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Giant of the Skies: Atlas finds a new home at Brize Norton

Inside this issue:

SCTX 2017: an international platform for global security


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5 April 2017 :: Vol 15 No 6


Protecting against low-tech assaults on our critical infrastructure Page 24

Tackling the rising force of cyber terrorism

Guarding againstDVD2018 the – Innovation is rise in terrorist key to Army cyberTransformation skills

Page 26

Page 28 PAGE 24


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© Crown Copyright

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CONTENTS Selling to the Ministry of Defence


How to Use this Publication


Guide to Contracts


Defence Standards




Requests for Information 38 Prior Information Notices 40 Contract Notices


Voluntary Transparency Notices


Contract Bidders Notices 50 Contract Awards Inside this Addendum issue:

SCTX 2017: an international 50 platform for global57 security Page 22

Protecting against low-tech assaults on our critical infrastructure Page 24


MOD DCB Service provided by Defence Contracts Online (DCO)

Tackling the rising force of cyber terrorism

Guarding against the rise in terrorist cyber skills

Page 26

Page 28

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Published in association with thethe Ministry of Defence Published in association with Ministry of Defence

MOD DCB Service provided by Defence Contracts Online (DCO)

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CONTENTS CONTENTS 04 12 14 17 18 19 22 22 24 24 26 28 27


Security & Counter Terror Expo 2017: GIANT OF THE SKIES: FINDS A an international platform forATLAS global security


Protecting against low-tech assaults on critical infrastructure


Tackling the rising force of cyber terrorism


Guarding against the rise in terrorist cyber skills

CONTRACTS 31 DEFENCE CONTRACTOR DIRECTORY 30 Selling to the Ministry of Defence DEFENCE CONTRACTS 33 • to Use this Publication • How to Contracts • • Guide Selling toStandards the Ministry of Defence • Defence

• • Defence Standards for Information • • Requests

How to Use this Publication CONTRACTS Guide to Contracts

Prior Information Notices • CONTRACTS: Notices • Contract Transparency Notices • • Voluntary Prior Information Notices Bidders Notices • • Contract ContractAwards Notices • Contract Voluntary Transparency Notices • • Addendum

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5 April 2017 :: Vol 15 No 6

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CONTENTS Selling to the Ministry of Defence


How to Use this Publication


Guide to Contracts


Defence Standards




Requests for Information 38 Prior Information Notices 40 Contract Notices


Voluntary Transparency Notices


Contract Bidders Notices 50 Contract Awards Inside this Addendum issue:

SCTX 2017: an international 50 platform for global57 security Page 22

Protecting against low-tech assaults on our critical infrastructure Page 24

MOD DCB Service provided by Defence Contracts Online (DCO)

Guarding against the rise in terrorist cyber skills

Page 26

Page 28


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Tackling the rising force of cyber terrorism


Published in association with thethe Ministry of Defence Published in association with Ministry of Defence

MOD DCB Service provided by Defence Contracts Online (DCO)

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• Contract Bidders Notices • Non-Competitive Contract Awards • Competitive Contract Awards • Addendum

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Britain and France sign agreement for test pilot

DEFENCE SECRETARY GAVIN WILLIAMSON and French Minister of the Armed Forces Mme Florence Parly have held the first Defence Ministerial Council since the announcement of a permanent and regular forum for the discussion of UK-France defence cooperation in January 2018.

During the meeting, a bespoke technical arrangement, which will oversee the exchange of test pilots between the two nations, was signed. The agreement formalises an exchange enabling French pilots to train at the UK Empire Test Pilots’ School based at MOD Boscombe Down, and British pilots to train at the French Test Pilots’ School, Ecole du Personnel Navigant d’Essais et de Reception based on the Istres Le Tube Airbase. This reciprocal exchange of personnel ensures that the skills of military flight test, analysis and capability enhancement are shared between the armed forces of the UK and France, further strengthening the UK’s relationship with France and building on the strong partnership between our armed forces. The UK and France have successfully carried out the second development firing of the Sea Venom missile which will equip

Royal Navy and French Navy helicopters to prosecute a wide range of surface threats, from fast inshore attack craft up to corvette-sized vessels, including in coastal environments. Sea Venom has both a ‘fire and forget’ mode as well as a ‘man in the loop’ capability, which allows full missile control until target impact. Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson said: “France is one of our most important allies and this agreement symbolises the importance of deep defence and security relationships. By participating in this exchange programme, we will strengthen understanding between our personnel. “We are the only two European powers willing and able to deploy and sustain significant military power and we will continue to work towards a special partnership for the future.”


Britain’s next-generation fighter jets to make their way home this June DEFENCE SECRETARY GAVIN WILLIAMSON has given official confirmation that the nation’s fleet of next-generation fighter jets will arrive at RAF Marham in June. The Defence Secretary made the announcement during a ceremony held at RAF Coningsby to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the world-renowned Dambusters raid. The new F-35 Lightning stealth jets will soon take to the skies, flying from the United States with pilots from the newly reformed 617 Squadron at the helm. Appropriately, 617 Squadron was the unit that carried out Operation Chastise and delivered the bouncing bomb in 1943. “Seventy-five years ago the Dambusters pushed the boundaries of what was possible. That same spirit of innovation continues today as the Dambusters of today prepare to fly the


world’s most advanced fighter jet in the skies over the UK,” said Mr Williamson. “Just like those Lancasters which played such a vital role in the Second World War, the F-35B Lightning is based on great British design, operating with futuristic technology to adapt to an increasingly dangerous world.” 617 Squadron is currently overseas undergoing training in the use of the F-35 Lightning before making a return journey to the UK two months ahead of schedule. The move affords support staff the opportunity to perform additional training in preparation for the F-35 Lightning entering into service at the tail-end of the year. Wing Commander John Butcher, 617 Squadron’s Commanding Officer, added: “I have the great privilege of leading a jointly manned squadron made up of the best

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engineers, mission support personnel and pilots from the Royal Air Force and Royal Navy. “The original Dambuster Squadron did not know what their mission was going to be until the last moment. Yet they had to make sure they were ready and that is as true for us today. The spectrum of missions we can undertake in the F-35 will be huge and we have to make sure we are ready to do whatever is asked of us.” The F-35B Lightning multi-role fighter jet is the first to combine radar-evading stealth technology with supersonic speeds and short take-off and vertical landing (STOVL) capability. It will be jointly manned by the RAF and the Royal Navy, forming an integral part of Carrier Strike when operating from Queen Elizabeth Class aircraft carriers.


