National ucbc holos bratstva easter 2013

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ГОЛОС БРАТСТВА Голос Братства Voice of the Brotherhood Published by Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood of Canada National Executive Editing Committee Father Andrei Kachur Bro. Glen Tymiak, KSV Bro. Robert Wuschenny, KSV Bro. Eugene Krenosky, KSV Bro. Lorne Sakundiak, KSV Bro. Anthony (Tony) Mazur Bro. Ernest Paluck, KSV Bro. Michael (Mike) Kaminski Voice of the Brotherhood is published twice a year. Your comments and opinions are welcome. Reproductions, in whole or in part, require permission of the UCBC National Executive. Published articles do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions held by the UCBC National Executive. Deadline for Submissions th

November 25 – Christmas 2013 th March 24 – Easter 2014 th November 24 – Christmas 2014 th April 15 – Easter 2015

Please send submissions to: UCBC Voice of the Brotherhood C/o Michael Kaminski 2451 Swayze Crescent Regina, Saskatchewan S4V 1A4 Phone: (306) 789-8880 Or Email:

VOICE OF THE BROTHERHOOD Table of Contents Page 4 5 6 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 26 27 28 29 32 35 37 38 38 38 39 39 40 41 42 42 44 44 46 47 48


In This Issue… His Grace, Metropolitan Lawrence Huculak, OSBM – Easter Message His Excellency, Bishop Bryan Bayda, CSsR – Easter Message UCBC National Spiritual Advisor, Fr. Andrei Kachur - Easter Message National UCBC President, Brother Glen Tymiak, KSV – Easter Greetings Ukrainian World Congress, Mr. Eugene Czolij – Easter Message 2013 Advertisement Program Advertisement & Obituaries Rates UCC President, Mr. Paul Grod – Easter Greetings Acknowledgement of Donations A Tribute to Pope Benedict XVI The Universal Catholic Church Welcomes – Pope Francis I National UCBC President’s Report Holos Bratstva – Reader’s Comments Venerable Nun Martyrs Olympia and Laurentia The Five Finger Prayer Two Very Important Words That Begin with “f” In Everlasting Memory Saskatoon Eparchy - UCBC Eparchial President Report Eparchy of Saskatoon – Anniversary of Ordinations UCBC Regina - St. Basil The Great Branch Report Yorkton - St. Yolodymyr UCBC Branch Celebrates Fr. Kushko, CSsR, Receives Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal Eastern Catholic Churches His Beatitude Sviatoslav Invites You to Kyiv in 2013! Anniversary Dates Happy 92nd Birthday Fr. Joseph Denischuk UCBC Regina - St. Athanasius Branch Report Minister Kenney meets with His Beatitude Sviatoslave Shevchuk Ukrainian Catholic Parish of St. George’s – An Overview & Labour of Love St. George’s Cathedral Parish Celebrated Their Centenary Musée Ukraina Museum Report The Carpenter Archeparchy of Winnipeg – UCBC Eparchial President Easter Greetings Archeparchy of Winnipeg – Bishop’s Levee Archeparchy of Winnipeg – Archeparchial Convention Archeparchy of Winnipeg – Canada Day Parade Archeparchy of Winnipeg – Church BBQ Fr. Lukie, CSsR, Receives Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal How Each Apostle Died Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA) Canada CNEWA’s Projects in Ukraine that need your support XXIV Triennial Congress of Ukrainian Canadians UCC Launches Call For Nominations for Taras Shevchenko Medal Paul Grod Named Among Top 80 Influencing Canadian Foreign Policy Edmonton Eparchial - Easter Greetings Edmonton Eparchial - The Year of Faith [3]



VOICE OF THE BROTHERHOOD Великоднє привітання 2013 Високопреосвященного Митрополита Лаврентія Гуцуляка, ЧСВВ

Easter Message 2013 by His Grace, Metropolitan Lawrence Huculak OSBM

Христос Воскрес!

Воістину Воскрес!

Christ is Risen!

Indeed He is Risen!

Дорогі у Христі!

Dearly Beloved in Christ,

З нагоди святкування Воскресіння Господа і Бога нашого Ісуса Христа прийміть мої найщиріші молитовні привітання та найкращі побажання читачам ГОЛОСУ БРАТСТВА, офіційного видання національного виконавчого комітету Братства Українців Католиків Канади. Через це видання я передаю свої поздоровлення усім членам БУКК, а також їх дружинам та родинам.

On the occasion of the celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I extend my prayerful best wishes to the readers of HOLOS BRATSTVA – VOICE OF THE BROTHERHOOD, the official publication of the National Executive of the Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood of Canada. Through this publication I extend greetings to all the UCBC members, as well as to their wives and families.

Розпочинаючи час великого посту та приготовляючись до страстного тижня і славного Христового Воскресіння, цілий світ був приголомшений новиною, що Святійший Отець, Папа Бенедикт XVI, подав у відставку. Таким чином він відступає і новообраний папа повний фізичних сил та твердий у вірі і переконаннях буде обраний щоб вести Католицьку Церкву.

As we began the time of Great Lent in preparation for the commemoration of Holy Week and the glorious Resurrection of our Lord, the entire world was stunned by the announcement made by His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI, that he would retire. In this way he would step aside so that a new pope strong in physical health and firm mind could be chosen to lead the universal Catholic Church.

Господнє Воскресіння дарує багато духовних дарів усім хто вірить у нього; надію у час сумніву, відвагу у час слабкості, мужність у час випробовувань. Тільки з такою вірою у Воскресіння, Святійший Отець Бенедикт XVI, зробив своє безпрецедентне рішення в сучасній історії. Тільки з огляду на добро Господнього люду, Церкви Христової, він зробив цей крок.

The Resurrection of the Lord provides great spiritual gifts to all who believe in its power: hope in times of doubt, courage in times of weakness, fortitude in times of difficulties. It was with his belief in the Resurrection that Pope Benedict XVI was able to make a decision unprecedented in modern times, for the good of the People of God.

Нехай сила Господнього воскресіння дає і вам духовні сили необхідні у вашому щоденному житті у прийдешні дні, щоб мати надію у час сумніву, відвагу у час слабкості і мужність у час випробовувань.

May the power in the Resurrection of the Lord provide you with the spiritual strength you need in your daily lives in the days that lie ahead: to have hope in your times of doubt, courage in your times of weakness, and fortitude in your times of difficulties.

Щиро відданий у Христі,

Sincerely in Christ,

Високопреосв. Лаврентій Гуцуляк, ЧСВВ

Most Rev. Lawrence Huculak OSBM








Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Saskatoon Українська Католицька Єпархія Саcкатуну Eparch of Saskatoon Easter Message Bishop Bryan Bayda, CSsR

To the Very Reverend Clergy, Monastics and Religious Sisters, Seminarians, Women’s League and Brotherhood of the Ukrainian Catholic Church:

Христос Воскрес! Christ Is Risen!

solved without the inner purification of hearts that issues from the power of faith, from the encounter with Jesus Christ”. (Pope Benedict XVI, Vatican, December 21, 2012) The inner purification of your heart, therefore, is an important element in the New Evangelization. May the Blessed Ukrainian Martyrs, especially Blessed Bishop Nykyta Budka, give us strength in our witness.

Воістину Воскрес! Indeed He is Risen!

“Jesus is risen from the tomb, as He foretold, and granted us everlasting life and great mercy.” (Paschal

Every day is a new opportunity given to us by God to evangelize through example. The Paschal Mystery – Christ’s Resurrection - renews our spiritual strength so that we may fulfill our Christian vocation with joy and hope.


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Lazarus had been four days in the tomb, and arriving in Bethany, Jesus said to Martha, "I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?" (Jn 11:25-26)

May the blessings of the Risen Lord be with you, as your voice and actions proclaim –

Христос Воскрес!

Jesus completely redefines death. By his presence alone all things are brought to life for He is Life, He is Truth. This is completely the situation when we ponder any form of death in our own lives. We all have been given the grace to believe this, to accept this and to share this good news with all others.

Christ Is Risen!

Indeed He is Risen!

In Christ,

During our Lenten journey, we entered more deeply into this mystery of death and resurrection. Let us keep in mind that the salvation each of us rejoices in today is important for the rest of the world. We are called to evangelize those who may not celebrate this wonderful event. We make up the Vibrant Parishes where all people are invited to encounter Christ. We celebrate the Resurrection today in light of the Baptism of Rus 1025 years ago. We celebrate the Resurrection today in a world that longs for truth and healing. God wishes to answer the prayers of many through the intercession of the Mother of God and through each of us. During this Year of Faith, declared by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, we are reminded that “While these problems cannot be solved simply by religious fervour, neither can they be БРАТСТВО УКРАЇНЦІВ КАТОЛИКІВ КАНАДИ

Воістину Воскрес!

Most Rev. Bryan Bayda, CSsR, Eparch of Saskatoon





Великодне Привітання від Народного Духовного Провідника БУКК Easter Message from UCBC National Spiritual Advisor Святий Павло в своєму листі до Галатів написав: “ Бо всі ви діти Божі через віру в Христа Ісуса. Всі бо ви, що у Христа христилися, у Христа зодягнулися. (…) Я бо через закон для закону вмер, щоб для Бога жити: я – розп’ятий з Христом. Rev. Fr. Andrei Kachur Живу вже не я, а живе Христос у мені. А що живу тепер у тілі, то живу вірою в Божого Сина, який полюбив мене й видав себе за мене” (Гал. 3: 26-27, 2:19-20).

wounds of the nails and the spear; they ate and drank with Him. The resurrection became the basis of everything they said and did (Acts 2-4): “ … for a spirit has not flesh and bones as you see that I have” (Luke 24:39). The resurrection reveals Jesus of Nazareth as not only the expected Messiah of Israel, but as the King and Lord of a new Jerusalem: a new heaven and a new earth. “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth . . . the holy city, new Jerusalem. And I heard a great voice from the throne saying ‘Behold, the dwelling place of God is with all. He will dwell with them, and they shall be his people. . . He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more, for the former things have passed away’ (Rev. 21:1-4).

Розп’ятий і воскреслйи Спаситель наш Ісус Христос, як св. Павло нам написав, є засновником і завершителем віри. Він, “замість радости, що перед Ним була, витерпів хрест, на сором не звертаючи уваги, і який возсів праворуч Божого престолу” (Євр. 12:2).

In this Year of Faith, we proclaim the greatest greeting of our faith: Christ is risen! Indeed He is risen! Krysotos Voskres! Voistuny Voskres! May the peace of the risen Saviour be our hope and our assurance that indeed, He will be with us until the end of the ages. Blessings be upon all our members, our families and loved ones.

Віра, це велика ласка від Господа нашого, бо нею воскреслий Господь ділиться з нами своїм безмежним знанням і добротою. З вірою ми станемо учасниками в небесній Тайні Ісуса Христа та спадкоємцями життя вічного. Віра – це, наче, вікно в кімнаті. Чим більші вікна та чистіші, тим більше буде світла та сонця в кімнаті. Отак – то й любов залежить від величини і напруги нашої віри. Якщо віра більша то й любов сильніша.

Sincerely, In our risen Lord, Fr. Andrei Kachur UCBC National Spiritual Advisor

“Enjoy all of you the feast of faith; let everyone receive the riches of loving-kindness (Easter Sermon of St. John Chrysostom). The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is the center of the Christian faith. Saint Paul said that if Christ is not raised from the dead, then our preaching and faith are in vain (1Cor. 15:14). Indeed, without the resurrection there would be no Christian preaching or faith. The disciples of Christ would have remained broken which the Gospel of John describes as being in hiding behind locked doors. They went nowhere and preached nothing until they met the risen Christ, the doors being shut (John 20: 19). Then they touched the БРАТСТВО УКРАЇНЦІВ КАТОЛИКІВ КАНАДИ





Великодні Привітання від Президента Крайової Управи Братствo Українців Католиків Канади Easter Greetings from the National UCBC President

National UCBC President Bro. Glen Tymiak, KSV

During our Lenten journey for the preparation for Easter, we have had an opportunity to humble ourselves through evaluation, forgiveness, repentance, fasting and emergence for tomorrow. It is like the beauty of the unfolding growth of a colorful spring flower, breaking out into all its splendor.

Without the sun, all physical life on earth will cease. Without the Son, all spiritual life on earth will cease. He came to give us everlasting life----a life beyond our time and space. A life united to Him. As we celebrate this joy of the Resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ, let us take time to acknowledge all the goodness that we experienced and let us all give thanks for His abundance.

Heavenly Father, we ask for Your blessings as we celebrate this Year of Faith that we may deepen our personal encounter with Christ that we may be more able to share our faith with those around us; to share our love for the Church and its people as Christ showed His love for us. By this, we renew our baptismal call by living out our daily moments with faith, hope and love. We ask this through the prayers of the Most Holy Mother of God and all the saints. Amen.

On this occasion of the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I greet all of you with the words Христос Воскрес! Воiстину Воскрес! Christ Is Risen! Indeed He is Risen! and pray that you and your family enjoy the fullness of the Easter celebrations.


On behalf of the National executive and my wife Lena, I take this opportunity to wish you and your loved ones a joyous Easter celebration. May the Risen Lord bless you with faith, hope, love and good health.

UCWLC-UCBC-UCYC National Congress

Christ Is Risen! Indeed He Is Risen! Щиро вітаємо вас і вашу родину з нагоди Світлого Воскресіння Христового. Хай святкові дзвони Великодня принесуть у вашу оселю радість, віру, надію і любов.

June 27-30, 2013 Travelodge Hotel

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Христос Воскрес! Воістину Воскрес!

Theme: “We are Jesus’ Hands”

Yours in the Service of Christ,

For more information about the agenda, registration forms, hotel and rates contact your Branch or Eparchial President.

Bro. Glen Tymiak, KSV National President Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood of Canada







Eugene Czolij, President Ukrainian World Congress

Христа століттями допомагала нашому народові вистояти у найважчі часи та єднала в боротьбі за вільне і гідне життя. У день великого Христового Воскресіння Світовий Конґрес Українців закликає все світове українство уславити Сина Божого та спільно піднести Великодню молитву за краще майбутнє для України та українського народу.

Світовий Конґрес Українців щиро вітає провід та всіх членів Братства Українців Католиків Канади зі світлим Христовим Воскресінням!

Нехай же світло Христового Воскресіння зігріває і оберігає всіх українців та приносить у кожну родину мир, радість і благополуччя!

Символізуючи собою перемогу добра над злом, життя над смертю та світла над пітьмою, Великдень згуртовує нас у любові до воскреслого Сина Божого та надихає вірою у вічне життя. Цей світлий день нагадує про обов’язок жити згідно з Божими заповідями та за законами добра і християнської моралі, а також дає надію на торжество справедливості та духовно зміцнює мільйони українців, що проживають у всьому світі. Віра у

Христос Воскрес! Воістину Воскрес! СВІТОВИЙ КОНҐРЕС УКРАЇНЦІВ Евген Чолій Президент

2013 Advertisement Program

Advertisement Rates

The UCBC National Executive sincerely thanks all those who placed an Easter greeting or advertisement in the Holos Bratstva/Voice of the Brotherhood. We encourage you, our dear readers, to lend our advertisers both your moral and material support. Please accept warmest wishes for a Blessed Easter!

