2019 Seattle Study Club Symposium | Dentist as CEO 2

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Dentists have been taught to regard dentistry as wholly professional and to ignore its twin side, business, without which there can be no professional work to do. Dr T. Ledyard Smith “Some Mistaken Professional Teachings” Dental Digest 1911 (Jan–Feb);Vol 17:27.

When it comes to recognizing the paramount importance of the business side of dentistry, in over a century it would seem that the more things change, the more they stay the same. Today, with dental Cassandras predicting the imminent demise of the fee-for-service practice, independent clinicians are facing a hard truth. Neither their advanced clinical skills nor their command of the latest technology will save them from the impact of market forces that would commoditize dentistry down to the level of a big box retailer’s optical department. There is only one thing that can save the fee-forservice practice, and that is the individual clinician’s business acumen. It’s time to ask yourself some tough questions. Is your business savvy as refined as your clinical expertise? Do you pay as much attention to your finances, both personal and professional, as you do to planning your vacation? Even if you can say yes to both, are you nevertheless deep in a maze of uncertainty and confusion when it comes to practice growth and profitability in the face of all the changes in our industry? There’s no denying it’s overwhelming: so many unknowns, so many twists and turns. One can become paralyzed into inactivity, or conversely, rush ahead without a clear purpose or a concrete plan. In my view, reports of the death of the fee-for-service practice are greatly exaggerated. Our profession is still filled with promise, but we must not underestimate the challenges that lie ahead. The 2019 Symposium is dedicated to exploring all the avenues that lead out of the maze and into a sustainable future.

Michael Cohen, DDS, MSD, FACD






Leading with Distinction: Motivate Enhanced Productivity to Achieve Remarkable Results

Digilogue: The Convergence of Digital and Analogue


Closing the Gap Between Clinical Excellence and Patient Expectations


The DeepDive: Innovation and Problem-Solving

The Myth of Time Management: Why Managing Your Choices Is More Important than Managing Your Time

YOU Can Be the Best Negotiator in the Room— Every Great Leader Is a Great Negotiator


The Potential Principle: A Proven System for Closing the Gap Between How Good You Are and How Good You Could Be


Nailing Down Employee Accountability: How Top Leaders Engage and Empower Teams for Maximum Performance


Getting It Together: How Leading Others Begins with Managing Yourself


Transforming Theory into Practice: Negotiations, Tactics, Strategies, and Skills Training


Developing a Distinctive Culture in a Multi-Generational Marketplace: Enhance Retention and Optimize Outcomes in a Diverse Environment


Potential Principle Workshop: A Proven System for Closing the Gap Between How Good You Are and How Good You Could Be followed by


The Catalyst Concept and Strategies for Implementation


Exceptional Is the New Baseline




Dentistry in Transition: An Economist’s View


(Women-Focused Lunch) Secrets to Having It All As a Woman Dentist Non-Doctor Program


When Are You From: How to Communicate Effectively Across Generations


The Five Factors that Determine Your Practice Profitability


The DSO Opportunity: Will It Be Your Future? followed by


How to Win As a Solo Practitioner in a DSO World


The Walletectomy: Embezzlement in the Dental Office


Employment Compliance: What You Need to Know

ALLEN M. SCHIFF, CPA, CFE What Is My Practice Worth? followed by


Top Strategies to Buy, Sell, or Associate in Today’s Dental Environment closing with


The 10 Most Costly Practice Sale Mistakes


Harnessing Innovation: Turning Raw Ideas into Powerful Results Non-Doctor Program

DARRELL CAIN, CPA, AND HUNTER SATTERFIELD, CPA The New Tax Law: Turning Barriers into Opportunities for Dentists

BENJI DHILLON, MBBS, BSC, MRCS Botox and Dermal Fillers followed by


Increase Profit, Performance, and Productivity: Dental Communication That Works


Leadership Lessons from Dell, Bezos, and Musk


Protocols for Translucent Zirconia Restorations


3Shape TRIOS Workflow with Design Studio

Navigating Uncertainty: An Unconventional Approach



Your 360-Degree Plan to Meet Your Financial Goals



Dynamic 3D Navigation for Dental Implants Laser Therapy


Navigating Uncertainty: A Hands-on Workshop

True Regeneration with the Periolase MVP-7


Faster and Stronger Direct Composites


Dentistry 2019: A Hands-on Experience



Life-Changing Investment Decisions

SEAN W. SCOTT, ESQ Estate Planning 101

Protocol to Simplify the Composite Veneer Workflow


New Techniques for Single-Appointment Endodontics


“Renting” vs “Owning” Your Practice: Critical Leadership Principles Workshop


Leveraging Digital Technology


What Top Dental CEOs Are Doing Differently Now


How Data Can Do It All


Brand Leadership: How to Build a Rock Star Brand

JAMES H. GILMORE The Experience Is the Marketing

DANIEL KRAFT, MD The Future of Health, Medicine, and Dentistry: Where Can Technology Take Us?


Closing Workshop: Developing Actionable Steps to Bring the Learning Home



SCOTT MCKAIN Leading with Distinction: Motivate Enhanced Productivity to Achieve Remarkable Results

Lecture, Up to 1.0 Hour Self-Improvement, AGD Subject Code 770 If you lead like everyone else, you’ll get the same team delivering the same results as everyone else—and that’s not good enough in today’s world. In this program, Scott McKain teaches dental practice owners how to become more distinctive leaders in order to expand their team’s ability to deliver extraordinary results. Upon completion of this session, attendees should be able to: n Define the four key elements of distinctive leadership. Scott McKain, CSP, CPAE, is an internationally known authority who helps organizations create distinction in every phase of business and teaches them how to deliver an “Ultimate Customer Experience®.” He is the founder of a consulting and training company that explores the role of ultimate customer experiences in creating enhanced client retention and revenue. He is the author of three Amazon.com #1 business bestsellers about how to expand profits, increase sales, and engage customers. McKain’s latest book, 7 Tenets of Taxi Terry, provides the steps for every employee to create and deliver ultimate customer experiences. McKain’s presentations reflect his three decades of experience combined with his innate talent for articulating successful ideas. He has spoken before and consulted for the world’s most influential corporations and presented his business strategies on platforms in all 50 states and in 17 countries. McKain has been inducted into the Professional Speakers Hall of Fame, and he is a member of “Speakers Roundtable,” an invitation-only group of 20 business speakers considered by many to be among the best in the world.


n Discover how to be creative while enhancing clarity about results. n Understand the single most important element in dental practice leadership communication.



James Cathcart has been a leadership development expert for more than two decades. Currently the senior leadership specialist at Western Governors University (WGU), he also spent 23 years with the Franklin Covey Company, working with corporate, educational, medical, government, and military organizations all across the world. Included among his clientele are Amazon.com, Microsoft, Seattle Study Club, The United States Air Force, and The United States Navy. Most of Cathcart’s interests and activities have something to do with the noble triumph of the human spirit. He believes that each of us is capable of more than we sometimes believe. We are stronger than we know, tougher than we realize, and more talented than we often give ourselves credit for. Tapping into that potential has become his life’s work. Cathcart’s education in sociology and organizational behavior at Brigham Young University, combined with his content mastery, quick sense of humor, and dynamic personality, have made him one of the most soughtafter speakers with Franklin Covey and WGU. Having lived in all three states on the west coast of the US, Cathcart now lives in Salt Lake City, Utah, with his wife and two children.

JAMES CATHCART The Myth of Time Management: Why Managing Your Choices Is More Important than Managing Your Time

Lecture, Up to 1.0 Hour Practice Management and Human Relations, AGD Subject Code 550 Over the past four decades, time management has flourished into a multi–million dollar industry. From Day Timer to David Allen’s Getting Things Done, each approach has offered myriad ideas designed to help each of us deal with the many challenges that stem from constant changes in tools and technology. Many of these approaches add great value and have positively impacted the lives of millions of individuals. The problem is that time management is a myth; no one can help you manage time. It is an ever-flowing force of nature that no one is capable of controlling. So, what can we manage? In this lively and entertaining presentation, productivity expert James Cathcart talks about increasing our productivity in a world where productivity is under constant siege. Upon completion of this session, attendees should be able to: n Understand and leverage the most effective productivity tool they have: their brain. n Distinguish between what’s truly important and what’s merely urgent and make their choices accordingly.



Mark D. Grossman is a professional speaker who has spoken at more than 400 events around the world since 1995. His keynotes on negotiation skills showcase his sophisticated business savvy as a deal-maker and highlight his quick-witted style of presenting complex concepts in a way that entertains and informs. Grossman brings the same clarity and humor to speaking that he brought to his weekly “TechLaw” column in the Miami Herald. He is also the president of Boldstreak, a talent agency for social media influencers. Grossman is a frequent guest on TV and radio, offering his point of view on topical legal issues in today’s news cycle. He retired from the practice of law in 2018. When he practiced law as an award-winning social media and technology lawyer, Grossman negotiated deals into the hundreds of millions of dollars, including a $200+ million deal with IBM, and deals with some of the best-known brands in the world such as General Electric, General Motors, Verizon, IBM, American Express, AT&T, and many others. In 2018, Best Lawyers named him Lawyer of the Year for technology law in New York City. Grossman is a cum laude graduate of Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, DC.

MARK D. GROSSMAN YOU Can Be the Best Negotiator in the Room— Every Great Leader Is a Great Negotiator

Lecture, Up to 1.0 Hour Practice Management and Human Relations, AGD Subject Code 550 The ability to negotiate is in many ways the most important skill a senior executive or dentist CEO can have. In this session, Mark Grossman—a lawyer, author, negotiator, and professional speaker— will give you the benefit of what he learned in his 30-plus years as a negotiator. Join this keynote session and gain substantive knowledge and skills to become a better negotiator and leader in your practice and in your life. Upon completion of this session, attendees should be able to: n Know their BATNA, ie, their best alternative to a negotiated agreement. n Identify and hone important negotiating skills. n Understand the importance of empathy as a negotiating skill. n Identify and trade their trivial points to win valuable concessions. n Increase their confidence in their negotiating abilities.


WEDNESDAY KEYNOTE Business Management

MARK SANBORN The Potential Principle: A Proven System for Closing the Gap Between How Good You Are and How Good You Could Be

Lecture, Up to 1.0 Hour Practice Management and Human Relations, AGD Subject Code 550 How do you keep getting better when you’re already the best? Or what happens when complacency, outdated thinking, or weariness stunts performance? What do you do when growth stalls, or when your dental team is working below its true potential? You’ve got to pursue your true potential. Today’s top performers and top companies often experience a crisis once they’ve moved into the #1 spot. It’s easy to become complacent and rest on past accomplishments while competitors are biting at your heels. When you’re #1, there is nobody to emulate. You either keep increasing your lead or run the risk of being overtaken by #s 2, 3, 4, or 5. In this presentation, Mark Sanborn will coach you and demonstrate simple, proven, and highly effective ways to gain momentum and leave dental practice inertia behind. Upon completion of this session, attendees should be able to: n Understand why top performers must go beyond simply “achieving the goals” or “making their numbers.” n Learn why “taking action” isn’t enough (and what really is).

Mark Sanborn, CSP, CPAE, is the president of Sanborn & Associates Inc, an idea lab for leadership development and turning ordinary into extraordinary. Globalgurus.org lists Sanborn as one of the top leadership experts in the world. He has given more than 2,600 presentations, authored eight books, and produced more than two dozen videos and audio training programs. Sanborn is also an adjunct professor at the University of Memphis. His book, The Fred Factor: How Passion in Your Work and Life Can Turn the Ordinary into the Extraordinary, is an international bestseller and was on the bestseller lists of the New York Times, Business Week, and Wall Street Journal. His other books include You Don’t Need a Title to Be a Leader; The Encore Effect: How to Achieve Remarkable Performance in Anything You Do; Up, Down or Sideways: How to Succeed When Times Are Good, Bad, or In-Between; and Fred 2.0: New Ideas on How to Keep Delivering Extraordinary Results. Sanborn’s latest book is The Potential Principle: A Proven System for Closing the Gap Between How Good You Are and How Good You Could Be. He is a member of the Speaker Hall of Fame and a past president of the National Speakers Association.

n Apply tips learned on how to become laser-focused each day and do those things that produce the biggest results (learn the specifics, not the generalities).