DIO puts Commercial Strategy into action with Clyde Construction Framework


DASA to hold hidden explosives collaboration event THE DEFENCE AND SECURITY ACCELERATOR (DASA) is to hold a collaboration day on Thursday 7 June 2018 to showcase projects successfully funded by the Future Aviation Security Solutions programme and to identify opportunities for future collaboration with other organisations. This event will enable the winning suppliers from the competition to showcase their research proposals to end users, government and other organisations. It is envisaged the event will lead to future collaboration between organisations to enable these innovative ideas to be developed and integrated into working products. In March 2017, the UK introduced a ban on large electronic devices in the cabin of UK-bound

aircraft from certain airports in the Middle East and North Africa. Restrictions like these are of great concern to the aviation industry, and equally to passengers. Stopping passengers from travelling with electrical items can have a huge impact on personal and business activity. The competition is seeking to help the UK Government, the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and the aviation industry to improve aviation security processes by staying ahead of evolving threats while reducing delays at checkpoint screening. The suppliers, which have now been funded as part of the competition process, could provide an alternative to imposing bans on electrical items or implementing additional laborious screening measures.


Defence Minister launches new military ‘FireDragon’ fuel production line

DEFENCE PROCUREMENT MINISTER GUTO BEBB has officially launched a brand-new production line for the world’s first solid bioethanol fuel, FireDragon. FireDragon, produced by Cardiff-based survival equipment manufacturers BCB International Ltd, is a pioneering new fuel used by British troops in the field to heat their combat rations, where regular catering facilities do not exist. Almost eight million of the tablets

have now been supplied to the British Army. Unlike alternative fuel tablets, FireDragon gives off no potentially harmful noxious fumes. It burns cleanly, is non-toxic and is made from sustainable natural ingredients. The MOD’s contract with the Welsh manufacturer has an estimated value of £3.6 million, with the company supplying stoves and fuels to Service personnel. The deal reinforces the Department’s industrial commitment to companies around the UK, as well as the environment. Fifteen new jobs will be created as a result of the £750,000 production line. Mr Bebb said: “From fighter jets to fuel rations, it is essential that our troops have the best kit possible. FireDragon sees our Armed Forces benefit from a cleaner, safer and more sustainable fuel source. “BCB International has 164 years of industry experience in survival equipment, and this new production line will ensure the company can meet growing demand and continue to expand its workforce in the years ahead.”

A FLAGSHIP TEN-YEAR CONSTRUCTION framework has been awarded by the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO), on behalf of the Ministry of Defence. The Clyde Construction Framework supports the £1.3 billion Clyde Programme to ensure that personnel responsible for delivering the UK’s continuous at sea nuclear deterrent are able to live, work and train in safe, state of the art facilities. The companies selected for the framework are VolkerStevin, Kier Graham Defence and Morgan Sindall. They will advise and deliver cost-effective construction services and other infrastructure solutions to enable HMNB Clyde to continue to endure in its new role as the Royal Navy’s Single Integrated Operating Base. DIO, along with support from a team of procurement specialists including Mott MacDonald and Jacobs, adopted an innovative process to choose the successful suppliers. In the past teams working on Clyde projects had tried various methods of contracting suppliers with varying degrees of success. All companies which bid for work on the Clyde Programme could meet the core construction requirements of the contract, but through the new process the team was looking for an approach that could help them select not only a good construction company but a good partner. Selection focused primarily on the company’s relationship with the Clyde team and its ability to work collaboratively. This new approach was put to potential bidders at a range of industry days and all were supportive of this new way of working. This unique way of choosing suppliers, having established they all had the required technical capability, focused on evaluating their behaviours and on how well they work together with teams at the Clyde. The Clyde team worked with behavioural experts to set out the criteria for successful companies. This team of experts then observed, scored and helped to evaluate the behaviours of each company as they took part in a series of practical exercises with members of the Clyde project teams. Ian Arbuckle, DIO Assistant Head of Commercial Services, said: “We are incredibly pleased to launch our new framework for the Clyde. We have successfully selected three reputable industry partners who have demonstrated a commitment to delivering better value for Defence.”

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UK poised for take-off on ambitious Defence Space Strategy


Dstl to inspire more women to follow STEM careers DEFENCE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY (DSTL) scientists have supported the WISE (Women in Science and Engineering) conference as part of efforts to inspire more girls to choose to study or work in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM). In their roles as WISE Co-Chair and Executive Sponsor respectively, Phillippa Spencer and Penny Endersby appeared as panel members at the annual conference – Penny on a panel about creative career paths and Phillippa looking at ‘patently biased’ – about why so few patents are raised by women. Dstl is a corporate member of WISE as part of the agency’s commitment to a diverse STEM workforce, with 30% of its 3000 scientists, engineers and mathematicians being women. WISE enables and energises people in

business, industry and education to increase the participation, contribution and success of women in STEM. Penny Endersby, Division Head at Dstl, said: “I have a very soft spot for WISE having had my first experience of what a life in science and technology might be like as a WISE scholar in my sixth form. The inspiration I took from that experience set me off on a career path which has been fulfilling and exciting beyond what the 17-year-old me could ever have imagined. “I have since learned the importance of providing mentors and role models at every career stage and the power of being encouraged to try new things. I hope that the conference will cause women at all stages in their careers to back their talent and reach for the next challenge.”


