of redevelopment and rehabilitation. In our case this applies to education of adults of all ages. Stuck in Polish prisons, in contrast to the experience of other countries, they are in the majority of the citizens of this country. The specificity of persons targeted by the project is the inhomogeneous. They often have a variety of features. This person may be in a very corner age of people between 20 and 30 years of age, but can also be a person after the age of 50 years. Different, may be their social and ethnography. They can be people coming from the villages or towns. From rich or poor regions of the low or high unemployment. However, the common goal of participation in this program is the conviction that education is the work in the direction of change for the better. Raises qualification and more importantly increases self-awareness and selfesteem. Embedded knowledge acquired through education. His awareness of a law-abiding life is raised. In addition, in the framework of the implementation of the project was sought new methods of implementation of the educational process and changes in













inmates/student/participant of the course. During the program, sought new 93

methods and activities that encourage participants to make efforts in education and internalization their will to change to generally acceptable behavior. As a result of the actions taken and interactions participants should take a second chance to become full approved and law-abiding member of society.

Proposals and activities 2. To create more partnerships and organize activities which can increase their self-esteem and motivation. 3. Organize cultural activities in order to learn the culture and traditions of the country. 12. b. To use open places or different ones for lessons. 12. (c). To increase the ICT resources. Accomplishing assumptions and purposes indicated in proposals we have prepared three levels program activities and education in the field of cognitive knowledge and social skills of the title: "I know, I understand." In the program attended the five inmates, who every day are students of our school. The number of groups has been limited in view of the objectives to be achieved. A small group provides opportunities for more frequent direct contact between teacher and student.


Level 1. Development of social skills and cognitive.

T h e s i s .

The person deprived of freedom due to isolation or lack of social education show deficits in generally recognized and widespread forms of communication and interaction. At this step, participants will learn basic forms of interpersonal communication. They are introduced in the form of exercises with forms of verbal communication ( participation in the conversation) and verbal (generally accepted rules of behavior in communicating with others). In the course of implementing this project, we used a new method to transfer of knowledge and skills. First of all, we have changed the educational space. Participants and leading, as a result of the talks and the negotiations have chosen, in their opinion, the best place to engage in activities. In our case it was gym and a games and relax room. We also established the schedule of classes at establishing stiff achievements of the goals handing over to the knowledge and exercises are which. The students agreed that the activities started from relaxing games and gymnastic exercises. We conducted a loose conversation that leads to mutual learn and break down the barriers of teacher - student. Then, in the form of a discussion we gave knowleknowledge of interpersonal communication skills and the correct peer interaction between people. After the 95

theoretical part the participants played scenes containing discussion and disputes on various topics. During this part we together evaluated the common mistakes in communication and common misunderstandings resulting there from. Inmates were informed about the next step of the program, that for many could prove to be a shock. We informed them that they would be taken on a trip outside the prison, without assistance, security only with educators. Carried out communication activities were designed to motivate to participate actively in the trip. Active conversation with the guide was aimed at breaking down barriers between sentenced and the public.


Level 2. Organization of cultural and educational activities relating to the culture of the country seat. Bearing in mind exercises of the cultural-educational activities, which would have educational advantages about the culture and the tradition of the country in which pupils are staying we have organized the trip to the Museum of the History of Polish Jews Polin.. It is a very modern, interactive museum telling the history and vicissitudes of the Jewish minority in Poland. Getting to know the history of minorities, participants learned about the history of the country and the region in which they are located. The professional guide showed us around the museum. For the duration of trips students have conversations with the Guide, which also stimulated them to ask questions and

clarify doubts. Significant part of the Museum is interactive. To take full advantage of the exposure offered they must have a number of new skills, including: computer use, browsers, monitors, projectors and even in one place with the printing machine. From observations of the behavior of the students had to admit that the seizure of the principles of communication were useful and needed. The participants able to listen to it with attention, and content interact with others to get information and instructions on the use of multimedia. Behavior in open space is also a procedure intended. 97