BREAKOUT OPTION 1 Accountability

ANGELA BROWN Nailing Down Employee Accountability: How Top Leaders Engage and Empower Teams for Maximum Performance Lecture, Up to 2.0 Hours Practice Management and Human Relations, AGD Subject Code 550 In this session, Angela Brown will share how top leaders inspire and galvanize their teams to work passionately and become completely invested in the mission. Participants will learn how great leaders set the vision, mission, and expectation for success. Brown will teach you how to develop team members who enthusiastically own their role and are invested, committed, and accountable for their performance. The session will include how to create a performance plan that guarantees ownership and accountability from team members, and much more. When you have a team of players who are committed and accountable to the mission, it frees you as a leader to focus on other important aspects of your enterprise. Upon completion of this breakout session, attendees should be able to: n Inspire and galvanize their teams to work passionately and become completely vested in the mission. n Create a performance plan that guarantees ownership and accountability from team members who drive their own success. Angela Brown is the founder and president of Empowering Actions, LLC, which provides leadership coaching and training to organizations and individuals worldwide. Brown is a certified John C. Maxwell international leadership coach, speaker, and trainer and also serves as leadership coach for the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University. She has trained more than 1,700 business owners and executives in the US, Canada, Puerto Rico, and Australia. Prior to starting her own firm in 2003, Brown spent over 20 years in corporate America managing teams in the healthcare and insurance sectors. As a successful entrepreneur, she spent over 10 years developing and growing a multi–million dollar corporate wellness and training company, Workplace Spa, which she sold in 2008. She was recognized as a Woman Who Means Business by the Kansas City Business Journal; as one of Kansas City’s most influential women by KC Business magazine; and as one of the top direct sales earners in the nation on the cover of Empowering Woman magazine. Angela is married to her husband of 30 years, Tim, and she has three grown children. She and her husband live in Seattle, Washington.

BREAKOUT OPTION 2 Time Management

JAMES CATHCART Getting It Together: How Leading Others Begins with Managing Yourself Lecture, Up to 2.0 Hours Practice Management and Human Relations, AGD Subject Code 550 Studying the lives of some of the world’s most influential leaders reveals a clear and compelling truism: Enduring leadership can only be achieved when people are consistently willing to follow. John Maxwell once said, “If you are a leader and no one is following you, you’re just out for a walk.” Whether you are leading a large group, a smaller solo practice, or a family, leadership requires more than formal authority. In this breakout session, James Cathcart will lead a discussion on what makes people willing to follow someone, even through difficulties and hard times. Upon completion of this breakout session, attendees should be able to: n Explore the relationship between formal and informal authority. n Understand the components of character and competence and how they inspire confidence.



MIKE HOURIGAN Transforming Theory into Practice: Negotiations, Tactics, Strategies, and Skills Training Lecture, Up to 2.0 Hours Practice Management and Human Relations, AGD Subject Code 550 Many view negotiation as a mysterious process; others see it as manipulation or dirty tricks. Good negotiation is a healthy process, where everyone leaves the table feeling good about the outcome, themselves, and—most importantly—each other. From buying a car to making a multi– million dollar corporate purchasing decision, the skills are the same and everything counts! Each negotiation can be the beginning of the next negotiation and every negotiation has a beginning, middle, and end. The key to successful negotiation is making sure it is following your GPS system and getting you to your desired destination. Mike Hourigan will show you how to remain confident by staying in control of any negotiation situation. Don’t enter into another highstakes negotiation—including buying a car or house—without learning these powerful skills. Upon completion of this breakout session, attendees should be able to: n Get what they want through negotiation. n Learn their negotiating strengths. n Develop their own negotiation agenda. Mike Hourigan is a negotiation and communication expert who empowers the country’s top companies to navigate constant change with real-world wisdom. A veteran leadership consultant and productivity expert, Hourigan is consistently sought and hired by top companies, including Kaiser-Permanente, Johnson & Johnson, GlaxoSmithKline, and others. Decades of corporate experience have allowed Hourigan to develop a completely fresh approach to patient satisfaction, team building, sales management, and soft skills training. With a style that engages listeners in a way that’s meaningful to them and their company culture, Hourigan rarely gives his audiences a moment between laughs. A former member of the management teams of Cargill Inc and Olympus Corporation, Hourigan has offered over 1,300 audiences the benefit of his practical corporate experience. A seasoned author, his books include Riding the Waves without Getting Wet: A Journey to Leadership and Motivational Selling. His speeches address the key issues that affect companies most. From the growing need for soft skills training and interpersonal communications, to the subtle nuances of conducting business in a global economy, Hourigan continues to lead the industry in dynamic presentations that direct executives and organizations toward real, lasting change.

BREAKOUT OPTION 4 Employee Engagement

SCOTT MCKAIN Developing a Distinctive Culture in a Multi-Generational Marketplace: Enhance Retention and Optimize Outcomes in a Diverse Environment Lecture, Up to 2.0 Hours Practice Management and Human Relations, AGD Subject Code 550 Your practice’s culture will always trump your practice’s strategy, because culture determines how we execute. Yet, in this time of so many diverse generations and cultures working together in your practice/business, how do you develop a culture that creates distinction? In this program, Scott McKain helps you develop a game plan that respects our differences and helps you draw strength from our diversity. Upon completion of this breakout session, attendees should be able to: n Understand why “different” from how you do it doesn’t mean “incorrect” in how it’s done. n Recognize how generational differences can create distinction when they develop an open, accepting organizational culture. n Thrive in a workplace with multiple generations and people who think differently than they do.


BREAKOUT OPTION 5 Business Management and Growth

MARK SANBORN The Potential Principle Workshop: A Proven System for Closing the Gap Between How Good You Are and How Good You Could Be Lecture, Up to 1.0 Hour Self-Improvement, AGD Subject Code 770 What do you do when growth stalls, or when your team is working below its true potential? Leadership expert Mark Sanborn will teach you how to employ his uniquely designed “Potential Matrix” to address specific areas of your practice. The Potential Principle workshop will provide you with the tools you need to see breakthrough improvement in key areas of your life. Upon completion of this breakout session, attendees should be able to: n Determine whether they are living up to their true potential. n Understand how to get better and close the gap between how good they are and how good they can be.


ANDREW BOYNTON The Catalyst Concept and Strategies for Implementation Lecture, Up to 1.0 Hour Practice Management and Human Relations, AGD Subject Code 550 Professor Andrew Boynton’s Catalyst Program is a highly tailored, fast-paced, interactive, and intensive session that will break the painful tradeoff between managing current business performance and finding future growth. In this workshop, you will be given a short burst of management prescription aimed at topics essential to unleashing practice/business growth. Upon completion of this breakout session, attendees should be able to: n Understand the principles of great execution through the power of process. n Gain a more meaningful sense of customer insight and value. n Utilize the tools and skills learned to get back on the growth track.

Andrew Boynton, MBA, PhD, is dean of Boston College’s Carroll School of Management; an active author of books and articles; and the co-creator of DeepDive™, a powerful and proven catalyst for innovation. Under Boynton’s leadership, The Carroll School at Boston College has thrived and was ranked by Bloomberg Businessweek as the #3 undergraduate business school in the country. Prior to joining Boston College, Boynton was a professor of strategy and leadership for over 10 years at the prestigious IMD business school in Lausanne, Switzerland. At IMD, Boynton designed and led many executive programs with leading companies and was the creator and program director of one of the world’s top 10 executive global MBA programs. Boynton is a 1978 graduate of Boston College and earned his MBA and PhD degrees at the Kenan-Flagler School of Business in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. He has been a professor at the highly ranked Kenan-Flagler School of Business and the Darden School of Business, University of Virginia. Today Boynton’s research agenda includes projects related to innovation, leadership, and strategy, targeting firms and industries where expertise is a source of competitive advantage.





Exceptional Is the New Baseline

Todd Williams has more than three decades of culture development experience in healthcare, hospitality, and countless customer-facing industries. He has spent over 20 years developing and implementing the training programs for service delivery for Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, one of the most recognized hotel chains in the world and a brand known for its customized, personalized, and intuitive experiences. As Four Seasons’s senior learning and development manager, he was also personally responsible for developing the culture and delivering the training at each North American Four Seasons that opened since 2008. In his role with Centura Health as vice president of Culture Development, Williams focused on employee engagement, building emotional connections, brand differentiation and more, all centered on patient- and provider-centric values and a culture of service. Williams has a unique skill for helping individuals find a passionate connection between their work and personal lives in a way that brings balance and excellence. By helping professionals identify their personal calling, he helps them improve their performance and workplace environment. Teaching others to live purpose-first has become his mission, and he’s shown multiple companies and organizations that putting the “soft stuff” first is the answer to driving all levels of success.

Lecture, Up to 1.0 Hour Practice Management and Human Relations, AGD Subject Code 550 Patients are forced to navigate a sea of options, with more and more choices appearing by the day. Because of this overabundance, only practices and providers that are truly exceptional will make it into the “ring of consideration.” But what is exceptional in today’s economy? What does it really mean to be the best of the best? Far too many organizations misunderstand what defines true quality—what the patient is actually looking for—and, although they do their best to be the best, they fail. Don’t be one of those practices that tries and fails. Join Todd Williams and learn how to build a rock-solid foundation of indisputable, exceptional quality. Upon completion of this session, attendees should be able to: n Outline the principles of qualifying their practice/ business in today’s competitive dental marketplace. n Distinguish their practice from the competition. n Understand what defines true quality and how to cultivate it in their practice.


THURSDAY KEYNOTE Digital/Analogue Hybridization As the Swedish-Australian founder of Thinque, Anders Sorman-Nilsson (LLB, MBA) has become a valued strategist to Fortune 500 and Australian Stock Exchange leaders, converting provocative questions into proactive, predictive strategies. A global thought-leader since 2005, SormanNilsson works across four continents as a speaker, futurist, and author. He is an active member of TEDGlobal and has keynoted at TEDx in the United States and Australia. Sorman-Nilsson was nominated for the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leader in 2015 and was the keynote speaker at the G20’s Y20 Summit in Australia. His presentations are meticulously researched, highly energetic, and always fascinating, featuring content tailored to the audience. It is no surprise that clients like Apple, Cisco, Mercedes-Benz, Hilton, SAP, Gartner, and Macquarie Bank have turned to Sorman-Nilsson over the years to help them push the bounds of the status quo, translating research into valuable foresight and business impact. Featured regularly in international media, including Monocle magazine, Business Insider, Sky News Business Channel, CIO Magazine, and BOSS Magazine, SormanNilsson has also authored three books: Digilogue: How to Win the Digital Minds and Analogue Hearts of Tomorrow’s Customer; Thinque Funky: Upgrade Your Thinking; and Seamless: A Hero’s Journey of Digital Disruption, Adaptation and Human Transformation.

ANDERS SORMAN-NILSSON Digilogue: The Convergence of Digital and Analogue

Lecture, Up to 1.0 Hour Electives, AGD Subject Code 130 As some organizations careen recklessly into the digital future, others are being left behind. Smart companies are realizing, however, that there is an important middle ground–the digilogue, a place where digital and analogue converge. This is where progressive digital strategies satisfy a customer’s mind while the “old-fashioned” analogue practices soothe their hearts. Upon completion of this session, attendees should be able to: n Appreciate the parts of their business that simply cannot go digital. n Gain insights into the real customer experience, the touch points that thrill them by speaking to their heart and not their head. n Understand how to develop their digital “story” in a way that actually attracts business. n Recognize why customer service will never be replaced but reborn in the digilogue.


THURSDAY KEYNOTE Patient-Centric Practice

DAVID SCHWAB Closing the Gap Between Clinical Excellence and Patient Expectations

Lecture, Up to 0.75 Hour Practice Management and Human Relations, AGD Subject Code 550 Clinically advanced dental practices also aspire to be “patient-centered,” but what does that mean in an era of great social change? Patient expectations are influenced by shifting demographics, evolving social media, and advances in consumer technology. As a result, excellence in customer service has been redefined. Practices must embrace these changes, humanize technology, and discover the expressed and unexpressed needs of their diverse patient populations. This revolution in consumer psychology challenges practices to establish a new paradigm for providing memorable experiences and engendering patient loyalty. Upon completion of this session, attendees should be able to: n Understand how demographics and technology have redefined customer service.