MOD announces new confidential support for personnel on operations

THE MINISTRY OF DEFENCE has marked mental health awareness week with new confidential support for personnel on operations. The MOD has announced a series of new joint projects with leading mental health charity Samaritans backed by £3.5 million in LIBOR funding. The initiatives will build on the charity’s digital technology to offer military personnel at home and on operations abroad access to confidential support. Online and face-to-face training in listening skills will also be offered to serving personnel and families, in order to give them confidence and expertise in encouraging 6

others to not suffer in silence. As part of the partnership with Samaritans, a confidential webchat service is being developed allowing military personnel, who often live in shared living quarters – particularly when serving on operations abroad, the ability to talk in confidence with a trained staff member. Pocket guides are also being produced which will provide information and emotional support for when people are in isolated locations, particularly on operations. Samaritan volunteers with military experience will also be trained in how to address mental health issues in a military environment, based on cutting-edge research from King’s College London. Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson said: “We are absolutely committed to making sure that no one in our military suffers in silence. “I’ve stepped up our support for mental health in the Armed Forces, with an extra £2 million of funding a year and a new 24-hour mental health hotline. “I’m delighted to announce that personnel serving abroad will be able to access a new confidential system to help them in their time of need.”

www.contracts.mod.uk :: Vol 16 No 11 :: 6 June 2018 :: MOD DCB

DEFENCE SECRETARY GAVIN WILLIAMSON has announced the launch of the UK’s first Defence Space Strategy and pledged an uplift in expertise to ensure the UK remains at the forefront of the space domain. With an increasing number of the UK’s military systems now dependent on space technology, it has been confirmed that RAF Air Command has assumed responsibility for command and control of UK military space operations to defend the UK’s interests in space. The Defence Secretary has also confirmed his intention to boost the 500 personnel currently working in the UK defence space sector by a fifth over the next five years, taking the total to over 600. The new strategy, expected in the summer, will set out plans to protect UK operations against emerging space-based threats such as jamming of civilian satellites used for broadcasters and satellite navigation to support military capabilities. Mr Williamson commented: “We must make sure we are primed and ready to deter and counter the intensifying threats to our everyday life that are emerging in space. That’s why today I’m announcing the RAF is taking the lead in this area and why we plan to increase the number of personnel covering space. “Satellite technology is not just a crucial tool for our Armed Forces but vital to our way of life, whether that be access to our mobile phones, the internet or television. It is essential we protect our interests and assets from potential adversaries who seek to cause major disruption and do us harm. “Britain is a world leader in the space industry and our defence scientists and military personnel have played a central role in the development of the EU’s Galileo satellite programme alongside British companies, so it is important we also review our contribution and how we plan for alternative systems in this crucial area.”


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BT, Cabinet Office and TechHub award SMEs for big ideas in augmented intelligence BT, in partnership with the Cabinet Office and TechHub, has announced the winners of its Augmented Intelligence competition at a special event held at BT Tower in London. The competition was launched earlier this year to find innovative small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with expertise in Artificial Intelligence, machine learning and robotics whose ideas could help transform the retail, defence and public sectors.

After a Dragons’ Den style presentation, the judging panel selected three winners: Archangel Imaging, ultimate.ai and Cortexica. Each will receive a £10,000 prize, plus six months’ membership to TechHub’s global entrepreneur community, workspace and support programme. They will also have the opportunity to work with BT to explore technical and commercial partnerships to bring their solutions to market.

John Manzoni, Permanent Secretary for the Cabinet Office and Chief Executive of the Civil Service, said: “The reforms we’re undertaking across the Civil Service will only be achievable if we harness the latest in innovative technology. So I’m delighted we could be a part of this exciting awards process which encourages innovative solutions and provides us another great opportunity to engage and encourage SMEs.”


Defence Minister visits UK flagship of NATO maritime group in Georgia ARMED FORCES MINISTER MARK LANCASTER has visited Royal Navy Type 45 destroyer HMS Duncan and other NATO warships in the Black Sea on a visit to Georgia. The two-day trip also saw the Minister discuss regional defence and security issues with Georgian government officials. HMS Duncan is the flagship of Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 which is currently on deployment to the Black Seas alongside warships from eight other NATO nations, providing a tangible demonstration of the UK’s commitment to Black Sea security and Georgia’s aspirations for NATO and EU integration. The British Commander of the NATO Maritime Group, Commodore Mike Utley, and HMS Duncan’s Captain, Commander Eleanor Stacks, welcomed the Minister aboard where he was given a tour of the ship and met with the Ship’s Company. Mr Lancaster thanked the personnel on board and acknowledged the sacrifice they make being away from their families while in support of the Alliance. Recently, HMS Duncan conducted a joint exercise with an RAF Typhoon, based in Romania as part of NATO’s enhanced Air Policing 8

mission, and two Romanian Air Force MIG21s, designed to test the reaction and agility of NATO forces in a crisis scenario. Mr Lancaster said: “Our security and defence relationship with Georgia is more vital

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now than ever. In the face of changing threats, it is essential that we work together with friendly nations that share our interests and values.”



New rules come into force to protect UK’s critical infrastructure NEW MEASURES to protect the nation’s critical infrastructure and digital services from cyber attacks and computer network failure are now in force. Bosses of firms in health, water, energy, transport and digital infrastructure will now be expected to have robust safeguards in place against cyber threats and report breaches and network outages to regulators within 72 hours – or face fines of up to £17 million. The new law, announced by Digital Minister Margot James, will help reduce the number of damaging cyber attacks affecting the UK. The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), set up by the Government in October 2016 as part of GCHQ, has already responded

to more than 950 significant incidents, including WannaCry. The measures also give new regulatory powers to assess critical industries and make sure plans are in place to prevent attacks. The regulator will have the power to issue legally binding instructions to improve security and – if necessary – impose significant fines. The legislation will also cover other threats affecting IT such as hardware failures and environmental hazards. Ms James, Minister for Digital and the Creative Industries, said: “It’s vital that we put in place tough new measures to strengthen the UK’s cyber security and make sure we are the safest place in the world to live and be online.

“Organisations must act now to make sure that they are primed and ready to stop potential cyber attacks and be resilient against major disruption to the services we all rely on.” Fines would be a last resort and will not apply to operators which have assessed the risks adequately, taken appropriate security measures and engaged with regulators but still suffered an attack. Incidents must be reported directly to the appropriate regulator. Where an incident has a cyber security aspect, organisations should contact the NCSC for support and advice. The NCSC will also act as the Single Point of Contact between the UK and EU Member States.


