Seattle’s Child “66 Days of Summer Issue” July/August 2024

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CARE: No More Under INSIDE Museums are for Kids! HEAD TO THE PARK! 66 days summer of
PARENTS: Kids at
DAD: Summer flies by
>> Contents Seattle’sChild „ Find us online at ON THE COVER Ansel and Van playing with driftwood at Lincoln Park. PHOTO BY JOSHUA HUSTON July/August 2024 // Issue 506 p.5 WHAT PARENTS ARE TALKING ABOUT 5 DAD NEXT DOOR 7 CARE 9 FEATURE: HEAD TO THE PARK 12 CONCERTS 14 THEATER 16 FESTIVALS 18 FREE SUMMER MEALS ... 21 TROLLS 22 NATIONAL PARKS 25 p.9 Museums are for KIDs! A SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE FAMILY-FRIENDLY MUSEUMS THE PUGET SOUND REGION AND SEATTLE'S CHILD MAGAZINE What did the world look like before I was here? Who shares the earth with me? How do things work? What does art say to me? SHUTTERSTOCK p.27 MUSEUMS AREKIDSFOR SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION CREATIVEDANCE.ORG Nurturing Baby • Caregiver-Child • Dance & Art Creative Dance • Ballet • Modern • Hip Hop Adaptive BrainDance • Summer Camps! Enroll now! BRAINDANCE HOME OF THE

Skagit County Fair


Seahurst Park, Burien Liberty Park, Renton

The Environmental Science Center (ESC) offers free, family-friendly nature programs for all ages and interests around south King County. There are programs for everyone, from toddlers to teenagers, including low tide beach walks, drop-in STEM activity times, nature exploration kits, and more. Come explore our local ecosystems with ESC to learn more about the wildlife and plants that share our watershed.

August 8-11, 2024 360-416-1350 501 Taylor St., Mount Vernon 98273

Mark your calendars because “You Herd it Here… Skagit’s GOAT Talent!” at the Skagit County Fair. Herd on over to the fair for four days of live entertainment, carnival rides, a magician, a hypnotist, jugglers, farm animals, tasty food, a circus, birds of prey, and an extreme trampoline show. Thursday is packed with Family Resources Day, Diaper Drive and Diaper Derby. Friday is Safety and Preparedness Day. Saturday evening features an international Latin artist. New this year: Open on Sunday!


“Seattle is my town. I know this city inside and out… or so I thought until I had kids.”

Seattle’s Child is your guide to getting to know your city all over again. Finding things to do, places to eat, and how to get around — it’s a whole new ballgame with kids in tow. We’re interested in how parents make homes in a space-challenged urban environment, how families create community, and what parents are really talking about. Seattle’s Child reflects real Washington families and their broad range of parenting experiences.

4 SEATTLE’S CHILD July/August 2024
July/August 2024 // Issue 506 Seattle’s Child has provided useful information to parents since 1979. In addition to our magazine, look for our special themed publications — Family Guide, School, Explore and SummerTime — distributed free throughout the Puget Sound area. Seattle’s Child is published every other month. ONLINE Facebook Twitter @SeaChildMag Instagram @seattleschildmag MAIL c/o Postal Plus 1211 E. Denny Way, Seattle, WA 98112 VOICE 206-441-0191 TO ADVERTISE MAGAZINE DISTRIBUTION STORY IDEAS CALENDAR SUBMISSIONS Include date, time, cost, appropriate ages, address, contact information and description. Seattle’sChild ANN BERGMAN Publisher, Founder JASMIN THANKACHEN Associate Publisher KATHRYN HOLLOWAY Art Director CHERYL MURFIN Managing Editor JOSHUA HUSTON Photographer ROSE WILLIAMSON Proofreader JEFF LEE, MD Columnist DR. SUSANNA BLOCK ELIZABETH HUNTER MELODY IP Contributors ADVERTISING JULANN HILL Senior Account Manager 206-724-2453 ERICA GILSON Account Executive AMBER ELBON Ad Production Manager Catch up and get ahead with our learning guarantee! GRADES 2-9 206.709.9500 Morningside Academy Nature Programs with the Environmental Science

Don’t miss these stories on

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The local dad behind YouTube phenom ‘Dad, how do I?’

KIDS COUNT 2024: WA must do better for kids


FOCS steps up to help asylum-seeking families in Kent encampment

»What Parents Are Talking About

Should young kids attend protests?

Considerations for engaging in family activism by

In June 2018, hundreds of people marched through downtown Seattle to protest immigration policies that were separating families seeking refuge in the U.S. My family was among the attendees. My kids were ages 1 to 6 at the time. Shortly after we began, my 4-year-old refused to walk, so my husband carried her the whole way. My daughter’s face was weary, her eyes cautious.

Strasbaugh and her family have attended numerous demonstrations, Education, health, development and more

She later communicated that she feared being taken from us, just like the kids we had been talking about. In the security of our home, the words hadn’t affected her. But in marching alongside other people, the words seemed threatening.

Knowing what I know now about my daughter and her anxiety, I wish I had approached the situation differently. I would have rethought our participation as a family.

Navigating kids’ needs while standing for power and community

I recently spoke with Krysta Strasbaugh, a Renton parent of an incoming 7th-grader and high school sophomore. Her family was formed through intercountry adoption and navigated years of red tape before they could live together in the U.S. She recalls that, at that point, the national uprising for Black lives was in full effect.

July/August 2024 SEATTLE’S CHILD 5
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Melody Ip’s children making protest posters.

Parents Are Talking About

usually around the Black Lives Matter movement or antiracism in general. Her children were 4 and 7 when they attended their first event.

there were people right here in their community who have their backs, literally and figuratively, for the long term.

Over time, the kids didn’t always want to attend the protests, and that’s OK. Sometimes they needed to be there to experience the power of community and take a little power back. Other times they just needed to get a cheeseburger with their dad and play at the park while I marched. Both seemed important.

SC: Did your kids understand the purpose of the events?

Here is part of that conversation: Seattle’s Child (SC): How did you decide to include your children in the events? Krysta Strasbaugh (KS): I remember feeling proud that Barack Obama was president. Within a year, Donald Trump had won the next election. Hate crimes increased across the country, and we knew our community was not immune. As parents, we felt responsible to help the kids make sense out of a situation that felt senseless most of the time. We knew they were absorbing some really confusing, potentially harmful messages, and protesting was like a glue — it solidified where we stood as a family and connected us to the community, which we all really needed at the time. Still do.

SC: Did you have conversations beforehand to prepare your children?

KS: We’d discuss our usual norms for what to do in large groups. What happens if we get separated? Who do you look for? What are Mom and Dad’s phone numbers? We’d also check in intentionally about thoughts and feelings after events. I admit, a lot of times there didn’t seem to be sufficient answers, and I’m sure I stumbled through a lot of it, but I think there’s value in opening up the space even if it’s just to hold the questions together.

SC: How did you mitigate safety concerns?

KS: Physical safety wasn’t our only concern. Felt safety, emotional safety, is huge. With the world seemingly spinning out of control, it was important our kids knew

KS: In a broad sense, yes. … We didn’t always go into detail about traumatic events preceding a community gathering, but I think our kids, like most, easily grasped concepts of fairness and standing up for each other. We tried to offer choice in how much they wanted to know — partly because we want them to exercise that agency, but also because we know it’s almost inevitable the news will reach them through media or peers.

Knowing your child

Several years later, my family marched again, for the Black Lives Matter and Stop Asian Hate movements. This time, I was more sensitive about disclosing details to my kids. I didn’t want to make light of the violence, nor did I want to trigger fear in my kids. I wrestled then — and still do — to balance exposing our kids to the realities of the world while honoring their emotional parameters. It comes down to knowing your child. A young child may be able to separate the issue at hand from their own circumstances. An older child may feel anxious. If a public event feels too nerve-wracking for your child, consider making window signs or writing letters to elected officials. Children can still learn about what others are experiencing, without being in settings that create anxiety and overshadow the cause you’re trying to fight.

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» Dad Next Door

A little encouragement from across the fence

Let them find sticks

I was trying to figure out our summer schedule the other day, so I looked up the academic calendar for our seventh-grader’s school. Her current school year doesn’t end until the middle of June, and the next year begins early in August. All told, she has about seven weeks of summer vacation. I had to check twice to make sure I hadn’t made a mistake. Seven weeks. WTF?

When I was a kid, summer vacation started the first week of June and stretched into the week after Labor Day. It was a full three months — and even then it felt too brief. It made me wonder how we got here, and whether anyone ever asked if it’s a good thing.

At this point, I need to check myself to make sure I’m not indulging in some self-deluded, nostalgic old-guy rant. You know the kind I’m talking about:

Back in the day, we didn’t need all these fancy camps and gizmos and whatnot. All we needed was a stick. You could hit things with it, you could throw it, you could whittle it — and it didn’t cost nothing! These youngsters today are spoiled brats.

The thing is, I don’t feel envious or dismissive of today’s kids — I feel sad for them. When the bell rang at the end of our last day of school, we used to spill out of that building into a vast expanse of unscheduled days, stretching across our kitchen wall calendars on three full pages of freedom and empty squares.

Of course, we didn’t always make the best choices with that freedom. For one thing, we spent way too much time watching TV reruns. And sometimes we just sat on the front steps in the August heat being bored.

“What do you wanna do?”

“I don’t know. Wiffle Ball?”

“Too hot. Anyway, the ball’s stuck in the roof gutter again.”

“Kick the can?”

“Not enough people.”

“Let’s go find a stick.”


The good thing about boredom, though, was that it eventually cured itself. Once we got bored enough, we made something happen. We climbed trees, or rolled down hills until we were too dizzy to stand. We studied ant colonies and mapped out their civilizations. We tossed sticks into the river from the bridge and bet on which

one would emerge first on the other side. On sunny days, we burned our names into scrap wood with magnifying glasses. When it rained, we built dams and canals in the gutters, and sent tree-bark boats careening down the rapids into the deadly Charybdis of the gurgling street drain.

And then there were the creatures. Any tiny thing that crawled, flew, slithered, burrowed or swam in our general vicinity risked capture and imprisonment in our menagerie of mayonnaise jars.

So the question, of course, is how much was all of this worth? Was what we learned in the fields and woods around our neighborhood more valuable than five more weeks of school? Were the endless hours of wading in a creek looking for minnows and crayfish a better education than a week of computer programming camp? In all honesty, I don’t know. But maybe that’s the wrong question.

As we’ve crammed our children’s lives full of information and skills and learning, what we’ve taken from them is time — a very specific kind of time. The scarcest resource in modern childhood is time that isn’t planned by adults. When I look back at my summers as a kid, it isn’t the hours of TV, or the hundreds of trees I climbed, or the thousands of critters I captured that seem so precious — it’s the long, uninterrupted days of deciding for myself what to do, where to go, and how to pass the time until the dinner bell rang.

I know the world I grew up in doesn’t really exist anymore. Our kids can’t run through the neighbors’ yards as if it were all one big communal playground. They probably don’t have creeks and woods and open meadows they can ride their bikes to. They’re surrounded by video games and smart phones that are far more seductive and addictive than old reruns of Gilligan’s Island. But I can’t help but think that if we just carved out some space for them — a few empty squares on the Google calendar where they could stop and breathe and get bored — they just might grow up a little more resilient, a little more curious, and a little more capable of entertaining themselves.

That seems like a fair trade for a week of computer camp.


Jeff Lee still appreciates the value of a really good stick, in Seattle, WA.

July/August 2024 SEATTLE’S CHILD 7
„ Read all of Jeff Lee’s columns on


What every parent needs to have on hand

Why are pets good for kids?

Thinking about getting a pet? Here’s what to know.

“You cannot share your life with a dog and not know perfectly well that animals have personalities and minds and feelings.”

Possibly because it is spring or possibly because Dr. Jane Goodall, preeminent primatologist, recently spoke in Seattle, people are talking about pets.

Adding a pet to your family is a big decision, but there are huge benefits if you decide to take the leap. Teaching empathy, responsibility, getting outside, and boosting the immune system (unless your child has known allergies) are some of the pluses. The key is to choose your pet and the timing wisely to set yourself up for success. Let’s celebrate summer by talking about the power of pets.

Kids and pets: the benefits

Furry friends can boost immunity and reduce asthma.

I’ve said it before: Dirt can be a good thing when it comes to our health. Exposure to germs makes for a more resilient immune system and can improve the human microbiome, reducing the risk of developing allergies.

Studies have shown that children who grow up with pets are less likely to experience colds, ear infections, coughs, asthma, allergies and eczema compared with those not exposed to animals. This is particularly true for dogs, but any furry animals, especially those that go in and out of the house, can boost immunity and reduce other risks over a lifetime. Amazingly, petting a dog for even a short time can raise antibody levels that protect against infection.

If your children have environmental allergies, be cautious about introducing a new pet as they can increase symptoms in people who already have allergies.