Placing embedded in an open universe we mobilize it to active interaction. Implementation of the social role of the citizen, tourist, man. Inmates itself must show leadership in order to achieve basic social behavior. Level 3. Multimedia classes. To increase the ICT resources.Watching both the social environment and

in particular today's information-driven world, we found that the necessary is to educate people the ITC systems if we want prepared them to return to society. Without multimedia knowledge can be considered as a type of illiteracy. Without the knowledge of handling information machines they do not buy even a ticket on the urban communication which indirectly condemns us to exclusion and marginalization. Therefore, we organized a workshop of it. The first classes were using the computers. Besides the basic skills developed in the course of working with word processors or spreadsheets. We for first time introduced a totally crucial element in the work with the sentenced. They have the ability to take advantage of the Internet for the purposes of seeking knowledge. During these activities the participants acquired skills to use computers. It should be borne in mind that throughout the course of the program, they had the


opportunity to use of a range of accessories ICT: computers; personal computers; projectors; TV; printer; camera etc. In the course of routine became a kind of a bond and trust in the student/teacher. Changed the educational space by what has been achieved greater









momentum to the process of teaching. Introduced new solutions. Through education on the culture and history of the regions affected the social skills and cognitive.

Conclusions Within two years of the program "Second Chance" have completed a number of studies related to the issue of education for persons deprived of their liberty. We compared the results and conclusions for the participating countries. As a result of studies and observations we have prepared the activity. Proposals for implementation were the result of the work of the international team. The advantage of this system is its international character. During the meetings, and visits to various countries had an invaluable opportunity to compare the existing prisoners education systems as well as gaining knowledge about











characteristics and practices in different countries. We have read the barriers in the implementation of the education of prisoners with regional issues and specifics needs. Differences in individual databases and human resources are enormous. In this study, we obtained knowledge of the diametrical direction diversity of activities and needs of the students. In today's homogenized Europe knowledge is invaluable. Information about the problems related to education of immigrants detained in Catalonia can be important in Poland is no longer a dozen, but in a few years. Inability to use the Internet for convicts in most 99

countries is changing slowly opening up new opportunities and challenges in the education of adults. Raised here only a few aspects are indicative of the role of the program and demonstrate the need for research and international cooperation in the field of education of persons deprived of liberty. An extremely important aspect is the fact that it was a practical program in which all











implementation of ideas for implementation. Very active and hardworking group immediately realized all your tasks. The main assumption of the program was to identify and answer the question: Is the education of adults, deprived of their liberty is a second chance? Answering this question should be answered in particular on two questions. Is education is needed as part of the resettlement and rehabilitation to the general population? Why is referred to as a second chance? In the Polish prison system can not be other than a positive response to the first question. These recommendations are included in the Executive Penal Code and somehow imposes persons deprived of education as a tool in the process of rehabilitation. In most countries, there is an obligation to the school and had been convicted of a chance to learn, however, did not benefit from it. "Second chance" is able to return to the starting point and the acquisition of knowledge that might be useful on the way to a law-abiding life. So this is the beginning of the program. Re-start of the arduous, long-term operation of shaping the man who will be functioning in an open society, being fully aware of its component / part.


Exchange activities


The exchange activities were planned in order to achieve the involvement and participation of the students during the second year of the project. We wanted that students were the true protagonists, they felt participants, could live the project and that, through their voices, we could redefine and improve the different activities we had planned. Thanks for the exchanging activities carried out throughout the second year, students have been able not only to express their views on the changes implemented in their schools but also to share them among the participating countries, too.

Mail Art First of all, we decided to create postcards, being inspired by the Mail Art movement. The Mail Art or Postal Art is a global







and postal

service. It initially developed out of the Fluxus movement in the 1950s and 60s, and Ray Johnson is considered to be the first mail artist. The main objective of this artistic movement is to spread artistic works through postal mail, in order to avoid the conventional ways used by artists to show their work.