SEA and partners showcase the future of modelling and simulation COHORT COMPANY SEA has led an industry team which has delivered its findings on the future of modelling and simulation to the Ministry of Defence. The core Architectures, Interoperability and Management of Simulations (AIMS) delivery team of SEA, BAE Systems, QinetiQ and Thales has conducted a wide range of research tasks related to the AIMS themes over the past four years. The delivery team has been supported by a range of external suppliers from the Dstl Synthetic Environment Tower Community of Practice. The vision statement for the AIMS programme is: “To enable the delivery of a single environment, such that users can create capability from modelling and simulation components and services which are inherently interoperable.” One of the key outputs from AIMS has been the development of the concept of Modelling and Simulation as a Service (MSaaS). The MSaaS concept provides a potential


strategic approach to deliver secure, agile simulation-based capabilities by making modelling and simulation assets, data and services conveniently accessible. The delivery of future simulation capability using MSaaS provides the opportunity to realise significant benefits, in terms of greater accessibility to simulation, enhanced sharing and reuse of assets, rapid composition and deployment of simulations, and efficient use of hardware. The AIMS team provided a practical demonstration of MSaaS to key MOD stakeholders at Shrivenham Defence Academy. This highlighted how MSaaS could be employed to support future training and Joint Force exercise activities, demonstrating key elements of the concept including a registry and repository of simulation assets, simulation composition tools and rapid deployment and execution using cloud computing technologies. Jon Lloyd, Dstl Technical Partner for the AIMS contract, commented: “MSaaS offers Defence the opportunity to maximise both

www.contracts.mod.uk :: Vol 16 No 11 :: 6 June 2018 :: MOD DCB

cost and operational effectiveness in the way simulation is delivered across all Defence needs; including Force Preparation, Operational Analysis, Acquisition and Decision Support. “As Defence IT infrastructure is modernised in line with the Defence Information strategy, MSaaS helps to ensure Modelling and Simulation capabilities are ready to exploit the benefits of technologies such as cloud-based hardware solutions. The ability to drive down the acquisition cost and development time to ensure simulation systems stay current in their ability to represent current and future operating environments is a key factor in establishing an MSaaS ecosystem that enables end users to access emerging and best of breed M&S capabilities from across the supplier base. “Furthermore, the MSaaS approach offers the opportunity to provide the Defence Simulation Centre (DSC) with an efficient way of managing the range of M&S resources that the MOD requires in a way that they can be readily accessed on demand.”



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European consortium to explore cyber security and Internet of Things A EUROPEAN CONSORTIUM comprised of 12 industry and academic partners from France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK has been appointed to Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, to begin work on Brain-IoT. The focus is ‘interoperability and cyber security’ in the era of the Internet of Things (IoT). As IoT-ready devices are deployed with greater frequency, concerns have arisen regarding dependability, privacy, safety and security – in both the civilian and defence realms. As such, the Brain-IoT project – made possible through €5 million of EU funding – now looks to establish a framework that supports the user, developing ‘model-based’ tools to encourage greater interoperability and cyber security credentials. Among the 12 partners appointed is Airbus CyberSecurity. The organisation’s remit will cover secure IoT devices and service provision,

with the overall aim of deploying a state-of-theart security layer alongside innovative lightweight mechanisms to secure all aspects of IoT. These solutions will be applied to unilateral devices, such as sensors, in addition to complex equipment – smart devices, for instance. Airbus CyberSecurity will also make available its expertise to the IoT working group to promote and strengthen security solutions across the entire IoT ecosystem. “This is a fantastic opportunity for us to contribute to the most important security topic facing our generation. When it comes to IoT, it’s necessary to address tomorrow’s safety and security issues today,” said Steven Rymell, Head of Technology at Airbus CyberSecurity. The Brain-IoT consortium is coordinated by Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (ISMB) in Italy, and includes companies and institutions from the five European countries above. To find out more about the Brain-IoT project, visit: http://brain-iot.eu.

Leidos to deliver support to US Army’s Synthetic Environment Program


HII partnership to explore 3D printing in naval shipbuilding

HUNTINGTON INGALLS INDUSTRIES (HII) has announced a collaboration between its Newport News, Virginia based shipbuilding division and 3D Systems to explore state-ofthe-art manufacturing techniques – namely 3D printing and its adoption in naval shipbuilding. It’s thought that 3D printing could revolutionise the way in which shipbuilders design and deliver the next generation of warships. The partnership also forms part of a significant transformation taking place at Newport News, known as Integrated Digital Shipbuilding. “This is a game-changing and disruptive technology for our industry,” commented Charles Southall, Newport News’ Vice President of Engineering and Design. “In addition to our ongoing digital shipbuilding efforts, 3D printing could transform our design standards, and this


technology has the potential to be one of the most significant manufacturing innovations in our industry since we began building nuclear-powered ships in the 1950s.” 3D Systems has now installed a ProX DMP 320 high performance metal additive manufacturing system at Newport News. The machine is capable of fabricating three-dimensional, marine-based alloy parts for castings or other components such as valves, housings and brackets. “3D Systems is pleased to play an integral role in transforming the naval shipbuilding industry,” added Kevin McAlea, Executive Vice President and General Manager for Metals and Healthcare at 3D Systems. “The ProX DMP 320 printer system, combined with our team’s expertise in metal 3D printing technology, will bring new digitally enhanced geometries to Newport News Shipbuilding, enabling higher performing warship components and ultimately more efficient costeffective parts delivery to the US Navy.” Crucially, the partnership marks a significant next step in the fabrication of components and material for future warships. Compared to traditional manufacturing methods that involve the conversion of raw materials into a finished product through subtractive processes, such as cutting or grinding metal, additive manufacturing or 3D printing involves the layer-by-layer fabrication of raw materials into a finished product. “One of our goals is to provide leadership to our supplier base that will help accelerate the adoption of additive manufacturing within our industry, which may improve efficiencies and quality,” continued Southall. “We look forward to working with key technology leaders, such as 3D Systems, to help to break down technology adoption barriers and advance additive manufacturing in our industry and supply chain.”

www.contracts.mod.uk :: Vol 16 No 11 :: 6 June 2018 :: MOD DCB

LEIDOS has been awarded a contract worth $201 million by the US Army Contracting Command to develop and provide simulated training environments to meet the US Army’s operational training requirements. Leidos’ Synthetic Environment Core (SE Core) provides databases enabling high-resolution, realistic training environments with real-world 3D and 2D geographic terrain that fully integrates and operates within all training environments. SE Core allows warfighters to have a complete picture of the environment such as maps, roads, bridges, moving vehicles and buildings. This capability helps US warfighters train as they fight in today’s battlespaces before entering theatres of combat operations. Mike Chagnon, Leidos Advanced Solutions Group President, said: “Operationally relevant training requires operationally relevant data. As the battlespace evolves, it’s critical for our nation’s warfighters to have advanced technologies that better equip, protect and train them. Leidos will continue to apply its unparalleled geospatial and training expertise to add to the 14.4 million square kilometres of simulated terrain already in use by the Army.” Leidos has been involved on the SE Core programme for over ten years, developing and producing terrain databases and common cultural and moving models for use across the US Army family of constructive and virtual simulations.