Kids and pets: more pluses

Pets help develop responsibility. Walking the family dog or feeding the hamster can help build consistent routines, which can teach responsibility and help organize the day. Caring for pets is a good way to learn empathy, compassion, and thoughtfulness toward others. It also builds nonverbal communication skills

and — some research shows — language skills: Your child is still building vocabulary during a one-sided conversation with the dog.

Pets are good for mental health and physical health. What’s more calming than a tail wag or a deep purr? Pets provide positive interaction for children and a sense of security, especially for children with anxiety, autism spectrum disorder and ADHD. Animals can take the stress out of new situations and be a calming presence at the end of the day. Pets even help lower blood pressure in adults and can combat loneliness and depression at any age. Taking a dog for a walk is a fun way to get outside, get your blood pumping, chat and play.

Connecting to nature

Living with a pet is also a way to connect to nature and life cycles. Our urban lives are often disconnected to nature. Caring for a pet throughout its life is a way to talk about the life cycle. We recently lost our longtime cat, and it prompted important discussions about life, aging and death. These are difficult conversations but also so real and part of being human.

Kids and pets: things to think about Set yourself up for success: Choose the right pet. There is no doubt that having a pet can be a great addition to a family, but it is also work. If your hope is to have the pet be a companion for your child, it makes sense to wait until they are at least 5 to 6 years old and mature enough to treat the animal appropriately. Often younger children view pets like “animated stuffies,” which can lead

to roughhousing, running the risk of getting scratched or bitten.

Spend time with your child researching what type of pet would be appropriate. Learn about the temperament and care needs before making the decision. You want to select a pet that works for your family. Make a realistic plan

Having appropriate expectations is also key. No question, your child will promise to do everything, every day, forever during the initial pet discussion. We all know that this enthusiasm wanes. Make a realistic plan with your child about what you expect them to do. Stay involved so you are aware when they need prompting to meet care needs. For example, does the dog have water?, and so on.

There are lots of wonderful rescue animals out there looking for forever homes. You can talk with the coordinators at your local shelter about finding a fit for your lifestyle and your children’s ages and temperaments. Whatever pet is right for you and your family, consider the pet’s needs, too, and the time, money and responsibility that go into caring for a pet over the years.

With the right fit, pets are wonderful companions, teachers, and friends! Good boy!


Dr. Susanna Block, MD, MPH, is a pediatrician with Kaiser Permanente in Seattle and lives with her family in Queen Anne.


8 SEATTLE’S CHILD July/August 2024

In Show some food love

There are numerous food banks operating in King County — 30 in Seattle alone. Each bank relies on volunteers to collect, organize, and distribute groceries and other life necessities to families and individuals in need. And many invite families to volunteer together. Check out the opportunities to pitch in this summer, a time when many families experience food insecurity, at Food Lifeline. Go to — Cheryl Murfin


Creating communities where kids flourish

No more under

Chezik Tsunoda, a mother of four and resident of Mercer Island, is magnetic and engaging even when talking about the worst topic in the world: losing a child.

In 2018, Tsunoda’s 3-yearold son, Yori, drowned in a swimming pool while surrounded by friends and family.

Several adults were nearby. It was what any parent would consider safe. But drowning — the leading cause of accidental death for children under age 4 — is swift and silent.

“I remember saying, ‘Where’s Yori?’” Tsunoda said. “I had this strange feeling.”

In the years after Yori’s death, Tsunoda realized water safety education wasn’t sufficiently prioritized for American communities. Kids were still dying and suffering debilitating brain injuries in preventable water accidents. She started the organization No More Under with a single goal: to save lives.

Here’s what she wants you to know.

So Many Ways to Drown

In 2020, after years of steady decline, the number of children who drowned in the United States started to climb. Between 2018 and 2022, 135

people in King County lost their lives to drowning. Seattle Children’s estimates that 17 children drown in Washington state every year.

“These deaths are completely preventable,” said Tsunoda. Global experts agree. In 2022, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) issued a special interest call for research on drowning prevention.

According to Dr. Cinnamon Dixon, Medical Officer at the National Institute of Health and Human Development, “The

research in these applications varied considerably, representing the breadth of endeavors needed to address drowning.”

According to Tsunoda, water safety is a massive issue requiring efforts across all aspects of public policy. She puts it bluntly: “There are so many ways to drown.”

For children ages 4 and younger, an inch of water can be dangerous. More than 85% of small children drown in pools or hot tubs at home or at a friend’s. Toilets, bathtubs, deco-

rative ponds, and even puddles pose a risk.

For kids ages 5 to 17, the risk shifts. While parents should remain vigilant at pools, open water — the kind most of us swim in here in the Puget Sound region — poses the more significant threat. “We often learn how to swim in a pool, and children don’t understand the difference being in that open space,” said Tsunoda. “It’s not a controlled environment.”

According to the Red Cross,

July/August 2024 SEATTLE’S CHILD 9
„ Find more local stories for families on Mercer Island mom is determined to prevent drowning by ELIZABETH HUNTER photograh by JOSHUA HUSTON
Chezik Tsunoda, the founder of No More Under.


oceans, rivers, lakes, and ponds account for half of all drownings for children and teens; risks vary by demographics. Boys, children with ASD, and children of color are more likely to drown than their peers.

Nearly half of Americans do not know how to swim.

“There are huge cultural differences around water,” explained Tsunoda. “Fewer black and brown families know how to swim, so they just avoid the water.

“But this is Seattle,” she said. “We are surrounded by water.”

Water Safety Advocacy

Tsunoda is ardent about changing the conversation around water safety.

“When we visit our pediatricians,” she said, “we hear about sugar, electrical outlets, everything — but the number one [accidental] reason your kids won’t make it to kinder-

Simple Actions Prevent Tragedies

No More Under founder Chezik Tsunoda, Sammamish YMCA Aquatics Director Riley Simpson, and several working lifeguards offer the following checklists for preventing water injury or death.

Before you go:

• Start basic water safety at age 2

• Ask playdates if they have a pool/hot tub

• Learn how to swim and perform CPR

• Advocate for water safety education and legislation

• Download No More Under’s free Water Watcher App

Around the water:

• Designate a Water Watcher

• Practice the buddy system

• Hire a lifeguard for pool parties

• Make sure older kids tell you when they go swimming

• Keep hot tub time short, replenish fluids, rest afterward

garten is drowning.

“My heart is dedicated to getting water safety taught in schools, so there’s not all that pressure on the parents,” she said.

Physical education teachers can talk with kids about water safety and advocate for swim lessons, which can support children whose parents aren’t




swimmers. No More Under also connects families to affordable lessons. In 2022, 196 kids took swim lessons through No More Under partners.

Last year, No More Under worked to pass Yori’s Law (HB 1750), a bill that promotes equitable water safety and drowning prevention education.

Be a Water Watcher!

Parents can download No More Under’s free Water Watcher App, which offers timed intervals for designated “water watchers,” adults committed to 100% watching children in the water — no texting, drinking, or socializing.

“In the amount of time it takes to read and answer a text message, a kid can drown,” said Tsunoda.

Take it from a lifeguard.

Riley Simpson, the Sammamish YMCA’s aquatics director, explains, “Drowning is a process. I’ve seen kids in trouble ten feet away from their parents.”

“When children are distressed in the water, survival instincts kick in,” Simpson said. “They may look like they are climbing a ladder, bobbing up and down for air, or clinging to an item.”

Simpson added, “Their mouth and nose are dipping into the water, and they are expending all their energy trying to breathe, so most kids can’t shout or splash.”

license plate, you help keep children of all ages healthy and safe. Save money by renewing tabs earlyand order new plates! Save money by renewing tabs early –and order new plates!

Love a sport? Do you want to play with your kid while giving back to your community? It’s as easy as becoming a volunteer coach! Seattle Parks and Recreation is in need of coaches and assistants to keep its low-cost leagues running every summer. The process is straightforward: Simply reach out to your local community center staff about coaching positions, fill out an application and background check form, work with staff to fill your roster, and you’re ready to play ball! For more information, visit the Seattle Parks volunteer portal at

—Cheryl Murfin

10 SEATTLE’S CHILD July/August 2024
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Scan to order your Keep Kids Safe license plate today.►
Kids Safe
July/August 2024 SEATTLE’S CHILD 11 458301-02 4/24 Longfellow’s WHALE Tales Water Safety for Children Do Your Part, Be Water Smart! Watch free videos, complete fun activities and more to help your kids learn to be safer in, on and around the water. Visit to join the wave! Scan to learn more.

Head Park to the

From festivals to movies, music and theater, local parks have you covered during the 66 days of summer


Monday, July 1

It’s always play day on Pier 62 on the Seattle Waterfront. There is often a game of pickup soccer happening on the pier’s high-quality mini-soccer field and kids are welcome to jump in. Don’t forget protective gear and you may want to bring your own soccer ball to play among yourselves if no game is on. There are also free family-friendly classes and activities planned all summer long on the pier. When the kids are tuckered out, move on over to the corn hole game and giant chess or checkers boards. Find out more at FREE

Tuesday, July 2

Get the lay of the land. Take a Seattle Think you know this city? Think again. The tour leaders at the Seattle Free Walking Tour have collected all sorts of interesting historical tidbits and stories that make their walking tours fun for the whole family. There are several tours to choose from, including the flagship Seattle 101, the Old Cemetery Tour and an insider’s tour of Pike Place Market. Love the tour? Donations welcome! FREE

Wednesday, July 3

Go for a row! The Center for Wooden Boats offers free boat “rentals,” Wednesday through Friday on the south end of Lake Union. Hop on board one of the center’s brightly colored peapod boats and paddle out for an hour to get a close look at maritime Seattle. Life jackets are provided and required. FREE

There’s a reason they call Seattle “The Emerald City” and Washington “The Evergreen State.” Seattle is home to 485 parks, and its neighboring cities offer hundreds more. Kent manages 43 parks, Bellevue 100, Auburn 33, and unincorporated King County is home to 205 more. From wooded and wild to grassy and groomed, parks throughout the region offer worlds of exploration, entertainment, activity, and exercise each summer. And the best part? Most of that fun is absolutely free. Below is our annual list of activities and outings to fill every day of summer from July 1 to September 4. This year, however, we’ve put a special emphasis on loading it with fun, free, park-based activities, events, and ideas. Hint: scroll the whole list and register early for activities that require it. As in years past, you’ll find a few things on the list that cost money, but most of these ideas are free. We hope you and your kids will remember summer 2024 as the season of “Let’s head to the park!”

ONE MORE FOR TODAY: Beat the traffic and enjoy an early fireworks show at Ballinger Park put on by the City of Mountlake Terrace. Festivities will begin at 6 p.m., and the fun includes pie-eating contests, field games, a DJ, and more. The fireworks display will take place at approximately 10 p.m. FREE

Thursday, July 4

Celebrate the nation’s independence with a good old-fashioned fireworks show. In Seattle, Seafair will host

4 th of July

this year’s rockets’ red glare with the best viewing at three different locations: Gas Works Park, South Lake Union Park, and Lake Union. The celebration in these parks runs from 3 to 11 p.m. with the light show around 10 p.m.. On the Eastside, the largest display will be in Bellevue and feature free live music, entertainment, food trucks, and plenty of children’s activities. The fireworks begin at 10:05 p.m. Are your children sensitive to fireworks

noise or crowds? Bring the party home! Put on the silly hats, pull out the BBQ, make flag-colored popsicles, set up a scavenger hunt (see August 19), and end the night with oven-baked s’mores and a fireworks broadcast. If you watch the East Coast celebration, you’ll all be in bed by 10 p.m. FREE OTHER SHOWS AND TIMES INCLUDE: Arlington: Quake Park 10 p.m.

Bellevue: Downtown Park 10:05 p.m.

Carnation: Remlinger Farms 10:15 p.m.

Everett: Port Gardner Bay 10 p.m.

Federal Way: Celebration Park 10:15 p.m.

Kingston: Mike Wallace Park 10 p.m.

Sammamish: Vasa Park 10 p.m.

SeaTac: Angle Lake Park 10 p.m.

Snoqualmie: Snoqualmie Community Park 9:45 p.m.

Tacoma: Ruston Way Waterfront 10 p.m.

WAY MORE FOR TODAY: Today is the first Thursday free admission day at museums all around the Seattle area. So grab your crew to check out the incredible range of history, culture, plants and more at museums like the Museum of History & Industry, Museum of Flight, Seattle Art Museum, Burke Museum, National Nordic Museum, Seattle Asian Art Museum, Tacoma Art Museum, and the Volunteer Park Conservatory. FREE

Friday, July 5

Watch fire spinners practice their art at Gas Works Park today. The demonstrations will take place during Northwest Flow Fest Community Fire Jam, where more than 30 workshops in yoga, dance, circus, and flow arts will take place on the park’s concrete pad from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. Through Sunday. Watching all that art is FREE.