David Schwab, PhD, is a professional speaker, author, and practice management consultant who helps dentists grow their practices, educate their patients, and train their teams so that the practices will be more profitable. Schwab previously served as director of marketing for the American Dental Association and as executive director of the American College of Prosthodontists. He has also worked with major corporations and private dental practices. Recognized as a prolific author, Schwab’s practice management and marketing articles have appeared in numerous publications, including the Journal of the American Dental Association, Journal of the Canadian Dental Association, Dental Economics, and The Seattle Study Club Journal. Schwab holds a PhD in English from Northwestern University. A native of New Orleans, he currently lives in the Orlando, Florida, area with his wife and two children.

n Use technology judiciously to emphasize the human side of their practice. n Discover among diverse groups the common yet nuanced elements of customer service that every practice must provide.



ANDREW BOYNTON The DeepDiveTM: Innovation and Problem-Solving

Lecture, Up to 2.0 Hours Practice Management and Human Relations, AGD Subject Code 550 This program will leverage your team’s talents, brainpower, and experience to create tangible solutions to a wide variety of business issues such as planning change, creating a vision, formulating a strategy, redesigning a process, or launching new services. DeepDive will create “Big Change” and innovation in a rapid and focused approach with concrete solutions on a short deadline. This will be driven by your team and they will not want to stop until goals are met and the job is done! Upon completion of this session, attendees should be able to: n Create innovative growth strategies. n Develop new services. n Reduce operating costs. n Manage and lead change. n Create a positive and tangible vision for the future.


Andrew Boynton, MBA, PhD, is dean of Boston College’s Carroll School of Management; an active author of books and articles; and the co-creator of DeepDive™, a powerful and proven catalyst for innovation. Under Boynton’s leadership, The Carroll School at Boston College has thrived and was ranked by Bloomberg Businessweek as the #3 undergraduate business school in the country. Prior to joining Boston College, Boynton was a professor of strategy and leadership for over 10 years at the prestigious IMD business school in Lausanne, Switzerland. At IMD, Boynton designed and led many executive programs with leading companies and was the creator and program director of one of the world’s top 10 executive global MBA programs. Boynton is a 1978 graduate of Boston College and earned his MBA and PhD degrees at the KenanFlagler School of Business in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. He has been a professor at the highly ranked KenanFlagler School of Business and the Darden School of Business, University of Virginia. Today Boynton’s research agenda includes projects related to innovation, leadership, and strategy, targeting firms and industries where expertise is a source of competitive advantage.

THURSDAY KEYNOTE Future of Dentistry

MARKO VUJICIC Dentistry in Transition: An Economist’s View

Lecture, Up to 1.0 Hour Practice Management and Human Relations, AGD Subject Code 550


Marko Vujicic, PhD, currently serves as chief economist and vice president of the Health Policy Institute at the American Dental Association. Previously, he was senior economist with The World Bank in Washington, DC. He was also a health economist with the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland. In all of these roles, Vujicic led largescale strategic initiatives focused on generating, synthesizing, and contextualizing cutting-edge data and research for policymakers. Vujicic is the lead author of the book Working in Health, which examines health workforce issues globally. He has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals such as Health Affairs, The New England Journal of Medicine, Health Services Research, and many others. His team’s work has been cited by CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Fox News, and The Atlantic. Vujicic holds academic appointments at the Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics, University of Pennsylvania; the Center for Health and the Social Sciences, University of Chicago; the Center for Health Services and Policy Research, University of British Columbia; the University of Toronto; and Tufts University.

With unstoppable forces reshaping the dental practice environment, the dental profession is at a critical crossroads. Dentists need to accept that the coming years will bring changes in the way you work, how dental care is paid for, how patients interact with you, and basic supply and demand realities. You have an opportunity to adjust to these changes and seize the new opportunities that come with them. This session will be an exciting, interactive, data-driven discussion about change. Those of you who focus on the rearview mirror and are tied to the past will not be very comfortable with many of the messages. Those who are open to change will see new opportunities. This session will help shed light on what current trends imply for the future of the profession. Upon completion of this session, attendees should be able to: n Understand key trends in the economics of dentistry, including trends in demand for dental care, supply of dentists, practice configurations, reimbursement rates, and dentist earnings. n Identify new opportunities for themselves in the changing practice environment in the coming years.


THURSDAY Women-Focused Lunch

Donna Galante, DMD, is a boardcertified orthodontist who has been in private practice for more than 30 years. She is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine, where she earned both her dental degree and her specialty certification in orthodontics. Galante is currently a clinical instructor and faculty member for Align Technology, and she has lectured nationally and internationally to more than 20,000 doctors and their teams. A best-selling author of seven books, her latest publication (with Sam Daher and Tarek El-Bialy) is Orthodontic Biomechanics: Treatment of Complex Cases Using Clear Aligner Therapy.

DONNA GALANTE Secrets to Having It All As a Woman Dentist

Lecture, Up to 0.5 Hour Self-Improvement, AGD Subject Code 770 Donna Galante, who has been in private practice for more than 32 years, will share her journey from her first start-up solo orthodontic practice to her current three-location orthodontic practice that she runs with her spouse, Dr Paul Cater. She will describe some of the challenges she had to overcome in being hired for an associateship fresh out of her orthodontic residency as well as the lessons she has learned starting a practice from scratch, buying and selling practices, and raising a family along the way. The path she has traveled has not always been smooth, but her approach is honest and refreshing. Upon completion of this session, attendees should be able to: n Adopt strategies to achieve more balance in their professional and personal life. n Overcome obstacles that will inevitably occur. n Manage home life and children without guilt. n Set realistic goals and expectations for their practice and their life.



DAVID SCHWAB When Are You From: How to Communicate Effectively Across Generations Lecture, Up to 1.5 Hours Practice Management and Human Relations, AGD Subject Code 550 We are a multi-generational society of Boomers and Millennials, Seniors and Nexters, Xs, Ys, and Zs. People often ask, “Where are you from?”, but the more apt question is, “When are you from?” We are bound so closely to our own generational culture that those from different times often seem like aliens in our midst. This course takes you on a fascinating tour of those who came before you, your own cohorts, and those who follow. You will gain insights, be touched by humor and humanity, and learn how to communicate across generations within your family and with the world at large. Upon completion of this session, attendees should be able to: n Identify and distinguish the six living generations. n Know the verbal cues that facilitate and inhibit communication across generations. David Schwab, PhD, is a professional speaker, author, and practice management consultant who helps dentists grow their practices, educate their patients, and train their teams so that the practices will be more profitable. Schwab previously served as director of marketing for the American Dental Association and as executive director of the American College of Prosthodontists. He has also worked with major corporations and private dental practices. Recognized as a prolific author, Schwab’s practice management and marketing articles have appeared in numerous publications, including the Journal of the American Dental Association, Journal of the Canadian Dental Association, Dental Economics, and The Seattle Study Club Journal. Schwab holds a PhD in English from Northwestern University. A native of New Orleans, he currently lives in the Orlando, Florida, area with his wife and two children.

BREAKOUT OPTION 1 Practice Profitability

KIRK BEHRENDT The Five Factors that Determine Your Practice Profitability Lecture, Up to 2.5 Hours Practice Management and Human Relations, AGD Subject Code 550 During this hands-on workshop, you will assess the health and profitability of your practice by(1) measuring the five categories of your overhead and learning how they compare to what those percentages should be; (2) examining the specific leading and lagging indicators that help predict your future profitability or warn you before your practice is in jeopardy; (3) understanding the primary factors that drive the future valuation of your practice and how you can optimize that process; and (4) learning a step-by-step solution to reduce the influence of PPOs on your practice. Upon completion of this breakout session, attendees should be able to: n Know how their practice measures up to the top 10% of practices in the US. n Know the nine key Performance Indicators in a dental practice and what influences each of them. Kirk Behrendt is the CEO of ACT Dental, a customized coaching company for dentists. He has invested his entire professional life studying the top dental practices in the world and the leadership that guides them. As the founder of ACT, his vision is driven by the commitment to provide highly personalized care to the dental profession. Behrendt and his team continue to positively impact the practice of dentistry one practice at a time. His personal mission is to use up every ounce of his potential. He lectures all over the world to help individuals take control of their own lives. Dentistry Today has recognized Behrendt as one of the Top Leaders in Dental Consulting for 7 years running. Dr Peter Dawson called him “THE best motivator I have ever heard.”


BREAKOUT OPTION 2 DSO Landscape and How to Thrive in It

VINCENT CARDILLO The DSO Opportunity: Will It Be Your Future? Lecture, Up to 1.5 Hours Practice Management and Human Relations, AGD Subject Code 550 Today, close to 20% of all dental practices are operated by Dental Support Organizations (DSOs), and that number is climbing. Single-office owners are feeling the pressure on their market share—but also seeing the opportunity. They don’t want to be a part of corporate dentistry and are hungry to grow on their own. The problem is, many launch into growth and then quickly tumble back down. They don’t know what to expect when they buy or build that second, third, fourth office. Who to hire? How to hold them accountable? What business model to follow? Learn the answers from an industry veteran who has grown, led, and sold multiple group practices. Upon completion of this breakout session, attendees should be able to: n Apply the knowledge and tools they need to grow beyond a single office. n Decide whether they should partner with other practices to create a group, sell to a DSO, or build their own DSO. Vincent Cardillo, MBA, is the founder of Dental Management Innovations LLC (DMI), which provides outsourced C-suite services to dental groups and single offices that have the intention of growing. His ability to successfully build and manage teams, create and execute strategic vision, and identify and drive key metrics has led to substantially increased shareholder value in each company. DMI positions its clients for long-term growth by strengthening their operational systems and infrastructure. Cardillo also provides his expertise in operations, strategy, and financing to private equity firms and other financial institutions looking to make an investment in a DSO. He earned a BA from SUNY Potsdam, an MBA from Clarkson University, and an Executive Degree in Managed Care from University of Connecticut. He also served as president of Dental Group Management Association.


CHARLES COHEN The Playbook: How to Win As a Solo Practitioner in a DSO World Lecture, Up to 1.25 Hours Practice Management and Human Relations, AGD Subject Code 550 Dental Support Organizations (DSOs) strike fear in the hearts of many independent dentists, who worry about competing in a world dominated by corporate dentistry. (And scaring dentists is good business for consultants and others who make their living on the edge of the dental market.) Have no fear; any independent dentist can win in this brave new world. In this session, you will learn the current state of DSOs, see three myths (especially around DSO financial performance) blown apart, and gain four ideas to help you and other independent dentists win today and in the future. Upon completion of this breakout session, attendees should be able to: n Understand how to compete effectively as an independent dental practitioner (IDP) with DSOs and other large practice models. n Know how the financial model of an IDP compares with that of a DSO. n Recognize how the practices of independent dentists will change over the next decade. Charles Cohen is managing director and third-generation owner of Benco Dental Company. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1989 with a degree in English and joined Benco as a territory representative soon after. He has taken on increasing responsibilities in the sales and marketing areas, becoming managing director in 1996. Cohen serves on a variety of industry and community boards, including Wilkes University, the Dental Lifeline Network, and Jewish Community Alliance of Wilkes-Barre.


Because specific fraud and personnel management methodologies will be discussed and demonstrated, these presentations are appropriate for dentists, their spouses, and dental students only.

BREAKOUT OPTION 3 Embezzlement Prevention

PAT LITTLE The Walletectomy: Embezzlement in the Dental Office Lecture, Up to 2.5 Hours Practice Management and Human Relations, AGD Subject Code 550 The majority of dental teams are loyal and honest, but it only takes one desperate individual to financially ruin a dental practice. While internal controls are useful and important, they have limitations and may not be as effective as you think. Many doctors fail to discover fraud and embezzlement until significant damage has occurred. Learn how to mitigate damages by recognizing important warning signs associated with embezzlement and fraud and understanding the characteristics and behaviors of an embezzler. Pat Little shares actual embezzlement cases as teaching tools that take you into the mindset of an embezzler. Upon completion of this breakout session, attendees should be able to: n Recognize the profile of a typical embezzler. n Understand what leads to embezzlement in dental offices. n Learn techniques and tools to help protect financial assets in their practice. Pat Little, DDS, FAGD, CFE, brings a unique blend of skill and experience to his presentations, which focus on strategies for reducing financial and regulatory risks. After leaving clinical practice due to a cervical vertebrae condition, Little completed his accounting and general business education. While working with a dental CPA firm, he developed a deep interest in the areas of fraud and embezzlement. He joined Prosperident as a senior fraud examiner and earned the Certified Fraud Examiner credential. Through Prosperident, Little conducts embezzlement examinations on behalf of dentists and advises them on matters related to fraud and embezzlement. While maintaining his relationship with Prosperident, Little has expanded his lecturing and consulting services to include topics related to financial integrity and accountability, data security, and HIPAA compliance.