Saab unveils Brazilian Gripen aerostructures plant SAAB has unveiled a 5000 square metre facility for its future Gripen fighter jet aerostructures plant, Saab Aeronáutica Montagens (SAM), in the city of São Bernardo do Campo in São Paulo state, Brazil. SAM will produce aerostructures for the Brazilian Gripen fighter and is preparing to become part of Saab´s global supply chain. The plant will be responsible for producing six complex structural parts for Gripen acquired by the Brazilian Air Force (FAB), such as the tail cone, aerodynamic brakes, wing

box, front fuselage for the single-seat and two-seat versions and rear fuselage for the single-seat version of the aircraft. Operations will begin at SAM in 2020 with 55 employees, with that number set to rise to 200 by 2024. Among them will be engineers and technicians, who until then will be trained in Linköping, Sweden for up to 24 months. Mikael Franzén, Head of Business Unit Gripen Brazil, Saab Aeronautics, said: “We are transferring knowledge and production

capacity for complex aerostructures to Brazil, in compliance with our offset agreement. The plant is planned to be part of the global Saab supply chain for the civil aviation and defence markets.” Saab AB will be the majority shareholder in SAM with 90% and the Brazilian engineering company Akaer will be a minority shareholder with 10%. At the same time, Saab has increased its stake in Akaer to 28% in a stock swap agreement.


Thales signs Dutch Bushmaster support contract THALES has signed a six-year In-Service Support contract with the Dutch Government to improve the performance and availability of the Netherlands’ Bushmaster fleet. Bushmaster vehicles have been in service within the Netherlands Army for over ten years, including operations in the Middle East where the vehicle’s protection, mobility and combat effectiveness were proven to be critical, saving many lives.

The In-Service Support contract signed includes the transfer of technology from Australia to Van Halteren Metaal (VHM), building long-term expertise in the maintenance of the Bushmaster. The partnership between Thales and VHM will provide preventative maintenance and a local repair and modification capability for the Netherlands Government. Pierre Bénard, Vice-President, Vehicles

and Tactical systems at Thales, said: “There is a long history of trust between the Netherlands and Thales. Ten years ago we built the best tactical platform to meet the Dutch Army’s ambitions around the world. Thales continually invests and innovates in future technologies to meet the challenge of evolving battlefield threats and to maintain the Bushmaster at state of the art.”

www.contracts.mod.uk :: Vol 16 No 11 :: 6 June 2018 :: MOD DCB




Unisys wins US Customs and Border Protection contract UNISYS CORPORATION has been chosen by US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to develop, operate and manage systems used for risk assessments of people and cargo entering the US by the agency’s Targeting and Analysis Systems Program Directorate (TASPD). The contract will support TASPD’s Office of Information and Technology, which provides technology solutions that support CBP inspection and enforcement activities to help the agency protect US borders and facilitate legitimate trade and travel.

The Unisys solution quickly deploys new capabilities like big data analytics, cloud and biometrics to help CBP officers and agents automatically identify which shipments or travellers present a low risk appropriate for ‘low touch’ automated clearance and those that present a higher risk requiring additional investigation or inspection. This process allows CBP to avoid clearance delays by focusing resources on inspecting and analysing highrisk travellers and cargo. Amy Rall, Group Vice President for

Homeland Security and Critical Infrastructure at Unisys Federal, said: “Border security continues to be a priority for the country, and our work on TASPD is a positive illustration of how technology can be applied to assess risk related to the millions of cargo and travellers entering and exiting the country each day. “Unisys is extremely pleased and proud to have the opportunity to continue our partnership with the TASPD organisation and to help secure the nation’s supply chain and support CBP’s layered defence strategy for international cargo and passengers.”


US Air Force awards General Dynamics cloud services contract GENERAL DYNAMICS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY has been awarded a $9 million contract for Cloud Hosted Enterprise Services (CHES) by the US Air Force. The CHES environment is being developed to support the delivery of Microsoft Office 365 services and provides the ability for the USAF to consume additional cloud service offerings in the future, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Oracle, SAP and others. The contract directs General Dynamics to implement CHES at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio and up to two additional USAF locations. The contract also includes operations and maintenance support for 18 months, allowing the company to continue its ongoing rollout of CHES in support of Microsoft Office 365 services. The Air Force and DLA are the first Department of Defense (DoD) organisations to consume Microsoft’s Office 365 and Azure, which were the first DoD FedRAMP Impact Level 5 cloud service offerings made available for DoD consumption. As a result, the


company worked closely with Microsoft and DISA to design this environment from the ground up. By leveraging these commercial cloud services, the USAF can boost productivity, cut costs and increase collaboration. The new services will meet industry performance standards, offer redundancy and contingency features and provide state-of-the-art

www.contracts.mod.uk :: Vol 16 No 11 :: 6 June 2018 :: MOD DCB

technology enhancements to improve user experience and minimise service disruption. Senior Vice President Ken Deutsch, head of General Dynamics Information Technology’s Defense Division, said: “This contract will serve as a springboard for hybrid cloud solutions and provide our DoD customers with more options as they navigate their journey to the cloud.”