Saturday, July 6

Seattle Seafair Pirates make their traditional landing at Alki Beach Park in West Seattle today, bringing fun and a lot of shenanigans off their

12 SEATTLE’S CHILD July/August 2024
Head Park to the Head Park to the Head Park to the Head Park to the Head Park to the 4TH OF JULY: SHUTTERSTOCK

boat and into the gathered crowd. It’s a 70-year-old tradition and the semi-official start of Seafair summer festivities. Pirates will entertain kids of all ages and offer treasures to boot. So dress up as your favorite pirates and join the fun from 1:30 to 5 p.m. FREE

ONE MORE: Visit the Amazon Spheres. Every kid wonders what’s inside. Book your 1-hour free visit for a time slot on the first or third Saturday of the month, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. FREE

Sunday, July 7

Check out what lives beneath the waters of Puget Sound today as you stroll with a Seattle Aquarium volunteer during low tide from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. It’s an invitation to discover Puget Sound’s multitude of marine plants and animals. Beach Naturalists program runs on low-tide days throughout the summer. You’ll find a beach naturalist waiting today at Carkeek Beach, Constellation Park/Charles Richey Viewpoint, Dash Point State Park, Des Moines Beach, Golden Gardens Beach, Lincoln Beach, Olympic Sculpture Park Pocket Beach, Redondo Beach, Richmond Beach, Saltwater Beach, and Seahurst Beach. Next chances: July 20 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; no naturalist at Des Moines beach, July 21 from 9:30 a.m., to 1:30 p.m.; no naturalist at Des Moines beach, July 22 from 10:30 a.m to 2 p.m and July 23 from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. FREE

Beach Naturalists

Monday, July 8

What does a beaver house look like? Find out by visiting the Beaver Lodge Sanctuary, located at 37th Avenue E and E McGilvra St. in Madison Park. You’ll find this woodsy water sanctuary at the end of a short, semi-hidden gravel path, shoehorned between a couple of classic homes and a golf course. Look for piles of crisscrossed logs, groomed branches, and other signs of an active beaver dam, as well as other wildlife. The first one who spots the dam gets to choose what’s for dinner! Looking for other unusual spots to explore? Check out “Have you heard about Seattle’s

Levity Arts

hidden shoreline beaches and outdoor spaces?” on the SDOT Blog at FREE

ONE MORE: Check out the family-friendly Magic Monday show at Third Place Books in Ravenna at 6:30 p.m. tonight and every second Monday of the month. Each show features the Pacific Northwest’s finest magicians performing feats of mystery, wonder, and bizarreness. With its origins in the theaters of London and New York, Magic Monday is a cabaret of conjuring in the intimate setting of a bookstore. FREE

AND ONE MORE: Hey water-loving kids ages 9 to 13! The Washington State Parks Boating Program will be holding a free water safety course today (paid for by the No Child Left Inside grant) at Alki Beach Park, east of the Alki Bathhouse. The program teaches the basics of paddle safety, water competency, and teamwork through on-water and land-based instruction. Participants will receive a life jacket and four hours of instruction during the Washington State Paddle Safe class. More classes will be held at different locations so search for “Paddle Safe” at the code below to find other date options. Space is limited so register early. 5ktr7er4 FREE

Tuesday, July 9

There’s a lot of action happening at the Ballard Locks and Carl S. English Botanical Garden. The locks work to keep fresh water and salt water separated. Explore the visitor’s center and museum (open Wednesday-Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.), take a guided tour of the locks to learn how salmon use them during their migration, and watch the boats rise and fall between gates. Each summer, the Carl S. English Botanical Garden is a great place to picnic, roll down hills, and wander through the foliage. FREE

Wednesday, July 10

Help your community! Grab a group of friends and spend a few hours beautifying Alki Beach through the Block Drop program. The program supplies buckets, vests, and pick-sticks and collects the garbage you gather; you provide the environmental preserva-

tion spirit. Head to the beach any day and look for Block Drop signs or go online to set up a group drop in a specific neighborhood. Once you’re done, the beach is yours to enjoy! FREE

Thursday, July 11

Bring your friends and family, picnic blankets, dance moves, and good vibes to Gas Works Park from 7 to 10 p.m. for an evening of free music, performances, and circus arts awesomeness. It’s a burning man-style gathering from Levity Arts that’s family-friendly and designed to build community and creative inspiration. FREE

ONE MORE: Take a trip to The Reptile Zoo in Monroe to experience Close Encounters with real reptiles. This zoo has the most extensive collection of reptiles on display that you will find in the Pacific Northwest, including turtles, alligators, lizards and many types of snakes (even some venomous types such as cobras and rattlesnakes). Some of their most pop ular animals include a turtle with two heads, an albino alligator, and Aldabra giant tortoises.

AND YET ANOTHER: The King County Fair kicks off today (through July 14) with all the favorite carnival rides, entertainment, demonstrations, and 4-H animals at Enumclaw Expo Center. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for kids ages 5-12.

Friday, July 12

Imagine a Day Out With Thomas (as in Thomas the Tank Engine). The event at Northwest Railway Museum in Snoqualmie includes a bubble-blowing zone and bubble bouncer-ball racing, the chance to play with Thomas & Friends toys, live entertainment, a maze, crafts, stories, and the chance to meet Sir Topham Hatt. And, of course, several train rides. Tickets are $28-$32 each for all ages. Through July 28. Need more info? Go to

ONE MORE: Head to the Northgate Community Center’s lawn today to celebrate the center’s 18th anniver-

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sary with a community-wide party. The event includes live music, class demonstrations, games, and free food and beverages. 5-7:30 p.m. FREE

Saturday, July 13

Keep rolling through Seattle Bicycle Give them more practice Lake Washington Boulevard, which will be closed to traffic to make room for cyclists and walkers all day today and tomorrow, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Not sure how to get them rolling on their own or where best to practice riding in the greater Seattle area? Check out “Teach a child to ride a bike using these 4 steps” at For all bicycle weekend dates go to about-us/projects/bicycleweekends FREE

MORE CELEBRATION! Head to Pasado’s Safe Haven today for a vegan ice cream social summer kick-off, including Journey the Cow’s 6th Birthday celebration. 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Cost is $35 for adults, $15 for kids ages 3-10, free for ages 2 and younger.

ONE MORE: Dress up as your favorite superheroes today and march over to Wallingford for the annual Wallingford Parade, a celebration of all the heroes in the community who do good things for others. There will be dogs, drill teams, marching bands, and floats in this show, which rolls through

Wallingford on North 45th Street starting at 11 a.m.. The 2024 theme is “Be a Hero.” Read how to participate at FREE

Sunday, July 14

Ice cream and exercise, what better pairing is there? Sign up for the 4th annual Sundae Runday, a 5K run, a 2-mile walk, or Kids’ Dash through sprawling Genesee Park, along the shores of Lake Washington. And at the end of the race, reward! Each participant wins a trip through the sundae toppings bar! All ages welcome. The race benefits Let Me Run, which teaches boys to be their best selves through a character development program powered by running. Runs are $45 for walkers or runners; $10 for Kids’ Dashers. Register at

Monday, July 15

It’s a great day to go plawk or plog in your local or favorite park. Yes, these are real words. Plawking or plogging is the simple act of taking a walk or a jog and picking up trash along the way — all part of the effort to keep community resources like parks and neighborhoods beautiful. The pastime, which originated in Sweden, is great exercise and a wonderful way to show your parks some love. Grab your walking sticks, tie trash bags to your waists, and plawk the litter into the bag. Then place it in a trash bin. Learn more at FREE

in the parks summer concerts

Summer means music throughout Puget Sound as free, family-oriented concerts take the stage. Grab a blanket, pack a picnic, and get ready to get your groove on with your kids. Hint: In many settings, kids are welcome to dance with abandon up front near the stage.


The Summer Series at the Volunteer Park Amphitheater runs on Thursday evenings from July 11 to August 15, 6 to 8:30 p.m.

Seattle Peace Concerts hosts a variety of free concerts from noon to 6 p.m. on July 7, July 13, July 21, July 28, August 4, and August 18. All concerts promote the concepts of peaceful connection and community. They take place throughout the summer at numerous city parks.

The Downtown Summer Sounds series has numerous shows from July 5 to September 10. Times and locations vary but include Westlake Park, Occidental Square, Bell Street Park, and Union Square. Acts are described as

Tuesday, July 16

Hunt for gnomes! Maple Valley’s half-mile Gnome Trail, located in the Rock Creek Natural Area, is cool parkland that’s a perfect fit for a hot summer day. The canopy of trees

Woodinville Summer Concerts

everything “from small-time buskers wowing with their solo skills to main-stage headliners.”

The line-up is available at 3downtownseattle. org/events/downtown-summer-sounds/ Summer Concert Series at the Locks: The Carl S. English Garden at the Ballard Locks in Seattle will host at least 20 more family-oriented free concerts this summer. It’s a beautiful setting, with room to roam. Concerts take place on Saturdays and Sundays at 2 p.m. through September 1 and on July 4 (Thursday) and September 2 (Monday). free-summer-concerts.html

East of Seattle

All ages Bellevue Beats is a series of free weekday concerts in various parks and locations. They are scheduled through August 15. Shows take place on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, or Fridays in the afternoon at locations in the city.

The Kirkland Downtown Association is offering free music day and night this summer.

provides some sun protection and, no matter how many times you go, kids are destined to meet a new gnome along the path. Be on the lookout for a 3-foot-tall gnome named George, the largest on this walk. Check out our article “Gnomes’ sweet home: A Visit

Summer Kids concerts take place at Juanita Beach Park July 9, 16, 23, 30 and August 6, 13, 20 from 10-11 a.m.; Summer evening concerts happen July 11, 18, 25, and August 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29 from 7-8:30 p.m. at Kirkland Marina Park.

Celebrate Woodinville Summer Concerts take place on Wednesday nights July 10, 17, 24, and 31 at Wilmot Gateway Park in downtown Woodinville. Food trucks open 5:30 p.m., concert at 6:30 p.m.

South of Seattle

The Des Moines Arts Commission is sponsoring Wednesday evening concerts in the waterfront Des Moines Beach Park from July 17 to August 21. The shows start at 7 p.m.

Issaquah hosts the Concerts on the Green series on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. July 2 through Aug. 20 on the lawn at the Issaquah Community Center. (No pets; no alcohol.) 3tinyurl. com/4v352356

Kent Parks & Recreation has three summer concert series including kid-oriented Wednesday Picnic Performances from July 10 to August 14 from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at West Finwick Park and Wednesday Family Date Nights from July 10 to August 21 from 6-8 p.m. at Kent Station.

Auburn hosts Kids Summerstage and Summer Sounds at Les Gove Park on Wednesdays July 10 to August 14. Kids Summerstage offers a mix of music, comedy, and magic from

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Sundae Runday

to Maple Valley” at FREE

Wednesday, July 17

Visit the Seattle Japanese Garden. This 3.5-acre urban oasis in the Washington Park Arboretum is one of the city’s gems and a celebration of Japanese artistry and

noon to 1 p.m. Summer Sounds Wednesday evening concerts from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Bonney Lake presents Kids Club at Allan York Park on Monday evenings July 15 to August 19, 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. They will have music, entertainment, and reptiles.

The City of Tukwila hosts its family-friendly Concerts in the Park series on Wednesdays from July 24 to August 14 at Joseph Foster Memorial Park. Concerts start at 5:30 p.m.

North of Seattle

The City of Shoreline will stage its kids-friendly summer lunchtime concert and entertainer series at various parks on Tuesdays, July 9-30, from noon to 1 p.m. Find the lineup at

Mill Creek Town Center will start its summer concert series Wednesday evenings from July 10 through September 25. Concerts take place at The Forum at Mill Creek Town, 6–8 p.m.

The Edmonds Arts Commission is hosting a summer concert series on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays, July 7-August 27, with each concert starting at 3 p.m. at Edmonds City Park. A concert on August 25 will happen at Hickman Park. Rain cancellation posted by 12:30 p.m.

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Head to the park to take in a sHow!

Watching an outdoor summer performance is a fine way to introduce kids to the wonderful world of theater. Many performances are free (donations encouraged) and performed in parks. Bring blankets, pack a picnic, leave energetic dogs at home, remind kids of play etiquette (no talking), and ask for your kids’ review afterward. Here’s a peek at what’s “on stage” in local parks:

Seattle Shakespeare Theater

The Seattle Shakespeare Theater will be performing “The Two Gentlemen of Verona,” from June 27 through August 4, at multiple parks including Volunteer Park, Luther Burbank Park, Richmond Beach Park (Shoreline), Lynndale Park (Lynnwood), Riverton Heights Park (SeaTac), Klahanie Park, Issaquah Community Center, Mural Amphitheater at Seattle Center, Columbia Park, Wiggums Hollow Park (Everett), Wright Park (Tacoma) and Des Moines Beach Park. For a list of dates and locations visit

Seattle Outdoor Festival at Volunteer Park

The best showcase of outdoor theater in Seattle is the annual Seattle Outdoor Theater Festival in Volunteer Park, this year on Saturday, July 13 and Sunday, July 14. Multiple companies will perform in the park including in the Conservatory, on the lawn, and in the Amphitheater.