BREAKOUT OPTION 4 HR and Employment Law

TIM TWIGG Employment Compliance: What You Need to Know Lecture, Up to 2.5 Hours Practice Management and Human Relations, AGD Subject Code 550 It’s a minefield out there: an expanding economy, a tightening labor market, rising costs, increasing governmental compliance regulations, and a more litigious society. These are just part of the HR and employment challenges facing dentists today. Dealing wisely and effectively with employment and personnel issues continues to be a source of stress for most practitioners. This can come in various forms: employee pay, benefits, leaves of absence, CE, pregnancy, hiring, and termination, just to name a few. And it’s a moving target. This presentation will show you how to easily apply proven, professional personnel management techniques to prevent common mistakes, help take the risk out of being an employer, and ensure employment compliance. Upon completion of this breakout session, attendees should be able to: n Understand the state of today’s HR, upcoming changes, and current trends. n Outline their degree of potential exposure and liability to minimize their risks. Tim Twigg is the owner of Bent Ericksen & Associates, a leading authority in human resources and personnel management that helps dentists successfully navigate the ever-changing and complex labor laws. He brings over 30 years of practice management and business consulting experience and knowledge specifically in the healthcare field. Twigg is part of the management faculty and/or speaker’s bureau for Seattle Study Club and Henry Schein Dental Business Institute, as well as being a consultant for the American Dental Association’s Council on Dental Practice. He is a published author and currently coauthors a regular column in Dental Economics entitled “Staff Issues.” Twigg is the past president and a member of the Academy of Dental Management Consultants and a member of the Speaking Consulting Network and the Society for Human Resources Management.


BREAKOUT OPTION 5 Practice Valuation and Buying/Selling Your Practice

ALLEN M. SCHIFF What Is My Practice Worth? Lecture, Up to 1.5 Hours Practice Management and Human Relations, AGD Subject Code 550 Dental CPA Allen Schiff will discuss all the factors to consider when transitioning a dental practice, such as: How should you prepare a practice for sale? How do you determine the practice value? How do you allocate the value so that it is “tax efficient”? What goes into practice valuation? What can you do to increase the value of your practice? If you want to find out the value of your practice, how do you go about it and what is important to understand to make sure the valuation is accurate? Is it better to have a CPA or a transition specialist evaluate your practice (even if you are not actually buying or selling at the moment)? Upon completion of this breakout session, attendees should be able to: n Understand what goes into practice valuation. n Learn how to determine the value of their practice. Allen M. Schiff, CPA, CFE, is the president of the Academy of Dental CPAs, which specializes in practice management services to the dental industry. Schiff has been practicing accounting in the Baltimore area for 40-plus years. He is an accomplished speaker on topics such as dental practice management, transition planning, choosing a dental CPA, obtaining financing, identifying embezzlement in the workplace, and business start-ups. He has presented to the American Dental Association, the Academy of General Dentistry, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, local mid-Atlantic dental societies, and various dental study clubs. For the last 30-plus years, Schiff has taught dental practice management at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry and seven other national dental schools. He has published numerous articles within the dental industry and is a contributing writer for Dental Economics magazine.


CHARLES LORETTO Top Strategies to Buy, Sell, or Associate in Today’s Dental Environment Lecture, Up to 0.75 Hour Practice Management and Human Relations, AGD Subject Code 550 In this session, Charles Loretto will share best practices and strategies around the details you need to know to successfully acquire, associate, or transition in today’s fast-paced dental environment—and how this can impact your financial future. Loretto shares multiple case studies based on what he has seen first-hand from both buyer and seller sides. He will outline points for you to consider prior to selling outright, present a financial statement review for buyers considering a purchase, and assess a case study of a periodontist investing in a large general practice to grow her referral base from inside the general practice. Upon completion of this breakout session, attendees should be able to: n Recognize when the best time is to acquire a first or an additional practice. n Understand financial options to consider prior to transitioning. Charles Loretto joined Cain Watters and Associates (CWA) in 2001, and he plays a critical role in growing the firm’s client base as the director of business development and marketing. He regularly speaks to dental schools and residency programs, study clubs, at dental symposia, and at state and national dental meetings. As an investment advisor representative of CWA, Loretto and his team work with prospective clients daily, initiating the relationship with CWA. His passion is helping diagnose the financial support dentists need and then connecting them with someone who will help them achieve their financial goals. Using his insight and experience from almost two decades in the dental industry, in 2005 Loretto founded National Dental Placements, a CWA affiliate company that assists doctors in buying, transitioning, and valuing a practice.



DAVID COHEN The 10 Most Costly Practice Sale Mistakes Lecture, Up to 0.5 Hour Practice Management and Human Relations, AGD Subject Code 550 David Cohen has represented buyers and sellers in over 800 dental transitions over the course of his career. In this eye-opening and highly informative session, he will uncover the 10 fundamental mistakes that sellers make in practice sales, which can result in unintended and even devastating life-long consequences. His lecture will reference practical case studies and provide preventative measures to help you optimize your practice sale experience. Upon completion of this breakout session, attendees should be able to: n Understand the essential elements that will more likely lead to a smooth business transition process and a more successful practice sale. n Know what to look for in seeking competent legal representation when selling a practice. David Cohen, owner of Cohen Law Firm PLLC, specializes in helping dentists and specialists with their legal business transactional needs, including practice purchases, sales, partnerships, associateships, and business structuring and formation. He speaks extensively to dental audiences across the country on these topics. Cohen Law Firm serves clients nationally and understands the unique nature of the law as it relates to dentistry.



JOSH LINKNER Harnessing Innovation: Turning Raw Ideas into Powerful Results

Lecture, Up to 1.0 Hour Self-Improvement, AGD Subject Code 770

As the founder and CEO of five tech companies, Josh Linkner built his businesses from a blank page into a combined value of over $200 million. For 20 years, he has used innovative approaches to topple competitors, fight through adversity, and achieve at the highest levels. In addition to his own startups, Linkner has been involved with the launch, growth, or financing of more than 100 other companies. He is the founding partner of Detroit Venture Partners, investing in tech startups as a platform to help rebuild his beloved hometown of Detroit, Michigan. As the founder and CEO of ePrize, Linkner built the largest digital promotions agency in the world, serving 74 of the top 100 brands. He is a pioneer in digital marketing, winning dozens of awards for groundbreaking innovation at the intersection of technology and advertising. Linkner is a two-time New York Times bestselling author of three books: Disciplined Dreaming: A Proven System to Drive Breakthrough Creativity; The Road to Reinvention: How to Drive Disruption and Accelerate Transformation; and Hacking Innovation: The New Growth Model from the Sinister World of Hackers. He is a weekly contributor to Inc. Magazine, Forbes, and the Detroit Free Press.


How is it that some companies harness their imagination to create game-changing drivers of growth and innovation while others miss the mark? The answer: The best companies have a systematic process to focus their team’s creativity into practical outputs. In this keynote, Josh Linkner will show you how to master the three most powerful brainstorming techniques that you’ve never even heard of and to build a practice culture that celebrates fresh thinking and embraces new ideas. This inspiring presentation delivers practical tools that you can use immediately to increase your team’s creative output and deliver bottom-line results to your patients. Upon completion of this session, attendees should be able to: n Use specific techniques to harness their most powerful ideas. n Apply creativity on a daily basis across all practice activities and staff roles. n Apply best practices from the world’s most innovative companies. n Avoid the five biggest creativity killers.


BENJI DHILLON How Botox ® and Dermal Fillers Can Complement a Beautiful Smile Lecture, Up to 1.0 Hour Basic Science, AGD Subject Code 010 Botox and dermal fillers, delivered with the appropriate techniques, can make patients feel more confident, refreshed, and rejuvenated—much like cosmetic dentistry. Understanding what, where, and whom to treat are the keys to natural-looking results. With the ever-growing number of people having these treatments performed, negative perceptions about them are being eroded. As the esthetic market evolves and expectations rise, you should have an understanding of what is possible and how it is performed by your “cosmetic” counterparts to ensure more holistic treatment plans and superior cosmetic results. Upon completion of this session, attendees should be able to: n Understand the benefits and limitations of Botox and dermal fillers and how natural results can be achieved with injectables. n Know how to perform a facial esthetics consultation, including what should and should not be treated with nonsurgical techniques. Benji Dhillon, MBBS, BSc, MRCS, is a cosmetic surgeon based at Phi Clinic, which was named the best cosmetic clinic in London 3 years in a row. He trained in plastic surgery at some of the UK’s leading specialist units and has also spent time in the medical device and pharmaceutical industry leading multinational phase-3 and -4 studies in the field of plastic surgery and cosmetic dermatology. Dhillon is actively involved in clinical research for breast implants, nonsurgical body contouring devices, dermal fillers, and botulinum toxin. This research has been published in peer-reviewed journals including Dermatologic Surgery, Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, and the British Medical Journal. His interests include laser-assisted treatments for acne scarring, burns, scar, and rejuvenation; high-intensity, focused ultrasound; and noninvasive body contouring.

NON-DOCTOR PROGRAM Performance and Productivity

LISA COPELAND Increase Profit, Performance, and Productivity: Dental Communication That Works Lecture, Up to 1.0 Hour Practice Management and Human Relations, AGD Subject Code 550 Have you ever wondered whether your patients, team members, or partner are really listening? Communication is the cornerstone of business and life! Acquiring or improving skills that personalize and customize your interoffice and patient interaction builds trust and enables you to deliver your message with confidence. By customizing office protocols and enhancing your speaking delivery skills, you will succeed in presenting a memorable and impactful message that empowers your patients and team members—and maybe even your partner—to take action. Upon completion of this session, attendees should be able to: n Use iRONMAN Principles to empower their team and patients. n Master consistent, predictable communication that will help them achieve their desired productivity, revenue, and profit goals. Lisa Copeland, RDH, CSP, works with organizations to transform communication chaos to profit, performance, and productivity. She knows the business of dentistry! Copeland has spent 30 years sharing her expertise in diverse business cultures all over the world. At age 6, she had the direction of her life changed: Her parents made a wise decision that catapulted her into a competitive world of sports. Copeland’s unique experience as a competitive athlete allows her to share meaningful and memorable stories in her programs. She is the past president of the National Speakers Association NW. In 2018, Copeland earned the Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) designation, an accomplishment achieved by fewer than 12% of global speakers. She is one of only three registered dental hygiene speakers internationally that have been so recognized.