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USS Daniel Inouye passes halfway point following keel laying GENERAL DYNAMICS’ BATH IRON WORKS has celebrated the keel laying of the future USS Daniel Inouye (DDG 118), bringing the Arleigh Burke Class destroyer closer to completion. The vessel’s namesake, Senator Daniel Inouye, received a Medal of Honor in recognition of his heroism in Tuscany during World War II. Daniel later represented Hawaii in the US Senate for 50 years and was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2013. Irene Hirano Inouye, wife of the late senator and founding President of the

US-Japan Council, is the ship’s sponsor. A steel plate bearing her initials was specially made for the ceremony with Mrs Inouye presiding over the laying of the keel, striking welding arcs onto the plate’s surface. According to General Dynamics, DDG 118 is now over halfway complete. The immense 3000 tonne keel was transported from the shipyard’s Ultra Hall to the building ways earlier in the year. Crucially, this most recent milestone signifies the start of hull integration and is a precursor to the integration, testing and sea trial phase. Ed Kenyon, DDG 51 Program Manager

for Bath Iron Works, hosted the ceremony and welcomed an audience of Bath Iron Works employees, US Navy personnel and representatives from other major subcontractors on the project, in addition to the ship’s sponsor. “This unit is a massive example of what we can accomplish here at Bath Iron Works, with people working together in a great enterprise,” Kenyon said. “Over the coming months, we will continue to apply the knowledge and expertise honed over the decades. Daniel Inouye will be a true and steady vessel, the pride of our Navy.”


Sikorsky commences CH53K helicopter deliveries to US Marine Corps SIKORSKY has delivered the first of an expected 200 CH-53 King Stallion helicopters to the US Marine Corps. The CH-53K is the new-build replacement for the US Marine Corps’ ageing CH-53E Super Stallion fleet, which first flew in 1974 and entered service with the Corps in 1981. This first CH-53K heavy lift helicopter will be stationed at Marine Corps Air Station New River in Jacksonville, North Carolina. There, the helicopter will enter into the Supportability Test Plan. US Marines will conduct a logistics assessment on the maintenance, sustainment and overall aviation logistics support of the King Stallion. This assessment will also validate maintenance procedures with Marine Corps maintainers conducting hands-on care of the aircraft. The Supportability Test Plan will ensure readiness and support on the flightline when CH-53K helicopters enter into service


with the Marines. Sikorsky expects to deliver the next CH53K in early 2019. Dan Schultz, Sikorsky President and former CH-53 pilot, said: “Our first delivery of a CH-53K to the Marine Corps marks the start of a new generation of true heavy lift helicopter deliveries by Sikorsky that bring unsurpassed and expanded capability

www.contracts.mod.uk :: Vol 16 No 11 :: 6 June 2018 :: MOD DCB

across the modern battlefield to provide tremendous mission flexibility and efficiency in delivering combat power, humanitarian assistance or disaster relief for those in need. “With 18 additional aircraft in various stages of production already, the entire Sikorsky team, in partnership with our suppliers, is looking forward to additional deliveries to delight our customer.”


SERCO SECURES NEW CONTRACT TO SUPPORT AFMS Serco has been awarded a contract to support the US Air Force Medical Operations Agency to deliver professional medical coding compliance services to support all Air Force Medical Service (AFMS) military treatment facilities. The four-and-a-half year contract is valued at $11.7m. DEIMOS IMAGING LANDS BRAZILIAN MOD CONTRACT Deimos Imaging has won a contract with the Brazilian Ministry of Defence’s Aeronautics Command (COMAER) worth around $2.6m. The contract requires the company to supply Earth Observation products and services from the Deimos-2 satellite, during an initial period of three years that could be extended up to five years. US NAVY CHOOSES CCC TO DELIVER ATC SOFTWARE SUPPORT Canadian Commercial Corporation has been awarded a $12.2m contract for inservice engineering and software support for the modification and delivery of I-SIM software for the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division’s Air Traffic Control Division. Support services to be provided include development, repair, update, modernisation and delivery of I-SIM. Work is expected to be completed in May 2023. HARRIS WINS SAUDI ARABIA RADIO CONTRACT Harris has secured an $8.3m contract for high frequency radios and associated equipment for system upgrades and refurbishments at shore sites to provide command and control and enterprise engineering support for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia foreign military sales. This seven-month contract includes no options. Work is expected to be completed by 31 December 2018. 22ND CENTURY TECHNOLOGIES TO PROVIDE IT SUPPORT TO 88TH MEDICAL GROUP 22nd Century Technologies has been selected for a $7.2m contract for information technology and process support services in support of the 88th Medical Group Information Technology support services. This contract provides for cyber and medically focused IT services for the WrightPatterson Medical Center by furnishing personnel and supervision. Work is expected to be complete by November 2023.

USAF PICKS TENET 3 FOR R&D CONTRACT Tenet 3 has been awarded a $24.9m contract by the US Air Force for Assured System Security Engineering and Trustworthy Solutions research. This contract provides for research, development, a prototype and deployment of the assurance technologies for systems of systems security engineering, lifecycle assurance and trustworthiness assessments of complex systems at risk. Work is expected to be complete by May 2025. VIASAT TO UPGRADE MIDS TERMINALS FOR US NAVY ViaSat has won a $85.5m modification contract for the Block Upgrade II retrofit of Multifunctional Information Distribution System (MIDS) low volume terminals. The terminals provide secure, high-capacity, jam-resistant, digital data and voice communications capability for US Navy, Air Force and Army platforms. Work is expected to be completed by May 2024. PCCP SECURES LOUISIANA CANAL CONTRACT MODIFICATION PCCP Constructors has been awarded a $33.1m modification contract to settle all outstanding claims and payments associated with the contract for permanent canal closures and pumps at 17th Street, Orleans Avenue and London Avenue outfall canals at or near Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana. Work will be performed in Metairie, Louisiana.