GreenStage Theater

GreenStage will be presenting its annual Shakespeare in the Park series between July 12 and August 17, including performances of “Twelfth Night,” “Henry VI, Parts 2 & 3,” and Backyard Bard: “All’s Well That Ends Well” AND “Julius Caesar.” The company’s Backyard Bard shows (one-hour shortened versions of Shakespeare’s plays) are sometimes shown back-to-back with a generous break in between. For a list of dates and locations, go to

Seattle Opera

Seattle Opera will have free performances of their 2024 touring production, “Monkey and Francine in the City of Tigers” on July 20 at Othello Playground and July 21 at Highland Park. Storytime starts at 10 a.m., followed by the 45-minute opera performance at 11 a.m. It’s appropriate for all ages. Bring your own chair or blanket. Tickets available at

Burien Actors Theatre

BAT will perform “Fallen Angels,” a youth-friendly comedy by the English playwright Noël Coward, on July 21 and 26 and August 4,11 and 18 at locations. It’s a delightful romp about two characters trying to keep their passionate pasts secrect. Chaos and hilarity ensue. The show schedule is at

Island Shakespeare Festival

Head to Langley for free (pay what you can) theater. Shakespeare’s “King Lear’’ and Aphra Behn’s “The Lucky Chance” will be performed on a rotating basis July 19 to September 8. To see the schedule and reserve tickets, visit

Kitsap Forest Theater

For a fantastical outdoor summer theater experience, head out to the Kitsap Forest Theater’s production of “Rodgers & Hammerstein Cinderella.” The theater is about a 15-minute drive from the Bremerton ferry dock. This musical performance will be a delight for the whole family. Pre-sale tickets are $23 per adult, $20 per student and senior, $10 per kids 6-12. They are $2 more at the door. The show runs Saturdays and Sundays, July 27, 28, and August 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, 18 at 2 p.m. For tickets and information, go to

Kubota Gardens

presence in this region. After your tour, extend your time in nature by strolling through the arboretum. Hours vary with the season, so check before you go. The garden opens at noon on July 4 and August 1 and every first Thursday of the month. It is open Tuesday through Sunday 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. The last entrance is 45 minutes before closing. First Thursdays are FREE.

Thursday, July 18

A walk, a story, time in nature, and a little literary adventure — what’s not to like about a story walk? The non-profit group PopUp StoryWalk integrates children’s stories (some by local authors) into popular trail walks in and around East King County. Check out the Pretzel Tree Trail, a permanent story walk installation, in Issaquah. Learn where and when new stories will be displayed at storywalk/ FREE

Friday, July 19

Step into the colorful universe of Play Time, where music, dance, and storytelling collide, hosted by the dynamic duo, Merri Ann Osborne (Mahogany Project) and Chino Gonzales (Bonnet Black). This all ages event invites you and yours to answer brain-teasing trivia questions, dive into hilarious improv games, and contribute to community art. Each episode of Play Time is unique. Along the way, you’ll uncover the stories of artists from the African Diaspora, both past and present, and their impactful legacies. Head to Garfield Community Center in Seattle Fridays from 5:30-7:30 p.m to learn from a different local guest artist who brings their own creative talents to the game show each time. Learn more at FREE

Saturday, July 20

Bark by the Bay is all about the dogs (and their families) Head south to University Place’s Chambers Creek Regional Park for an afternoon of dog

activities and games, dog art projects, treat hunting, adoptions, live demos, off-leash zones, a parade (at noon), and a costume contest. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Cost is $10 per vehicle.

ONE MORE: The MaST Center Aquarium in Des Moines, one of the region’s hidden gems, holds free public Discovery Days on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The center’s aquarium holds 3,000 gallons of seawater, and more than 250 native Puget Sound species. Two large touch tanks are a draw for all ages. Don’t miss the 38-foot Gray Whale skeleton and other marine mammal skeletons on display. FREE

Sunday, July 21

The artistry of Kubota Gardens, operated by the Seattle parks department, awaits your family today — and every day from sunrise to sunset. Kubota is truly the “hidden jewel of Rainier Beach.” These lush gardens offer more than beautiful plants in the Japanese tradition; there are also 11 ponds, two red bridges, 140 varieties of maple trees, and 30 varieties of hydrangea. It’s the perfect place for a quiet game of hideand-seek, to marvel at the shapes of bonsai, and to partake of a picnic. FREE

Monday, July 22

Build driftwood forts in Lincoln Park. Strange structures are popping up along the beaches of beautiful Lincoln Park in West Seattle. Each week a new teepee or art structure rises up from the wood-strewn beach on the west side of the park. Follow the sidewalk at the south end down to the beach. Or make it a forest adventure first, winding your way through the Lincoln Park woodlands and down several long staircase paths to the water. Did we mention there’s a troll in this park? Hint: head north on the beachside path. FREE

ONE MORE FOR TODAY: Introduce your well-mannered kids ages 10 and older to yoga and a new kind of bath — one

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that resonates inside the body. St. Mark’s Cathedral offers free community yoga and a sound bath on the third Monday of the month. The doors into the cathedral are opened at 6 p.m. and entry is closed at 6:45 p.m. You must attend the yoga session to enjoy the extended savasana and sound bath from 7:30–8 p.m. Bring a blanket and yoga mat and invite these healing sounds to wash over the whole family. Ages 10 and older; kids should be able to sit quietly for 90 minutes. FREE

Tuesday, July 23

Jump in at a free swimming beach. There are many options for swimming in the greater Seattle area and several where lifeguards help to keep swimmers safe. In Seattle, Madrona Park Beach, Matthews Beach Park, West Green Lake Beach, Seward Park, and Pritchard Island Beach have lifeguards on duty. Check the Seattle Parks and Recreation to confirm guards’ presence. On the Eastside, great swimming bets are: Lake Sammamish State Park in Issaquah, Juanita Beach Park and Houghton Beach Park both in Kirkland, Idylwood Beach Park in Redmond, and Meydenbauer Bay Park in Bellevue. In the south end, Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park is the spot. Always be sure there is a lifeguard on duty or a designated adult watching children in the water. FREE Wednesday, July 24

Make the rounds to themed playgrounds. Have an aspiring astronaut in the family or someone who loves trains? Maybe a kid who likes to play board games? Fuel their passions at a themed playground today. Zip down the line at Wilburton Park in Bellevue, climb the Jupiter structure at space-themed North Kirkland Community Park, and knock one out of the park at Shoreline’s baseball playground at Shoreview Park. Hop square to square at the colorful Chutes and Ladders-inspired West Fenwick Park in Kent. Check out “10 fun, themed playgrounds in the Seattle area to explore” at FREE

Thursday, July 25

There’s a new reason to take your clan to Pacific Sci ence Center: the new Pollina tor Path. Using a Native-led in terpretive approach, this exhibit encourages visitors to reflect on the intertwined and cyclical relationship between plants, pollinators, animals, and humans. Native plant, pollinator, and animal names that have been used for millennia — and are still used today — by local and regional Indigenous communities will be on display. The Pollinator Path exhibit is included with admission, $23-$30 for adults, $20 for youth (3-17), and free for toddlers.

Friday, July 26

Bellevue Art Museum (BAM) Arts Fair opens today. Expose your kids to the creative minds and energies of hundreds of artists during the largest arts-and-crafts festival in the Northwest. BAM Fair isn’t just for grownups. Kids and their families are invited to the museum tomorrow and Sunday for a fun weekend of hands-on art projects, games, and gallery activities from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. And back by popular demand, “Chalk-it-up” next to the Museum on 6th Street during Kids Fair hours. Approved sidewalk chalk will be available on-site so leave your chalk at home. All are welcome, but most stations are best-suited for ages 3-10.

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DISCOVER DIFFERENCE THE Be Known. Be Challenged. BELONG Limited Openings Inquire Today! C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Come for free events, stay for the views. Free events for all ages, all summer long at Pier 62. Learn more:

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at free summer festivals eat, dance, and PLay

Seattle and Puget Sound love community festivals. Whether they celebrate neighborhoods, cities, or the arrival of seasonal fare (bring on the Strawberry Festival), festivals are a chance to experience new cultures and communities, play, taste, bounce, dance, make art, listen to music, and have fun as a family. Here’s a taste of FREE summer fests happening in and around Seattle this summer.

Festál cultural festivals

Experience the many cultures of the Pacific Northwest through Seattle Center Festál celebrations; most festivals take place in the Seattle Center Armory and Mural Amphitheater. Here’s the lineup for July and August:

July 13: Polish Festival

July 27-28: Arab Festival

August 10-11: Tibet Festival

August 18: BrasilFest

August 23-25: Sundiata Black Arts Fest

For the year’s full line of cultural festivals and times, visit

July 12-13

Redmond Derby Days starts with pancakes and ends with a lighted drone show at Redmond City Hall Campus. In between, there’s a whole schedule of fun.

July 12-14

Ballard SeafoodFest in downtown Ballard is all about the food, but there will also be music,

For a full list of happenings,summertime go to calendar

family fun, and the Festi-Bowl skateboarding festival (noon-8 p.m. Saturday) at Ballard Commons Park.

Kent Cornucopia Days is the street fair Kent families and others around the Sound look forward to. It features a kids’ zone, a car show, dragon boat races, a parade, and more. For the full schedule and all locations, go to

July 19-21

Seafair Indian Days Powwow includes competitive dancing, drumming, native dress, food booths, and a daily salmon bake. It takes place at Daybreak Star Indian Cultural Center in Discovery Park. The powwow is 4-10 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m to 10 p.m. Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday. powwow/seafair-powwow-2024

Tour de Terrace is the community of Mountlake Terrace’s annual street fair, which includes carnival rides, music, a parade, a car show, and more. It takes place at Evergreen Playfield, 2-11 p.m. Friday, noon-1 p.m. Saturday, noon-6 p.m. Sunday.

Vashon Island Strawberry Festival is what it says it is: all about strawberries. And play. There are a lot of things to do and see. The shuttle bus from the ferry boats is $2 cash each way. It is at Vashon Village, 3:30-11 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday. 3thisis

The 28th Sequim Lavender


Festival®. Oh, the smells, the foods, the crafts, the fields: The lavender fest is a feast for the senses. This event takes place at Carrie Blake Park in Sequim, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Sunday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Kla Ha Ya Days is the City of Snohomish’s celebration of community and includes The Frogtastic Kids Fair, a balloon glow, a street fair, a car show, and more. For the full schedule, go to

July 20-21

Covington Days Festival kicks off with the parade at 10 a.m. Saturday. Afterward, the festival grounds come alive with arts and crafters, exhibitors, kid and family activities, on-stage entertainment, inflatable toys, a watermelon eating contest, and more. The festival runs until 7 p.m. Saturday and until 5 p.m. Sunday. 3covington

Sandblast Festival of the Arts takes place on the banks of the Snoqualmie River. It showcases the talent of master sand carver Bert Adams, who will craft an awe-inspiring sand masterpiece before your very eyes. There will also be music and work from local artists. The festival will be held at McCormick Park, noon-7 p.m. Saturday, noon-6 p.m. Sunday.


July 26-28

Bellevue Arts Museum Arts Fair showcases art, entertainment, and fun. Admission to the museum is free during the fair, and staff will be making art with kids from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The BAM fair takes place on the ground floor of Bellevue Square’s west parking garage; for a schedule, go to

The Vedic Cultural Center is presenting the Ananda Mela Joyful Festival of India, a celebration of Indian music, dance, games, and food from noon-8 p.m. at the Redmond City Hall Campus. For details go to events/772565037805819

Renton River Days include entertainment, a drone show, a pancake breakfast, a parade, and more. A pedestrian underpass connects both locations at Liberty Park and Cedar River Park in Renton. Find the schedule at

July 29-30

Japan Fair features Japanese art, food, vendors, entertainment, and Taiko drumming at Meydenbauer Center in Bellevue. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday

August 3

Celebrate the restoration of the river during the Duwamish River

18 SEATTLE’S CHILD July/August 2024

Festival with kayak rides, kids’ art activities, musicians, and more at Duwamish River People’s Park and Shoreline Habitat in South Seattle. Noon-5 p.m. 3duwamish

Check out the Lake City Summer Festival & Parade, which features a car show, a children’s area, and three parades. It is held at the Lake City Branch of The Seattle Public Library. Fest starts at 10:30 a.m.; parade at 7 p.m.

Magnolia Summerfest is a full day and evening of family fun. Check out Aug. 3 on our 66 Days of Summer list. 3magnoliasummer

August 10

The Celebrate Woodinville Festival offers a pancake breakfast at the fire station, a parade, kids’ activities, and more at Wilmot Gateway Park, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Native dancing, drumming, singing, bread, crafts — you’ll find it all at In the Spirit Northwest Native Festival at Washington State History Museum in Tacoma from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

August 17

Snoqualmie Days features a pancake breakfast, train rides for sale, a parade, and more on car-free Railroad Avenue next

to Northwest Railway Museum. Open 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday. A music crawl takes place the evening before. 3snoqualmie

Burien UFO Festival (BUFO) will be held in the “Olde Burien” neighborhood of Burien from 6-10 p.m. It features flying saucers, alien costume contests, guest speakers, kids’ activities, films, and DJ music.