Type Business Card Quarter Page Quarter Page (Horizontal) Half Page (Horizontal) Half page (Vertical) Full Page Full Page (Back Cover)

To help promote your company name, product or service; you may purchase advertisement space in our Christmas 2013 publication of Holos Bratstva/Voice of the Brotherhood. The UCBC Editing Committee reserves the right to reject advertisements not considered suitable.

B&W $25 $50

Colour $50 $100

2.25” x 7.5”



4.5” x 7.5”



9.0” x 3.75” 9.0” x 7.5”

$100 $150

$200 $300

9.0” x 7.5”



Obituaries Rates <= 250 Words and Photo <= 500 Words and Photo 500 Words or more and Photo

An obituary of a departed brother may be purchased by a family member or friend. The UCBC National Executive suggests that the obituary be purchased by the UCBC Branch of the departed Brother.

$50 $75 $100

Payments must be payable to the “National UCBC” and mailed to: Voice of the Brotherhood C/O Brother Michael Kaminski 2451 Swayze Crescent, Regina, SK, S4V 1A4

All advertisements must be print ready.


Size (H x W) 2” x 3.75” 4.5” x 3.75”





З нагоди Воскресіння Христового, засилаю Вам щирі побажання добробуту, миру, весняного настрою, сімейних гараздів та радісних Свят. Нехай господня ласка Вас зігріває і навчає життєвої мудрості, дарує всім Вам щастя, здоров’я, любов та непохитну віру у здійсненні всіх Ваших намірів та планів!

Великоднє привітання від Президента Конґресу Українців Канади

Easter Greetings from the National UCC President

Христос Воскрес! – Воістину Воскрес! З повагою та найщирішими побажаннями,

Paul Grod, President Ukrainian Canadian Congress

Конґрес Українців Канади

On behalf of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress and all its constituent member organizations, I wish our UCC members of the Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood of Canada the miraculous joy and peace of the Easter season. Павло Ґрод Президент

As our community celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, may His light shine upon your members bringing healing warmth, hope and renewed energy for continued strength in church and community service.

Acknowledgment of Donations The National Executive of the Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood of Canada (UCBC) is pleased to send you its Holos Bratstva/Voice of the Brotherhood and sincerely hopes that you find it informative, educational and generally an interesting publication. If you would like to express your financial support, please send your donation to the National Executive. Please make cheques payable to “National UCBC” and mail to the address indicated on the inside front cover.

Funding for this publication has been provided, in part, by Edmonton Eparchy – UCBC Eparchial Executive Archeparchy of Winnipeg – UCBC Archeparchy of Winnipeg Executive





VOICE OF THE BROTHERHOOD A Tribute to Pope Benedict XVI Submitted by Fr. Andrei Kachur, UCBC National Spiritual Advisor

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI, was born at Marktl am Inn, Germany, on April 16, 1927 and was baptised on the same day. His father, a policeman, belonged to an old family of farmers from Lower Bavaria of modest economic resources. His mother was the daughter of artisans from Rimsting on the shore of Lake Chiem and before marrying she worked as a cook in a number of hotels. He spent his childhood and adolescence in Traunstein, a small village near the Austrian border, thirty kilometres from Salzburg.

election of Cardinal Ratzinger as Dean of the College of Cardinals. In the Roman Curia Cardinal Ratzinger has been a member of the Council of the Secretariat of State for Relations with States; of the Congregations for the Eastern Churches, for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, for Bishops, for the Evangelization of Peoples, for Catholic Education, for Clergy and for the Causes of the Saints; of the Pontifical Councils for Promoting Christian Unity, and for Culture; of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, and of the Pontifical Commissions for Latin America, "Ecclesia Dei", for the Authentic Interpretation of the Code of Canon Law, and for the Revision of the Code of Canon Law of the Eastern Churches. His address to the Catholic Academy of Bavaria on "Why I am still in the Church" had a wide resonance; in it he stated with his usual clarity: "one can only be a Christian in the Church, not beside the Church."

His youthful years were not easy. His faith and the education received at home prepared him for the harsh experience of those years during which the Nazi regime pursued a hostile attitude towards the Catholic Church. It was precisely during that complex situation that he discovered the beauty and truth of faith in Christ; fundamental for this was his family’s attitude, who always gave a clear witness of goodness and hope, rooted in a convinced attachment to the Church.

In 2005, Cardinal Ratzinger became the Supreme Shepherd of the Catholic Church and took the name of Benedict (XVI) and resigned his office February 28, 2013, the first pope to do so in approximately 600 years. Pope Benedict’s papacy was a labour of love for the faithful of the Catholic Church and for all peoples. His numerous prayers, letters, encyclicals and exhortations have been an inspiration to millions around the world. In eight years, Pope Benedict XVI also made approximately 24 Apostolic Visitations outside of Italy to Shepherd the flock of Christ in various parts of the world. This is a tremendous task and is indeed a ministry of Service. As he now begins a new stage in life, we thank Pope Benedict for all his unwavering faith, dedication and love which he has shown to all.

During the last months of the war Joseph Ratzinger was enrolled in an auxiliary anti-aircraft corps. From 1946 to 1951 he studied philosophy and theology at the University of Munich. He received his priestly ordination on June 29, 1951. On March 25, 1977 Pope Paul VI named him Archbishop of Munich and Freising. On May 28 of the same year he received episcopal ordination and chose as his episcopal motto: "Co-operators of the truth" and was made a Cardinal with the priestly title of "Santa Maria Consolatrice al Tiburtino" on June 27, 1977. Pope John Paul II named him Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and President of the Pontifical Biblical Commission and of the International Theological Commission on November 25, 1981. He was President of the Preparatory Commission for the Catechism of the Catholic Church. On November 30, 2002, the Holy Father approved the БРАТСТВО УКРАЇНЦІВ КАТОЛИКІВ КАНАДИ

For many long and happy years na Mnohaya i Blahaya Lita! [10]



VOICE OF THE BROTHERHOOD The Universal Catholic Church Welcomes Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio As


At approximately 7:05 PM local time (Rome), 12:05 PM Saskatchewan time, on March 13, 2013, white smoke was seen coming out of the chimney of the Sistine Chapel. After the fifth round of voting, the 115 cardinals in the conclave, elected a new leader for the Universal Catholic Church. Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina, became the 266th Pope and Bishop of Rome, choosing the name Pope Francis and will lead the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics. Cardinal Bergoglio marks several firsts for the Catholic Church: he is the first pope named Francis, he is also the first Jesuit to be elected to the papacy and the first pope from outside of Europe.

dissertation in Germany and returned to Argentina to serve as confessor and spiritual director in Córdoba. On May 20, 1992 he was appointed Titular Bishop of Auca and Auxiliary Bishop of Buenos Aires, receiving episcopal consecration on June 27, 1992. He succeeded Cardinal Antonio Quarracino on February 28, 1998. He is also Ordinary for Eastern-rite faithful in Argentina who lack an Ordinary of their own rite. Pope John Paul II elevated Archbishop Bergoglio on February 21, 2001 with the papal honours of a cardinal and he was named the Cardinal-Priest of Saint Robert Bellarmino. Cardinal Bergoglio also served as President of the Bishops’ Conference of Argentina from November 8, 2005 until November 8, 2011. He has had various positions in the Congregations: for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments, for the Clergy; for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life; the Pontifical Council for the Family; and the Pontifical Commission for Latin America.

Jorge Bergoglio was born in Buenos Aires on December 13, 1936, one of five children; his father was a railway worker of Italian descent. After studying in the seminary in Villa Devoto, he entered the Society of Jesus on March 11, 1958. He obtained a Licentiate in Philosophy from the Colegio Máximo San José in San Miguel then taught literature and psychology at the Colegio de la Immaculada in Santa Fe, and the Colegio del Salvador in Buenos Aires. He was ordained to the priesthood on December 13, 1969, by Archbishop Ramón José Castellano.

Cardinal Bergoglio has led a simple lifestyle as a Jesuit and has stressed religious and pastoral care to all people especially the poor and marginalized. He engages in a ministry of evangelization and has been known to do pastoral work by walking among the poor. We welcome you, Pope Francis and pray that your pontificate will be a ministry of outreach and an example of humility to all!

Impressed with his leadership skills, the Society of Jesus promoted Bergoglio and he served as provincial for Argentina from 1973 to 1979. He was transferred in 1980 to become the rector of the seminary in San Miguel where he had studied. He served in that capacity until 1986. He completed his doctoral БРАТСТВО УКРАЇНЦІВ КАТОЛИКІВ КАНАДИ






UCBC National President’s Report It is with pride that the Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood publishes and presents you with a copy of Holos Bratstva - Voice of the Brotherhood. Thank you to all who submitted articles, contributed financially and supported in so many ways the Voice of the Brotherhood. A very special thank you to our editor, Bro. Mike Kaminski for his dedication and hard work in putting all of this together for you. Thank you to each of you for distributing a copy to each Brotherhood member and to other interested individuals.

June 27-30, 2013 Travelodge Hotel, Saskatoon Theme: “We Are Jesus’ Hands”

Friday & Saturday June 28 & 29


3:00 P.M., Friday, June 28 On Blessed Martyr Sisters Laurentia and Olympia at the Sisters of St. Joseph’s Shrine


Immediately after presentation Sisters of St. Joseph’s Shrine

Tour of Musée Ukraina Museum:

Friday, June 28 222 Avenue M South


Friday Evening, June 28 On Avenue M South


Sunday, June 30 St. George’s Cathedral

Presentation of UCBC Awards:

Sunday, June 30 Immediately after Divine Liturgy

May the Risen Lord bless all of you and your family members. Yours in the service of Christ, Bro. Glen Tymiak, KSV National President, UCBC

Opening of Congress: Thursday Evening, June 27

Business Sessions: (Joint and Separate)

Divine Liturgy:

We look forward to delegates from each Eparchial Executive as well as from the Branches having the opportunity to attend this Congress. We have many interesting topics, events as well as some major decisions to make. We need your input and support. Please plan to attend. For more information contact your Eparchial President.

XXIV National Congress UCWLC – UCBC – UCYC

Fr. Bohdan Lukie, Pastor St. Joseph’s Parish, Winnipeg

Saturday Evening, June 29 Travelodge Hotel

Congress information, registration forms, and hotel information have been sent to each Eparchial UCBC president. They in turn will send this information to each Branch President.

The Triennial Congress will be held this year in Saskatoon. Planning for Congress 2013 started nearly a year ago. The committees of the UCWLC & UCBC have worked in harmony in the planning of this Congress.

Keynote Speaker:


The UCBC National Executive would like to acknowledge the Eparchy of Saskatoon for hosting our current and previous versions of Holos Bratstva - Voice of the Brotherhood on their Eparchial Website. You may now read each issue online by clicking on the link below. [12]











Purchase a 1 year subscription @ $15 or 2 year subscription @ $25 and our Easter and Christmas publication will be mailed to your residence (Canada). For USA destinations: 1 year @ $25 or 2 years @ $35. I have enclosed my $_____________ for a ________ year(s) subscription. Name:______________________________________________________________________________ Address:___________________________________________ City:______________________________ Province:___________________ Postal Code: _____________ Parish: ___________________________ Please complete this form and make cheque payable to “National UCBC”. Mail to UCBC Voice of the Brotherhood, 2451 Swayze Cres., Regina, SK, S4V 1A4 or email your subscription form to

Holos Bratstva - Reader’s Comments Editor’s Comments: The National Executive of the Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood of Canada (UCBC) is pleased to send you its Holos Bratstva - Voice of the Brotherhood and sincerely hopes that you find it informative, educational and generally an interesting publication. If you would like to express your thoughts and comment on our publication please forward them to a member of the National Executive or the editor. The following comments were provided by our readers of our Holos Bratstva – Voice of the Brotherhood.

 Thanks for all the work you do for the UCBC magazine. I was at a funeral in Manitoba a few weeks ago and I was pleased to see a copy of the Christmas edition at BVM Church in Winnipeg. (A Saskatchewan Priest)  I want to commend you on the wonderful Christmas Edition of “Holos Bratstva” which I received on December 24. Lots of excellent information. I wish to congratulate your entire committee in putting this booklet together. (Edmonton Brother)  We received the UCBC Easter Bulletin. It is wonderful. We will have the copies displayed in our office for guests. (UCC Office in Ottawa)  The Bishop of the Lutheran faith read The Voice of the Brotherhood and had such super comments. He expressed his pleasure for us, his prayers, and his expressions of specific thanks that we continue to strive for the depth, the true worship and the concrete reality of our ancient celebration of БРАТСТВО УКРАЇНЦІВ КАТОЛИКІВ КАНАДИ

    


our Faith. He also expressed that we do not dilute, water down or reduce our celebration our Faith. He stressed that Christianity is being attacked everywhere, so different faiths go out of their way to melt down what martyrs died for over two centuries ago. (Edmonton Brother) You have proven that one does not need exotic color or some complicated feudal punch to make a document informative, faith full, efficient, educational, historical and desirable. Keep up the good work. I commend you and your executive on the wonderful publication of Holos Bratstva and it is great that you have such dedicated Brothers to serve on the executive. (Edmonton Brother) Thank you for a great publication. I enjoyed the various submissions and pictures from across Canada. Send more copies to our parish as many others would like to read the publication. Great job! (Parish in B.C.) Lots of work went into this issue. There is a variety of material. Editor seemed to try to cover the whole country and beyond. Nice that Editor seems to spell no opposition to other faiths or politics. It is this kind of communication that should encourage membership.



VOICE OF THE BROTHERHOOD Venerable Nun Martyrs Olympia and Laurentia

Submitted by: Sister Theodosia, Sisters of St. Joseph, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

On Wednesday, June 27th, 2001, his last of five historic days in Ukraine, Pope John Paul 11 beatified 27 Martyrs during a Divine Liturgy that was celebrated at an equestrian track on the outskirts of the City of Lviv. Over one million faithful, standing ankle deep in mud on the rain soaked field, participated in the Liturgy and witnessed the beatifications which included two Sisters of St. Joseph, Sisters Olympia and Laurentia.

and with the necessary documents of approval in hand, a 'team of officials' set out for Siberia, in September of 2005, to exhume the saintly remains and return them to Ukraine. The 'dig' was shared by the 10-member team who each took turns digging through the sandy clay to reach the bottom of the deeper than normal graves. The results at the end of the 'dig' were so obvious that the need for confirmation from the experts who were among the team was absolutely redundant. No sooner had the debris from the 50-year old wooden caskets been cleared away when huge neck crosses were revealed; and, under them the habits and remains of two Sisters of St. Joseph, Martyrs of the Church and new Saints of Ukraine.