BREAKOUT OPTION 1 Zirconia Restorations


MARKUS B. BLATZ New Applications for Translucent Zirconia Restorations Lecture, Up to 2.0 Hours Esthetics/Cosmetic Dentistry, AGD Subject Code 780 In this lecture and technique demonstration, you will learn all about the new translucent, esthetic KATANA zirconia and its plethora of applications, including those in the esthetic zone. Following a review of translucent zirconia and other popular ceramics, including recent research on flexural strengths, fracture toughness, and bond strengths, you will be given a demonstration of the proper bonding protocols for zirconia in both posterior and anterior restorations. Upon completion of this breakout session, attendees should be able to: n Understand how translucent zirconia compares with lithium disilicate and other ceramics. n List the proper bonding protocols for zirconia. n Note the proper clinical applications of each type of ceramic. Markus B. Blatz, DMD, PhD, is professor of restorative dentistry and chairman of the Department of Preventive and Restorative Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine in Philadelphia, where he also founded the U-Penn SDM CAD/CAM Ceramic Center. He also serves as assistant dean for Digital Innovation and Professional Development. Blatz graduated from Albert-Ludwig’s University in Freiburg, Germany, and was awarded an additional doctorate degree, a postgraduate certificate in prosthodontics, and most recently, professorship from the same university. Educational assistance provided by Kuraray Noritake Dental, Inc



ALAN JURIM 3Shape TRIOS Workflow with Design Studio Featuring Smile Designer Lecture, Up to 2.0 Hours Esthetics/Cosmetic Dentistry, AGD Subject Code 780 This hands-on course will help you develop a foundation to incorporate digital dentistry into your office and for the team to be ready to begin using intraoral scanners and enhancing patient visits. This session demonstrates effective workflow techniques that will enable you to produce incredible digital results within the office or with your trusted laboratory partner. Upon completion of this hands-on session, attendees should be able to: n Understand Design Studio digital workflows for single-visit CAD/CAM dentistry. n Navigate the expanding field of “open” milling machines and what is on the horizon. n Apply tips and tricks shared by experienced digital dentists for highly predictable, modelfree restorations. Alan Jurim, DDS, focuses his time on private dental practice, his dental lab, and teaching. He is the director of Digital Dentistry at Touro College of Dental Medicine and founder of the Jurim Dental Academy. His strong clinical, engineering, and laboratory credentials also allow him to provide one-on-one counseling for other dentists on how to integrate state-of-the-art CAD/CAM techniques into their practices. Jurim personally oversees all CAD/CAM production at his cutting-edge dental laboratory. He earned degrees in computer systems engineering and electrical engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute prior to graduating from New York University’s College of Dentistry and North Shore University Hospital’s general practice residency. Jurim lectures internationally, serves as a key opinion leader for Henry Schein, and is a member of the global advisory board for 3Shape. Educational assistance provided by 3Shape


BREAKOUT OPTION 3 Surgical Navigation


CHRISTOPHER SCHARFF Dynamic 3D Navigation for Dental Implants Lecture, Up to 2.0 Hours Implants, AGD Subject Code 690 Current advances and improved technology in implant dentistry have significantly enhanced the clinician’s ability to provide implant therapy at a higher level and with improved predictability. Dynamic 3D navigational surgery with X-GuideTM represents a paradigm shift in predictably preplanning implant treatment for optimal outcomes. This technology offers a faster digital workflow, more flexibility, and greater precision of implant placement. This demo workshop will highlight specific areas of the digital approach where improved technologies and advanced techniques afford patients a higher standard of care. Upon completion of this breakout session, attendees should be able to: n Provide safe and predictable treatment options utilizing X-Guide’s dynamic navigation. n Understand the differences between guided surgery with static guides vs dynamic 3D navigation. Christopher Scharff is cofounder and vice president at X-Nav Technologies, an innovative company that developed and brought implant navigation into dentistry. He has been in the dental technology industry for over 20 years, with a focus on product innovation, clinical education, sales, and industry relations. Scharff began his career as part of the original team that brought i-CAT Cone Beam 3D imaging into the dental market. His expertise is in the areas of cone beam 3D imaging, implant planning with 3D software programs, and dynamic implant navigation. Scharff has a passion for bringing digital dental technologies together to improve doctor productivity and patient care. Educational assistance provided by Nobel Biocare



HARVEY SHIFFMAN Lasers in the Treatment of Sleep-Disordered Breathing and Facial Esthetics Lecture, Up to 2.0 Hours Laser Therapy, AGD Subject Code 135 Learn how dentists across the country are using lasers in their offices for nontraditional procedures. NightlaseTM uses the photothermal capabilities of the Er:YAG and Nd:YAG lasers to convert and initiate the formation of new collagen in mucosal tissue in the oropharynx, soft palate, and uvula. The SmoothlaseTM group of intraoral laser rejuvenative procedures uses both of these same wavelengths to tighten skin and improve elasticity, skin tone, and texture in a minimally invasive manner, all from inside the mouth. Learn how these treatments can significantly improve your practice revenue while impacting your patients’ total health. Upon completion of this breakout session, attendees should be able to: n Improve their patients’ airways with no pain, no cutting, and no sutures. n Perform a minimally invasive procedure to address their patients’ facial esthetics concerns. Harvey Shiffman, DDS, is in general dental practice in Boynton Beach, Florida. He is a graduate of Georgetown University School of Dentistry and completed a general practice residency at Georgetown University Medical Center with an emphasis on treating medically compromised patients. Shiffman completed certification with the Academy of Laser Dentistry (ALD) in three types of laser systems and was recently awarded a fellowship. He has performed thousands of laser dental procedures over the last 14 years. He lectures widely and has published articles on clinical laser use in Dentistry Journal, Dentalcompare, Dental Tribune, and LVI Visions. Shiffman recently became an adjunct professor at Nova Southeastern University College of Dental Medicine. Educational assistance provided by Fotona Lasers


BREAKOUT OPTION 5 Periodontal Regeneration


CHARLES R. BRAGA True Regeneration™ with the PerioLase® MVP-7™ for the LANAP® Protocol Participative, Up to 2.0 Hours Laser Therapy, AGD Subject Code 135 This hands-on course is based on the only FDA clearance for periodontal regeneration—True Regeneration of the attachment apparatus on a previously diseased root surface, when used specifically with the LANAP protocol. Learn about this revolutionary milestone for dentistry and medicine, backed by new clinical and histologic performance data demonstrating efficacy, along with safety and quality standards for good manufacturing processes. In this course, Charles Braga will demonstrate critical laser concepts and applications unique to the PerioLase MVP-7 for the LANAP protocol and discuss what True Regeneration means for the practice. Upon completion of this hands-on session, attendees should be able to: n Discover how the PerioLase MVP-7 creates the optimal environment for regeneration. n Understand how the LANAP and LAPIP™ protocols are saving ailing and failing teeth and implants. Charles R. Braga, DMD, MMSc, graduated magna cum laude from Boston University with degrees in biology and French. He went on to graduate magna cum laude from the Harvard School of Dental Medicine, where he also completed a residency program in periodontics and earned his MMSc magna cum laude. He is a member of the Omicron Kappa Upsilon National Dental Honor Society, Alpha Omega, and the American Academy of Periodontology. During his residency, Braga was a clinical instructor in periodontology for Harvard’s International Program in Dentistry. He is a LANAP trainer with the Institute for Advanced Laser Dentistry and a lecturer and seasoned veteran in the use of Nd:YAG dental lasers and the LANAP protocol. Braga is also certified in the use of carbon dioxide and diode lasers. Educational assistance provided by Millennium Dental Technologies, Inc

BREAKOUT OPTION 6 Direct Composites


DAVID CLARK Faster and Stronger Direct Composites with the Injection Molding Technique Participative, Up to 2.0 Hours Operative (Restorative) Dentistry, AGD Subject Code 250 Ceramic restorations have long been considered the optimal choice for predictable esthetics and longevity. Bonding has been considered a short-term solution that can be both technically challenging and esthetically unpredictable. The injection molding technique with ultra-thin Bioclear anatomical tooth forms has created a “third modality,” resulting in monolithic restorations that can endure and sparkle for decades. Upon completion of this hands-on session, attendees should be able to: n Understand the restorative possibilities of using the Bioclear Method. n Know the science of bulk filling and avoiding cracked teeth.

David Clark, DDS, received his dental degree in 1986 from the University of Washington School of Dentistry, home to some of the legends of cast gold such as the late Dr Richard Tucker. Clark’s goal with composite dentistry has always been to elevate its longevity and health to the gold standard of his predecessors. To accomplish that, he embarked on a quest to develop modern cavity preparations, matrices, wedges, separators, and filling and polishing methods. Performing clinical microscope dentistry for 25 years in a hometown practice, engaging in lab research, and delivering hundreds of lectures and hands-on courses have enabled him to produce matrix systems and methods that are reinventing not just the way we do restorative dentistry but, more importantly, the way we think about restorative dentistry. Educational assistance provided by 3M Oral Care


BREAKOUT OPTION 7 Intraoral Scanning


LOU GRAHAM Dentistry 2019: A Hands-on Experience Participative, Up to 2.0 Hours Esthetics/Cosmetic Dentistry, AGD Subject Code 780 During this dynamic interactive session, you will have the opportunity to explore how digital scanning and clear aligner therapy can raise the bar in your practice with time-proven methodologies and technologies. Today’s on-demand patients expect digital solutions with virtual 3D visualization of their diagnosed condition. Lou Graham demonstrates the range of possibilities across the digital restorative spectrum, beginning with digital treatment planning and extending to treatment progress visualization. Incorporating one or all of these digital options into your practice will enable you to move down the digital revolution pathway. Upon completion of this hands-on session, attendees should be able to: n Incorporate new approaches to initial and recall visits: How can digital scanning help you increase and track treatment plan acceptance? n Create your own in-office dental plan: How can diagnostics and hygiene help you increase the growth of your business? Lou Graham, DDS, is an internationally recognized lecturer who focuses on incorporating current clinical advancements through conservative dentistry. In his teachings, he emphasizes the same concepts he practices: dental health diagnosis, treatment plans for medically compromised patients, conservative treatment, cosmetic dentistry, and customized approaches to periodontal care, implants, and laser dentistry. Graham publishes in many leading national and international dental journals and is a member of the American Dental Association, the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, the Academy of General Dentistry, and other state and local dental societies. He is a graduate of Emory Dental School and a former director of the University of Chicago’s Department of Dentistry. Graham is the founder of Catapult Education LLC, and he maintains a private practice in Chicago’s Hyde Park neighborhood. Educational assistance provided by Align Technology, Inc

BREAKOUT OPTION 8 Attracting Cosmetic Patients


BRIAN HARRIS A Three-Step Protocol to Simplify the Composite Veneer Workflow Participative, Up to 2.0 Hours Esthetics/Cosmetic Dentistry, AGD Subject Code 780 Advances in modern technology are transforming the way we grow our businesses. This course will demonstrate how you can leverage social media to grow your brand and how to use that increased exposure to drive more cosmetic patients to your practice. You will also learn a new composite veneer technique for same-day smile makeovers using nano-hybrid composite, one of the fastest growing trends in dentistry. Upon completion of this hands-on session, attendees should be able to: n Incorporate a new strategy to attract more cosmetic cases to their practice. n Convert these patients with a simple technique to increase their case acceptance rate. n Apply a new technique for same-day smile makeovers using nano-hybrid composite. Brian Harris, DDS, is one of the nation’s leading experts in adhesive dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, social media strategies, and marketing automation. He is a 2005 graduate of the University of the Pacific School of Dentistry and a practicing dentist in Phoenix, Arizona. He is the creator of the Smile Virtual Consult, which is a tool that helps doctors attract and treat more cosmetic cases in their practice. He is also a recognized KOL in dentistry, having presented to audiences large and small more than 200 times and in five different countries. Educational assistance provided by KaVo Kerr


BREAKOUT OPTION 9 Innovative Endodontics


DIWAKAR KINRA New Techniques for Single-Appointment Endodontics Participative, Up to 2.0 Hours Endodontics, AGD Subject Code 070 Single-visit root canal therapy is one of the most profitable procedures in dentistry. It is also a great practice builder. This course will define which cases will make you look like a rock star in front of your patients. Upon completion of this hands-on session, attendees should be able to: n Define criteria that categorize endodontic cases into level of difficulty. n Select endodontic treatment that can be performed profitably and consistently. n Create an access and glide path seamlessly to allow for safer and quicker instrumentation. n Understand advances in metallurgy that address cyclic fatigue and file separation. n Take advantage of design enhancements that deliver consistent canal shapes in less time and with fewer instruments. Diwakar Kinra, DDS, MS, has maintained a solo private practice limited to endodontics in Flint, Michigan, since 2004. He is also an adjunct professor at the University of Detroit-Mercy School of Dentistry and the University of Southern California. Kinra received his dental degree from the University of Michigan School of Dentistry in 1999. For the next 3 years, he worked in a private practice setting. In 2002, he returned to obtain his master’s degree in endodontics at the University of Detroit-Mercy School of Dentistry. He is a member of the American Association of Endodontists, the Michigan Association of Endodontists, the American Dental Association, and his state and local dental societies. He also serves as the committee chair for the ADA Committee on the New Dentist. Educational assistance provided by Dentsply Sirona Endodontics

BREAKOUT OPTION 10 Digital Workflow


PARAG R. KACHALIA Leveraging Digital Technology for Elevated Clinical and Financial Outcomes Lecture, Up to 2.0 Hours Esthetics/Cosmetic Dentistry, AGD Subject Code 780 The term digital workflow has been tossed around for the last few years, but what does it really mean? In this course you will be exposed to all aspects of the digital workflow, from treatment planning via augmented reality applications through delivery of restorations fabricated either in office or in conjunction with our laboratory partners. While efficiency can still be gained through the digital workflow, the most recent advancements have led to predictability of outcomes. In the past, digital dentistry was a one-size-fits-all model, but today you can decide where you would like to enter the digital workflow. An overview of these entry points will be provided as well as the clinical and financial benefits of entering at different points. Upon completion of this breakout session, attendees should be able to: n Understand the benefits of new-age treatment presentation tools, including augmented reality applications. n Understand the financial impact of investing in the digital workflow. Parag R. Kachalia, DDS, is a tenured associate professor and the former vice chair of Simulation, Technology and Research at the University of the Pacific Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry. He is a fellow of the American College of Dentists, the International College of Dentists, and the American Dental Education Association’s leadership institute. A researcher and a published author, Kachalia also lectures in the areas of adhesive dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, photography, CAD/CAM technology, fixed prosthodontics, treatment planning, erosion, and diagnostics.