Celebrate Shoreline includes a kids’ theater, pony rides, handson activities, stages, and more at Cromwell Park, noon-9 p.m.

The fair runs through Sunday. Get the scoop at artsfair. FREE

Saturday, July 27

There are parades, and there are PARADES. The Seafair Torchlight Parade (aka Alaska Airlines Torchlight Parade) is the latter. It’s the parade of the year in Seattle with a long line of colorful floats, drill teams, bands, and pirates moving down 4th Avenue (from Seattle Center to Seneca Street). The march runs from 3 to 6 p.m. but get there early to find your viewing spot. Don’t mess with traffic — either bus or take the light rail to downtown. See all Seafair events at FREE

Sunday, July 28

You don’t have to go far to have a real farm adventure. Kelsey Creek Community Park and Kelsey Creek Farm sit on 150 acres of forest, meadows, and wetlands in the heart of Bellevue. Visit the farm’s historic barns and popular petting yard, then hike park trails, hit the playground, and picnic on a grassy knoll to get the most out of this fun, very full day. FREE

Monday, July 29

Speaking of farms in parks, today’s a great day to visit the petting zoo at Redmond’s Farrel-McWhirter Park. It’s one thing to see animals; it’s quite another (and a lot more fun for most kids) to touch them. Today you’re in for a hands-on experience with chickens, bunnies, pigs, horses, and more. The farm at Farrell McWhirter offers kid-friendly classes about animals, their be-

The Lynnwood Luau festival highlights Hawaiian food, music, dance, and more and includes a showcase performance in the plaza outside Lynnwood Event Center, 3-8 p.m.

The First Annual Tukwila Hullabaloo, celebrating the city’s unity, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Joseph Foster Memorial Park.

August 31-September 1

It’s a short ferry ride to take in the Bremerton Blackberry Festival, where you’ll find a lot of blackberry-filled or “themed” foods, entertainment, and more. 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday, until 6 p.m. Saturday, until 5 p.m. Sunday on Bremerton Boardwalk and 2nd Street in downtown Bremerton.

Duck Dodge

haviors and their habitats. Check out “Best family farms and petting zoos around Seattle” at FREE

Tuesday, July 30

It’s Duck Dodge night at Lake Union! This fun and funny boat racing event takes place Tuesday nights through September 3 and each week brings a new theme, including onesie night, pirate night, and more. Tonight’s theme is “the Olympics.” Costume up, pack a picnic, and watch the races from Gas Works Park Hill.

Wednesday, July 31

Embark on a summertime tradition: squeeze some lemons. Invite your kids to have fun and make a little money for a special treat or a favorite cause. Pull out old boxes, duct tape and markers to help your crew fashion a lemonade stand, then squeeze those lemons, take your spot on a lawn chair and let your little entrepreneurs work the pitch. This free activity has some start-up costs, but with luck they’ll be recouped in vigorous sales!


Thursday, August 1

Look to the skies today to see the U.S. Blue Angels precision aeronautics team practicing for their Seafair show. Flights are scheduled for 11 a.m. to noon, noon to 1 p.m., 2:20-3:20 p.m., and 3:20-3:30 p.m. over Lake Washington. Note: The flight schedule is subject to change. Head to any Lake Washington beachside park in Seattle (Seward Park and Madrona Beach Park are good bets) or Bellevue (Chism Beach, Medina Beach, and Enatai Beach) for great views.

ONE MORE: Check out dinosaur bones at the Burke Museum,

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home to the only real dinosaur fossils on display in Washington state (including one of the best-preserved T. rex skulls in the world). There’s plenty of hands-on learning in this museum, rich in natural and Indigenous history. But there’s much more to the Burke, which offers free entrance on the first Thursday of the month. All ages. FREE TODAY

AND ONE MORE: Today’s the day for a“block” party at Seattle’s Museum of History & Industry where the main event is “Towers of Tomorrow.” The exhibit features skyscrapers from North America, Asia and Australia, constructed in architectural detail by Ryan McNaught. Kids can create their own ‘towers of tomorrow’ with more than 200,000 loose LEGO® bricks available in hands-on construction areas. Adult tickets are $25; kids ages 14 and younger are free. And the museum is free on the first Thursday of every month. Showing through September 22.

Friday, August 2

Take Bill Speidel’s Underground Tour: History can’t be boring when it’s literally beneath your feet. On this tour, you’ll learn about Seattle’s fiery and fascinating past, not to mention why the city raised all of the streets and sidewalks in Pioneer Square in the late 1800s. Tours run from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily through September. Adults $22, students/seniors $20, kids ages 7-12 $10, and children ages 6 and younger free (but they may find the hour-plus tour challenging).

If you’ve got kids who are eager to showcase their poetry, head Seattle Parks and Rec’s Miller Community Center tonight. The Open Mic Poetry

6 p.m. to 8 p.m. All ages are invited to participate, as either readers or listeners. Best for ages 10

Head south to watch professionals perform kite tricks and fly your own Pierce County Kite

The colors fly from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. today and tomorrow in the central meadow at Chambers Creek Regional Park in University Place. The event is free. Bring a kite or get a kite kit for $5. Can’t get to Pierce County? Head to the Great Earth Mound Summit at Gasworks Park or loosen your strings on Kite

Burke Museum

Hill, Magnuson Park’s 35-foot-tall kite run. Redmond’s Marymoor Park and Mukilteo’s Lighthouse Park also offer prime flying space. Check out “5 solid kite-flying spots” at 3Seattles FREE

ONE MORE: Join the parade at Magnolia Summerfest. A 10 a.m. Kids Parade precedes the spectacular Magnolia Seafair Parade starting at 10:15 a.m. Encourage your kids to reinvent themselves entirely or dress up as their favorite characters, animals, or entities. Then get in line for the parade at 9:45 a.m. at the corner of 34th Avenue West and West Raye Street in Magnolia. Summerfest is designed specifically with kids and families in mind, so plan to spend a good part of the day as you dive into free crafts and games, boogie to live music, spread out for an outdoor movie, and bop in the bouncy houses. All ages. Sign up to join the parade at FREE

ONE MORE IN THE PARK!: Stargaze with astronomers tonight at Snoqualmie Point Park. Experienced volunteers from the Seattle Astronomical Society (SAS) will share their telescopes and binoculars to give kids and parents a stunning view of the night sky. The gazing starts at 9 p.m. at 37580 Winery Road in Snoqualmie.

Dress for cold. Best for ages 6 and older. FREE

Sunday, August 4

It’s free National Park Day at Washington’s Mount Rainier, North Cascades, and Olympic National Parks. Expect more crowds and less available parking than usual. For more on Washington’s parks, check out “Three magnificent national parks in Washington” at FREE

Monday, August 5

Get their toes wet — and possibly the rest of them, too! Wading pools and spray parks are a summertime must for parents with kids of all ages. Shallow, bordered, and usually within toddling distance of a playground, wading pools are a perfect solution to a hot afternoon. Spray parks can be a little more rambunctious as the cool flow flies in all directions. There are dozens of wading pools in and around Seattle and at least 15 Seattle-area spray parks. Seattle Parks and Rec’s Facebook page is your go-to for updated information regarding parks with water-play features. On the Eastside, check out these great wet spots: Crossroads Park, Redmond Town Center / Downtown Park, Grass Lawn Park, Bellevue Downtown Park (Inspiration Playground). Want more information? Check out “Guide to Seattle wading pools” at FREE

Tuesday, August 6

Light up the night at the peace-promoting annual lantern ceremony at Seattle’s Green Lake, which commemorates victims of the nuclear bombs. Plan to arrive at 6 p.m. to make your lantern. Speakers and performers start at 7 p.m. The candle-lit lanterns will be floated on the lake at 8 p.m. just south of Seattle Public Theater (Bathhouse Theater). All ages. FREE

ONE MORE: Take a Night Out with

neighbors. Learn about public safety during block parties and other activities at tonight’s citywide Night Out event. Night Out is an annual nationwide effort to heighten crime prevention awareness, get communities involved in anti-crime efforts, and unite neighbors in watching out for one another. Learn more at 3seattle. gov/police/crime-prevention/ night-out. FREE

Wednesday, August 7

Go birding at the UW’s Center for Urban Horticulture. The grounds offer excellent spots to get a good look at numerous bird species. A kiosk on the east side of the Natural Area provides a weekly list of birds observed there. Google “Common Birds of Seattle Field Guide for Youth” from Seattle Audubon, print it out, and make note of the birds you find. Or, even easier, download the new Birda app. To identify the birds by their calls, the Merlin app is terrific. FREE

Thursday, August 8

Build a toy boat at the Wooden Boats (CWB) South Lake Union (building from 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.). Then test out your creation in the model boat pond in Lake Union Park af ter your boat is complete. Learn more at free-programs FREE

Friday, August 9

Today is a great day to head into the forest for a REAL hike, perhaps one that is more than a mile but less than 5. The 2.8-mile Discovery Park Loop in Seattle’s Magnolia neighborhood, is a good challenge for young kids, wandering through beautiful forests, meadows and beachland. Lighthouse included! Stop halfway for a leisurely lunch. Check out our article “7 Spring hikes that are easy and kid-friendly.” FREE

Saturday, August 10

Is one of your kids a canine? Head to Seattle’s Bell Street Park today from noon to 3 p.m. for the Bell Street

20 SEATTLE’S CHILD July/August 2024
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Brigade Encampment
Head Park to the

Puppy Crawl. Give your kids the leash and let their furry sib lead the way through the park, picking up treats along the path. Treats will be peppered throughout the park. FREE

Sunday, August 11

Step back in time to 1855 today at Fort Nisqually Living History Museum’s annual Brigade Encampment. This event recreates the bustle and excitement of the historic visit of fur traders to Fort Nisqually in 1855. Families with kids of all ages will meet living history interpreters at their tents and receive hands-on lessons on period skills and games. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Google “Fort Nisqually” and get tickets in advance. Prices TBD.

Monday, August 12

It’s a great day to pull out a blanket, pack a picnic, and laze in a park reading! Each year, King County Library System challenges kids to take the summer reading challenge. The goal? Read for 20 minutes each summer day through August 31. On your way to the park, stop at your local library where librarians are full of ideas. FREE

ONE MORE: Hey kids ages 13 to 17! Head over to Magnuson Community Center to ‘Rock the Park’ with Seattle Parks and Rec. Kick back and relax, cook some food, play games, take a field trip today. A form must be filled out to participate. Contact Jiordi at 206-684-7026 for form and to learn about drop-in spots. Register at parks.

Tuesday, August 13

Douse yourselves at the International

Fountain at Seattle Center. It’s the mothership of hot weather spray parks. The fountain sits on a cement foundation surrounded by a velodrome; so consider knee and elbow pads for younger kids. Snacks, bathrooms, and often inside entertainment are available in the nearby Seattle Center Armory. FREE

Wednesday, August 14

Climb a tree — or several trees. We know, we know. There’s danger in climbing trees. On the other hand, it’s a child’s summer rite of passage. So find a big, branchy one, stay near your climbers to help prevent a fall, and let them enjoy this summer classic. Have a timed competition, but set the rules on how far up. Google Wiki How: “How to Climb a Tree” for great preparation advice (with illustrations) and safety tips. FREE

Thursday, August 15

Show some Blackberry love. Head to your local park and pick! Not sure where to go? These parks are often overrun with bushes: Discovery Park in Magnolia, all along Burke Gilman Trail, and in Bridle State Park between Kirkland and Redmond. You’re also likely to find them at Beacon Hill Food Forest and Magnuson, Seward and Carkeek parks in Seattle, and at Hamlin Park and along the Interurban bike trail in Shoreline. Check out “Blackberries: All You Need to Know to Pick Your Own” at

for kids Free summer meaLs

Summertime can be stressful for families experiencing food insecurity. Free Summer Meals programs can help relieve the worry. The programs provide kids with free lunches and snacks to any child under age 18 regardless of family income. Meals are mostly distributed in local parks and in some schools from July 1 through August. No fee, sign-up, or proof of identity or legal status is required.

To find where free summer meals will be distributed in your neighborhood:

1. Check your local school district website or contact your school’s nutrition services department.

2. Google “YOUR CITY NAME free summer meals for kids” to learn where and when free meals will be delivered. Many local cities, districts, and community organizations are working together to provide a combination of meals and fun park activities each weekday.

3. Find a summer meal program and distribution site near you with the United Way Free Summer Meals finder. Simply put in your zip code at

July/August 2024 SEATTLE’S CHILD 21
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to the Head

Head Park t o the in the parks & beyond troLL Hunt

They are big, whimsical, wonderful, and made of reclaimed or found wood and other materials. And if you look hard, you’ll find them in parks (and one Ballard building entrance) all around Puget Sound. Summer is the perfect time to go troll hunting. Pack up the kids and head out to find Danish artist Thomas Dambo’s ethereal and eye-popping troll sculptures. Dambo doesn’t like to give specific addresses or directions to the trolls.