These two Nun Martyrs were exiled to Siberia for life, by the atheistic communistic regime, for "... categorically rejecting the orthodox church ... and engaging in missionary work among the former Ukrainian Greek Catholics and Roman Catholics, " (excerpt from the Decree of Indictment, 20 March 1950). In 1952, Sisters Laurentia and Olympia in Siberia thousands of kilometers away from home in the traumatic environmental conditions of the Siberian exile, under hard labour and constant stressfilled surveillance and interrogation, devoid of even the very basic of human rights and deprived of the lifegiving sacraments Sisters Olympia and Laurentia died within months of each other, the victims of a ruthless, godless regime.

The skeletal remains of both Martyrs were painstakingly swept out of the Siberian soil by expertly guided brushes and carefully packed by loving hands into specially constructed boxes for the return trip 'home'. A trip that was infinitely more expedient that the one that took them there in the first place. At 'home' the earthly remains were scrutinized by even more independent professionals who expertly reassembled, thoroughly cleaned, and officially documented them. These procedures took approximately three months during which time the sacred remains laid in state in a carefully guarded, preciously unused, room in Lviv's Novitiate. Once the scrutiny was completed, and the sacred remains officially registered, they were released to the Community for permanent and proper enshrinement according to the directives of the Church. This would include sealing the remains in a casket-like container that would not be disrupted. Prior to the completion of this process, however, several small fragments such as finger nails, bone chips and hair were retained for future use as relics; and, one 'crucial element' from each of the two Martyrs was removed. The 'crucial elements', consisting of rib bones, would be taken by the Sisters to Saskatoon where an official pilgrimage site, the only one dedicated to these two Martyrs outside of Ukraine, was being established in a Khram (Shrine) on their monastery property.

Counted among the "New Saints of Ukraine" and referred to as "Apostles of the Gulag" Venerable Olympia and Laurentia have shown, by example that we should, "...follow Him bravely, not only when all is well, but even when times are bitter let us say: Glory to God for everything." (Excerpt from a letter written by Sister Olympia to her Provincial Superior, Sister Neonylia).

On the evening of Tuesday, June 27th, 2006 hundreds of people waited at Saskatoon's International Airport for the arrival of these 'crucial elements' which they would carry in procession to their Khram. En route to the Khram the 'elements' made a prayerful stop at the

Subsequent to the beatification the Sisters in Ukraine, encouraged and supported by the Sisters in Saskatoon, undertook the research necessary to locate the burial sites of these two Martyrs. Confident of their location БРАТСТВО УКРАЇНЦІВ КАТОЛИКІВ КАНАДИ





Chapel in St. Joseph's Home and the Cathedral of St. George where those who could not walk the distance waited in anticipation. Once at the Khram, and after a sung akafist in their honour, the faithful venerated the elements of these two Martyrs long into the night.

The Khram is beautifully appointed with all the appropriate sacramentals, and is open to the public. The feast day of the Martyrs is June 27th on which day praznyk celebrations are held. Venerable Nun Martyrs Olympia and Laurentia pray for us!

Sisters of St. Joseph’s Shrine.

The Five Finger Prayer 1. Your thumb is nearest you. So begin your prayers by praying for those closest to you. They are the easiest to remember. Pray for our loved ones.

4. The fourth finger is our ring finger. Surprising to many is the fact that this is our weakest finger; as any piano teacher will testify. It should remind us to pray for those who are weak, in trouble or in pain. They need your prayers day and night. You cannot pray too much for them. Pray also for happy marriages.

2. The next finger is the pointing finger. Pray for those who teach, instruct and heal. This includes teachers, doctors, and ministers. They need support and wisdom in pointing others in the right direction. Keep them in your prayers.

5. And lastly comes our little finger the smallest finger of all which is where we should place ourselves in relation to God and others. As the Bible says, "The least shall be the greatest among you." Your pinkie should remind you to pray for yourself. By the time you have prayed for the other four groups, your own needs will be put into proper perspective and you will be able to pray for yourself more effectively.

3. The next finger is the tallest finger. It reminds us of our leaders. Pray for the Religious leaders, government leaders, leaders in business and industry, and administrators. These people shape our nation and guide public opinion. They need God's guidance. БРАТСТВО УКРАЇНЦІВ КАТОЛИКІВ КАНАДИ




VOICE OF THE BROTHERHOOD Two Very Important Words That Begin with “f” Submitted by: Sister Theodosia, Sisters of St. Joseph

Two very important, if not even precious, words that begin with "f" are faith and family. And, it is from, and through, our family that we usually acquire and/or learn the values and beliefs that ultimately guide us through our life-long journey here on earth.

Liturgy after which we will get together as a 'fun family'. The same ought to hold true for all other 'family' events or occasions ... they should begin with a proclamation of ’faith’. As a constant source of inspiration and encouragement in this regard let us look to, and model our lives, on the example given by the Holy Family who, in spite of extraordinary trials and tribulations, always maintained their focus and remained 'faithful' to their calling and beliefs. Have a great week!

It has often been said that the 'home' is the first school of the 'family' and the domestic church, where its members learn and practice the ways of the Lord. And, since imprinting begins to take hold at a very early age everything, including ones belief system, ought to become a regularly scheduled part of the day. Just as we have our meals, sleep, school and work scheduled for specific times during the day, so too, should we have regularly scheduled times devoted to the enhancement and practice of our 'faith'. And, just as we share so many things as a family, whether it be the roof over our head or the table at which we eat, so too, should we be sharing our 'faith' including any changes or challenges that might come our way.

With my love and prayers,

Sister Theodosia Eparchial Spiritual Director (UCWLC)

Christ is Risen!

The gift of 'faith', and its accompanying graces, must continue to be shared at all stages of life; and, the 'home' must never cease to be that 'domestic church'. Through it all members must be continually reminded of their spiritual responsibilities, and the means by which they are fulfilled. To accommodate 'family', and accord it the time to gather, God rested on the seventh day and the Church declared it holy ... a special designated day on which we are called to worship and retreat from our daily duties. In most cases this day, Sunday, is in fact used to retreat from daily activities but, unfortunately with greater frequency the worship factor is being ignored and eliminated from it. This ought to be of concern to us since our eternal salvation depends on it; and, no one wants to be deprived of eternal happiness whether for themselves or those they love.

During the Glorious Resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ, We extend to one and all our prayers and best wishes for Happy and Holy Easter Season. These thoughts and greetings are sent to you, your family and your friends from St. Volodymyr Branch, UCBC at St. Mary’s Parish in Yorkton, Sask. Spiritual Advisors:

Father Peter Pidskalny CSsR Father Raymond Lukie CSsR Past President: Bro. Lorne Sakundiak, KSV President: Bro. Peter Moroz, KSV Vice President: Bro. Larry German, KSV Secretary: Bro. Anthony (Tony) Mazur Treasurer: Bro. Glen Tymiak, KSV Archivist Hospodar: Bro. Ed McLashen, KSV Auditors: Bro.Victor Puchala Bro. Norm Yasinsky and all members.

Family time most often occurs on Sundays, high holy days or special days and events. Usually we get together for a 'home cooked' meal and camaraderie during which time we reacquaint and relive our unique familial experiences and attributes. And, it is during these times when we could and should revisit our 'faith' responsibilities and commitments. Invitations to Sunday outings should be prefaced by the message that we will all meet at church, as a 'faith family', for the БРАТСТВО УКРАЇНЦІВ КАТОЛИКІВ КАНАДИ

Indeed, He is Risen!

Христос Воскрес! Воістину Воскрес! Christ Is Risen! Indeed, He Is Risen! [17]



VOICE OF THE BROTHERHOOD Вічная Пам’ять • In Everlasting Memory Yorkton; grandchildren: Kevin (Christine, Addison & Emily) of Edmonton; Jason Baluk (Karling & Brecklyn) of Yorkton; Don (Brenna) of Yorkton; and Mark of Yorkton. A sister, Nellie Prokopchuk of Brandon, Manitoba; brothers Danny (Vicky) Bazowski of Mississauga; Alex (Marg) of Calgary; numerous nieces, nephews, and his many other relatives and friends.

Waldemar “Wally” Baluk December 15, 1922 – January 2, 2013 Member of Yorkton – St.Volodymyr Branch Waldemar “Wally” Baluk was born on December 15, 1922 at Mikado, Saskatchewan. In 1950 he was united in marriage to Adeline Bazowski at Norquay. The couple moved to Yorkton from Norquay in 1955, where they had since resided. Wally was employed at Massey Ferguson and the Burns Meats Packing Plant in Yorkton for a time before gaining employment at the Yorkton Regional Health Centre, where he worked until his retirement in 1987.

Prayer services were held on Monday evening, January 7th 2013 from the Chapel of Bailey's Funeral Home in Yorkton with Rev. Father Ray Lukie C.Ss.R. officiating. A rosary service preceded the prayers, led by members of the Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood. The Requiem Divine Liturgy was celebrated on Tuesday morning, January 8th from St. Mary's Ukrainian Catholic Church in Yorkton with Very Rev. Father Peter Pidskalny C.Ss.R. as Celebrant. Cantor, Ed Pindus, assisted by member of the Parish Choir, led in the singing of the responses. Members of the Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood formed an honour guard. The cross bearer was Brenna Baluk and the epistle-reader was Don Baluk. The interment took place in the Yorkton City Cemetery with Don, Mark, Jason and Kevin Baluk, and Mike and Christine Bazowski serving as the casket bearers.

Wally passed away on Wednesday, January 2, 2013, at the Yorkton & District Nursing Home where he had been a resident since September 9, 2009. He was 90 years of age. Wally was predeceased by a son Alex, and by a grandson Jaimie. He is survived by his wife Adeline of the Yorkton and District Nursing Home; son Dan (Natalie) of Edmonton; daughter-in-law, Susan Baluk of

Vichnaya Pamyat!

Jesus is watching you…

Remember This...  God won't ask what kind of car you drove, but He'll ask how many people you helped get where they needed to go.  God won't ask the square footage of your house, but He'll ask how many people you welcomed into your home.  God won't ask about the clothes you had in your closet, but He'll ask how many you helped to clothe.  God won't ask how many friends you had, but He'll ask how many people to whom you were a friend.  God won't ask in what neighborhood you lived, but He'll ask how you treated your neighbors.  God won't ask about the color of your skin, but He'll ask about the content of your character.  God won't ask why it took you so long to seek Salvation, but He'll lovingly take you to your mansion in heaven, and not to the gates of Hell. БРАТСТВО УКРАЇНЦІВ КАТОЛИКІВ КАНАДИ

Eternal Memory!


A burglar breaks into a house at night. He shines his flashlight around looking for anything to steal. Out of the darkness he hears a voice: “Jesus is watching you.” “What?” the burglar says, “who’s there?” The voice comes out of the darkness: “Jesus is watching you.” The burglar, not sure what to think, shines the flashlight around until he finds the source. A parrot. “Did you say that?” snarls the burglar. “Yes,” replies the parrot. “I was warning you that Jesus is watching.” “Warning me? Who are you to warn me?” “I’m Moses,” says the parrot. “Moses?” laughs the burglar. “What kinds of people name their parrot Moses?” “The same kind of people who name their 150-lb Rottweiler Jesus.” UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC BROTHERHOOD OF CANADA


VOICE OF THE BROTHERHOOD БРАТСТВО УКРАЇНЦІВ КАТОЛИКІВ КАНАДИ UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC BROTHERHOOD OF CANADA Saskatoon Eparchy UCBC Eparchial President Report Submitted by: Brother Robert Wuschenny, KSV - Eparchial President

In Saskatchewan, it has been a long and snowy winter, but it is, indeed, a short time since our last report. How quickly time flies when we are busy! UCBC work and activities continue in the Saskatoon Eparchy. Bro. Robert Wuschenny, KSV Memberships have been renewed and most Eparchial President Saskatoon Eparchy Branches have or are about to hold their Annual General Meeting, so new executives have been elected or, in some cases, re-elected.

Let us all engage in true Lenten preparations in the coming weeks so that we can once again joyously proclaim, “Christ is Risen!” On behalf of the Saskatoon Eparchial Executive and our spouses, we wish everyone a Happy Easter! Christ is Risen!

All Branches were involved in services, festivities and celebrations centering on the Christmas season, including New Year’s celebrations. In all Branches, the Brotherhood is ever ready to lend a helping hand in the parish and I commend the Branches for continuing to exercise this long standing tradition. Since the last report, we held one Quarterly Meeting with all Branches represented. Nominations for Awards have been submitted and we are currently in the process of assessing the nominations at the Eparchial level prior to forwarding our recommendations to the National. Once again, we will hold an Eparchial Raffle which serves as a fundraiser for the Branches. A number of Brothers are involved in planning the forthcoming Congress to be held in Saskatoon June 27-30, 2013. I encourage as many members as possible to attend this important event. As we are in the time of Great Lent, all Branches are involved in Lenten services as well as engaging in their usual activities and projects. The work goes on. As we approach Easter, our thoughts turn to the One who paid the ultimate price so that we could be free. БРАТСТВО УКРАЇНЦІВ КАТОЛИКІВ КАНАДИ





Congratulations On Your Anniversary of Ordination! 25th Year

25th Year

Rev. Fr. Janko Kolosnjaji St. George’s Cathedral Saskatoon Saskatoon Eparchy April 17, 2013

Rev. Fr. Raymond Lukie St. Mary’s Parish Yorkton Saskatoon Eparchy June 25, 2013

20th Year

15th Year

10th Year

Rev. Fr. Andrei Kachur Sts. Peter & Paul Parish Montmarte Saskatoon Eparchy May 30, 2013

Rev. Fr. Zenovij Bahriy Sacred Heart Parish Wynyard Saskatoon Eparchy August 9, 2013

Rev. Fr. Jeffrey Stephaniuk Holy Spirit Parish Wadena Saskatoon Eparchy July 13, 2013

“Honoring you for being a dedicated and loving shepherd of God’s flock. God bless you on this milestone of devotion and service.”





VOICE OF THE BROTHERHOOD UCBC Regina – St. Basil The Great Branch Report

Submitted by: Brother Michael Kaminski, President – UCBC St. Basil The Great Branch, Regina

Bro. Mike Kaminski, UCBC President

Vice-President Secretary Treasurer

St. Basil The Great UCBC Branch, of St. Basil’s Parish, Regina, concluded 2012 with their annual UCWLC & UCBC Christmas social at St. Basil’s Parish Centre. A total of 85 people attended the annual Christmas social with participation from UCWLC & UCBC membership, their spouses, widows of deceased UCBC members and invited guests. This social was just one of the many celebrations that took place in

Sir Knight Brother Eugene Krenosky Brother Dennis Klimochko Sir Knight Brother Ed Kobialko

2012. St. Basil’s UCBC members at their annual UCWLC & UCBC Christmas Social at St. Basil’s Parish Centre. L-R: Bro. James Dozorec; Bro. Myron Romanow; Bro. Clarence Demchuk; Bro. Ray Storozuk; Bro. John Chomyn; Bro. Eugene Krenosky, KSV, Vice President; Rt. Rev. Fr. Mudri, Spiritual Advisor; Bro. Mike Kaminski, President; Bro. Ed Kobialko, KSV, Treasurer; Bro. Orest Kiryluk; Bro. Myron Sereda; Bro. Paul Gulka, KSV; Bro. Dennis Klimochko, Secretary. Photo courtesy of Bro. Dennis Klimochko.