Highlights from Foreign Office Minister Harriett Baldwin’s statement at the United Nations Security Council debate on upholding international law. “When armed conflicts break out, it is vital that all parties respect international humanitarian law and act in accordance with their obligations under it. As members of the international community, and members of the Security Council, we are all responsible for upholding international rules and norms. Today we must ask ourselves how we discharge that responsibility. The ‘Strengthening Respect for International Humanitarian Law’ initiative facilitated by the International Committee of the Red Cross and the Swiss Government has the significant potential to aid this effort. It is a valuable first step and I encourage all states to engage with that process – but this alone is not sufficient. “Enabling the meaningful participation of women in decision-making is also key to upholding the rule of law. We know inclusive decision-making processes are critical in preventing the escalation of conflict and in maintaining and supporting peace in postconflict societies. I call on states to act upon the commitments agreed in Security Council resolutions on Women, Peace and Security and recognise these to be an integral part of our effort to maintain peace and security. “There will, sadly, be times when violations of international humanitarian law or international human rights law do occur. There must be no impunity in such instances. It is, of course, states themselves that have the primary responsibility to ensure that perpetrators are brought to justice. But we, as the international community, also have a role in helping states meet their responsibilities. “The UK has strongly supported resolutions at the Human Rights Council aimed at increasing accountability. We welcome the efforts of the Secretary General and UN Secretariat to mainstream the promotion and protection of human rights in all United Nations activities. The UN’s human rights tools such as monitoring, reporting and analysis, can provide key early warning systems, and help to identify and address the root causes of conflict, as a means of prompting an effective and early United Nations response. “The International Criminal Court also has a key role to play restoring peace and security. It ensures accountability, acts as a deterrent, supports victims, and helps to establish an historical narrative of accountability. However, for it to succeed, the Court requires the full cooperation of states. Its inability to act directly against those it seeks to arrest makes it entirely reliant on states to execute the arrest warrants it issues, but for too long and too frequently those indicted by the Court have been able to travel freely, without fear of arrest and prosecution. We therefore urge all states to honour UNSCRs 1970 and 1593 by cooperating fully with the Court and its Prosecutor.”

www.contracts.mod.uk :: Vol 16 No 11 :: 6 June 2018 :: MOD DCB



Defence Media Themes for 2018 June 2018 Safety, Security and Welfare To ensure the safety of UK forces, it is critical to provide an effective and clinical medical capability in all military environments. June will see a focus on medical equipment, training and supplies, including the Protecting Our People Programme, which researches injury caused by chemical, biological and radiological and conventional weapons and how to counter threats.

The opportunity The UK Government’s aspiration is that 25% of public procurement expenditure should be with SMEs; this represents a fantastic opportunity for organisations looking to supply to the defence sector, worth over £19 billion annually in the UK alone. Defence Online, Defence Contracts Online and Defence Contracts International are exclusively placed to help you access funding and opportunities, as well as putting your business into the inbox of the buyers that matter. Contact Defence Online today to discuss how your organisation can take full advantage of a host of innovative promotion and lead generation packages across both Defence Online and our wider Defence Media channels, including the MOD Defence Contracts Bulletin.

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www.contracts.mod.uk :: Vol 16 No 3 :: 14 February 2018 :: MOD DCB

July 2018 Aerospace Supply Chain Industry 4.0 - shift in manufacturing caused by a range of capabilities that are making their way into the sector Security Rotary and fixed wing manufacturing New aircraft models Farnborough Airshow preview

August 2018 Cyber Security Cyber Essentials Infrastructure protection Role of National Cyber Security Centre Cyber security on the battlefield

September 2018 Defence Vehicles DVD2018 Manufacturers Parts Servicing

October 2018 Educating the Defence Industry DASA’s Defence People Challenge Skills Recruitment Training Retention

November 2018 Drone/UAV Technology Manufacturers Suppliers Security Equipment

December 2018 Satellite and Space Technology Satellite surveillance Communications Information/data sharing


DCO WEBSITE AND SUPPLIER PORTAL DEFENCE CONTRACTS ONLINE, the official source of UK MOD contracts, is the essential website and supplier portal for all involved in procurement today across the defence value chain. The website brings a fresh, modern look to the DCO portal. With a clean, uncluttered design, improved functionality and refreshed content, the website strengthens the relationship between the MOD and its suppliers by making it easier to access information on contract opportunities. In addition to publishing information on all UK MOD tender and contract opportunities valued at £10,000 and above, the website features a comprehensive news section, MOD announcements, market reports and blog features. There is also information on upcoming events to engage with the MOD and prime contractors, webinars to help you get the most out of the DCO service, and content to help your organisation become better informed and equipped to do business with the MOD. There is also important information on the Cyber Essentials scheme and how to become certified; a Contact Directory featuring contact details for many of the MOD’s major executive agencies, teams and operating centres; and valuable content on innovation within the MOD’s supply chain. Access to DCO is completely free. Registered suppliers can search for opportunities 24/7 and receive daily alerts which notify them of opportunities which match their company’s business activity. The website can be found at www.contracts.mod.uk.

ADVANCE NOTICE FOR THE POTENTIAL SALE OF THE FORMER HMS WALNEY FIBRE GLASS VESSEL FOR FURTHER USE Built in 1991 as a warship (Single Role Minehunter), Walney is a genuine former HMS vessel which came out of service in 2010. It is currently moored in Portsmouth and will be sold from there. The Defence Equipment Sales Authority (DESA) is inviting expressions of interest from individuals who wish to be considered for this one-of-a-kind proposed sale. All interested parties will be required to contact the Defence Equipment Sales Authority for further information. The vessel is sound for towing but is no longer in a running condition and since decommissioning has been stripped, including engine removal. Guide Price – £30,000 Further use interest should be based on the use of the hull and superstructure. It has the potential for use as a houseboat, a stylish restaurant, a floating bar or even an officespace packed with individuality. A unique development opportunity where viewing is recommended. https://www.gov.uk/government/ publications/potential-sale-of-the-formerhms-walney Closing date for expressions of interest is 31 July 2018.


has been taking place. Now we are seeking a renewed discussion aiming to foster greater information-sharing and the opportunity for the relationship to be evolved. Aim of LOGNET 18-1