“It’s more fun for people to find it,” says Dambo. But if you are wondering where to start, go to the troll map at 3trollmap. com.

Can your family check all five off the list? Below is Dambo’s description of each troll, and hints on where to look:

Brunn Idun

Lincoln Park, West Seattle Brunn Idun stands on the shoreline playing her flute to the orcas to ask them why they have all left Puget Sound. Her flute was made by artist John Halliday, aka Coyote, from the Muckleshoot Tribe. Se-

Friday, August 16

attle Mayor Bruce Harrel declared August 25 “Brunn Idun Day” in recognition of the troll project’s contributions to our collective stewardship, environmental management, water protection, repairing habitat restoration, preservation, and conservation. Hint: Walk down to the waterfront in Lincoln Park and head north.

Frankie Feetsplinter

Nordic Heritage Museum, Ballard

Frankie Feetsplinter stands in front of the National Nordic Museum. This troll is one of the few Dambo trolls to come out of the forest into an urban environment. Frankie is the youngest and most irresponsible of all the trolls in the “Way of the Bird King” series. It was built on Vashon Island, transported via ferry, and installed. Hint: Go to Ballard! Pia the Peacekeeper

Sakai Park, Bainbridge Island

Pia likes to play with the people beneath the trees. And she likes it when it’s not too noisy. Hint: Keep

Fly over to Dragonflight Convention, “Seattle’s longest-running tabletop gaming convention.” The event, which takes place at the Hilton Bellevue, includes hundreds of hosted games and multiple tournaments. Don’t miss the family area of the convention, where you’ll find dress-up clothes, a library of kids’ books, arts and crafts for kids, a kids’ game library, croquet, Robo Rally LARP (live-action role play) with robot costume-making, and other activities perfect for those aged 12 and under (accompanied by an adult).

11 a.m.-9 p.m. Friday, 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sunday. $60 for a 3-day pass or $30-40 for one day (adult), kids ages 12 and younger free.

Saturday, August 17

Play Wheelchair Basketball the Seattle PlayGarden. Children and youth of all ages and abilities are welcome. Extra

in mind Sakai Park does not offer vehicle parking. It’s situated approximately one mile from the ferry terminal and can be reached by foot via the Sound to Olympia Trail.

Jakob Two Trees

Rainier Trail, Issaquah

Jakob is around four meters tall, and he has a ponytail holder and bracelet made by the Snoqualmie Tribe. He wears

chairs and balls will be provided as coach Nick and other wheelchair basketball players and coaches help newbies give the sport a try. In partnership with Rainier Adaptive Sports & Seattle Adaptive Sports. 10 a.m. to noon. Learn more at 3seattle FREE

ONE MORE: The annual Big Day of Play is a celebration of Seattle’s diversity, encouraging neighbors, communities, and families to have fun, build relationships, and be active together. The summer 2024 event is happening today from noon to 5 p.m. at Rainier Playfields and Mt. Baker Rowing and Sailing Center. You can also take part online through YouTube, Facebook, and the Big Day of Play website. To see the lineup of fun planned for the day, go to event-info FREE

ONE MORE: It’s T-Rex race day at Emerald Downs,

a necklace of birdhouses, and is holding on to the two trees while he enjoys a peaceful moment. Hint: Jakob hangs out approximately a quarter mile from the Issaquah Community Center, somewhere along the Rainier Trail.

Oscar the Bird King

Point Robinson Park, Vashon Island

Oscar was one of the final installments in Dambo’s

the racetrack in Auburn. Yep, you heard that right. Racing T-Rexes (or folks dressed up like the old dinos) from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Can your kids even tell them apart? Cost $4-8 and up.

AND ONE MORE: How about a ferry ride to Suquamish on Bainbridge Island today? Once there, you’ll take part in the Suquamish Tribe’s Chief Seattle Days weekend. The Suquamish — known as People of the Clear Salt Water — will celebrate the great chief with canoe races, softball, and horseshoe tournaments, games, traditional singing, and more. A memorial service will be held at the gravesite of Chief Seattle at 10 a.m., followed by a salmon bake at noon. 3suquamish. FREE

Sunday, August 18

Go fishing! The statewide 2024 Trout Derby runs every day this summer. Kids ages 14 and younger fish for

“Way of the Bird King” exhibition. Towering over a grove of trees in Vashon Island’s Point Robinson Park, Oscar is a whimsical and welcoming king, not at all higher than thou. Hint: Just roam. You’ll find him.


Enjoy the trolls, but don’t climb on them. Want more information? Check out

“Go troll hunting! Five giant trolls come to Seattle area” at

free, while adults and youth 15 and older must purchase a fishing permit ($11.35/day). Go to a King County lake participating in the derby (Cottage Lake, Green Lake, Lake Margaret, Langlois Lake, Pine Lake, Steel Lake, Wilderness Lake), drop in your line, and if you catch a trout with a blue tag, keep the tag. To claim your prize, log onto the state wildlife department’s webpage, enter the tag number, the lake you caught it in, the date it was caught, and your contact information. contests/trout-derby

Monday, August 19

Use the park as an obstacle course or scavenger hunt today! Pick a park near you and load up your blankets, hula hoops, and other easily portable items to use in an obstacle course. Invite your kids’ friends to each bring one item to add to the course. And of course, include playground equipment in your challenge. Once

22 SEATTLE’S CHILD July/August 2024
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it’s set up, kids go through it one at a time, timed on every try. The goal is to beat your first time by your third time through. Water and snacks are a must. FREE

Tuesday, August 20

Put on your own play or variety show in the park (or your backyard). Gather some friends, make up a play or plan a talent show, cobble some costumes together from around the house, invite parents, grandparents, siblings, and neighbors, and stage your show. Need a stage? Lay washable blankets or sheets on the ground to map out your space. Need lighting? Designate one or two people as the lighting crew and hand them flashlights so they can spotlight the actors. Don’t forget the cue cards! Need play ideas? Check out the article “Put on a Show! How to Turn Your Backyard Into a Theater” by our colleagues at PDX Parent in Portland, OR. FREE

Wednesday, August 21

Calling wannabe chefs! Kids ages 11 to 17 are invited to drop in at the International District Community Center for the center’s Teen Chef program from 3-5 p.m. today. They’ll learn culinary techniques, work collaboratively, and have a blast in this easy-to-follow class from Seattle Parks and Recreation. FREE

ONE MORE: Head over to Port Orchard to tour the Lady Washington, the state’s mascot tall sailing vessel (as in pirate days). Crew will be onboard to answer questions for visitors young and old. Suggested donation of $5 is welcome. Through August 26. 3historical FREE

Thursday, August 22

Today’s the day to learn bocce ball, a game that originated in Eygpt 7,000 years ago. Visit Les Gove Park in Auburn where all ages are invited to participate in free bocce instruction at the park’s Bocce Courts every Tuesday and Thursday, 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. through mid-October. All ages. The adjoining Discovery Playground is a little climbers’ paradise and includes an ADA swing. The park’s spray feature will cool everyone off. FREE

Friday, August 23

It’s board game day! Playing Ticket to Ride or Candy Land on the living room floor might seem simplistic, but in the big list of summer activities, a low-key game day might be just the breather you need. Equally important, games help your kids practice their math, language, and strategy skills. So dust off the classic games from your childhood for a dose of nostalgia and head to Queen Anne’s Blue Highway Games all-age game tonight (or any Friday) from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. 3bluehighway FREE

Saturday, August 24

Turn your kids on to the strategic game of chess today at the Detective Cookie Chess Club. Recommended for kids ages 7 and older, it’s a great place to learn the game, enjoy a gentle challenge, and build community. Parents are welcome to play, too. The club takes place at Rainier Beach Community Center from noon to 2 p.m. FREE

MORE GET-YOUR-GAME-ON: Continue your board game spree at Meadowbrook Community Center or Yesler Community Center in Seattle today, any time between 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. (Yesler) or 4:30 p.m.

July/August 2024 SEATTLE’S CHILD 23
Head Park to the Head Park to the For a full list of summer events from Seattle Parks & Rec Summer Day Camp An Equestrian Training Center in the heart of Sammamish Summer Horse Camp Weekly Sessions June, July & August Ages 6 to 12 Counselors 12 and over Training • Lessons • Leasing • Sales Jamie Smith – Trainer/Owner (425) 466-3800 Red Gate Farm Summer Day Camp An Equestrian Training Center in the heart of Sammamish, Washington Training • Lessons • Leasing • Sales Jamie Smith – Trainer/Owner 425-466-3800 Ages 6 to 11 Counselors 12 and over Summer Horse Camp Registration is filling fast! Limited weekly sessions still available in August. Whidbey Island Fair Come enjoy rides, animals, exhibits, & entertainment! Fair Hours Thursday 9:00 am - 10:00 pm Friday - Saturday 9:00 am - 10:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am - 9:00 pm Parade Saturday, July 27th, 10 am FREE PARKING On Langley Road between Maxwelton Road and Sandy Point Road, and at the Island Church on the corner of 6th Street and Cascade Avenue. 819 Camano Avenue Langley, WA WhidbeyIslandFair
July 25-28, 2024

Head Park t o the

(Meadowbrook). Just bring your favorite games or try one of the centers’ games. Kids under 12 need to be accompanied by an adult, so roll your sleeves up and jump into the games with them. FREE

FOR KIDS WITH ASD: Today is sensory-friendly morning at MoPOP, an opportunity for adults, youth, and families to experience the museum with lower volume and light levels (8 to 10 a.m.) Tickets are $10 per adult, $9 per youth. Best for kids ages 8 and older.

Sunday, August 25

What would the Harvest Festival be like in a medieval village? Find out while enjoying archery and sword demonstrations, music, dance, and more at Camlann Medieval Village in Carnation. Adults $15, kids ages 6-12 $10. Children ages 5 and younger are free. Dinner is available by reservation at an additional cost.

Monday, August 26

If making art is just your kid’s thing, head to Seattle Parks and Rec’s Donnie Chin Children’s Park in the International District today from 3-5 p.m. for “Art in the Park.” They’ll learn to make classic crafts like papier mache, along with some not-so-ordinary pieces. This park has unique play equipment, including drums and an iconic bronze dragon sculpture by Gerard Tsutakawa. FREE

Tuesday, August 27

Did you know there are more than 3,000 roses representing more than 200 va rieties at the Woodland Park Zoo Rose Garden? This pesticide-free garden is located at the southeast end of the zoo and is a feast for the senses. Can your kids guess how many varieties of roses are planted here (without you spilling the beans)? The garden is open from 7:30 a.m. until dusk every day of the year. FREE

Wednesday, August 28

Juggling anyone? Ever wondered how they do it? Drop in at the Seattle Parks and Rec Ballard Community Center to learn this fun and impressive skill. All ages are welcome, so bring the family and then put on a show for yourselves once you’ve got the hang of it. 5:15-7:45 p.m. FREE

ONE MORE: Get them out to play and practice ULTIMATE frisbee skills from 3:30-4:30 p.m. at the Ravenna upper playfield in Seattle’s Ravenna Park. Volunteer coaches will be on hand to lead a fun practice and help kids develop skills and game strategy. All skill levels are welcome. FREE

Washington State Fair

24 SEATTLE’S CHILD July/August 2024
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Speaking of parks: Go nationaL

Washington is home to not one but three national parks: Mount Rainier, Olympic, and North Cascades. Each one has its unique allure for families and together they capture the full range and beauty of the state’s abundant nature.

The North Cascades are free to enter year-round, but Mount Rainier and Olympic National Parks require an entrance pass that can be purchased online.

Passes are $15-30 per day (depending on whether you’re walking, biking, or driving) or $55 for an annual pass to get you in all year. Hint: If you want to visit all three of our wonderful national parks and federal recreation sites this year, consider the $80 America the Beautiful pass. It covers the entrance to all national parks and national wildlife refuges in the country. Is there a fourth-grader in your house? Check out “How your 4th-grader can get a free national park pass” at

Thursday, August 29

Get out and geocache. A great family activity, geocaching uses a phone app and GPS technology to lead players on a worldwide hunt for specially placed containers, called “geocaches” or “caches.” Once you find the cache, you log it, leave it, and start navigating toward another container. There are literally hundreds of caches all around Puget Sound. HINT: City parks are popular spots for caching. Check out Remember geocache treasures are for everyone. Leaving what you find for the next player keeps it fun. FREE Friday, August 30

Video games. They are to young people today what reading and kickball were to kids of yore. Step into the play at PAX West, where visitors can play pre-release video games, watch game competitions, and see a whole lot of costumes. There will be video game lovers of all ages in this popular event. At the Washington State Convention Center through September 2. For details and cost, visit

ONE MORE: Today’s the day to “Do the Puyallup.” Head south for the first day of the Washington State Fair. This largest and oldest fair in the state takes place at Washington State Fair Events Center and runs through September

July/August 2024 SEATTLE’S CHILD 25
Head Park to the July 8 - August 16
Head Park t o the 22. Rides and attractions cost, but admission is FREE. ONE MORE: Mark the almost-end of summer with Tukwila End of Summer BASH at Tukwila Community Center tonight. The event includes family activities, a variety of food trucks, back-to-school gear, and an evening movie in the park, “Kung Fu Panda 4.” The BASH starts at 6 p.m. FREE Head Park to the BE CURIOUS. STEP INTO SCIENCE. Wake up your creativity. Find time for yourself. Find time to write. Join us for our annual Women’s Walk & Write across Scotland’s St. Cuthbert’s Way. SEPTEMBER 20-29, 2024 COMPASSWRITERS.COM a writer’s dream. You’re invited to

Museums are for K IDs!