Educational assistance provided by Ivoclar Vivadent

BREAKOUT OPTION 11 Practice Growth


GARY KADI What Top Dental CEOs Are Doing Differently Now Lecture, Up to 2.0 Hours Practice Management and Human Relations, AGD Subject Code 550 Discover the tools to combine real-time practice data and automated team training to achieve dental practice perfection. Upon completion of this breakout session, attendees should be able to: n Identify their leadership style and how to use it to consistently engage their entire team. n Increase referrals: Gift them automated training, marketing, and a team training system. n Implement three automation systems: real-time analytics, annual marketing, and Dentflix team training.

Gary Kadi has been an advocate for the dental community for over 20 years. A speaker, author, and researcher, Kadi re-energizes, interrupts the status quo, and shares discoveries and interests far beyond helping dentists implement systems and raise their profit margins. After years of studying the recurring challenges of team, finance, and patient issues facing dentists, he had a breakthrough. It came in understanding that the business model dentists were fighting to fix was created by a non-business practitioner who could throw up a shingle and be successful. He created NextLevel Practice to implement the Complete Health Dentistry ™ business model, where teams embrace and implement change, patients respect their treatment regimens and invest in their health, and doctors enjoy practicing the way they envisioned at their dental school graduation. Educational assistance provided by CareCredit

BREAKOUT OPTION 12 Digital Analytics


WESTON LUNSFORD Empowered Team, Faster Growth, and Better Care: How Data Can Do It All Lecture, Up to 2.0 Hours Practice Management and Human Relations, AGD Subject Code 550 As a Seattle Study Club member, you’re passionate about the health of your patients. During this workshop, you will learn how to use actionable metrics to empower your team to help every patient receive the best possible care, every time. Come prepared to learn, share, and act on the many opportunities hiding in your practice management software. This fast-paced, engaging presentation and workshop will change your practice—and your life. Upon completion of this breakout session, attendees should be able to: n Discover steps you can take using actionable metrics to improve patient care, team collaboration, and practice profitability. n See how your practice compares to top performing US-based practices, and what you can do to see similar results. n Learn what you can do to close the gaps between your practice goals and actual performance. As CEO of Dental Intelligence, Weston Lunsford oversees the direction of the company and its products. He manages the company’s revenue growth, strategic vision, and future expansion plans. He also dedicates a large part of his time to being directly involved with the company’s clients, both dentists and practice team members, in order to fully understand their needs, wants, and experiences with Dental Intelligence’s products and solutions. Educational assistance provided by Dental Intelligence



DARRELL CAIN AND HUNTER SATTERFIELD The New Tax Law: Turning Barriers into Opportunities for Dentists Darrell Cain, CPA, started Cain Watters and Associates, a firm focused on serving dentists and high net worth individuals and families, in 1984. As the developer of CWA’s comprehensive financial planning process, he encounters many of the complex problems facing his clients and works diligently to develop solutions. He continued to originate ongoing processes to facilitate clients’ continued success, from the day a dental student graduates to retirement and beyond. A mentor and leader to everyone in the CWA community, Cain speaks at numerous events each year. He shares his decades of knowledge and experience and provides advice to help clients obtain their dream of financial peace. Cain is an alumnus of Baylor University, with a bachelor of business administration in accounting and a master’s of public accountancy. He is a certified public accountant and an investment advisor representative.


Hunter Satterfield, CPA, received his bachelor of business administration and master’s degree in professional accounting from the University of Texas at Austin. He is a certified public accountant and investment advisor representative. Prior to joining Cain Watters, Satterfield was a senior tax consultant at Ernst & Young. He specialized in tax compliance and consulting with individuals, partnerships, and corporations. Satterfield joined Cain Watters and Associates in 2007. He has found his niche focusing on the orthodontics specialty and spearheads a team of financial planners with whom he shares his insights and subject matter expertise around the specialty. His previous consulting experience helps him connect with his clients and set their custom path to reach their goals.

Lecture, Up to 0.75 Hour Practice Management and Human Relations, AGD Subject Code 550 At the end of 2017, a new tax law was passed, enacting the most sweeping change to the US tax code in over 30 years, impacting both individuals and businesses. Cain Watters and Associates’s initial assessment is that the tax bill will save most dentists from $3,000 to $20,000 based on their gross revenue and deductions. Not sure how the change will impact your taxes? During this session, Darrell Cain and Hunter Satterfield will outline some of the key areas to watch for and present strategies to help you take advantage of its provisions while avoiding its traps. Upon completion of this session, attendees should be able to: n Get a better understanding of how the new law works and the changes it brings for both their personal and business taxes. n Recognize how planning for the new tax law’s impact can turn barriers into opportunities.


Sanjay Shah has worked with Fortune 500 companies as well as startups during his 25-year career. He recently joined Tesla to lead their energy business, working directly for Elon Musk. Prior to that, he spent more than 7 years at Amazon, where he led operations for 130 Fulfillment Centers across the US, Canada, and Mexico. Shah has led a variety of business operations, including Amazon Fresh, Reverse Logistics, Make on Demand, and Fulfillment Center Quality. He spent 10 years with Dell, leading up to his last role as COO of Dell India and managing director of MFG.com. His varied career includes domestic as well as international experience in sales, manufacturing, supply chain, logistics, customer service, and new product introduction. Shah holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Tennessee. He is Six Sigma Master Black Belt– certified and has trained and mentored many leaders globally on its methodology. Shah is currently serving as president of the Industry Advisory Board at Tauber Institute for Global Operations, Ross School, University of Michigan, and he has been a board member for the last 6 years. He also serves as an active Advisory Board member at the School of Management, University of Tennessee.

SANJAY SHAH Leadership Lessons from Dell, Bezos, and Musk

Lecture, Up to 0.5 Hour Self-Improvement, AGD Subject Code 770 In this presentation, Sanjay Shah shares the leadership principles, strategies, and culture development secrets that he learned during his years of working closely with these three business icons and what led to their unrivaled success. He will focus on the common threads that tie these founders together, what mattered most to them, and how they differentiated themselves to their customers in a highly competitive world. Much of what is shared can be applied to your practice. Upon completion of this session, attendees should be able to: n Drive long-term success of their practice by applying presentation principles. n Differentiate their practice from the competition. n Understand why this is applicable, regardless of business size or industry type.


FRIDAY KEYNOTE Global Markets and Economy

VIKRAM MANSHARAMANI Navigating Uncertainty: An Unconventional Approach

Lecture, Up to 1.0 Hour Practice Management and Human Relations, AGD Subject Code 550 In this engaging and empowering talk, Vikram Mansharamani illustrates the power of a generalist approach to navigating global economic and political uncertainty. Building on the multi-lens framework he first described in his book, Boombustology, he applies his logic to today’s chaotic world to help you see how breadth can be a powerful addition to depth, particularly in times like the present. Upon completion of this session, attendees should be able to: n Appreciate the power of zooming out to see the big picture and how their practice fits into it. n Understand the megatrends and fundamental causes of today’s chaotic dental environment.


Vikram Mansharamani, PhD, is a global trend-watcher who shows people how to anticipate the future, manage risk, and spot opportunities. He first gained widespread attention with the release of his first book, Boombustology, which provided a framework for spotting bubbles before they burst. Since then, he has been a frequent commentator on issues driving disruption in the global business environment. He’s a columnist for the “PBS Newshour” and a regular contributor to Worth magazine. His ideas and writings have also appeared in Fortune, Forbes, The New York Times, and a long list of other publications. Millions of readers have enjoyed his unique multi-lens approach to connecting seemingly irrelevant dots. He also regularly advises sovereign wealth funds, endowments, foundations, and family offices on how to manage their allocations in the face of overwhelming uncertainty. Mansharamani is currently a lecturer at Harvard University, where he teaches students to use multiple perspectives in making tough decisions. In addition to teaching, he also advises several Fortune 500 CEOs to help them navigate the radical uncertainty in today’s business and regulatory environment. He has a PhD and two master’s degrees from MIT and a bachelor’s degree from Yale University, where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa.

BREAKOUT OPTION 1 Financial Planning

JUDSON CRAWFORD Your 360-Degree Plan to Meet Your Financial Goals Lecture, Up to 1.75 Hours Practice Management and Human Relations, AGD Subject Code 550 You work hard every day to ensure the long-term oral health of your patients, but are you taking the right steps to position yourself to reap the financial rewards of your work? In this session, financial planner and CPA Judson Crawford will take you inside the consult room and share the core educational philosophy behind the strategies that help our clients reach their financial goals. Using case studies from his experience, Crawford’s invaluable insights can help you determine how your practice compares to similar practices and evaluate how you’re tracking on the path to financial freedom. Upon completion of this breakout session, attendees should be able to: n Identify tax strategies to improve cash flow and support their retirement planning. n Set a realistic business and personal financial plan to help them meet their long-term goals. Judson Crawford, CPA, graduated from Texas Tech University in 2002 with a master’s degree in accountancy. He began his career as a staff accountant at Ernst & Young in Dallas. After several years in corporate tax consulting, he became a planner for Cain Watters and Associates in October of 2004. Crawford has excelled at making personal connections with his clients that help him ensure the best financial future for them, their families, and the generations to come. In 2014 Crawford became a partner at CWA. In addition to his role as a CPA, he is the executive board member responsible for CWA’s Marketing and Communications department. Crawford is active in both professional and collegiate recruitment for the firm, and he serves as a mentor to new and associate planners. He is a certified public accountant and an investment advisor representative.


VIKRAM MANSHARAMANI Navigating Uncertainty: A Hands-on Workshop Lecture, Up to 1.75 Hours Practice Management and Human Relations, AGD Subject Code 550 As a follow-up to his morning keynote address, Vikram Mansharamani will lead a workshop illustrating how multidisciplinary thinking and systems-thinking approaches can help you make better decisions in the face of uncertainty. This session will be interactive to include your participation. In addition to the presentation of case studies, this workshop will discuss and debate approaches to handling strategic as well as tactical topics. Upon completion of this breakout session, attendees should be able to: n Recognize how current trends and broader forces impact their own dental practices and learn how to navigate through them. n Adopt a systems-oriented, multi-lens approach to make more informed decisions in the face of uncertainty.


BREAKOUT OPTION 3 Prudent Investing

PAUL MERRIMAN Life-Changing Investment Decisions Lecture, Up to 1.75 Hours Electives, AGD Subject Code 130 The right investment decisions are a critical part of a financially successful retirement. In this presentation, Paul Merriman addresses these key questions: What equity asset classes should you hold in your portfolio to ensure that you reach your goals? How much should you have in bonds so that your portfolio volatility is within your risk and loss limits? How do you select the best performing funds? How do you maximize your retirement distributions without running out of money before you run out of life? Who should you trust to get the best investment advice? Upon completion of this breakout session, attendees should be able to: n Make more money with less risk. n Have greater control over their financial future. Paul Merriman is a nationally recognized authority on mutual funds, index investing, asset allocation, and both buy-and-hold and active management strategies. Now retired from Merriman, the Seattle-based investment advisory firm he founded in 1983, he is dedicated to educating investors, young and old, via free ebooks, podcasts, articles, recommendations for mutual funds, ETFs, 401(k) plans, and more. In 2013 he created The Merriman Financial Education Foundation, dedicated to providing comprehensive financial education to investors, with information and tools to make informed decisions in their own best interest and successfully implement their retirement savings program. In his retirement, Merriman remains fervently committed to educating and empowering investors. In 2012, he wrote and published the “How To Invest� series, distilling his decades of expertise into concise investment books targeted to specific audiences. He is also the author of four previous books on personal investing, including Financial Fitness Forever: 5 Steps to More Money, Less Risk and More Peace of Mind.