To recognize and celebrate the 80th anniversary of the formation of the UCBC, St. Basil’s UCBC Branch provided complimentary wine, an 80th anniversary cake and door prizes. The UCWLC provided complimentary Chinese food and door prizes. At the end of the evening, everyone enjoyed themselves with a glass of wine, a great meal, a wonderful anniversary cake, entertainment, singing of Christmas carols and lots of door prizes; all complimentary for paid up members.

Today, our membership is busy planning for the following major events and activities in 2013:  our 3rd annual UCBC Mini Lenten Retreat;  our 5th garage sale for parishioners of St. Basil and St. Athanasius;  provide assistance to our pastor, Rt. Rev. Mitred Mudri, our Church, our parish and our community;  members hold executive positions and participate on St. Basil’s Parish council, Eparchial Executive and National Executive levels;  planning for the 2013 UCBC Congress;  an end of summer BBQ & UCBC membersip drive;  our 5th annual Farm Toy and Collector’s Show and Sale;  planning our Christmas Social; and  other fund raising ideas.


Celebration Cake on the 80 Anniversary of the formation of the UCBC. Photo courtesy of Bro. Dennis Klimochko.

On behalf of St. Basil’s UCBC Executive, Brothers of St. Basil’s UCBC Branch, my wife Deanna, I take this opportunity to wish you and your family a joyous Easter celebration. May this celebration bring joy, faith, hope, and love into your home.

The UCBC was officially formed at the first convention of Ukrainian Catholics of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon on Decemeber 28th and 29th, 1932. St. Basil the Great UCBC Branch #303 was formed one and half years later, on July 22, 1934. To celebrate our 80th anniversary on July 22, 2014, a committee is being formed to plan our 80th anniversary celebration event - watch for details.

Христос Воскрес! Christ Is Risen!

Michael J. Kaminski

2013 started with the election of our Executive: Past President President

Brother Michael J. Kaminski, UCBC President St. Basil The Great Branch #303

Brother Ivar Orenchuk Brother Michael Kaminski


Воістину Воскрес! Indeed He is Risen!




VOICE OF THE BROTHERHOOD Yorkton - St. Volodymyr UCBC Branch Celebrates Submitted by: Sir Knight Brother Glen Tymiak, National UCBC President

The Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood, St. Volodymyr Branch in St. Mary’s Parish, Yorkton, Saskatchewan held their annual Christmas Banquet and Member Appreciation Night at St. Mary’s Cultural Centre on January 9, 2013. In conjunction with the banquet, a celebration of the Branch’s 70th Anniversary and the 80th Anniversary of the formation of the UCBC was held. The members were joined by their spouses, widows of deceased members and invited guests. Our pastor,

Father Peter Pidskalny and three associate pastors attended. Our National UCBC President, Sir Knight Bro Glen Tymiak addressed the crowd by outlining the history of the formation of the UCBC, the Brotherhood contribution and involvement in the parish over the 70 years. Anniversary cake was served and the evening concluded by the singing of the traditional Ukrainian Christmas Carols.

St. Volodymyr UCBC members at their annual Christmas Banquet and Member Appreciation Night at St. Mary’s Cultural Centre. Photo courtesy of John Ostrowercha. Yorkton UCBC Executive 2013 Front Row (L-R): Rev. Fr. Joseph Denischuk; Rev. Fr. Methodius Kushko; Bro. Anthony Mazur, Secretary; Bro. Peter Moroz, KSV, President; Bro. Glen Tymiak, KSV, Treasurer: Rev. Fr. Peter Pidskhalny, Pastor; Rev. Fr. Raymond Lukie. Back Row (L-R): Bro. Ed McLashen, KSV, Hospodar; Bro. Victor Puchala, Auditor; Bro. Norm Yasinsky, Auditor; Bro. Lorne Sakundiak, KSV, Past President. Photo courtesy of John Ostrowercha.

Cutting of the Anniversary Cake by Yorkton Past Presidents (L-R): Bro. Ben Kluk; Bro. Ed McLashen, KSV; Bro. Glen Tymiak, KSV; Bro. Peter Moroz, KSV; Bro. Lorne Sakundiak, KSV; Bro. Harry Kardynal. Missing: Bro. Larry German, KSV; Bro. John Pacholka, KSV; Bro. Joseph Ratushniak, KSV; Bro. Wally Head; Bro. Harry Prystai; and Bro. Victor Belley. Photo courtesy of John Ostrowercha.

Христос Воскрес! Christ Is Risen!


Celebration Cake of St. Volodymyr Branch’s 70 Anniversary and th the 80 Anniversary of the formation of the UCBC. Photo courtesy of John Ostrowercha. БРАТСТВО УКРАЇНЦІВ КАТОЛИКІВ КАНАДИ


Воістину Воскрес! Indeed, He Is Risen!




Fr. Methodius Kushko, CSsR, Receives Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal

 

On February 9, 2012, Fr. Methodius Kushko, CSsR, was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal. L-R: Greg Ottenbreit, MLA Yorkton; Fr. Methodius Kushko, CSsR; Constable Vincenzo Granello.

Fr. Methodius Kushko’s Biography 

Fr. Methodius Kushko was born in a shanty on his father’s homestead on June 16, 1932 at Edmore, Saskatchewan. His father, Matheas Martin Kushko, and his mother, Anna Zubyk, immigrated to Canada from Halychyna (Galicia, Western Ukraine). There were four children in the Kushko family: Stephanie, Methodius, Eugenia and William Andrian.

  

Education Achievements  He attended two country schools, Ashdown and Edmore. His senior matriculation was completed at St. Joseph’s College, Yorkton, in 1951. While he was a student at St. Joe’s he participated in all sports and in every oratory contest. He won the Ukrainian oratory medal. In his grade twelve year he earned the Merit crest for his participation in extracurricular activities.  He attended Saskatchewan Teacher’s College in Saskatoon after working as a permit teacher in Minitonas, Manitoba. He taught in Saskatchewan for eleven years. He was principal at Buffalo Narrows, Margo and Hazlet and he spent one year as a supervisory assistant in the Borderland School Unit situated at Rockglen, Saskatchewan.  In 1962, Fr. Kushko earned a Bachelor of Education degree specializing in elementary education. He was a recipient of the Saskatchewan Government Scholarship. In 1964, he earned a Bachelor of Arts БРАТСТВО УКРАЇНЦІВ КАТОЛИКІВ КАНАДИ


degree majoring in history. Both degrees were earned at the University of Saskatchewan. Joined the Redemptorist Fathers of the Yorkton Province in August of 1965 and made his novitiate at Meadowreale, Ontario under the direction of Bishop Michael Kuchmiak. In 1967, completed his Bachelor of Theology degree from the University of Ottawa and a S.T.B. from St. Paul’s University with distinction. He was ordained to the sub-diaconate in the Holy Eucharist Church, Toronto, and into the diaconate on May 17, 1970 at St. Mary’s Slovak Church, Toronto, by Bishop Michael Rusnak, CSsR. On July 5, 1970 he was ordained into the priesthood at St. Mary’s Church, Yorkton, by Bishop Andrew Roborecki. Taught at St. Vladimir’s College, Roblin, Manitoba in 1971, appointed principal in 1972 and then pastor of Roblin and area in 1974. Superior and pastor of Sacred Heart Church, Ituna, from 1978 to 1981. Pastor of Ukrainian Catholic Church in Preeceville under supervision of Bishop Andrew Roborecki. 1982-1984 associate pastor of St. John the Baptist Church in Newark, New Jersey. 1984-1986 pastor of Immaculate Conception Church in Hillside, New Jersey. While there, he studied counseling on a M.A. program at Seton Hall University in Orange, New Jersey. During this period in the States, Fr. Kushko accepted an invitation from Bishop Basil Filewich to return to Saskatchewan as pastor of the Church of Assumption in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Fr. Kushko was awarded the Canada 125 Commemorative Medal. This medal is given by the Governor-General to a recipient who has given dedicated service to their country and community. On November 7, 1992, he graduated with a B.A. honors in psychology from University of Regina; his fourth bachelor’s degree. The university did a profile on him entitled “Fall Convocation”. Campion College staff selected five graduates who earned the top awards at the Fall Convocation. All five and Fr. Kushko were granted the status of “scholar”. For Fr. Kushko, this was the achievement of his lifetime. In 1992, Fr. Bryan Bayda invited him to return to St. Vladimir’s for the fall term to teach and to be a counselor and the spiritual director of the students. UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC BROTHERHOOD OF CANADA



Other Achievements of Fr. Kushko 1)

2) 3)

4) 5) 6)

7) 8) 9)






Eastern Catholic Churches

When Fr. Kushko was the principal of Margo, he presented himself as a candidate for the Liberal party, 1963, for the Kelvington constituency. He lost his first bid due to inexperience. He is a life member of Liberal Party of Canada. Fr. Kushko is a 4th Degree Knight of Columbus. He was Chaplain of the Ituna, Benito, Union, New Jersey and Moose Jaw 3rd & 4th Degree councils. He is a civilian pilot in retirement. He can fly a small plane and land it safely. He is a graduate of Dale Carnegie Course in public speaking and human relations. He did summer stock in Bernard Shaw’s play, “Poison, Passion and Putrefaction” in which he played the leading role “Adolplus” and he played the part of Ben in “The Dearly Departed”. Fr. Kushko took the Sinner’s Prayer and became a Born Again Christian in 1976. He is a guest speaker at Full Gospel Businessmen’s meeting. At St. Paul’s University, he was elected to the student Representative Council as the VicePresident, External Affairs. His task was to organize a theological conference for theology students throughout all the universities of Canada. This conference was held at St. Paul’s during the Christmas recess of 1969-70. In 1969, to prepare himself for the office of SRC, he took French immersion summer school at the University of Ottawa. His heart is in preaching retreats and missions, and working with the poorest of the poor, a typical Redemptorist. For three years he was a member of the Saskatchewan Government Advisory Committee for Saskatchewan and Ukraine. In August of 2000, at age of 70, he semi-retired at the Yorkton Monastery. He got involved with CJGX Radio, broadcasting Christmas greetings in Ukrainian and English. The Rock 100.5 FM invited Fr. Kushko to create The Ukrainian Hour as its host; the Access Communications Channel 7 invited him to host The Ukrainian Hour. On February 9, 2012 Fr. Methodius Kushko was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal. It was a humbling experience.


Led by the Holy Spirit and faithful to Jesus' command to reach out to all nations, the apostles carried the good news to many parts of the world. Wherever they went, they tried to awaken people's faith in Christ and to encourage them to accept the gospel message. The apostles first preached in Jerusalem, the birthplace of Christianity. Within a short time the apostles took the message of Christ beyond Jerusalem, and Christianity came to life in many areas. In the East, Antioch and Alexandria were developed, cultural centres. Rome, the capital of the Roman Empire, was the most important cultural centre of the West. These four cities greatly influenced the development of the early Christian Church. When communities accepted Christianity, they accepted the same faith that the apostles taught. However, groups from the large cultural centres responded to the gospel message in their own way. These centres developed their own worship, traditions and creed. The large centres influenced the smaller neighbouring communities, and the major rites of the Church came into existence.





His Beatitude Sviatoslav Invites You to Kyiv In 2013! His Beatitude our Patriarch Sviatoslav has invited the faithful of the Ukrainian Catholic Church to make a pilgrimage to Kyiv in 2013 to celebrate the 1025th anniversary of the baptism of Kyivan-Rus’, Ukraine! The major celebration will be a special Divine Liturgy on Sunday, August 18, at the Holy Resurrection Sobor in Kyiv. Join Metropolitan Lawrence Huculak, OSBM, of Winnipeg and Bishops David Motiuk of Edmonton, Ken Nowakowski of New Westminster, Bryan Bayda, C.Ss.R., of Saskatoon and Stephen Chmilar of Toronto on an official pilgrimage to Ukraine 7-21 August. The Pilgrimage will begin in Western Ukraine visiting Lviv, Zarvanytsia, and Ternopil before heading out to Kyiv for the major celebrations. More details will be announced as soon as the program is finalized. Solaway Travel has been commissioned to assist our Church in arranging for our travel plans and accommodations on this pilgrimage. Myrna Arychuk Solaway Travel 3819 Sunset Street, Burnaby, BC V5G 1T4 Tel: 604-430-6789 Fax: 604-430-2244

Pilgrimage Tour in Kyiv (August 16-19) Celebrate the 1025th Anniversary of the Baptism of Kyivan-Rus' and visit the most important historic sites of the ancient city of Kyiv, Ukraine’s beautiful capital city! While in Kyiv we will be participating in all of the official celebrations of the 1025th Anniversary of the Baptism of Kyivan-Rus’. The climax of these celebrations will be the Sunday, August 18th; Divine Liturgy at the Holy Resurrection Sobor (Cathedral) celebrated by His Beatitude Sviatoslav and all of the Ukrainian Catholic Bishops of the world. During our visit in Kyiv we will visit: The Golden Gate, St. Sophia’s Cathedral, and many other ancient churches and monasteries. We will have an opportunity to visit the Pecharska Lavra Monastery and Mariyinsky Palace and the Ukrainian Parliament. БРАТСТВО УКРАЇНЦІВ КАТОЛИКІВ КАНАДИ




VOICE OF THE BROTHERHOOD Anniversary Dates 1025th Anniversary of Baptism of Rus-Ukraine 988 – 2013 Patriarch Sviatoslav, head of the U.G.C.C invites all faithful to a National Ukrainian Pilgrimage to Kyiv on August 18, 2013 on the occasion of the 1025th Anniversary of the Baptism of Rus-Ukraine. 80th Anniversary of The Holodomor 2013 This year marks the 80th Anniversary of Holodomor -the Great Famine- Genocide in Ukraine. The Holodomor refers specifically to the brutal artificial famine imposed on the Ukrainian people in 19321933 by Stalin’s regime. Holodomor Awareness Week: November 18-24, 2013 National Holodomor Memorial Day: Saturday, November 23, 2013

Happy 92nd Birthday Fr. Joseph Denischuk Fr. Joseph Denischuk, CSsR celebrated his 92nd birthday on March 2, 2013. This year he celebrates 67 years of his priesthood and 72 years of his Redemptorist life. He has written 15 books. His most important book is "How To Love God". To date over 2400 copies have been bought or acquired by Ukrainian bishops, priests, nuns, and lay people throughout the world. His nephew produced a DVD of Fr. Joseph's life featuring 800 photographs. This book ($10.00) and DVD ($15.00) may be purchased at St. Mary's Parish Office, 155 Catherine Street, Yorkton, Saskatchewan, S3N OB9. Father Joseph lives with the Ukrainian Redemportist Fathers in Yorkton, Saskatchewan and still celebrates daily Divine Liturgy. Fr. Joseph Denischuk, CSsR БРАТСТВО УКРАЇНЦІВ КАТОЛИКІВ КАНАДИ