But nowadays, who sends a letter by postal mail? It is important to remember that the ordinary mail is used by the inmates







families, friends, girlfriends‌ So the Mail Art activity was a good way to involve a lot of skills from our students, to catch them. Each postcard has showed different kind of feelings: pain, anger, happiness, sadness, love, melancholy, loneliness, etc. It was not only the draws, but also the words that they used to write them. It is crucial to say that it was not an easy activity for most of them, but we were proud of the results and the participation. Each production was awesome, in other words, postcards plenty of emotions. For more information, visit: https://grundtvigcfajacintverdaguer.wordpress.com/2014/09/26/artpostal-mail-art/


Letters In addition to Mail Art, as we realised the students really enjoyed sending and receiving communications, we planned another activity based on letters. Every partner had to write a letter written in the language of each country and translate into English. After that, each letter had to be sent to the different countries. Although it was also a hard and difficult activity, we felt that the students were proud of the final results. Another point was to receive different letters from other countries in different languages, and to translate them from English to the own language. The students realised not only that their realities were similar to other students: studies, daily routines, learning process, wishes, etc., but also the differences between them, for example the language used to write. In this activity, the ordinary mail and the e-mail were used to send the letters, depending on the country. For more information, visit: https://grundtvigcfajacintverdaguer.wordpress.com/2014/12/24/la-cartai-el-mail-art-per-acomiadar-el-2014/ http://www.sw.gov.pl/‌/news,29562,piec-krajow-piec-listow-.‌


Other activities Another kind of exchange activities were activities organized between teachers who work in the same area. These activities weren’t planned as a global activity for all the students, so every teacher, educator, etc. could propose an exchange activity and those interested could participate with their students. The next activities were made by Spanish and Italian students of different studies levels:

Riddle exchanges It











secondary education of the Siena penitentiary center





(Italy) and the Men's prison of Barcelona -CFA Jacint Verdaguer- (Spain).

Students exchanged riddles in order to solve them. It was a difficult activity




and an

encouragement. It is planned to publish a small booklet which collect all puzzles solved at the end of this second year of the project. For more information, visit: https://grundtvigcfajacintverdaguer.wordpress.com/2015/03/07/italiaens-proposa-un-repte/


Our festivities Among




from Siena Penitentiary center (Italy) and Men's prison of Barcelona (Spain) was conducted an exchange activity which





traditions. As the students were from many nationalities, each one explained festivities and traditions typical of their country, or those that they knew. This information was written on a template. The culmination of this work has been the elaboration of a presentation about the festivities done, the fact to share it between the two countries and an exhibition of all the festivities in the corridor of the schools, in order to share them with all students. For more information, visit: http://www.secondchancegrundtvig.com/images/doc/Traditional_festiviti es.pdf

Presents exchange Finally, also as an exchange activity, each country prepared some little presents in order to be given as gifts to the other centers in our meetings. For







magnets, etc.

Those 106

presents wanted to express gratitude and appreciation for all done and as a symbol of how our students had been felt during this two years of the project. It was also an opportunity to involve other departments and professionals.

To wrap up, we are very proud of the results of all exchange activities, in other words, it has been a different way to show the implication, illusion, opinion, involvement... of our students about this chance.


E-Guide Conclusion


It is difficult to explain in words the impact of the project Second Chance in all six countries, since two intense years have left a major imprint on our institutions. The project has given us the opportunity to meet other penitentiary and educational realities and meet people committed to a common goal. And, this goal has been dealt during the project meetings, where we have established and decided on common the activities and the work lines, we have shared the work done in each country, we have agreed conclusions, we have thought about new proposals in order to improve our work in prison, etc. This possibility of cooperative working group, through a good atmosphere between the partners, has been very enriching, has increased the knowledge of each partner and has allowed valuing their own realities. Furthermore, in this project we have already seen some improvements and results before finishing it, because there are actions that have already been evaluated, and this point not only underlines our daily work, but also demonstrates that the project is alive. As professionals, this experience has helped us to make progress in our work and also personally. It has made us think more about our work and be aware of how far we have come, and also realize that we can continue growing. It has been a great opportunity to share our way of working and thinking of education in prisons from a perspective much more open and flexible. What is more, it has been possible to reach other professionals associated with this area of adult education and education in penitentiary centers. All of this has been very useful for us because we have been able to get new ideas, activities and methodologies and implement them in our respective institutions. In general, our English skills have been improved as well as our motivation, teamwork, the use of new technologies and the intercultural exchange. Also the attitude to do the project with motivation has let us think about our work and improve it every day. 109