BREAKOUT OPTION 4 Estate Planning

SEAN W. SCOTT Estate Planning 101 Lecture, Up to 1.75 Hours Electives, AGD Subject Code 130 What happens to all of your stuff when you die? Where does your money go, how does it get there, and who is in charge of carrying out your wishes? Many people believe it is their will that designates where their estate goes and how it gets there, but the most important document is actually the Durable Power of Attorney. Elder law attorney Sean Scott shares the various methods used to plan your estate, including joint accounts, wills, living trusts, and appointing a healthcare surrogate. Upon completion of this breakout session, attendees should be able to: n Determine the best strategy for developing an estate plan. n Help their family avoid a protracted process of closing out their estate.


Sean W. Scott maintains a law practice in both elder law and life care planning in the state of Florida. Since 1990 he has focused his practice on the legal needs of the senior community with particular attention to Medicaid law, asset protection, incapacity, and estate planning. Scott integrates the law with life care planning principles to best serve the needs of the aging client. He is the author of The Medicaid Handbook, and he has written numerous articles on the subject of elder law. Scott is frequently requested as an expert commentator for the media, including newspapers, radio, and television. He is a frequent speaker before groups of lawyers, accountants, health care professionals, social workers, and the general public. The practice of elder law provides him with the opportunity to help a segment of our population avoid the financial ruin that can result from an extended stay in a nursing home. Helping a family in need, at a time when all seems lost, affords him the kind of personal and professional rewards few professions can match.


SANJAY SHAH “Renting” vs “Owning” Your Practice: Critical Leadership Principles Workshop Lecture, Up to 1.75 Hours Self-Improvement, AGD Subject Code 770 During this workshop, you will learn how to develop and maintain an “ownership” culture in your practice, akin to those of the three great corporate founders Dell, Bezos, and Musk. Many previously successful, privately held and public companies have faltered or even failed in the presence of an unexpected change in their business landscape—ie, a disruptor. How you prepare for that disruptor will ultimately define how you position your practice for sustainable and successful growth. During this workshop, you will gain a deeper understanding of how you can change from being a “renter” in your own practice to owning responsibility and leading to the results that will meet or exceed your practice expectations. Upon completion of this breakout session, attendees should be able to: n Understand the leadership principles that are most critical to their practice’s success. n Determine what it takes to become a disruptor and how to combat those that may jeopardize their future profitability and financial well-being. n Build a team of owners vs renters and know the early warning signals that will help them mobilize to mitigate critical risks. Sanjay Shah has worked with Fortune 500 companies as well as startups during his 25-year career. He recently joined Tesla to lead their energy business, working directly for Elon Musk. Prior to that, he spent more than 7 years at Amazon, where he led operations for 130 Fulfillment Centers across the US, Canada, and Mexico. Shah has led a variety of business operations, including Amazon Fresh, Reverse Logistics, Make on Demand, and Fulfillment Center Quality. He spent 10 years with Dell, leading up to his last role as COO of Dell India and managing director of MFG.com. His varied career includes domestic as well as international experience in sales, manufacturing, supply chain, logistics, customer service, and new product introduction. Shah holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Tennessee. He is Six Sigma Master Black Belt–certified and has trained and mentored many leaders globally on its methodology. Shah is currently serving as president of the Industry Advisory Board at Tauber Institute for Global Operations, Ross School, University of Michigan, and he has been a board member for the last 6 years. He also serves as an active Advisory Board member at the School of Management, University of Tennessee.




Denise Lee Yohn has delivered keynote presentations at conferences including TEDx, the Consumer Electronics Show, and The Art of Marketing, among others, and at corporate events for Facebook, Lexus, eBay, and more. She has written several books, including the bestseller What Great Brands Do and the new book FUSION: How Integrating Brand and Culture Powers the World’s Greatest Companies. She has been a regular contributor to the Harvard Business Review blog and Forbes and has written for publications including Fast Company and Entrepreneur, among others. New media, including FOX Business TV, CNBC, The Wall Street Journal, and The New York Times call on Yohn when they want an expert point of view on hot business issues. Yohn has held several high-level positions in advertising and client-side marketing. She served as lead strategist at advertising agencies for Burger King, Land Rover, and Unilever and as the marketing leader and analyst for Jack in the Box restaurants and Spiegel catalogs. Yohn went on to head Sony Electronic Inc’s first brand office, where she garnered major corporate awards as the vice president/general manager of brand and strategy. She has run her own firm as an independent consulting partner since 2004.


Brand Leadership: How to Build a Rock Star Brand

Lecture, Up to 1.0 Hour Practice Management and Human Relations, AGD Subject Code 550 You know how great brands dominate their fields. You experience it every time you pay a premium for a certain type of jeans or see a line of people camping out to catch the newest smartphone release. Denise Lee Yohn shows you how to achieve rock star brand status for your practice. Drawing from case studies, analyses, and interviews with brand leaders from the world’s leading brands, she shows you what great brands do and how to achieve the kind of brand leadership that everyone, from patients to employees, wants a piece of. Upon completion of this session, attendees should be able to: n Learn brand-building actions that all great brands take to increase their competitive advantage, inspire true loyalty, and grow profitably. n Attract the right patients, partners, and employees. n Design and manage experiences for patients that bring your unique brand to life.



JAMES H. GILMORE The Experience Is the Marketing

Lecture, Up to 1.0 Hour Practice Management and Human Relations, AGD Subject Code 550 Goods and services are everywhere being commoditized. What patients want today are experiences—memorable events that engage each individual in an inherently personal way. Dentists must therefore embrace the principles of the Experience Economy to stage ever-more-engaging experiences. During this session, James Gilmore will take you through those principles that matter the most for your practice and show you how to create greater economic value for your patients. Upon completion of this session, attendees should be able to: n Understand that the best way to generate demand for any offering is to stage an experience so engaging that patients cannot help but spend their money. n Adopt the principle that the experience is the marketing for your practice.

As coauthor of The Experience Economy, James H. Gilmore literally wrote the book that spawned worldwide interest in experience design, customer experience management, and experiential marketing. Gilmore’s book Authenticity: What Consumers Really Want contends that businesses must learn to manage authenticity as a distinct business discipline. His most recent book is Look: A Practical Guide for Improving Your Observational Skills. Gilmore is coeditor of Markets of One: Creating CustomerUnique Value through Mass Customization. His ideas have been featured in such publications as Harvard Business Review, The Wall Street Journal, and Investors Business Daily, among others. Gilmore is a graduate of the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. He began his career with Procter & Gamble and then spent over 10 years consulting with Cleveland Consulting Associates and Computer Sciences Corporation. He is an assistant professor in the Innovation and Design department at the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University. He is also a Batten Fellow at the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia, where he teaches a 1-week course on the Experience Economy, and a visiting lecturer in Apologetics at Westminster Seminary California, where he teaches an intensive course on cultural hermeneutics.


SATURDAY KEYNOTE Technology Trends

DANIEL KRAFT The Future of Health, Medicine, and Dentistry: Where Can Technology Take Us?

Lecture, Up to 1.0 Hour Practice Management and Human Relations, AGD Subject Code 550 From the perspective of a leading physician, scientist, and innovator, this presentation examines rapidly emerging, game-changing, and convergent technology trends and how they are and will be leveraged to change the face of healthcare and the practice of medicine and dentistry in the next decade. We will take a deep dive into where emergent fields— such as low-cost personal genomics, the digitization of health records, crowd-sourced data, molecular imaging, wearable devices and mobile health, synthetic biology, systems medicine, robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, 3D printing, and regenerative medicine—are transforming healthcare and have the potential to enable clinicians, empower patients, and deliver better care and outcomes at lower cost. Upon completion of this session, attendees should be able to: n Explore rapidly developing technologies and their potential in healthcare, medicine, and dentistry. n Reimagine the future of healthcare.


Daniel Kraft, MD, is a Stanford- and Harvard-trained physician-scientist, inventor, entrepreneur, and innovator. With over 25 years of experience in clinical practice, biomedical research, and healthcare innovation, Kraft has chaired the Medicine for Singularity University since its inception in 2008. In addition, he is founder and executive director of Exponential Medicine, a program that explores convergent, rapidly developing technologies and their potential in biomedicine and healthcare. Kraft is boardcertified in both internal medicine and pediatrics, and he has completed fellowships in hematology, oncology, and bone marrow transplantation. He holds multiple patents on medical device–, immunology-, and stem cell–related inventions through faculty positions with Stanford University School of Medicine and as clinical faculty for the pediatric bone marrow transplantation service at University of California, San Francisco. Kraft is a member of the Kaufman Fellows Society and of the inaugural class of the Aspen Institute Health Innovators Fellowship. He is also the inventor of the MarrowMiner, an FDA-cleared device for the minimally invasive harvest of bone marrow, and he founded RegenMed Systems, a company developing technologies to enable adult stem cell–based regenerative therapies. Kraft is an avid pilot and has served in the Air National Guard as an officer and flight surgeon.




Closing Session and Workshop: Developing Actionable Steps to Bring the Learning Home

Todd Williams has more than three decades of culture development experience in healthcare, hospitality, and countless customer-facing industries. He has spent over 20 years developing and implementing the training programs for service delivery for Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, one of the most recognized hotel chains in the world and a brand known for its customized, personalized, and intuitive experiences. As Four Seasons’s senior learning and development manager, he was also personally responsible for developing the culture and delivering the training at each North American Four Seasons that opened since 2008. In his role with Centura Health as vice president of Culture Development, Williams focused on employee engagement, building emotional connections, brand differentiation, and more, all centered on patient- and provider-centric values and a culture of service. Williams has a unique skill for helping individuals find a passionate connection between their work and personal lives in a way that brings balance and excellence. By helping professionals identify their personal calling, he helps them improve their performance and workplace environment. Teaching others to live purpose-first has become his mission, and he’s shown multiple companies and organizations that putting the “soft stuff” first is the answer to driving all levels of success.

Lecture, Up to 2.0 Hours Self-Improvement, AGD Subject Code 770 This highly interactive workshop is designed to help you reflect on the four main areas of focus throughout the week— business skills and acumen, investing, branding, and marketing—and develop actionable next steps and measurable goals. First, you will share best practice ideas with fellow attendees and outline what will impact and improve your individual businesses the most. You will then develop strategic implementation plans and measurable goals to determine the impact of this applied learning on your practice. Todd Williams will close this workshop with meaningful inspiration, reconnecting you to your why, fully cognizant of the impact you make in your various roles each and every day. Upon completion of this session, attendees should be able to: n Develop steps that can be implemented in their practices within the next week. n Determine what new pattern/habit/action/system they will have in place 1 month post-symposium. n Set a 6-month goal to measure the impact of this applied learning on their practice.


Attendance at any presentation, meal, or social function requires a passport.


Provides access to all presentations Wednesday–Saturday shown in the program grid on pages 2–3; social programming, including 4 breakfasts, 3 lunches, and 2 dinners; and all latenight entertainment events. Payment received on or before October 15, 2018: n $3,875 per doctor n $2,875 per accompanying (non-doctor) spouse, guest, or staff Payment received after October 15, 2018: n $4,195 per doctor n $2,995 per accompanying (non-doctor) spouse, guest, or staff


Provides access to 4 breakfasts, 3 lunches, and 2 dinners. Kids may attend entertainment events at their parents’ discretion. n $1,695 per child, 16–18 years old n $1,295 per child, 11–15 years old n $695 per child, 6–10 years old n No charge per child, 0–5 years old


Wednesday, January 23 to Saturday, January 26, 2019 at The Ritz-Carlton, Amelia Island, Florida. A special rate of $319 (plus taxes and fees) for a coastal view room has been arranged with The Ritz-Carlton and is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Be sure to reference the group name Seattle Study Club at the time of booking to receive the reduced rate. Please understand that in exchange for these exclusive room rates, a nonrefundable deposit equal to four nights’ room rental (plus taxes and fees) will be charged at the time of booking. Click here to make your reservation online. You are responsible for your own room and other charges at the hotel. Please be sure you understand the hotel’s written policy regarding reservation changes and consider travel insurance if snow or bad weather may affect your travel plans.


