Season Lao catalog 2018

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Hokkai do, Japan Si ze : 109 x 23cm Ye ar : 2016 ED 3

Ni s eko , Ho kkai d o , J ap an S i z e : 6 1 x 5 0 .8 cm Year : 2 0 1 7 E D:3


Ku sh iro , H o k k a id o , J a pa n Si ze : Si ze : 61 x 50.8cm Ye ar : 2018 ED : 5 g i cle e pri nt on handmad e p ap er

Ho kkai d o , J ap an S i z e : S i z e : 6 1 x 5 0 . 8 c m Ye a r : 2 0 1 6 E D : 9 g i c le e p r i n t on h a n d m a d e p a p e r


This is the fact that Season Lao always maintains a practical attitude in his activities. He states about his own creation process: 70 percent of it is philosophy and technique, the remaining 30 percent is the objective

. The philosophy is to explore the

coexistence of man and nature, the objective is to have people thinking about "continuity".While the subjects of his work are coal mines, which evoke a sweaty sense of machismo, they are polished to convey a very peaceful and lyrical atmosphere.

B ell i n z o n a , Ti c i n o , Switzerl a n d Size : 9 0 x 2 3 c m Ye a r : 2 0 1 8 E D : 5 g ic l e e p r i n t o n h a n d ma d e pa per


Snow and Ambition - Regarding the works of Season Lao Maiko Yamauchi (curator)


C h i t os e , H ok k a i d o, Ja p a n Si z e : 6 1 x 5 0 . 8 c m Ye a r : 2 0 1 3 E D : 5 g i c le e p r i n t on h a n d m a d e p a p e r A s a r i ga wa , H o k k a id o , J a pa n

Bi bai , Hokkai do, Japan

Yu b ari , Ho kkai d o , J ap an

S i z e : 3 9 . 4 x 5 0 .9 cm Yea r : 2 0 1 2 E D : 5

Si ze : 39.4 x 50.9cm Ye ar : 2015 ED : 5

Si ze : 3 9 .4 x 5 0 .9 cm Year : 2 0 1 2 E D : 5

Ch i to s e, Ho kkai d o , J ap an S i z e : 3 9 .4 x 5 0 .9 cm Year : 2 0 1 4 E D : 5



M o r i o ka , I wa t e , J a p a n Size : 9 0 x 2 3 c m Ye a r : 2 0 1 8  E D : 5 g ic l e e p r i n t o n h a n d ma d e pa per


Ch i to s e, Ho kkai d o , J ap an S i z e : 6 1 x 5 0 . 8 c m Ye a r : 2 0 1 7   E D : 5 g i c le e p r i n t on h a n d m a d e p a p e r


シーズン・ラオがその活動において常にプラクティカルな態度を貫いているという事実だ。彼は自分の制作について「その 70% は哲学と技法、 残り 30% は目的」と述べる。その哲学とは人間と自然の共存を模索することであり、目的とは人々に「継続性」について考えてもらうこと。 彼の作品はマッチョで汗臭いイメージがある炭坑を被写体としながら、とても静謐で抒情的な雰囲気に仕上げられている。 雪と野心 /Snow and Ambition ̶ シーズン・ラオの作品をめぐって 山内舞子 ( キュレーター ) より一部抜粋

Talamo n a , L o m b a r d y, I ta l y Size : 9 0 x 2 3 c m Ye a r : 2 0 1 8 E D : 5

g ic l e e p r i n t o n h a n d ma d e pa per




J ö n å k er, S ö d erma n l a n d , Swed en

Bi bai , H o kkai d o , J ap an

S i ze : 6 1 x 5 0 .8 cm Yea r : 2 0 1 8 E D : 5

Si ze : 61 x 50.8cm Year : 2 0 1 4 E D : 5

Bi ei , Ho kkai d o , J ap an S i z e : 6 1 x 5 0 . 8 c m Ye a r : 2 0 1 3 E D : 5 g i c le e p r i n t on h a n d m a d e p a p e r



L a rio , L o mba rd y, I ta l y

Hokkai d o , J ap an

S i ze : 6 1 x 5 0 .8 cm Yea r : 2 0 1 8 E D : 5

Si ze : 61 x 50.8cm Year : 2 0 1 4 E D : 5

Ky o to , J ap an S i z e : 6 1 x 5 0 . 8 c m Ye a r : 2 0 1 8 E D : 5 g i c le e p r i n t on h a n d m a d e p a p e r