Многая Літа! [26]



VOICE OF THE BROTHERHOOD UCBC Regina – St. Athanasius Branch Report

Submitted by: Brother Mark Woitas, President – UCBC St. Athanasius Branch, Regina

“Christ is Risen“

“Indeed He is Risen”

The St. Athanasius branch of the Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood of Canada was formed in 1982 and today has a membership of approximately 55 members. Many of its members hold executive roles at the Eparchial and National levels. The beginning of 2013 has seen our branch busy with our usual roles in ushering, Ministers of the Eucharist and helping out at the altar during liturgies but also taking an active part in many other activities and celebrations in our parish. Some of these are as follows:  On January 20, 2013 the Saint Athanasius U.C.B.C. and the U.C.W.L.C. held an appreciation supper for our members and their spouses.  On January 26, 2013 we hosted the U.C.B.C. Quarterly Eparchial / National meeting.  On January 27, 2013 we served coffee along with fresh baked cookies after Liturgy.  On February 17, 2013 we served coffee along with cake to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Some of the activities and celebrations that will be taking place in the upcoming months are as follows:  Assisting in cleaning of the church for the Easter season.  Sausage sales for the Easter season.  Preparing brunch for the First Holy Communion Sunday.  Taking the Altar servers out for an afternoon of bowling, billiards and then pizza to show appreciation for their commitment and dedication.  Exterior yard and lawn cleaning at the parish facility, parish rectory and for those members of the U.C.B.C. and parish who are ill and require assistance.  A hot dog sale fundraiser in June. We welcome any members of the U.C.B.C., their families and all people of our faith to come celebrate Liturgy with us and join us for coffee and socializing afterwards. We look forward to meeting you. Yours in Christ, Brother Mark Woitas, President St. Athanasius’ U.C.B.C. Branch






Minister Kenney meets with His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuk Honourable Jason Kenney, MP, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, completed a successful four-day visit to Ukraine. During his visit to Ukraine, he had the honour of meeting with His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuk, Patriarch of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, and attending the Divine Liturgy at the Cathedral of the Resurrection in Kyiv.

Mr. Kenney’s visit allowed him to focus on positive aspects of the bilateral relationship, including ongoing free trade negotiations, while raising Canada's concerns about the deterioration of the rule of law and civil rights in Ukraine. During his trip, he announced: • that Citizenship and Immigration Canada issued a record number of Temporary Resident Visas to Ukrainians in 2012; • two new CIDA projects to help strengthen independent media voices, and to train Ukrainian judges; and • our invitation to Ukraine to join the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance.

Minister Kenney meets with Archbishop Shevchuk at the Cathedral of the Resurrection.

As many of you know, Patriarch Shevchuk visited Canada last year, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the arrival of the first Ukrainian Catholic Bishop in Canada, Nykyta Budka, who was later martyred in the Gulag by the Soviet regime. Patriarch Shevchuk also presided over the Ukrainian Catholic Church’s worldwide Synod of Bishops, held in Winnipeg in September 2012.

Minister Kenney laying a wreath at Lviv's Taras Schevchenko Monument, "The Wave".

Minister Kenney places a memorial wreath at Bykivnia, the final resting place of over 200,000 Ukrainians and Poles who died here under Stalin’s orders. БРАТСТВО УКРАЇНЦІВ КАТОЛИКІВ КАНАДИ

Minister Kenney visiting Lviv's historic St. George's Cathedral, where he paid respects at the tomb of Servant of God Metropolitan Andrey Sheptysky. [28]




Ukrainian Catholic Parish of St. George – An Overview and Labour of Love Submitted by: Brother Bernie Bodnar, President – UCBC Bishop Roborecki Branch, Saskatoon

In 1902, Saskatoon had just been incorporated as a village with a population of approximately 450 individuals. Saskatoon became a city in 1903. Saskatchewan became a province in 1905. By 1913 the number of Ukrainians in Saskatoon had grown to 228. There were 150,000 Ukrainians in all of Canada, the majority of whom had arrived from Western Ukraine.

Consequently, on October 13, 1912, in Lviv, Ukraine, a young priest named Nykyta Budka received Episcopal Ordination from His Excellency Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky. Most Rev. Bishop Nykyta Budka was then installed as the first Bishop of the vast Canadian territory with 150,000 Ukrainians, approximately 90% of these registered as being of the Catholic Faith.

Ukrainian pioneers who settled Saskatchewan brought with them a deep faith that sustained them. Because their faith was an important part of their life, they first gathered in private homes for prayers. With time they organized into parishes and constructed churches where they met for prayer and services, and celebrated Divine Liturgies whenever a priest was available. Ukrainian Catholic faithful in Saskatchewan received pastoral care and spiritual guidance from Basilian, Latin Rite missionaries and priests until Ukrainian Eastern Rite Catholic priests started arriving in Canada.

Ukrainian settlers began moving into urban communities for economic reasons and thus began the growth of urban Ukrainian Catholic parishes. There were approximately 38 Ukrainians in Saskatoon in 1910. By 1911 this number had grown to 75. Most of the 75 individuals resided in the present day Riversdale; 25 of these were employed by the CPR Railway Company. On September 29, 1912, the growing Ukrainian Catholic community in Saskatoon held its first parish meeting in the home of Toma Hawryliuk. This group of Ukrainian faithful were the Eastern Rite Catholics in Saskatoon who organized along religious and cultural lines. At this first meeting, an executive was selected and a fund raising committee was formed, making this the founding meeting of the Parish of St. George.

This is a story about one such parish, our parish, the Ukrainian Catholic Parish of St. George. To fully appreciate its history, it is important to note the conditions under which the Ukrainian Eastern Rite Catholic church was established. During the early period of Ukrainian settlement in Canada, the faithful and their churches in Canada were under the jurisdiction of the Latin Rite Bishops of the Roman Catholic Church. The reason for this is the Ninth Constitution of the Fourth Lateran Council of 1215; that Constitution forbade the existence of more than one bishop of a Rite of the Catholic faith in the same diocese. In effect, this Constitution placed all Eastern Rite Catholics located in the western territories under the jurisdiction of the Latin Rite bishops and all Latin Rite Catholics in the eastern territories under the Eastern Rite bishops. This “old world” Constitution of 1215 was later extended to all new lands discovered in the sixteenth century. This included land now known as Canada.

A 100th Anniversary Commemorative Plaque, sponsored by family and friends of the founding members, has been installed in the basement of the present parish church. The plaque lists names of the founding members as well as minutes of the meeting that have been transliterated and translated into English. In 1912, the parish purchased two corner lots for $850. The exact address is unknown but reportedly they were close to St. Paul’s Hospital. Five years later, in 1917, together with Rev. Peter Kamenecky their first pastor, they sold these two lots and purchased for $500 a church building on 22nd Street and Spadina Crescent from St. Paul’s Roman Catholic parish. A year later, a seven-lot site was purchased by the parish from the Separate Schools for $2500. This site was in the 200 block of Avenue M south between 20th and 21st Streets. The church structure purchased the previous year was then relocated to this site and remodeled to fit the requirements of the Eastern Catholic Rite. It was blessed by Bishop Nykyta Budka on Easter Sunday 1918.

Changes began with His Excellency Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky who, as the result of his visit to Ukrainian Catholic faithful across Canada in 1910, worked tirelessly with the Apostolic See and Latin Rite Catholic Bishops in Canada to have this Constitution of 1215 reexamined. БРАТСТВО УКРАЇНЦІВ КАТОЛИКІВ КАНАДИ





This first church building was later sold to another denomination and continues to serve as a church for another congregation on 19th Street and Avenue I.

Baran finished the baldachin with gold leaf and painted the sanctuary befitting the church’s architectural Byzantine style. He completed the remaining areas of the church with icons, murals, and ornamentation in 1954-55 and 1967. An iconostas was installed in 198889. It was designed by artist Theodore Baran who also gilded the iconostas with 23 carat gold leaf and completed the icons. Walter Masden and Son, of Ituna, carved the upper part of the main frame. Stan Wychopen of North Battleford completed the work and carved the Royal Door and the Deacon’s Doors.

Other parish buildings were added in 1920. A house was purchased to serve as the priest’s rectory. Prosvita Hall was constructed on the corner lot, north of the church. Such halls were an important part of community life for Ukrainian settlers, which provided a safe and supportive space for the faithful. In it the faithful created their own entertainment through concerts, dramas, dances and other social and cultural activities. Members also held organizational meetings, educational activities and events while expressing themselves in their own language.

The membership of the parish grew as did the spiritual life of the parish. Wooden pews installed for 500 faithful were filled during every Divine Liturgy. A historic event took place in 1948. That year the Apostolic See announced the re-division of the Ukrainian Catholic territory into three separate exarchates. These were the Exarchate of Toronto, the Exarchate of Winnipeg and the Exarchate of Edmonton. Saskatchewan came under the jurisdiction of Bishop Basil Ladyka, OSBM, in Winnipeg. In 1951, Saskatchewan became a separate Exarchate with Bishop Andrew Roborecki from Toronto installed as its Bishop. At the same time Bishop Ladyka was elevated as Archbishop and Bishop Maxime Hermaniuk, C.Ss.R., as his auxiliary bishop.

During construction of the new church, Prosvita hall became a place of worship. Each Sunday, parishioners reconfigured the hall for celebration of the Divine Liturgy. The stage became the sanctuary; the balcony became the choir/cantor loft and the hall became the nave. It was filled with beautiful liturgical chants of the Divine Liturgy, liturgical hymns and prayers. On Monday it reverted once again to a hall. This continued until it was possible to celebrate properly in the new church premises. In 1937, plans for a new church became reality when the parish council approved the architectural plan of Rev. Philip Ruh OMI. Construction began in 1939 with completion in 1943. Parish membership, as recorded in the registry, was 80 members along with 200 children. Rev. Michael Pelech, the parish pastor, provided a large interest-free loan to start the project while fundraising and construction committees were assigned their tasks.

Archbishop Basil Ladyka, OSBM, was head of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada until his death in 1956. Following his death, Pope Pius Xll elevated the Ukrainian Catholic Archbishopric to a Metropolitanate and the exarchates were proclaimed as eparchies. The Cathedral Church of the Saskatoon Episcopal See was officially blessed in 1957 by Metropolitan Maxime Hermaniuk, CSsR; the first Metropolitan of Ukrainian Catholics in Canada.

Foreman Michael Yanchynsky directed a workforce of parish volunteers who began construction with shovels and wheelbarrows. Stories passed down through families describe how Fr. Pelech would don his army jodhpurs, rubber boots and gloves and maneuver dirtfilled wheelbarrows out of the big hole that would become the church’s basement. The basement would later include a large central hall, an elevated stage, kitchen and two classrooms.

Rev. Bishop Andrew Roborecki served as Eparch for 33 years. During his tenure, the Saskatoon Eparchy and its Cathedral were visited by every Ukrainian Catholic Bishop in the free world, by many ecclesiastic dignitaries of the Roman Catholic Church, including Apostolic Nuncios to Canada, and by His Beatitude Josyf Cardinal Patriarch Slipyj three times (1968, 1973 and 1976). St. George’s parishioners prepared the church for each such visitation and often provided banquets or lunches as required.

Construction was completed in 1943 with interior finishing completed over a number of years. One of the church’s main architectural features was a baldachin (or “pidnebesne”) designed by Stepan Meush. In 1950-51, artist, iconographer and parish member, Theodore БРАТСТВО УКРАЇНЦІВ КАТОЛИКІВ КАНАДИ

By 1962, the Cathedral Parish of St. George registered 450 members with an estimated total of 2,300 [30]




individuals. As early as 1954, Bishop Roborecki approved the establishment of two new parishes in Saskatoon to deal with a growing membership of the cathedral parish and needs of faithful in other parts of the city. The Ukrainian Catholic parish church of Sts. Peter and Paul, in Saskatoon Nutana, was completed in 1961. The Ukrainian Catholic parish church of the Dormition of the Holy Mother of God, in Saskatoon Sutherland, was completed in 1971.

established by the parish, it is managed by an independent Board of Directors and accepts residents who are not members of the parish. St. George’s Parish served as the Cathedral first for the Exarchate and then the Eparchy for over 60 years. The parish church of St. George became the Mother Church of the Eparchy and served as a cathedral to five bishops: the first was Most Rev. Bishop Andrew Roborecki DD from 1951 to 1982; the second was the Most Rev. Bishop Basil Filevich from 1984 to 1996; the third was the Most Rev. Cornelius Pasichny, OSBM, from 1996 to 1998; the fourth was the Most Rev. Bishop Emeritus Michael Wiwchar, CSsR, from 2000 to 2008. Most Rev. Bishop Bryan Bayda, CSsR, was installed as the present Eparch of the Saskatoon Eparchy. His Episcopal Ordination took place June 27th 2008.

Because Prosvita Hall, constructed in 1920, no longer served the needs of the parish. The parishioners made plans for a building that could be used for multiple purposes and serve both the parish community and the eparchy. After the new hall was constructed, the old hall was converted into a museum housing many religious and cultural artifacts. It was later demolished. Supported and encouraged by their pastors, Rev. Father John Olynyk and Rev. Fr. Wolodymyr Iwaszko, members responded with financial contributions. Larger donations were received from the parish’s entrepreneurs; organizations organized fundraising campaigns; personal contributions, both individual and familial, came from parishioners.

A short overview of the parish of St. George is insufficient to even begin to capture the spirit of the parish. Admittedly, it does not do service to the individuals who played significant roles over the years. Names of the spiritual directors and missionaries who helped nurture the faith are not found here and neither are choirs and choir directors. Names of parishioners who served on parish councils are also missing. Names of the many different organizations through which the parishioners contributed their time and talent are not included. Nor does this overview acknowledge the tremendous contributions of the religious, the monks, priests and sisters who came and prayed with us and nurtured our spirit.

Completion of St. George’s Youth Centre in 1962 coincided with the 50th Anniversary of the first parish meeting. The Youth Centre served as the facility for eparchial congresses; interprovincial conventions, a meeting place for various provincial organizations; and doubled as a sports and recreational facility for parish and eparchial youth. Classrooms were used for religious, language and cultural instruction and activities. It also became the venue for major fundraising activities. After a significant decline in memberships, it was sold in 2012.

Despite these shortcomings, those preparing this overview did so with the hope that we would celebrate with joy the parish’s 100th Anniversary and feel a sense of gratitude for what has been accomplished through faith and love for our parish and our Eparchy. The 2011 registry shows 368 family and individual members who continue to labor with love in service to God and His people.