This is a lecture, hands-on, and peer discussion program suitable for all dentists, dental students, and business professionals regardless of prior experience. Register online, by mail or fax, or contact the Seattle Study Club® office to register by phone. Seattle Study Club Attn: Ms Shaida Haberlach 635 Market Street, Kirkland, WA 98033 Phone: 425.576.8000, Fax: 425.827.4292 Email: shaida@seattlestudyclub.com Website: seattlestudyclub.com/symposium

Written notice of cancellation must be sent by certified mail to the Seattle Study Club® office at 635 Market Street, Kirkland, WA 98033 on or before the dates shown below to be effective. (Cancelled registrants are not entitled to receive Symposium materials, gifts, books, bags, apparel, or any other items that may be provided to the attendees.)

Please let us know if you are registering two or more individuals with different surnames so we may seat you together at social functions. Your registration is not confirmed without full payment in advance.

n By November 16, 2018: $200 retained, remainder refunded.

Please note that by submitting your registration, you grant Seattle Study Club, Inc, permission to use your likeness in photographs or videos in any and all publications and materials without payment or consideration made to you.

n November 17–December 3, 2018: 50% retained, remainder credited toward the 2020 Symposium. n After December 3, 2018: No refund or credit. The cancellation and refund policy applies regardless of the reason for cancellation, including but not limited to unforeseen personal or world events.





Some information or presentations may include controversial materials or commercial references. Seattle Study Club, Inc, cautions all course participants that there is potential risk to using limited knowledge when incorporating new techniques and procedures into their practices, especially when the continuing education program has not provided them with supervised clinical experience in the techniques or procedures to ensure that they have attained competence.


This brochure represents the speakers booked at the time of publication; however, speaker cancellations occasionally occur for reasons beyond our control. In the event of such an occurrence, speaker substitutions may be made without prior notice.



Seattle Study Club, Inc, is committed to ensuring a safe and respectful meeting environment that is free of harassment, bullying, or offensive comments and/or behavior toward others at Symposium. We expect all participants at Symposium to abide by this Code of Conduct policy in all venues at the meeting, including ancillary events and official and unofficial social gatherings.

Of the 12 sessions made available in the Friday morning clinical breakouts, 6 will be offered as participative/handson sessions intended to teach a particular subject, technique, or skill that involves the audience. Participants will actively manipulate dental materials and devices, and practice clinical skills and techniques under the live supervision of a qualified instructor(s). Instructor-to-attendee ratio is most critical in participation courses and great care has been taken to ensure that close supervision and adequate direct interchange between participants and instructors will take place. Space for each hands-on course is limited and made available on a firstcome, first-served basis. Note: Because space is limited, your credit card will be charged $250 should you “no-show� for a hands-on course you select during your registration. To avoid being charged, simply contact the SSC office no later than January 18, 2019 to change your class selection so another clinician can take the place in the hands-on course you are no longer interested in attending.

n Exercise consideration and respect in your speech and actions.


n n

n Refrain from demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behavior and speech.


The Symposium is funded in part by tuition and in part by unrestricted sponsorship funds from Nobel Biocare, KaVo Kerr, 3M Oral Care, Ivoclar Vivadent, CareCredit, 3Shape, Dental Intelligence, Dentsply Sirona Endodontics, Align Technology Inc, Benco Dental, Bullseye Media, LLC, Kuraray Noritake Dental, Inc, DSN Software, Millennium Dental Technologies, Inc, Komet USA, Bien-Air Dental, Fotona Lasers, Cain Watters and Associates, LLC, ACT Dental, Merchant Advocate, and Peter Kertz Productions. As a result, Seattle Study Club, Inc, The Seattle Study Club Journal, Inc, and/or Dr Michael Cohen and Suzanne Cohen receive a direct or indirect financial benefit from the listed companies. Some speakers have current or past commercial affiliations (such as receiving research grants, speaking engagements, travel reimbursements, honoraria, etc) with the companies shown below:


Seattle Study Club, Inc, is designated as an Approved PACE Program Provider by the Academy of General Dentistry. The formal continuing education programs of this program provider are accepted by the AGD for Fellowship/Mastership and membership maintenance credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by a state or provincial board of dentistry or AGD endorsement. The current term of approval extends from 10/1/2015 to 9/30/2021. Provider ID# 300136.

Seattle Study Club, Inc, is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider. ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry. Seattle Study Club, Inc, designates this activity for up to 26.25 continuing education credits. Concerns or complaints about a CE provider may be directed to the provider or to the Commission for Continuing Education Provider Recognition at ADA.org/CERP.

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Kirk Behrendt is CEO of ACT Dental. Markus B. Blatz is a sponsored speaker for Kuraray Noritake Dental, Inc. Charles R. Braga is a sponsored speaker for Millennium Dental Technologies, Inc. Angela Brown is president of Empowering Actions, LLC. Darrell Cain is founding partner at Cain Watters and Associates, LLC. Vincent Cardillo is founder of Dental Management Innovations, LLC. David Clark is a sponsored speaker for 3M Oral Care. Charles Cohen is managing director and owner of Benco Dental Company. David Cohen is owner of Cohen Law Firm, PLLC. Lisa Copeland is owner of Lisa Copeland Communications. Judson Crawford is a partner at Cain Watters and Associates, LLC. Lou Graham is a sponsored speaker for Align Technology, Inc. Brian Harris is a sponsored speaker for KaVo Kerr. Alan Jurim is a key opinion leader for Henry Schein and a member of the global advisory board for 3Shape. Parag R. Kachalia is a sponsored speaker for Ivoclar Vivadent. Gary Kadi is a sponsored speaker for CareCredit. Diwakar Kinra is a sponsored speaker for Dentsply Sirona Endodontics. Charles Loretto is director of business development and marketing at Cain Watters and Associates, LLC. Weston Lunsford is CEO of Dental Intelligence. Mark Sanborn is president of Sanborn & Associates, Inc. Hunter Satterfield is a CPA and financial planner at Cain Watters and Associates, LLC. Christopher Scharff is cofounder and vice president of X-Nav Technologies and a sponsored speaker for Nobel Biocare. Allen M. Schiff is president of the Academy of Dental CPAs. Harvey Shiffman is a sponsored speaker for Fotona Lasers. Marko Vujicic is chief economist and president of the Health Policy Institute at the American Dental Association.

Andrew Boynton, James Cathcart, Benji Dhillon, Donna Galante, James H. Gilmore, Mark D. Grossman, Mike Hourigan, Daniel Kraft, Denise Lee Yohn, Josh Linkner, Pat Little, Vikram Mansharamani, Scott McKain, Paul Merriman, David Schwab, Sean W. Scott, Sanjay Shah, Anders Sorman-Nilsson, Tim Twigg, and Todd Williams do not have any current or past affiliations to disclose (such as receiving research grants, speaking engagements, travel reimbursements, honoraria, etc).



BREAKOUT OPTIONS Wednesday PM Breakouts

Or complete and fax to 425.827.4292, or mail to: Seattle Study ClubÂŽ | 635 Market Street | Kirkland, WA 98033 By submitting a registration form, each registrant acknowledges and agrees to the terms of the cancellation and refund policy, the full text of which is shown in The Fine Print located on page 40 of this brochure. The cancellation and refund policy applies regardless of the reason for cancellation, including but not limited to unforeseen personal or world events.

Please select one session below. o Option 1: Accountability w/Angela Brown o Option 2: Time Management w/James Cathcart o Option 3: Negotiation w/Mike Hourigan o Option 4: Employee Engagement w/Scott McKain o Option 5: Business Management w/Mark Sanborn followed by Business Growth w/Andrew Boynton

Thursday PM Breakouts Name: [circle one]







Study Club Name: Are you an advisor for your study club? [circle one]



Office Address: City:


Postal Code:


Office Phone:

Cell Phone:


Food Allergies [please specify]: Your meal preference, should there be a plated dinner [check one]: o Beef

o Chicken

o Fish

o Vegan

Shirt Size [circle one]:







Female: S





I am staying at:

o The Ritz-Carlton, Amelia Island, Florida

o Other:

Doctor Tuition o $3,875, on or before October 15, 2018 o $4,195, after October 15, 2018

Total Payment Enclosed: Amex/Disc/MC/Visa: Exp:


Or Check #:

Name on Card: Billing Address:




Postal Code:




o Check here for the Women-Focused Lunch. Please select one session below. o Option 1: Practice Profitability w/Kirk Behrendt o Option 2: DSO Landscape and How to Thrive in It w/Vincent Cardillo followed by Charles Cohen o Option 3: Embezzlement Prevention w/Pat Little o Option 4: HR & Employment Law w/Tim Twigg o Option 5: Practice Valuation and Buying/Selling Your Practice w/Allen M. Schiff, followed by Charles Loretto, and closing w/David Cohen

Friday AM Breakouts The following courses are offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Space is limited. Based on your registration date, we will do our best to place you in one of your top 2 selections. Please make your top 3 selections in order of preference (1 being most preferred). Option 1: Zirconia Restorations w/Markus B. Blatz Option 2: CAD/CAM w/Alan Jurim Option 3: Surgical Navigation w/Christopher Scharff Option 4: Laser Therapy w/Harvey Shiffman Option 5: Periodontal Regeneration w/Charles R. Braga Option 6: Direct Composites w/David Clark Option 7: Intraoral Scanning w/Lou Graham Option 8: Attracting Cosmetic Patients w/Brian Harris Option 9: Innovative Endodontics w/Diwakar Kinra Option 10: Digital Workflow w/Parag R. Kachalia Option 11: Practice Growth w/Gary Kadi Option 12: Digital Analytics w/Weston Lunsford

Friday PM Breakouts Please select one session below. o Option 1: Financial Planning w/Judson Crawford o Option 2: Economics w/Vikram Mansharamani o Option 3: Prudent Investing w/Paul Merriman o Option 4: Estate Planning w/Sean W. Scott o Option 5: Leadership w/Sanjay Shah

SYMPOSIUM NON-DOCTOR REGISTRATION ACCOMPANYING SPOUSE, GUEST, OR STAFF REGISTER ONLINE Or complete and fax to 425.827.4292, or mail to: Seattle Study Club® | 635 Market Street | Kirkland, WA 98033 By submitting a registration form, each registrant acknowledges and agrees to the terms of the cancellation and refund policy, the full text of which is shown in The Fine Print located on page 40 of this brochure. The cancellation and refund policy applies regardless of the reason for cancellation, including but not limited to unforeseen personal or world events.

BREAKOUT OPTIONS Wednesday PM Breakouts Please select one session below. o Option 1: Accountability w/Angela Brown o Option 2: Time Management w/James Cathcart o Option 3: Negotiation w/Mike Hourigan o Option 4: Employee Engagement w/Scott McKain o Option 5: Business Management w/Mark Sanborn followed by Business Growth w/Andrew Boynton

Thursday PM Breakouts o Check here for the Women-Focused Lunch.

Name: [circle one]






Home Address: City:


Postal Code:


Home Phone:

Cell Phone:

Personal Email:

Food Allergies [please specify]: Your meal preference, should there be a plated dinner [check one]: o Beef

o Chicken

o Fish

Attendees will be assigned to the non-doctor program—Communication w/ David Schwab. However, accompanying spouses may select one of the following courses. o Option 1: Practice Profitability w/Kirk Behrendt o Option 2: DSO Landscape and How to Thrive in It w/Vincent Cardillo followed by Charles Cohen o Option 3: Embezzlement Prevention w/Pat Little o Option 4: HR & Employment Law w/Tim Twigg o Option 5: Practice Valuation and Buying/Selling Your Practice w/Allen M. Schiff, followed by Charles Loretto, and closing w/David Cohen

o Vegan

Friday PM Breakouts Shirt Size [circle one]:







Female: S





I am staying at:

o The Ritz-Carlton, Amelia Island, Florida

Please select one session below. o Option 1: Financial Planning w/Judson Crawford o Option 2: Economics w/Vikram Mansharamani o Option 3: Prudent Investing w/Paul Merriman o Option 4: Estate Planning w/Sean W. Scott o Option 5: Leadership w/Sanjay Shah

o Other:

Accompanying Spouse,

Kids Tuition

Guest, or Staff Tuition

o $1,695, ages 16–18, Name(s)

o $2,875, on or before October 15, 2018

o $1,295, ages 11–15, Name(s)

o $2,995, after October 15, 2018

o $695, ages 6–10, Name(s) o Free, ages 0–5, Name(s)

Total Payment Enclosed: Amex/Disc/MC/Visa: Exp:


Or Check #:

Name on Card: Billing Address: City:


Postal Code:



635 Market Street | Kirkland, Washington 98033 | seattlestudyclub.com | 425.576.8000

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