What did the world look like before I was here? Who shares the earth with me? How do things work? What does art say to me? Who do I want to become?


Hibulb cultural center & natural History preserve


Don’t miss these five exciting treasures at the Hibulb Cultural Center & Natural History Preserve Canoe

Featuring historic canoes, our canoe hall provides a sense of the importance of canoes. We also have a canoe kids can get into for pictures!

Longhouse Tours

Our traditional longhouse serves as an introduction space for school groups and tour, as well as home to our film screening, storytelling, and lecture events.

Interactive Display

Gain a richer understanding of Tulalip culture by engaging with hands on, interactive displays throughout our exhibits.


This hands on interactive display allows you to weave a pattern as you learn about the importance of cedar.

Storytelling Wall

A variety of traditional stories are featured in our tabtab b exhibit alongside QR codes to listen along in the traditional Tulalip language, Lushootseed.

1 2 3 4 5

What kids will love:

Kids can complete a scavenger hunt while going through the museum and then collect a prize at the end. On the weekends, kids can enjoy a craft, kid’s book events, or storytelling events.



What parents will love:

Parents will love the activities and events suitable for all age groups. Craft kits available for purchase as well as books and games available in our gift shop allow families to continue the learning and fun at home!

Address: 6410 23rd Ave. NE, Tulalip, WA 98271

Hours: Monday: Closed; Tuesday-Friday 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.; Saturday-Sunday 12:00-5:00 p.m.

Cost: HCC and Tulalip Tribal Members: FREE; Adult (18 yrs & over): $10.00; Senior (50+ yrs): $7.00; Student (6-17 yrs): $6.00; Military & Veterans: $6.00; Child (5yrs and under): FREE; Family: $25.00 (2 adults and up to 4 children)

Free/Discounted Museum Days: Free Admission Day every first Thursday of the month

Special Events: Monthly kid’s craft events, kid’s book events and author visits, storytelling, and more.

Summer Camps: No

After-School/Weekend Classes: Weekend kid’s craft events

Programs for Schools/Homeschoolers:

Family-Friendly Features: Monthly family friendly events and activities

Museum Café: No

a museum with your child today!
28 SEATTLE’S CHILD Museums Are For Kids 2024 Paid Advertising Section

Kids Discovery Museum


Light Wall

Kids and adults can spend hours here creating patterns and images


This space is designed to spark imagination, creativity, innovation, discovery, collaboration, and problem-solving skills through hands-on, experiential, and open-ended play.


This exhibit allows visitors to explore the concept of pixelation in a tactile way.

What kids will love:

KiDiMu provides a range of exhibits for all learners. Budding scientists explore the Nature Telescope, Pixelization pin wall, and Women in STEM exhibits. Creativity lovers tinker in the Creation Station, Light Wall, and Art Studio, while imaginative kids play in the Our Town and HOME exhibits.



What parents will love:

KiDiMu is located In the heart of downtown Winslow next to restaurants, shops, and wineries. Parents enjoy exploring the exhibits and playing on the light wall. The museum is continuously monitored to be safe and clean and there is an outdoor area for fresh air and getting the wiggles out.

Address: 301 Ravine Lane NE, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110

Hours: Summer Hours: Mon-Thu 1-5 p.m., Fri-Sun 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

Cost: Members FREE, Infants (under 12 months) FREE, Residents $9, Non-Residents $11, Grandparents and Seniors $8, Military $8, Museums for All $3

Free/Discounted Museum Days: Every First Friday of the month is Pay-What-You-Will

Special Events: First Friday Art Walk, Cultural Museum Pop-Ups, Sippy Cup Socials for Members, Halloween Costume Swap, The Holidays at KiDiMu, Noon-Year’s Eve, Fam Jam & KiDiMu in the Community

Summer Camps:

After-School/Weekend Classes: Yes

Programs for Schools/Homeschoolers: MiniMu, Guided Walks at the Bloedel Reserve, Sing Along and Sounds, The Preschool at KiDiMu,

Family-Friendly Features: Birthday Parties/After-Hour Events, Field Trips, Educational Pop-Ups Museum Café: No

Explore a museum with your child today!
with the bright light pegs.
Paid Advertising Section SEATTLE’S CHILD Museums Are For Kids 2024 29

KidsQuest children’s museum


KidsQuest Summer Nights

Fridays, July 12-August 16

Families can explore the Museum after-hours during KidsQuest Summer Nights! New themes, fun activities, and special guests each week! Fridays, July 12 through Aug 16.

The Super Science Station

Monday-Friday, June 17-August 28

Kids can try out fun, STEAM activities, all week long! Happening Monday through Friday, June 17–August 28, at 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.

Arts & Otter Pops

Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays

Cool off with free icy treats and make some cool art on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays in July and August, from 2–3 p.m.

What kids will love:

Playing and exploring in every inch of the place! Hop in the cabin of a real semi-truck, climb 25 feet in the air, or work in a grocery store! Kids can paint, draw, or build before climbing into the Story Tree to engage their imaginations and develop their reading skills.



What parents will love:

Watching their children engage in independent-play or joining them in the fun! KidsQuest encourages all guests to play and explore! Create something new out of recycled materials in our Recycle Rebuild lab, play with clay in the Art Studio, or watch your tiny tot explore safely in our Tot Orchard.

Address: 1116 108th Ave. NE, Bellevue, WA 98004; Adjacent to the Bellevue Library and Ashwood Park

Hours: Open 7 days a week, 6/24/24 to 8/26/2024, from 9:30 a.m.-5 .pm. *Special events and programming occur on various days & times. Check the website for the most up to date information!

Cost: Ticket reservations are required for all visitors, including Museum members. Members: FREE; Children Under 1: FREE; Children over 1: $16; Adult Ticket: $16

Free/Discounted Museum Days: Discounted tickets and memberships available every day! Visit: for more information.

Special Events: Summer Nights, Waterfest, Mud Play Day and so much more! Check our website for the most up to date information.

Summer Camps: Yes

After-School/Weekend Classes: Yes

Programs for Schools/Homeschoolers:

Family-Friendly Features: Take a reminder of the Museum home with you from the KidsQuest Museum Store. Low-sensory programming on the third Thursday of every month and low-sensory kits are available for usage on site anytime. Book a birthday party or reserve a private event with only your friends and family onsite.

Museum Café: Valet parking and food options are available at The Ashwood Café located across the street in the Belletini Building.

Explore a museum with your child today!
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The museum of flight


Aerospace Camp Experience

Open to kids in K-9th grade, Aerospace Camp Experience is a summer day camp for the budding aviator, future astronaut or STEM-curious child.

Aero Club

With engaging hands-on activities and guest speakers, Amelia’s Aero Club inspires and empowers middle school girls to become the next generation of STEM professionals.

Michael P. Anderson Memorial Aerospace Program

This program inspires curiosity and builds community among middle school students with an emphasis on involving those historically excluded from opportunities in aviation and space.

What kids will love:

Kids will love hands-on activities, meeting other kids with similar interests and learning about space and aviation from industry professionals. With programs for all ages pre-K through grade 12, kids can come back every year and experience something new. Expansive indoor space allows for fun all summer, rain or shine.



What parents will love:

Parents will love seeing their kids develop a passion for space and aviation and discover STEM career opportunities. Connections provides no-cost student memberships to participants of certain programs, allowing kids unlimited access to The Museum for boundless fun and learning. Many education programs are offered at no cost or for a small fee.

Address: 9404 East Marginal Way S., Seattle, WA 98108

Hours: 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; 7 days a week

Cost: $18-$26 (Kids 4 and under are FREE!)

Free/Discounted Museum Days: First Thursday of each month is free 5 p.m.-9 p.m., July 4 is free 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Blue Star Museums

Special Events: Jet Blast Bash (August 3-4)

Summer Camps: Yes; summer 2024 is full

After-School/Weekend Classes: Family Workshops

Programs for Schools/Homeschoolers: Yes;

Family-Friendly Features: Home Beyond Earth Exhibit, Flight Zone kid play area, Weekend Family Workshops

Museum Café: Yes

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Rocky Reach Discovery Center


Don’t miss these five exciting treasures at the Rocky Reach Discovery Center



Steer a steamship through a treacherous stretch of the Columbia River rapids

Fish Viewing

Look a salmon — and other fish — in the eye through huge viewing windows

Fish Tales

Get your hands on fishy innards (minus the slime!)

First People

Travel back in time and learn about the First People of the Columbia.

Hydropower Know How

YOU FIND EACH ONE! 1 2 3 4 5

Crank a turbine and use your own power to create electricity

What kids will love:

Look a live salmon in the eye; steer a steamship through the Columbia River rapids; get your hands on salmon innards; run, jump and play in shady Rocky Reach Park.


What parents will love:

Safe, go-at-your-own-pace “edu-tainment” — we make the magic of hydropower fun! Easy parking and in/out from Hwy 97A.

Website:; IG @VisitRockyReach

Address: 5000 State Hwy 97A, Wenatchee, WA 98801

Hours: Tuesday-Sunday 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m.

Cost: FREE! A public power benefit. Rocky Reach Dam is owned by the people of Chelan County.

Free/Discounted Museum Days: Every day

Special Events: Wenatchee River Salmon Festival: Saturday, September 21, 2024 and Fall Harvest Round-up: Saturday, October 26

Summer Camps: Yes. There are still spaces remaining in our Summer Science classes! Join us for a journey into clean energy as we explore hydropower, wind power, and solar power. Campers will ignite their passion for science through hands-on experiments, activities, and challenges. Call 509-661-8437 to learn more and register.

After-School/Weekend Classes: Yes

Programs for Schools/Homeschoolers: We offer a variety of hands-on, interactive STEM educational field trips for school and homeschool groups, designed to inspire and challenge students of all ages. Students pre-K through Grade 12 can steer a sternwheeler through the Rock Island Rapids, experience energy transfer through “Hydro Know How” interactive models, journey through Columbia River Native American history, look inside and outside a salmon, travel the historical path of electricity in the Pacific Northwest, and so much more! We also offer a variety of special science presentations with science curriculum alignment on a variety of topics including Centrifugal and Centripetal Energy, Open and Closed Circuits, Electromagnetic Spectrum, Center of Gravity, PSI and Hydrostatic Pressure, External and Internal Fish Anatomy, Columbia River History, Magnetic Energy, career pathways explorations, and more. Call us to book your field trip today.

Family-Friendly Features: Four floors of free(!) hands-on fun, acres of beautifully landscaped park and playground

Museum Café: Yes. Rocky Reach Café: Enjoy breakfast, lunch, or a freshly-baked treat for purchase. Open Tuesday-Saturday 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m.

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Seattle Children’s Museum


Don’t miss these five exciting treasures at the Seattle Children’s Museum Free Programming Engineer, create, hypothesize, and experiment in our free daily programs, Creative Corner and Silly Science, always themed and curated around our monthly educational focus.

Discovery Dock

Our newest exhibit expansion geared towards toddlers under 18 months invites your littlest ones to explore and develop their senses with busy boards and engaging interactives.

Add to The Gallery

What will you create with mixed media, recycled materials, paintbrushes, and cardboard tools?

Display your creation in the Corner Workshop for all to admire!

Visit on a Sunny Day

Enjoy the sunshine from Seattle Center by combining stops at International Fountain and Artists at Play Playground with your next Museum playdate!

Enter an Imagination Playground

With a whole space designated to blue block building, there’s no limit to what kind of playscape you’ll create! How will you engineer your playdate?

1 2 3 4 5

What kids will love:

Kids can explore cause and effect in STEAM-based exhibits, experiment and create in our Silly Science and Creative Corner free daily programs, discover seasonal and topical exhibit enhancements to make each visit unique and exciting and learn through play alongside their caregivers.



What parents will love:

Your admission includes reentry, allowing you to explore nearby attractions including the neighboring Artists at Play Playground and return to the Museum for more play at your convenience. We offer sensory kits, a nursing room, birthday parties, field trips, and refreshed and retouched exhibits to keep your child engaged in exploration and discovery.