The project has allowed students to have an active role. In fact, our common first step has been to start from their opinions. We have been able to know the perspective that students have got about the prison school and whether their pass through the prison school has given them skills to participate in society and become part of it. We have done a lot of improvements as a consequence of that, for instance, the teacher-student relationship has become much










understanding and empathy has increased. It has been very rewarding to hear our student’s voices and make us see that our thoughts are reflected in their words, ideas and feelings. The main idea is that the school provides opportunities and different flexible options for the students. Otherwise, it is a pity that not all the inmates of the prison had been students of the school so that, all activities done during the project have been important for them. We have realized that most of the inmates that join us in the school want to learn because they know that it is good for them in spite of the problems they have or even if in some countries there are not many materials. Thanks to the activities of the project, our inmates have improved their competences in different areas: English, Spanish, Catalan, Italian, Estonian, French, illiteracy levels, geography, mathematics, etc. In addition, it is important to remember that the students have been interested in other mates from other countries, they have felt listened and valued, their motivation has increased, they have felt listened by us and they have felt belonged to a community, too. It is important to underline that all partners have worked hard in a collaborative way to make a successful project for each institution. We have maintained close cooperation using new technologies such as facebook, skype, emails, drive‌ and the various technological tools that we have shared together. The project has tried not only to answer to the demand of the 110

inmates, but also to provide the best improvements that have been possible. All six partners had different situations, different characteristics but all of these differences have been strengths and have contributed to mutual personal, professional, linguistic and cultural enrichment. All of us have thought about the inmates, their needs and, according to the possibilities of each country, we have been able to achieve important and big changes. For example, Turkish and Romanian partners have opened new courses and started new activities according to the needs of the inmates; Polish team has improved the open education and has introduced new activities in order to be in contact with outside; Estonian partners have thought about new social and psychological programmes in order to increase the awareness of how important is the education in prison; Italian and Spanish proposals have aimed at improving the teaching quality. Furthermore, we have been able to share, compare and discuss some educational tools that give importance to collaborative and reflexive learning in order to improve our methodology. It is not easy to know if education will guide the inmates towards social integration, firstly because we have not had the opportunity or perhaps the required time to compare it enough through this project and, secondly, because in most of the partners’ countries, the inmates do not receive guidance or help from any professional of the center when they go out of prison, someone who could solve out these problems in a more effective way. However, we have conducted a comparative analysis of the learning needs of inmates and exinmates under probation supervision. It has given us new ideas that could be realized in order to support the motivation to learn after release. On the upside, we have learnt that education in prison is very important to help the inmates to develop in society, something that they did not have in the past. The activities in prison should be flexible and useful to guide the 111

inmates, for example: teaching them how to look for a job, helping them to improve their social skills and attitudes which will help them to act in a more responsible way, creating opportunities to help them to obtain certificates which can be useful in the world of work, etc. In other words, the project has been a good way to involve our students in daily school life and make them aware that they are an important part of the school. On the downside, there are some difficulties to cope with during the project, as economic and personal resources, bureaucracy, permissions, institutional requirements or different organization of the penitentiary systems. Is there life after the "Second Chance"? It is true that sometimes we felt that we did not have enough time to carry out the different activities or consolidate some changes; it has been very intense. So, we can say that all of this has been the beginning of a project, a new line of work and understanding the adult school. It has meant a second chance in terms of personal and professional growth. We are very proud of the recognition and the echo it has had in the different institutions. We would like to continue working on this direction; so yes, we believe that there is life after the "Second Chance", new projects are waiting for us.




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