Yu ba r i , H o k k a id o , J a pa n

Bi bai , Hokkai do, Japan

To y ama, J ap an

S i z e : 6 1 x 5 0 . 8cm Yea r : 2 0 1 2 E D : 5

Si ze : 37.9 x 28.8cm Ye ar : 2015 ED : 5

Si ze : 5 0 .9 x 3 9 .4 cm Year : 2 0 1 5 E D : 5


3-9-28 2F Akasaka Chuo-ku Fukuoka Japan 810-0042

tel:81-(0)92-716-1032 Gallery Kazuki

#605 Okuno Bld.1-9-8 Ginza Chuo-ku Tokyo Japan 104-0061


Bi ba i , H o k k a i do , J a pa n S ize : 6 1 x 5 0 .8 cm Year : 2015 ED : 5



Bi bai , Hokkai do, Japan Si ze : 5 0 .9 x 3 9 .4 cm Year : 2 0 1 5 E D : 5 Hako d ate, Ho kkai d o , J ap an S i z e : 2 8 .8 x 3 7 .9 cm Year : 2 0 0 9 E D : 5 g i c le e p r i n t on h a n d m a d e p a p e r


Seas o n L a o  劉 善恆

1987 年マカオ生まれ。マカオ理工学院 Arts in Design 学士マルチメディア科卒業。夜間大学在

Born in 1987. Season Lao now is based in Sapporo. He graduated from Macao Polytechnic



Institute with a degree in Multimedia Design. While studying in the evenings, he worked in



both design and art, winning numerous awards. His art and activities expanded


internationally having designed souvenirs for Louis Vuitton.

しじま(静寂) の空間は、テレビ空間の沈黙のような白

けた殺伐ではなく、耳を澄ませれば、風の音とともに、過去から 未来へと伝わっていく生類たちの様々な息遣いが滲み出てくるよ うな情感豊かなものとなっている。その瞬間は、今ここではない どこかへと通じる一刻であり、過去も現在も未来も、白い風景の 中で境界がなくなる。 しじま(静寂) の芸術ー劉善恆の写真表現 風の旅人 編集長 佐伯剛 より一部抜粋

Season Lao( 劉善恆 )1999 年マカオはポルトガルから現代中国に変更、エンターテイメント を中心に都会化し変わっていくマカオ独特の文化やアイデンティティの模索をしたいという強い思

Since 2007, he began exploring Macao's unique culture. He went to Portugal from Macao with

いから、2007 年写真、映像で芸術活動を始めた。翌年、写真集とドキュメンタリー DVD「Pateo

his works. One such project -- "Pateo do Mungo," which talks about the old street where he

do Mungo 百年

was born -- was published as a photo book and documentary. The historic buildings,


て 13 軒の住宅が、その作品で取り上げた事により、価値が再認識され取り壊しが中止された。招

designated to be demolished, have been preserved.


Returning to pure art forms, his desire to compare modern metropoles to a simple and honest

いから、北海道を訪れ静粛な雪景色に魅せられ、2010 年から現在に至るまで作品のインスピレー

country life arose. During his travels to various countries, he was particularly inspired by the


serene snow-covered winter landscapes in Date, Hokkaido. At 23 years of age, he was invited to be a creative director for a Japanese design company even though he didn't speak any

The world created by Season Lao is an unknown, yet nostalgic world; although there is no one and nothing in


Japanese at that time, being in charge of designs for various design projects, He began

it, it does not cause anxiety, but instead gratifies.


exploring Japan from Sapporo to other cities including the coal mining ruins in Hokkaido.

This Silence is not the same as the Silence of the


television. It is pregnant with emotion; if you pay

2015 年イタリアの大聖堂博物館が企画した《L UOMO NEL PAESAGGIO》では、リンダ・マッカー

He worked on his art projects, examining the balance between nature and human beings.

attention, the sound of the wind, of living creatures


Through those exhibitions in Japan and abroad, as well as yearly museum and art gallery

真家 24 名にも選ばれ、作品が展示され、作品集も出版された。マカオの代表作家として《中国平

exhibits throughout China, Japan, Korea, Europe and America. such as in Italy's church


museum exhibition L UOMO NEL PAESAGGIO, he was selected to participate as one of 24


photo artists from all the world. His Hokkaido artworks were exhibited and published as a


photo book with some big name artists such as Linda McCartney, David La Chapelle,

韓国の大邱アートフェアやシンガポールの Singapore Contemporary、大阪 gallerism の推薦作

Maurizio Galimberti. Representing Macao, his work has been exhibited in China's Pingyao

家として展示会を開く。彼の作品は北海道のニセコにあるラグジュアリー コンドホテルにコレク

International Photography Festival Macao pavilion. Also he is one of the youngest artists to

ションされている。マカオと日本の間の文化の架け橋的存在となっており、交流展を企画、第 67

represent Macao to visit

回さっぽろ雪まつり HBC マカオ広場にて彼の展覧会開催時には、日本でマカオ特集番組に出演し

collbration with Sapporo snow festival and he was be the selected artist by Korean Daegu art



breathing, all sounds being handed down from the past to the future can be heard. The Art of "Silence" Expression of Season Lao 's Photography Tsuyoshi Saeki Editor-in-chief of "Kaze no tabibito


Venice Art Biennale 2015.

Singapore Contemporary

, Osaka


His work represent macau to

to have an special exhibition at

different Art fair and festival. His works were collected by AYA Niseko which is a luxury condo hotel located at Niseko, Japan to have permanent exhibition in the hotel rooms.He also has a collection in the Macao Museum.



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