Address: 305 Harrison St. - Seattle Center Armory Building, Seattle, WA 98119

Hours: Open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Wednesday-Monday with Member Hour 9 a.m.-10 a.m. and increasing hours seasonally

Cost: $15 general admission, Infants under 1 are free, various discounts available

Free/Discounted Museum Days: King County Residents receive $2 off admission on Wednesdays

Special Events: Check out our website for upcoming programs and special events. Some annual events include Fall Fest, a Noon Years Eve Pajama Party, our Birthday Bash, and more.

Summer Camps: Yes

After-School/Weekend Classes: No

Programs for Schools/Homeschoolers:

Family-Friendly Features: 18,000 sq. ft. of open-ended, immersive exhibit space inviting visitors to embark on a play-based journey from mountain to sound.

Museum Café: Some snacks and beverages are sold in our Museum Store. The Armory Building has a food court located right above the Museum with plenty of family-friendly food and beverage options available.

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Burke museum of natural history and culture



Address: 4303 Memorial Way Northeast, Seattle WA 98195

Hours: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (closed Monday)

Cost: $0-$22

Free/Discounted Museum Days: First Thursday of every month

Special Events: Please visit our website for the most up to date event schedule.

Summer Classes: Please visit our website for the most up to date educational opportunities.

Family-Friendly Features: Interactive exhibits, visible workrooms, birthday parties, play spaces, arts and crafts, public programs, and educational opportunities.

Museum Café: Off the Rez, Native Indigenous food made from scratch, by hand.

Children’s Museum of Skagit county



Address: 432 Fashion Way, Burlington, WA 98233

Hours: Check our website for current information

Cost: Infants under 12 months: Free; Children 12 months or older and adults: $9.75/person; Military/Seniors (65 years old): $8.75/ person; Museum’s For All: $3.00/person, up to 4 people (EBT, WIC, CHIP, Provider One, Apple Health, or Foster Parent cards. Proof of eligibility will be required); Field Trip Admission (Must call in advance to schedule and for details) $3 per child, adults free; Party Room Rental (Must call in advance to schedule) Starting at $150 for members/$175 non-members; Guest Passes ($9.75/person) & Family Passes ($30/family) available not for same-day use.

Special Events: Check our website for current information

Summer Camps:

After-school/Weekend Classes: Check our website for current information

Family-Friendly Features: Interactive exhibits and activities for kids of all ages to learn through hands-on play. Celebrations and events throughout the year. Museum Explorers Preschool. Museum store. Memberships available.

What kids will love:

Dinosaurs, animals, microscopes, scientists at work, crafts, fossil digs, and play spaces.

What parents will love:

Exhibits, visible workrooms, public programs, behind-thescenes opportunities, educational offerings.

What kids will love:

A real tug boat, semi-truck, crane and so much more to explore in the Main Street exhibits-Café, Dental Office, Doctor’s Office, Bank, Design Studio, Grocery Store and Construction Site. Create in the Art Studio, discover the Reading Room, Toddler Farmyard, Barn, STEAM Lane, Theatre Stage, Music Studio, and Train exhibits.

What parents will love:

The exhibits are as much fun for adults as they are for children. The museum offers opportunities and resources for parents to engage with their children, learn more about the community, in an atmosphere that feels welcoming and relaxed. Exhibits are filled with components that inspire curiosity, exploration and fun!

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Hands on Children’s Museum



Address: 414 Jefferson St. NE, Olympia, WA 98501

Hours: Monday-Saturday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sunday: 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

Cost: Save $1 on general admission by purchasing your ticket online. General (18 mo.-64 years): $18.95; Seniors (65+): $17.95; Military (w/valid ID): $17.95

Free/Discounted Museum Days: On the First Friday the month, 4–8pm, admission is just $1. Access Admission is available every day. $3 each (with EBT, P-EBT, CHIP, Provider One, WIC, or Apple Health card and ID), sponsored by WSECU.

Special Events: Summer Splash: June–August; Boo Bash: October; Noon Years: December 31; Ice Adventures: January; Spring Break: April

Summer Camps:

After-School/Weekend Classes: Check website

Family-Friendly Features: Preschool, Sensory Friendly Hour Sundays, Sensory Friendly Room Saturdays

Museum Café: Yes

Harbor History Museum



Address: 4121 Harborview Dr., Gig Harbor, WA 98332

Hours: Wednesday-Saturday 11 a.m.-4 p.m.

Cost: Admission is complimentary

Free/Discounted Museum Days: Wednesday-Saturday

Special Events: I Spy Exhibit

Summer Classes: Check our website for updates.

After-school/Weekend Classes: No

Programs for Schools/Homeschoolers:

Family-Friendly Features: This family-friendly exhibit is for the kid in all of us.

Museum Café: Nearby cafés and parks

What kids will love:

Over 150 exciting exhibits in 10 beautiful galleries. Half-acre outdoor play area. Year-round activities, guests, and special events. Don’t miss Summer Splash! Festival of Fun with animal encounters, visiting artist, and special activities June–August.

What parents will love:

Washington’s award-winning museum on Olympia’s waterfront. East Bay Plaza with 250’ interactive stream. Near downtown, Famer’s Market, and Percival Landing. Clean and beautiful. Fresh foods, in the Play Day Café. Featured in several Blippi videos.

What kids will love:

Kids will delight in solving the riddles to find the hidden objects in the Teeny Tiny Can You Find Me exhibit and in the Boat of Castaway Treasures. There is also a super fun toy cabinet to explore!

What parents will love:

Inspired by the much-loved I SPY books, we decided to apply the idea to our own museum collection. From tools to shoes, hats, toys, and pins, you’ll have flashback Thursday every day!

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Imagine Children’s Museum



Address: 1502 Wall St., Everett, WA 98201

Hours: Tuesday-Sunday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Cost: $22

Free/Discounted Museum Days: Free Community Access Night every third Friday of the month, 5-9 p.m. Check website for other free and discounted admission programs.

Special Events: Imagine offers special activities and events throughout the year. Check website for more details.

Summer Camps: Yes

After-School/Weekend Classes: Yes

Programs for schools/homeschoolers:

Family-Friendly Features: Creative and interactive for a variety of ages. Clean, accessible and comfortable for all visitors, including those with special needs.

Museum Café: Yes



Address: 860 Terry Ave., Seattle

Hours: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. daily

What kids will love:

Kids will love to imagine endless possibilities in one-of-a-kind, immersive playscapes for every age. With 18 major exhibit areas where they can climb, create, pretend and experiment, there’s something for everyone. Rain or shine, there’s always a new adventure!

Summer Extended Hours: Thursdays, July and August, 10 a.m.-8 p.m.

Cost: Admission is free from 5-8 pm on first Thursdays to MOHAI’s regular galleries. Admission to select special exhibits is included with regular MOHAI admission of $25 for adults, $20 for seniors (65 and above) and military (with ID); $19 for students; free for children 14 and under (when accompanied by an adult) and MOHAI members. As part of the Museums For All program, low-income families can visit for a minimal fee of $2 per person with an Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card.

Family-Friendly Features: Join MOHAI as we tinker, experiment, and create our way through history. Explore in the Idea Lab in the Bezos Center for Innovation or at home using the templates and videos. Activities change every other month.

Programs for Schools/Homeschoolers: MOHAI’s wide range of handson educational programs make local history come alive for students at every grade level. Diverse offerings include on-site museum field trips and off-site Portable Museum rentals, with scholarship funding support available for those who qualify.

Museum Café: Whether you are visiting the museum or strolling around Lake Union Park, you are invited to stop in for a bite at Gourmondo at MOHAI. Situated alongside the historic ships wharf and just steps from the water, this bright and sunny spot offers unbeatable views of the park and Lake Union. Open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. daily. First Thursdays of the month 10 a.m.-8 p.m.

What parents will love:

Parents will love the size (68,000 sq. ft.) of Washington’s ultimate play and learning destination. Play all day! Explore two vast floors of clean, wellmaintained exhibits and an outdoor rooftop playground. Bring lunch or buy healthy snacks and hot meals from Divy’s Grab & Go on the third floor.

What kids will love:

Create, collaborate, and explore at the Bezos Center for Innovation where young visitors can tinker and solve real-world problems in the Idea Lab and use Exploration and Innovation Packs to discover history in fun, hands-on ways.

What parents will love:

MOHAI’s big open floor plan allows kids to get their wiggles out as they explore. Hands-on interactives supplement in-depth exhibit content to entertain everyone in the family.

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Pacific Bonsai Museum



Address: 2515 South 336th St., Federal Way, WA 98001

Hours: Tuesday through Sunday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

Cost: Free (donations appreciated)

Free/Discounted Museum Days: Everyday

Special Events: Special exhibition especially made for kids: Small Talk: All the dirt on growing mini-but-mighty trees

Programs for Schools/Homeschoolers:

Family-Friendly Features: ~60 bonsai are on display year-round; children and parents alike find the tiny trees captivating and enchanting; experience the exhibits at your own pace; interpretive materials available to read about each bonsai; a clean, well cared for outdoor museum; flat, fine gravel walkways are stroller/ wheelchair accessible; with free admission for all.

Museum Café: No

Shoalwater Bay Indian Tribe Museum



Address: 4115 State Route 105, Tokeland, WA 98590

Hours: Open Tuesday-Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

Cost: Free

Family-Friendly Features: Shoalwater Bay Museum organizes exhibits and cultural events to engage with our culture.

Museum Café: Yes

What kids will love:

The current special exhibition, Small Talk, brings the stuff of textbooks to life, answering all the “how” and “why” questions about bonsai. Fun, animated bonsai characters greet visitors throughout the display, encouraging imaginative play, and helping make the trees relatable.

What parents will love:

Pacific Bonsai Museum offers something out-of-the-ordinary, and a new way to learn that will be interesting for the whole family. It’s STEM education with real stems! The woodsy, outdoor setting offers time away from screens to pursue nature experiences without a long drive.

What kids will love:

Kids and parents alike will enjoy our displays from archeology to modern representations of the tribe as well as our selection of books in the library. We also have a gift shop with items ranging from kids native coloring books, clothing for youth and adults and tribal gifts and art.

What parents will love:

In addition to being a museum for the tribe we are also the tribe’s library and a Timberland Regional Library Affiliate.

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SPARK Museum of electrical invention



Address: 1312 Bay St., Bellingham, WA 98225

Hours: 11:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Wednesday-Sunday; MegaZapper Show, Saturdays and Sundays at 2:30 p.m.

Cost: General Admission: $6 for children (12 and under) $10 for adults; $5 additional for MegaZapper show

Free/Discounted Museum Days: No (but library passes are available from the local library)

Special Events: Yes! Keep an eye on the website and sign up for our monthly newsletter!

Summer Camps: Yes

Programs for Schools/Homeschoolers:

Family-Friendly Features: Hands on Interactive Science and History exhibits

Museum Café: No

washington state history museum



Address: 1911 Pacific Avenue, Tacoma, WA 98402

Hours: Tuesday through Sunday 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Extended hours until 8:00 p.m. monthly, on third Thursdays.

Cost: Adults $14, Seniors, Students, Military $11, Children 5 and under free

Free/Discounted Museum Days: Free admission from 3:00 to 8:00 p.m. monthly on Third Thursdays. Free admission during the annual IN THE SPIRIT Arts Market and Northwest Native Festival (August 10, 2024). Check out our website to see the many free events held throughout the year.

Special Events: Monthly story time with interactive activity designed for children 4 to 10.

Programs for schools/homeschoolers:

Family-Friendly Features: Washington’s largest model train layout

Museum Café: Yes

What kids will love:

Older kids will love the many hands-on interactive exhibits throughout the museum as well as our docents who help make the collection come to life and leave you feeling inspired.

What parents will love:

Parents will love that this museum is designed for both kids and parents! Exhibits are meant to educate, entertain, and inspire visitors of all ages, not just the littles.

What kids will love:

Kids will love connecting with history through dozens of interactive elements in the museum. The history lab offers a family-friendly space to learn and play.

What parents will love:

Parents will love the monthly family programming and opportunities to visit the museum for free. The museum is centrally located in Tacoma’s museum district, just minutes from I-5, with on-site parking.

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Northwest Railway Museum



Address: Railway History Campus:  9320 Stone Quarry Road, Snoqualmie, WA 98065 Historic Snoqualmie Depot:  38625 SE King Street, Snoqualmie, WA 98065

Hours: 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

Cost: Free-$40, depending on event. Proud participant of Museums for All and King Co. Library System free and reduced admission programs.

Special Events: Steam Train weekends, Day Out With Thomas, Halloween Train, and Santa Train.

Programs for Schools/Homeschoolers: Fun field trip options for all learners. Visit or email for details.

Family-Friendly Features: Explore train cars, locomotives, exhibits, children’s play area, and more! Ride the Rails to experience the Museum’s working historic railway.

Museum Café: No

What kids will love:

Trains! Train play tables, dress up areas, railway themed interactives, going inside a real caboose at the Train Shed Exhibit Hall. Many never want to leave!

What parents will love:

Trains! Free story times 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesdays, September-June. A train ride that includes a stop to view the Snoqualmie River from the top of Snoqualmie Falls; The history of how the railway changed EVERYTHING!

Explore a museum with your child today!
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