The parish church and the hall were two major construction projects for the parishioners. Little information is available regarding the second rectory, but the third and present rectory was constructed to serve both the parish and eparchy. It provided a home for the parish’s pastors and office space, both for the Eparchy and parish. It also was home to visiting priests and missionaries of the parish and eparchy. Recently it was sold to the eparchy and the latest rectory is being constructed on the north side of the church.

With thanks to all who assisted us in this mission: Mary Kalist, Christine Devrome, and Stan Chepyha. Information for this brief history was gathered from: 1. Ukrainian Catholic Churches of Saskatchewan, Anna Marie Baran, 1977. 2. Ukrainian Catholics of Saskatchewan 1905-1955, Rev. Fr. Wolodymyr Iwaszko & Dr. Bohdan Kazimira, 1955. 3. Jubilee Book 1912-1987, Chief Editor - Theodore Baran, 1987. 4. Various internet websites.

St. George’s Senior Citizens Residence was opened in 1982 to provide an accessible facility near the church for the parish’s elderly parishioners. Although, it was БРАТСТВО УКРАЇНЦІВ КАТОЛИКІВ КАНАДИ





St. George’s Cathedral Parish Celebrated Their Centenary Submitted by: Brother Bernie Bodnar, Centenary Committee Chair

St. George’s Cathedral Parish celebrated their Centenary during the Thanksgiving weekend of 2012, namely October 5th, 6th and 7th. It was very fitting to hold the celebration on the Thanksgiving weekend. The theme for the celebration was “Honouring our Past Faith in our Future”. A print of St. George’s Parish by Nick Zamosny. Photo courtesy of Marko Baran.

Everyone in attendance gave thanks to our pioneers for their hard work and commitment. The celebrations actually began when family and friends gathered as part of the Romanow Family Reunion to present the parish with a plaque on which were reproduced the original minutes of the founding of the parish along with the names of those present at that time. The very first meeting, which represents the virtual beginning of the Ukrainian Catholic Parish of St. George, was held September 29, 1912. The celebrations were organized to occur as closely as possible to the anniversary date.

During the evening Diane introduced Danielle Chartier, NDP MLA for Riversdale and Pat Lorje, city councilor for Riversdale and thanked them for their attendance. As the evening drew to an end, Diane thanked everyone for their participation and then highlighted the events for Saturday. Saturday, October 6, 2012: The Pontifical Divine Liturgy was celebrated beginning at 4:00 P.M. The choir was directed by Andreya Karnaukh. A balloon launch was released as the faithful left the cathedral en route to parish hall for the banquet.

Friday, October 5, 2012: Vespers, which began at 7:00 P.M., was followed by a Wine and Cheese reception. Master of Ceremonies, Diane Boyko, welcomed everyone and kept us informed regarding events for the evening. Our UCWLC looked after the food and snacks for the reception. Members of the Kinsmen club poured wine for the occasion. Special attention was given to the Archives, which were assembled by Ed Werbicki, Stan Chepyha, John Kornylo, Stan Novakowski, Christine Devrome, and Bill and Anne Boyko. On display was a painting, depicting the Cathedral Parish life for the past 100 years, painted by our longstanding parishioner, Nick Zamosny. This painting, presented to Very Rev. Janko Kolosnjaji, was a gift to the parish.


Clergy officiating at the Pontifical Divine Liturgy. Photo courtesy of Marko Baran.





Clergy present at the celebrations: Our Pastoral Team: Most Rev. Bishop Bryan J. Bayda, CSsR, Bishop of the Eparchy of Saskatoon; Very Rev. Janko Kolosnjaji; Deacon Myron Yamniuk and Rev. Walter Kostiuk. Other clergy in attendance: His Grace Most Rev. Metropolitan Lawrence Huculak, OSBM; Most Rev. Bishop Emeritus Michael Wiwchar, CSsR; Most Rev. Don Bolen, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon; Rt. Rev. Mitrat Vladimir Mudri, Vicar General; Archbishop Daniel Bohan, Regina; Most Rev. Bishop Albert Thevenot, M.AFr., Prince Albert; Rev Dmytro Dnistrian; Rev. Vlad Kolpakov; Rev. Peter Pidskalny; Rev. Andrew Muzyka; Rev. Yuriy Banga; Rev. Ivan Nahachewsky; Rev. Andre Lalach.

(L-R): Sr. Marika SSMI; Very Rev. Janko Kolosnjaji; Most Rev. Michael Wiwchar, CSsR, Bishop Emeritus; Most Rev. Bishop Albert Thevenot, M.AFr., Prince Albert; Most Rev. Bishop Bryan J. Bayda, CSsR, Bishop for the Eparchy of Saskatoon; His Grace Most Rev. Metropolitan Lawrence Huculak, O.S.B.M.; Archbishop Daniel Bohan, Regina; Most Rev. Don Bolen, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon; Rt. Rev. Mitrat Vladimir Mudri, Vicar General; Sr. Theodosia SSJ. Photo courtesy of Gavril Tarasoff.

Sacristan: William Boyko Altar Servers: Adam Nahachewsky, Ivan Kolosnjaji, Milan Mudri, Joakim Kolosnjaji and Joseph Bodnar.

Introduction of Guest Speaker: Most Rev. Bishop Bryan J. Bayda CSsR, Bishop of the Eparchy of Saskatoon

Also in attendance were representatives of the Ukrainian Sisters of St. Joseph under the leadership of Sr. Theodosia, SSJ. Taking part as well were Sister Servants of Mary Immaculate: Sr. Marika, SSMI; Sr. Bonnie, SSMI; Sr. Georgia, SSMI.

Guest Speaker: His Grace Most Rev. Metropolitan Lawrence Huculak OSBM

Banquet Master of Ceremonies: Tanya and Marko Baran Prayer for His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI: Rt. Rev. Mitrat Vladimir Mudri, Vicar General Toast to the Queen: Gavril Tarasoff Introduction of Head Table Guests: Dinner: Catered by Touch of Ukraine Entertainment: Ken Pizurny & Matt Bender

His Grace Metropolitan Lawrence Huculak. Photo courtesy of Marko Baran.

Greetings: Kelly Block, M P for Saskatoon-Rosetown-Biggar Mr. Paul Merriman, MLA Sutherland His Worship Mayor Donald Atchison, City of Saskatoon Rev. Fr. Janko Kolosnajaji, Chancellor, Eparchy of Saskatoon Michael Luczka - Parish Council President БРАТСТВО УКРАЇНЦІВ КАТОЛИКІВ КАНАДИ

Closing Prayer: Most Rev. Michael Wiwchar, CSsR, Bishop Emeritus Members of the Kinsmen and Kinettes tended the bar for the evening. [33]




Sunday, October 7, 2012: Divine Liturgy, celebrated at 10:00 A.M., was responded to by students from Bishop Filevich Ukrainian Bilingual School. St. George’s UCWLC prepared a wonderful brunch.

THANK YOU to all Donors for your generous donations towards our Centenary Plaque. Committee Members: Most Rev. Bishop Bryan Bayda, CSsR, Very Rev. Janko Kolosnjaji, Mike Luczka, Bernie Bodnar, Olya Kowaluk, Ed Werbicki, Stan Chepyha, John Kornylo, Stan Novakowski, Christine Devrome, Bill and Anne Boyko, John Kowaluk, Gladys Rogalski, Marianne Kobzey, Mary Kalist, Marlene Bodnar, Julie Thachuk, Nissa Baran, Peter Barboluk, Marko Baran, Gavril Tarasoff, Adam Nahachewsky, Alanna King, Ivan Kolosnjaji, Audrey Smysniuk, Andreya Karnaukh, Leonard Prokopchuk.

Master of Ceremonies: Christina and Anna Thachuk Prayer: Very Rev. Janko Kolosnjaji Entertainment: Bishop Filevich Ukrainian Bilingual students directed by Julie Thachuk Closing Prayer: Most Rev. Bishop Bryan Bayda, CSsR THANK YOU to the following Sponsors for supporting us as a Parish Family. UCWLC - St George’s Cathedral Saskatoon Ukrainian Sisters of Saint Joseph Gabruch Legal Group New Community Credit Union UCBC - Bishop Roborecki Branch, Saskatoon UCBC - St. Volodymyr Branch, Yorkton Remco Memorials Rayner Agencies Machibroda Engineering Sts. Peter and Paul Church, Bodnari St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Park Park Funeral Home K of C - St Josaphat Kunsevich Council #13129 K of C - Bishop Nykyta Budka Assembly K of C - Sts. Peter and Paul Council K of C - Sheptytsky Council # 4938 Parker-Quine LLP Bishop Filevich Ukrainian Bilingual School Community Council St. George’s Senior Citizen Club Touch of Ukraine Windmill Flowers KMP Photography - Karen Pidskalny Qwik Signs Praxair Kinsmen Club of Saskatoon Restoration work to the Cathedral by O & O Decorating - Taras Nahachewsky Steeple Jack (scaffolds) Michael Harasymchuk БРАТСТВО УКРАЇНЦІВ КАТОЛИКІВ КАНАДИ




The UCBC National Executive would like to acknowledge the Eparchy of Saskatoon for hosting our current and previous versions of Holos Bratstva - Voice of the Brotherhood on their Eparchial Website. You may now read online or down load each issue by clicking on the following link.




VOICE OF THE BROTHERHOOD Musée Ukraina Museum Report Submitted by: Martin Hryniuk, Musée Ukraina Museum Board Member

Musée Ukraina Museum looks forward to welcoming members of the Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood of Canada and Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League of Canada to the Museum this June as Saskatoon hosts the 2013 UCWLC & UCBC National Congress.

At precisely 4pm His Beatitude arrived and was met at the door by the welcoming party: Patricia Mialkowsky (President of the Board of Directors), Jayne Paluck (Eparchial UCWLC President), Gloria Leniuk (National UCWLC President) and Morris and Anna Korpan representing all the Museum donors and the membership.

The Museum continues to make significant progress towards completion of Phase 1. 2012 was a significant year in terms of preparations for the future official opening of the Museum. Following the transfer of the more than twenty thousand artifacts from storage into the new building, work began immediately in preparation of temporary displays with the aim of being ready for the visit of His Beatitude Patriarch Sviatoslav Shevchuk on September 20, 2012. This day will be recorded as a significant event in the history of the Museum as His Beatitude blessed the newly constructed Museum building at 222 Avenue M South in Saskatoon. More than 200 guests including Bishops, Clergy, Religious, Civic, Provincial and Federal representative waited inside the Museum in anticipation of His Beatitude’s arrival.

His Beatitude proceeded to the Chapel Gallery for the Blessing service. Board Member, Nissa Baran, led a harmonius choir for the service responses, and UCWLC representatives from the three Saskatoon parishes along with Brotherhood member and 2nd World War veteran Peter Kostiuk held candles. After the blessing service, His Beatitude spoke briefly offering great words of encouragement and inspiration. To see more pictures and hear his message (in Ukrainian), please visit the Museum website and follow the links provided.

Guests were greeted at the main entrance by Museum Board Members, Angeline Chrusch and Eileen Yaworski. Those arriving early took the opportunity to view the various temporary displays that were set up on the main floor and enjoyed bandura and violin music by Rev. Fr. Jeffrey Stepaniuk and his daughter, Orysia. The event was facilitated by Martin Hryniuk and Master of Ceremonies was Diane Boyko.

Listening attentively to the Patriarch's message (L-R): Patricia Mialkowsky, Rose Worona (representing the Dormition of the Mother of God UCWLC), Gladys Rogalski (President, St. George's UCWLC), Marie Woytowich (President, Saints Peter & Paul UCWLC), Peter Kostiuk (Ukrainian Veteran and UCBC member) and Micheal Mialkowsky (UCBC and Museum member).

His Beatitude was then introduced to 2 UCWLC artists who had their work on display - Roma Nowakowski (original art work) and Ann Komarnisky (collection of korovai). Board Member, Anna Mycyk, presented His Beatitude with an icon that she wrote. Following this presentation, His Beatitude made his departure to attend another scheduled event.

Welcoming party for His Beatitude Patriarch Sviatoslav Shevchuk. L-R: Anna and Morris Korpan, representing all the Museum donors and membership; Patricia Mialkowsky, President of the Board of Directors of Musée Ukraina Museum; Jayne Paluck, Eparchial UCWLC President; Gloria Leniuk, National UCWLC President. БРАТСТВО УКРАЇНЦІВ КАТОЛИКІВ КАНАДИ




VOICE OF THE BROTHERHOOD Plaques were awarded to the Architect (Maurice Soulodre Architect Ltd), Engineer (Brownlee Beaton Kreke Ltd.), General Contractor (VCM Construction Ltd.), and the Masonry Contractor (Lars Masonry - Larry Poberznek). Volunteers continue to work at assembling displays, and fundraising continues to complete the museum and pay off the construction mortgage. The Museum has not officially established its hours of operation for this summer. Tours are available upon request.

November 25, 2013 is the deadline for submitting articles, Christmas greetings and advertisements for the 2013 Christmas issue of the Holos Bratstva - Voice of the Brotherhood. Please mail submissions to:

Anny Mycyk, Musée Ukraina Museum board member, presents icon to His Beatitude.

Continuing the educational mission of the Museum, on December 22, 2012 the Museum hosted Bishop Emeritus Michael Wiwchar, CSsR who gave a very informative talk on the life and service of Blessed Martyr Bishop Nykyta Budka. The talk was held in honour of the exact date of the installation of Bishop Nykyta Budka one hundred years ago. The installation of Bishop Budka was held at St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church in Winnipeg on December 22, 1912.

UCBC – Holos Bratstva C/o Mike Kaminski 2451 Swayze Crescent Regina, Saskatchewan, S4V 1A4 or


Bishop Emeritus Michael Wiwchar, CSsR speaking on the life and service of Blessed Martyr Bishop Nykyta Budka.

Saskatchewan has a rich tradition of stone and brick craftsmanship and on February 16, 2013 in Regina at the 2012 Saskatchewan Masonry Design Awards Gala, the Museum won “The Award of Excellence in the category for the Artistic use of Masonry Design”. These awards are only handed out every four years. Patricia Mialkowsky, President of the Museum Board of Directors accepted the award on behalf of the owner. БРАТСТВО УКРАЇНЦІВ КАТОЛИКІВ КАНАДИ





Once upon a time, two brothers who lived on adjoining farms fell into conflict. It was the first serious rift in 40 years of farming side-by-side, sharing machinery and trading labor and goods as needed without a hitch.

The two brothers stood at each end of the bridge, and then they met in the middle, taking each other's hand. They turned to see the carpenter hoist his toolbox onto his shoulder.

Then the long collaboration fell apart.

"No, wait! Stay a few days. I've a lot of other projects for you," said the older brother.

It began with a small misunderstanding and it grew into a major difference and finally, it exploded into an exchange of bitter words followed by weeks of silence.

"I'd love to stay on," the carpenter said, but I have many more bridges to build.

One morning there was a knock on John's door. He opened it to find a man with a carpenter's toolbox. Personal Insurance Commercial Insurance Motor Licence Issuer Notary Public

"I'm looking for a few days' work," he said. "Perhaps you would have a few small jobs here and there I could help with? Could I help you?"

373-0663 1000 Central Avenue Saskatoon, SK S7N 2G9 Fax: 374-7198


"Yes," said the older brother. "I do have a job for you. Look across the creek at that farm. That's my neighbor. In fact, it's my younger brother!

(Est. 1948)

Norbert Wasylenko, F.C.I.P. Shawn Wasylenko, BA.C, CAIB. Sheldon Wasylenko, B.COM.

Last week there was a meadow between us. He recently took his bulldozer to the river levee and now there is a creek between us. Well, he may have done this to spite me, but I'll do him one better. See that pile of lumber by the barn? I want you to build me a fence - an 8 foot fence - so I won't need to see his place or his face anymore." The carpenter said, "I think I understand the situation. Show me the nails and the post hole digger and I'll be able to do a job that pleases you." The older brother had to go to town, so he helped the carpenter get the materials ready and then he was off for the day. The carpenter worked hard all that day -- measuring, sawing and nailing. About sunset when the farmer returned, the carpenter had just finished his job. The farmer's eyes opened wide, his jaw dropped. There was no fence there at all. It was a bridge... a bridge that stretched from one side of the creek to the other! A fine piece of work, handrails and all! And the neighbor, his younger brother, was coming toward them, his hand outstretched... "You are quite a fellow to build this bridge after all I've said and done." БРАТСТВО УКРАЇНЦІВ КАТОЛИКІВ КАНАДИ

Христос Воскрес! [37]

Воістину Воскрес!



VOICE OF THE BROTHERHOOD БРАТСТВО УКРАЇНЦІВ КАТОЛИКІВ КАНАДИ UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC BROTHERHOOD OF CANADA Archeparchy of Winnipeg welcome his confrere and friend, His Eminence Metropolitan Yurij, Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada, who was attending as an invited guest and who also, addressed the audience later in the program.

Easter Greetings from UCBC President Winnipeg Archeparchy

Christ Is Risen!

Rev. Fr. Volodymyr Bashutskyy was the master of ceremonies for the program. The members of the Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League of the Parish were in charge of the hall arrangements and served a beautiful and delicious luncheon. The Honour Guard was provided by members of the Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood of Canada and the Knights of Columbus.

Indeed He Is Risen!

Gerald Krezanski, KSV President of UCBC Archeparchy of Winnipeg

Archeparchial Convention

Easter is a time for hope, renewal of Spirit, rekindling of Faith and rejoicing in the triumph of the Lord. It is also the time to reach out to our loved ones. May all your prayers be answered and may you feel the Lord’s presence near you, not only at Easter, but always.

The Archeparchial Ukrainian Catholic Council has dedicated several meetings already to make arrangements for the biennial convention. The 36th Ukrainian Catholic Convention for the Archeparchy of Winnipeg will be held October 18th-19th, 2013, at the Canad Inns Polo Park facility located at 1405 ST Matthews Avenue in Winnipeg.

On behalf of my executive, we wish you and your families, “A PEACEFUL AND BLESSED EASTER.” Brother Gerald Krezanski, KSV President of the UCBC Winnipeg Archeparchy

The Executive of the Council is composed of individuals representing the Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League of Canada, the Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood of Canada, the Ukrainian Catholic Youth/Young Adults and the Knights of Columbus.

Bishop’s Levee

Spiritual Advisor:

The Bishop’s Levee, a special annual event organized by the Ukrainian Catholic Council of the Archeparchy of Winnipeg, was held on January 20th 2013. This year the host parish was Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, located at 965 Boyd Avenue in Winnipeg.

Chairperson: Vice-Chair: Secretary: Treasurer: Member: Member: Member:

Commencing at 3 o’clock in the afternoon in the parish hall, His Grace Metropolitan Lawrence Huculak graciously accepted personal greetings from a line-up of friends, parishioners, delegates of religious organizations, civic dignitaries and political representatives. During the luncheon program that followed, His Grace addressed the gathering and expressed his thanks for their warm wishes and support. He made a special effort to acknowledge and БРАТСТВО УКРАЇНЦІВ КАТОЛИКІВ КАНАДИ


His Grace Metropolitan Lawrence Huculak Robert Erstelle - K of C Travis Taylor – UCY/YA Bro. William Romaniuk – UCBC Stephanie Bilyj - UCWLC Pat Sirski – UCWLC Bro. Gerald Krezanski - UCBC Peter Skrinski – K of C



VOICE OF THE BROTHERHOOD “Hutsul style” church located on the grounds of Ukrainian Park. This Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchial park – sometimes referred to as Camp Morton – is located on the western shore of Lake Winnipeg, about 10 km north of Gimli, Manitoba. Following the Liturgy, the parishioners are treated to a BBQ sponsored by the Brotherhood members of the East Interlake Branch.

Brotherhood delegates at the last convention held on October 14-15, 2011. Front Row (L-R): Bro. Russell Turyk; Bro. William Romaniuk, KSV; Bro. Gerald Krezanski, KSV; Rev. Dr. Gregory Zubacz; Bro. Tom Bodie, KSV; Bro. Ron Aftanas, KSV. Middle Row (L-R): Bro. John Burak; Bro. Walter Lesiuk, KSV; Bro. Nick Krawec; Bro. Ted Rebenchuk; Bro. Stan Evanyshyn, KSV; Bro. Ihor Katchanovsky; Bro. Walter Manitowich, KSV; Bro. Ron Kawaler. Back Row (L-R): Bro. Tony Hayka; Bro. Dr. Borislaw Bilash; Bro. Tony Suchy; Bro. Don Hrehoruk, KSV; Bro. Paul Boyechko; Bro. Ernie Yakimow, KSV; Bro. Gene Happychuk, KSV. Photo courtesy of Bro. William Romaniuk, KSV.

Working the grill above are (L-R): Bro. Tony Suchy; Bro, Gerald Krezanski,KSV, Archeparchial U.C.B.C. President; Bro. John Burak; Bro. Andy Minarik; Bro. Andy Noga; Bro. Don Hrehoruk,KSV, East Interlake U.C.B.C. Branch President. Photo courtesy of Bro. Don Hrehoruk.

Canada Day Parade Members of the East Interlake Brotherhood and their wives, buoyed by the spirit of citizenship, participate in the Canada Day parade in Gimil, Manitoba, on the U.C.B.C. float entered annually by their Branch. Following the parade, the Branch hosted an informal reception for their float participants, including visiting Brotherhood members from other Branches in the Winnipeg area.

Христос Воскрес! Воістину Воскрес! May the miracle of Easter Fill your heart with Peace, Light your way with Hope, And surround you with His Love. These thoughts and greetings are sent to you, your family and your friends from UCBC Branch of the Resurrection at Church of the Resurrection Parish in Dauphin, Manitoba.

Photo courtesy of Bro. Don Hrehoruk.

Church BBQ

Christ Is Risen!

Every year on one Sunday in July, all the parishes in the East Interlake area of Manitoba get together with their spiritual leader, Rev. Harry Chuckry, to celebrate the Divine Liturgy in the St. Volodymyr chapel, a small БРАТСТВО УКРАЇНЦІВ КАТОЛИКІВ КАНАДИ

Indeed, He Is Risen! [39]




Fr. Bohdan Lukie, CSsR, Receives Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal Submitted by: Father Bohdan Lukie, CSsR

1987-1990 witnessed Fr. Bohdan's pastorship of St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church, Newark, New Jersey, and Immaculate Conception Parish, Hillside, New Jersey during the exciting times of Ukraine’s renewed struggle for independence. At the request of his Superiors, he returned to Toronto, Canada to serve as Pastor of Holy Eucharist Ukrainian Catholic Parish from 1990-1999. In 2000, Fr. Bohdan resumed the Pastor of St. John's Parish in Newark. Because of his commitment to Christian education, he strongly strove to renew and strength St. John’s Ukrainian School and to revive the parish by especially welcoming all the new Ukrainian immigrants. Despite valiant efforts, he sadly negotiated the closing of this eminent parish school which had educated 1000’s of Ukrainian parish children.

Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal (L-R): MLA David Chomiak, Fr. Bohdan Lukie, Premier Greg Selinger of Manitoba.

Fr. Bohdan, the son of +John M. and Helen Lukie, was born in Grandview, Manitoba on September 23rd, 1941.

In 2005, Fr. Bohdan was assigned as the full-time missionary and proceeded to preach a whole series of 80 Missions and Retreats in Australia, New Zealand, USA and Canada. He returned in 2008 to become pastor again of his 'alumna mater' - St. Joseph's Parish in Winnipeg where he presently continues his priestly ministry at the ripe old age of 71.

Upon graduation in 1960 from St. Vladimir’s College, Fr. Bohdan commenced the eight year program of formal studies for the priesthood. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts with a Philosophy and Psychology major in 1964 from the University of Windsor.

On a personal note, his great love of adventure and travel was often fulfilled by functioning as a Tour guide on numerous trips to Europe and Ukraine. He capitalized on his vacation time to experience many of the wonders of the world, including places in Europe, China, Africa, Asia, Australia, South America, etc.

Fr. Bohdan, having completed three years of Theology in Wisconsin, was ordained to the Deaconate on March 25th, 1967 by Bishop Jaroslav Gabro in the Cathedral of St. Nicholas in Chicago, IL. He was then ordained to the holy priesthood on July 2nd, 1967 by the Metropolitan Archbishop Maxime Hermaniuk, CSsR, in St. Joseph’s Ukrainian Catholic Parish in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

His most rewarding and gratifying travel were his many journeys to Ukraine as he more deeply discovered and experienced his ancestral roots, prior to and after the declaration of Ukraine as an independent country. A personal hi-light was the privilege of celebrating the Divine Liturgy in Kyiv and Lviv with all the Ukrainian hierarchy and Pope John Paul II in 2001 when he publicly pronounced the beautification of 27 blessed Ukrainians.

In 1968, he Graduated from the University of Ottawa with his Baccalaureate in Theology and then proceeded to the University of Manitoba where he convocated with a Bachelor of Education. 1968-1974 Fr. Bohdan was the English Literature Department at St. Vlad’s College, his alumna mater.

Fr. Bohdan's postings in major city centers provided him with many opportunities to gain, not only diverse pastoral priestly experience, but also to cultivate and deepen his appreciation for the classics – theatre, opera, ballet and symphony, all of which he happily enjoys in Winnipeg and beyond.

In 1975, he was transferred to St. Mary's Parish in Yorkton, and served as Associate Pastor for nine years. In 1984, Fr. Bohdan was assigned as Superior of the Provincial House and the Pastor of St. Joseph's Parish, for a three year pastoral term.






Editor’s Comment: This article is from “The Examiner” which was published from January 1986 through November 1993. During the eight years of its publication, The Examiner was distributed free and had readers internationally. Primarily, it examines doctrines peculiar to the Church Of Christ, the Christian Church, and the Disciples of Christ (churches of "The Restoration Movement"). The author of this article and the Editor of the Examiner was Charles A. Holt.

was the fate of the apostles, according to traditional statement. Editor Note (Charles A. Holt of the Examiner): Read the above again! Dare we think we have it hard in serving the Lord today? God help us in our lack of faith and courage to preach Jesus as Lord, and faithfully serve Him on a daily basis. How long has it been since you talked to someone about Jesus Christ, the Saviour and Lord? Have you taught your children about Jesus and the necessity to obey Him and live for Him? (cf. 2Tim. 3:14-15.)

All of the apostles were insulted by the enemies of the Master. They were called to seal their doctrines with their blood and nobly did they bear the trial.

UCBC National President, Bro. Glen Tymiak’s Comments: Perhaps this is a reminder to us that our sufferings here are indeed minor compared to the intense persecution and cold cruelty faced by the apostles during their times for the sake of the Faith.

Matthew suffered martyrdom by being slain with a sword at a distant city of Ethiopia. Mark expired at Alexandria, after being cruelly dragged through the streets of that city. Luke was hanged upon an olive tree in the classic land of Greece.

REGINA’S ANNUAL Farm Toy & Collector’s Show and Sale

John was put in a caldron of boiling oil, but escaped death in a miraculous manner, and was afterward banished to Patmos. Peter was crucified at Rome with his head downward.

October 19-20, 2013

James, the Greater, was beheaded at Jerusalem. James, the Less, was thrown from a lofty pinnacle of the temple, and then beaten to death with a fuller's club.

St. Basil’s Parish Centre 1717 Toronto Street Regina, Saskatchewan

Bartholomew was flayed alive. Andrew was bound to a cross, whence he preached to his persecutors until he died. Thomas was run through the body with a lance at Coromandel in the East Indies.

For more information or to book a table contact:

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Jude was shot to death with arrows. Matthias was first stoned and then beheaded.

Sponsored by Regina St. Basil’s UCBC

Barnabas of the Gentiles was stoned to death at Salonica. Paul, after various tortures and persecutions, was at length beheaded at Rome by the Emperor Nero. Such






Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA) Canada Christ is Risen!

This Lent I invite you to make a special donation to provide relief to Syrian families or to consider supporting the needy people in Ukraine.

Dear Members of the Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood,

Carl Hétu, CNEWA National Director

Wishing you and your family an Easter blessed with peace!

As we prepare to celebrate the greatest feast of the year the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ I invite you to pray for and support our brothers and sisters who are victims of violent conflicts and economic hardship.

Carl Hétu National Director CNEWA Canada

CNEWA’s Projects in Ukraine that need your support

CNEWA was established by Pope Pius XI in 1926 to build up the church, alleviate poverty and rush humanitarian relief. We work with, through and for the local Eastern Catholic Churches and their institutions in the Middle East, northeast Africa, India and Eastern Europe.

 Sisters of the Holy Family in Bibrka town takes care of twelve orphaned children that were recovered from the poorly managed state-run orphanages. Some of the sisters’ orphanage expenses are subsidized by the state, but the funds are not sufficient to organize meaningful summer recreation and to provide medical care for their children. Any donation will make a difference. Please help. With $100 donation you will help sisters to organize summer rest program for one child.

In the Middle East, CNEWA currently focuses on the conflict in Syria which has reached a new level of violence and forced over 750,000 Syrians to flee their homes seeking safety. In Lebanon, Syria and Jordan, CNEWA supports Syrian and Iraqi refugees with a special focus on the vulnerable Christians population. We assist them by providing food, housing, medical and pastoral care. Even though all refugees are a priority CNEWA is particularly concerned with the Christian minorities, as their survival is very much at risk. Last September in Lebanon, Pope Benedict XVI called upon Catholics to focus their attention on these Christians so that they can continue to carry the values of forgiveness, reconciliation, justice and peace. In Eastern Europe most of our activities are in Ukraine where we focus our attention towards marginalized groups, such as the orphans, poor, elderly, people with addictions and disabilities. We have well established partnerships with institutions of the Ukrainian Catholic Church including Caritas, the Ukrainian Catholic University, religious orders and lay groups. Since the opening of our office in Ottawa in 2005, CNEWA has been at the service to the Ukrainian Catholic Church and faithful in Canada. His Grace Metropolitan Lawrence Huculak, Archbishop of Winnipeg sits on CNEWA Canada Board of directors.


Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate and their children in Zolochiv, Ukraine. In 2012 CNEWA Canada equipped an indoor playground in their orphanage.

 Center Nazareth founded by priests of the Ukrainian Catholic Church few years ago provides annually rehabilitation to over 50 men who suffer from drug and alcohol addictions. The center has been established in a remote forest area near Drohobych [42]




town where in the Soviet times was located a secret military base. It’s the only place in Ukraine where the former addicts are treated with respect to their human dignity and have access to both spiritual and medical treatment of their conditions. Majority of the center’s clients come from socially marginalized families that cannot cover rehabilitation expenses of their own. This year the center needs $5,000 to build a green house in order to grow its own vegetables all year around and to become more self-sustainable.

As the glories of Easter spread throughout our land May they herald for you a rebirth That will lift your spirits And remain with you at Easter and always. We wish you rich blessings Secure in the knowledge That Christ gave His life for you, So that you may have life.

 There are almost 200 seminarians that study at Holy Spirit Seminary in Lviv. The vocations are still in abundance and more than three candidates compete for an opportunity to become a seminarian. Majority of the students can not afford to pay on their own for their tuition and room and board. The seminary has to look for subsidies to cover its operational expenses. With 84 dollars a month you can provide tuition and room and board subsidy to one needy seminarian. Contact us today to start sponsoring a seminarian or send your one time gift to help the needy seminarians.

Christ is Risen!

Happy Easter to All! St. Athanasius UCBC Branch #305 Regina Saskatchewan

 L’Arche-Kovcheh community in Lviv plays a leadership role in providing assistance to people with developmental disabilities. Over 70 persons with disabilities benefit from the community works on daily basis. To run their programs and to reach out to more people with disabilities they need your support. You can help to defray costs of their transportation program which or can buy materials for the four workshops that provide employment and social interaction opportunities.

And He departed from our sight That we might return to our heart And there find Him. For He departed, and behold, He is here.

- St. Augustine

Easter Dates Year 2013 2014 2015

For more information on CNEWA or our projects visit us online at

Gregorian March 31 April 20 April 5

Julian May 5 April 20 April 12

Joke Corner… An enthusiastic door-to-door salesperson goes to his first house in a new area of the city. He knocked on the door and a lady answered and before she had a chance to say anything, he threw a handful of dirt on the carpet and said, “Lady, if this vacuum cleaner doesn’t do wonders I’ll eat every piece of dirt myself.” She looked at him with a smirk and asked, “Would you like ketchup with that?” Somewhat puzzled, he said, “Why do you ask?” “Well,” said the woman, “we just moved in here and didn’t hook up the power yet.”

How to make your donation to CNEWA Canada Make your check payable to CNEWA Canada, Mark “Syria relief” or “Ukraine’s Program”. Mail to: CNEWA Canada, 1247 Kilborn Place, Ottawa, ON, K1H6K Donate on line at By phone: 1-866-322-4441 БРАТСТВО УКРАЇНЦІВ КАТОЛИКІВ КАНАДИ

Truly He is Risen!




VOICE OF THE BROTHERHOOD XXIV Triennial Congress of Ukrainian Canadians

The XXIV Triennial Congress of Ukrainian Canadians will be held in Toronto, Ontario, from November 7-10, 2013.

category of membership by communicated to them in writing.

The Triennial Congress will be held at the Toronto Airport Marriott Hotel. As you know the Triennial Congress of Ukrainian Canadians is the key event where every three years plans are made to develop the priorities for the Ukrainian Canadian community for the next three year period.

In the event of non-payment of the membership fees for a period of two (2) years, the organization or association ceases to be a Member at the expiration of a period of one hundred and eighty (180) days following the receipt of a written notice from the Executive Committee advising the organization or association of such default.

In addition, the Triennial Congress in Toronto elects the leadership of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress. Having successfully completed two terms, current Ukrainian Canadian Congress President Paul Grod will not be seeking re-election, so this will be a particularly important congress.




As you know, Member organizations who are in good standing participate in the Triennial Congress through the registration of delegates. Each of the Category (A) organizations may send up to a maximum of fifty (50) Delegates each; Category B Members may participate up to a maximum of twenty-five (25) Delegates each; and Provincial Councils and Branches are entitled up to a maximum of twenty-five (25) Delegates each.

As you know, the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) operates on a congressional basis, with our triennial convention being composed of voting and non-voting delegates. Under our Constitution, the Ukrainian Canadian Congress is made up of:

The Triennial Congress is the policy forum for our community and an excellent opportunity to encourage leadership by bringing many youth delegates from your organization. Further information regarding the Congress program, its agenda and activities will be available for you in the coming weeks and months. Plan to attend the Triennial Congress in Toronto in November!

Category (a) Members - (the Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood, Ukrainian Self-Reliance League of Canada, Ukrainian National Federation of Canada, the Ukrainian Canadian Professional and Business Federation, and the Council of Ukrainian Credit Unions of Canada); Category (b) Members - which is defined as other Ukrainian organizations and associations whose activities are of a Canada wide character, who apply and are accepted as Members;

For further information you can contact the UCC offices: National Office: 130 Albert Street, Suite 806 Ottawa ON K1P 5G4 Tel: (613) 232-8822 Fax: (613) 238-3822

Category (c) - Ukrainian Canadian Congress Provincial Councils; and

Head Office in Winnipeg: 952 Main Street, Suite 203 Winnipeg MB R2W 3P4 Tel: (204) 942-4627 Fax: (204) 947-3882 Email : Internet:

Category (d) - Ukrainian Canadian Congress Branches. Organizations and associations that are Members pay to the UCC the annual membership fee prescribed for each

Ukrainian Canadian Congress Launches Call For Nominations For Taras Shevchenko Medal Ottawa-February 22, 2013 - Today, the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) announced its call for nominations for qualified individuals for the Taras Shevchenko Medal. БРАТСТВО УКРАЇНЦІВ КАТОЛИКІВ КАНАДИ

"The Shevchenko Medal is the highest form of recognition that can be granted by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress. It recognizes individuals of Ukrainian and non-Ukrainian descent for their outstanding national contribution towards the [44]




development of the Ukrainian Canadian community," stated UCC National President Paul Grod. "The Shevchenko Medals will be awarded at the UCC's XXIV Triennial Congress being held from November 8-10, 2013, in Toronto."

recipients' impact both within and outside the Ukrainian Canadian community." stated Mike Hantzsch, Chair of the UCC Awards & Recognition Committee. The Board of Directors of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress will be considering applications at its September 2013 meeting. Only those applications received by June 30, 2013, shall be considered for award at the Triennial Congress.

The Triennial Congress of Ukrainian Canadians is the policy forum where the leadership of the Ukrainian Canadian community is elected for the next three years and where the priorities for the community are discussed and decided. November's congress will mark the 80th anniversary of the Holodomor and launch the community's celebration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Taras Shevchenko.

For additional information, please visit: Shevchenko Medal Criteria Applications are available on the UCC website at: Shevchenko Medal Nomination form

"The Shevchenko Medal recognizes outstanding achievement in community development, culture and the arts, education and sport and is measured by the recipients' level of excellence and initiative, their sustained body of work, peer recognition and the

Inquiries regarding the Shevchenko Medal can be directed to the Ukrainian Canadian Congress at (204) 942-4627 or via email at



Христос Воскрес! Христос Воскрес! Радість З нвба ся являє; Паска красна днвсъ вітає. Радуйтвся щиро нині Бог дав щастя всій родині. Бог дав радість нам З небес. Христос Воскрес! Христос Воскрес!

Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen! Joy from Heaven He has given. Lovely Paska greets the day. Sincerely all rejoice today! God has given us good fortune And great gladness from the Heavens. Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen!

З нагоди Великого Празника Воскресіння Христового Вітаємо всіх традиційним «Христос Воскрес» і бажаємо щастя, здоров’я і всього найкращого! ARCHEPARCHY of WINNIPEG -- UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC BROTHERHOOD Bro. Gerald Krezanski, KSV, President, U.C.B.C. Winnipeg Archeparchy | St. Michael’s Branch: Bro. Ernie Yakimow, KSV Holy Eucharist Branch: Bro. Ron Aftanas, KSV | Sts. Vladimir & Olga Branch: Bro. Bohdan Booyar, KSV East Interlake Branch: Bro. Don Hrehoruk, KSV | Branch of the Resurrection: Bro. Ed Smaluk, KSV

Wishing you a safe and happy Easter! БРАТСТВО УКРАЇНЦІВ КАТОЛИКІВ КАНАДИ





Павло Ґрод названий серед 80-ти осіб, які мають вплив на зовнішню політику Канади Paul Grod Named Among Top 80 Influencing Canadian Foreign Policy Оттава - 11 березня, 2013 - за версією Embassy Magazine, провідного видання у Оттаві, Павло Ґрод знову названий серед 80-ти осіб, що впливають на зовнішню політику Канади. Вітання Павлові за його зусилля у підтримці Канади на міжнародній арені!

Ottawa - March 11, 2013 - Paul Grod has been once again named as one of the top 80 influencing Canadian foreign policy by Embassy Magazine, a prominent Ottawa-based publication. Congratulations to Paul for his efforts in supporting Canada on the international stage!

"Завжди приємно отримати "It is always nice to be recognized for визнання за наші зусилля, які ми our efforts on behalf of the Ukrainian докладаємо від імені громади Canadian community," stated Grod. українців Канади" заявив Ґрод. "This type of recognition "Таке визнання підтверджує ту acknowledges the work that we have роботу, яку ми здійснюємо для done on issues of importance to the вирішення важливих для громади Ukrainian Canadian community. It reукраїнців Канади питань. Це щераз affirms that the hard work of our доводить, що наполеглива праця branches, committees and member Paul Grod, UCC National President наших філій, комітетів та складових organizations is making a difference організацій дійсно має вплив на тих, with Canada's top decision makers." хто приймає рішення в Канаді на найвищому рівні." For more information see: Embassy Magazine Додаткову інформацію можна знайти тут: Embassy Magazine Paul Grod is CEO of Rodan Energy a leading smart grid company. Paul has been President of the Ukrainian Павло Грод є генеральним директором Rodan Canadian Congress since 2007 and Vice President since Energy, провідної компанії інтелектуальних 2001. During his tenure as UCC President, Paul has енергосистем. Павло є Президентом Конґресу successfully ensured that Ukraine was a top foreign Українців Канади з 2007 і Віце-президентом з 2001 policy priority for Canada, negotiated the recognition of року. За час свого перебування на посаді Canada's first national internment operations and Президента КУК Павло домігся того, що Україна establishment of a $10M endowment by the стала одним із головних пріоритетів зовнішньої Government of Canada, and ensured that Canada політики Канади, досягнув успіху в переговорах recognized the Holodomor as a genocide of the щодо визнання перших операцій національного Ukrainian people. інтернування у Канаді та заснування $10 млн. фонду урядом Канади, а також сприяв тому, що Канада He is a member of the Law Society of Upper Canada and визнала Голодомор геноцидом українського народу. holds a Bachelor of Political Science degree, a Bachelor of Laws degree and a Master of Business Administration Павло Ґрод є членом Юридичного товариства degree. Paul is married and has four young children. Верхньої Канади і має ступінь бакалавра політичних наук, ступінь бакалавра права і ступінь магістра ділового адміністрування. Він одружений і має чотирьох дітей.

Христос Воскрес!

Воістину Воскрес!


Christ Is Risen! [46]

Indeed He Is Risen!





Creation’s Lord is crucified He breathes His last on Golgotha Loud thunders roar, the earth resounds Graves open wide, the dead arise All nature cries, “What have we done”

Your Precious body, O Christ our Saviour Was taken down by Joseph from the cross He wrapped Your Body in a linen shroud, Placed it in the tomb; how great was our loss

Christ is risen from the dead Trampling death by death, And to those in the tombs giving life He has given us life everlasting, We adore his holy Resurrection on the third day.

Христос Воскрес! Воістину Воскрес! Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen! Нехай мир і благодать про Христа Воскреслого cпускаються на вас і залишаються з вами завжди

May the peace and grace of our Risen Christ descend upon you and remain with you always!

Easter Greetings from the UCBC Edmonton Eparchial Executive and all its Branches Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood of the Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood of St. Basil the Great (a.k.a. St. Basil’s Men’s Club) Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood of the Holy Eucharist Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood of St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood of St. Vladimir Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood of St. George Reverend Ivan Nykyforuk – Spiritual Advisor




THE YEAR OF FAITH October 11, 2012 – November 24, 2013 “Celebrating 1025 years of God’s great gift of the Baptism of Rus’-Ukraine” in the Proclaimed “Year of Faith.” 988 - 2013

St. Volodymyr the Great Decreed in 988 A.D. that Christianity be the Official State Religion of Ukraine

I ask and encourage our faithful not to be afraid to read the Scriptures with faith so that we can hear the word of God and take it to heart and live with it. “May our common prayer be a symbol of unity with the whole Church, which with gratitude and joy prepares to celebrate1025 years of God’s great gift of the Baptism of Rus’Ukraine” in the Proclaimed “Year of Faith.”

This period will be a propitious occasion for the faithful to understand more profoundly that the foundation of Christian faith is “the encounter with an event, a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive Direction.” Founded on the encounter with the Risen Christ, faith can be rediscovered in its wholeness and all it’s splendor. In our days faith is a gift to rediscover, to cultivate and to bear witness to because the Lord grants each one of us to live the beauty and joy of being Christians.

Patriarch Sviatoslav (Shevchuk)

Pope Benedict XVI

The Bells Played on Easter, As they preached the miracle of all miracles. The Son of God has Risen from the Tomb Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen! Easter bells ring resonating their sound as they send through their metal mouths Easter joy worldwide. The first source of our Easter joy is our faith. In the first letter to the Corinthians, St. Paul the Apostle writes: "And if Christ had not risen, then our preaching was in vain and our faith”. The Resurrection of Christ and faith in a resurrection is the greatest and strongest fortress of Christianity. Let the world rejoice, celebrating the visible word and the invisible, because Christ Rose - Joy Forever”! On this bright Easter day, I welcome you all to the Troparion Paschal Matins". Beloved in Christ! I wish all of you the grace of God. In this proclaimed “Year of Faith” may the resurrection of our lord, Jesus renew and strengthen our faith. May the Risen Lord bring joy into your home, sanctify your soul, and may joy fill your saddened hearts.

Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen! Bishop David Motiuk Eparch of Edmonton

Rev. Ivan Nykyforuk

Rev Ivan Nykyforuk UCBC - Spiritual Director

This Back Cover was made possible through the Financial contribution of the Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood of Canada Edmonton Eparchy

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