7-8 JUNE 2018 Radisson Blu Edwardian Heathrow Hotel, 140 Bath Road, Harlington, Hayes UB3 5AW LOGNET is the Ministry of Defence’s logistics support enterprise engagement and future development event. We want to engage with the logistics and engineering industry, academia, international partners and allies to optimise military logistics and promote UK prosperity; not just by being open for business, but by being open for modernisation. LOGNET is designed to improve outside understanding of UK Defence logistic requirements, and to pursue knowledge of academic and commercial capability and new developments while reinforcing partnerships through continuing engagement. Benefits of attending LOGNET: • Understand Defence’s logistic requirements to propose superior solutions. • Opportunity to influence Defence Logistics policy, direction and development. • Engage with the future vision of Defence Logistics capability and industry integration. • Opportunity to conduct business with Defence partners. • Maintain the equitable relationship between Defence and the logistics and engineering enterprise. • Opportunity for attendees to forward questions, points and comments directly via an interactive conference software app. • LOGNET 18-1 is free to attend with lunch and refreshments included. Background to LOGNET 18-1 Building on previous LOGNET events and following the National Security Capability Review (NSCR) the next LOGNET event seeks to complement the activity ongoing within the Modernising Defence Programme (MDP). Defence Logistics sees the opportunity to use LOGNET to develop thinking and activity influencing outcomes and future work as the department develops its next iteration of strategic direction. LOGNET is used to support Defence Logistics in arguing the case for the UK to maintain a credible, highly capable and value for money logistics capability. This capability enables and supports military forces while contributing to Other Government Department effect. Within the themes of the Modernising Defence Programme LOGNET seeks to enable a stronger relationship with industry and welcomes new ways of thinking and innovation. Previously the LOGNET group has provided views and ideas; we have listened to these and used them to inform our work within the various reviews and activity that

The aim of LOGNET 18-1 is to update the network on the topics which are being investigated for development and to discuss in more detail some of the topics. It is then to enable the opportunity for industrial partners to consider the challenges faced, giving the opportunity for proposals to be brought back to Defence Logistics personnel within the linked 18-2 event. LOGNET 18-1 content The agenda for LOGNET 18-1: ‘Evolving Defence Logistics’ on 7-8 June 2018 will provide an update on Defence Logistics challenges and opportunities. It will also progress from previous LOGNET work which has brought Defence Logistic focus to these areas: • Rapid information infrastructure deployment • Human/Computer Interface • Reducing dependency demand, operational cost and logistics footprint on deployments • Condition Based Maintenance/ Predictive Maintenance & Monitoring Systems • Space (Saving) Food Concept – less transport mass, full nourishment • Smarter Power Distribution • Real-time monitoring, reporting and management of the condition of precious stock • Battlefield Water Generation • Battlefield Manufacturing (Additive Manufacturing) • Automation, Robots, Drones and Remote Controlled (Hardware) eg: unmanned delivery vehicles • Artificial Intelligence for logistics • Quicker/Smart Contract Writing (Software) • Mobile/Agile Warehousing • Augmented Reality for training and surrogate expert repairs • Codification & Item Data An industry response event (LOGNET 182) is planned for 9-10 October 2018 when the industry will have the opportunity to showcase its solutions. Lunch and refreshments will be provided. Parking at the hotel is free. A special rate for the venue accommodation can be obtained through this link https://www.radissonbluedwardian.com/lognet and other hotels can be found through all price comparison websites. If your organisation is connected to the logistics and engineering support sector and you would like to engage with the Defence Logistics community, please feel welcome to sign up and attend LOGNET 18-1. Please sign up on Eventbrite through this link: www.lognet18-1.eventbrite.com

www.contracts.mod.uk :: Vol 16 No 11 :: 6 June 2018 :: MOD DCB



18th NATO Military Engineering Working Group

BOOK YOUR PLACE: For further information and to book your attendance, please contact: Robin Reed Head of Sales and Sponsorship Tel: +44 (0)20 7091 7818 Email: robin.reed@adsgroup.org.uk

MOD Implementation of Cyber Essentials Scheme

THE GOVERNMENT has recently highlighted its plans to invest heavily in cyber security over 20 JUNE 2018 – CHATHAM the next five years and British industry now Army Headquarters, Capability Ground needs to be aware that every British company is a Manoeuvre (Manoeuvre Support) are hosting target, that every British network will be attacked, the biannual NATO Military Engineering ISS SKYNET 6 PROJECT – and that cyber crime is not something that Working Group (MILENG WG), which will happens to other people. opening of information be held at the Royal School of Military The MOD is committed to ensuring it and sharing environment Engineering in Chatham over the period 18-22 its supply chain are appropriately protected, June 2018. and has been working jointly with industry and The working group will see in excess of other government departments in the Defence THE SKYNET 6 PROJECT TEAM has 100 delegates from all NATO and partner Cyber Protection Partnership (DCPP) to develop established an information sharing environment to nations meet to discuss issues relating to share information at OFFICIAL and by exception a proportionate means of achieving this. As a standardization, capability development at OFFICIAL SENSITIVE, with industry in advance first step, the MOD will be implementing the and doctrine coherence within the Military of SKYNET 6 entering competitive procurements. Government’s Cyber Essentials Scheme through Engineering spectrum. Defence Share is the approved, and accredited a compliance question in its supplier selection The meeting will be closed to industry; platform that will host this environment with Pre-Qualification Questionnaire. however, a reception will be held on the access to Defence Share controlled by the project For all new requirements advertised from evening of 20 June 2018, when UK defence team. 1 January 2016 which entail the transfer of contractors who have products and services Suppliers who wish to access Defence Share MOD identifiable information from customer relating to Combat Engineering are invited to should contact the project team via the details to supplier or the generation of information by attend. Any company wishing to attend will below for further guidance: a supplier specifically in support of the MOD need to have market presence in the following contract, MOD will require suppliers to have • SKYNET 6 Service Delivery Wrap (SK6 SDW) – areas: a Cyber Essentials certificate by the contract ISSDev-Net-FBLOS-SDW-GrpMailbox@mod.gov.uk • Mobility Support start date at the latest, and for it to be renewed • SKYNET 6 Enduring Capability (SK6EC) - • Counter Mobility annually. This requirement must be flowed down ISSDev-Net-FBLOS6ECGrpmailbox@mod.gov.uk The specification requirements of the MOD and Prime Contractor market are constantly • Force Protection the supply chain. changing, increasing the need to identify new potential suppliers on daily The reception will be an informal gathering It is expected athat thisbasis. scoping will apply to The project team look forward to engaging held within the Royal Engineers Museum, and most marketing direct MOD contracts; supply MOD DCB continues to develop its position as the essential platformhowever, for thisthe sector. with industry and utilising the functionality of the primary aim of the evening is networking. chain will also need to apply the same test as Defence Share as an information sharing tool. it flows work down into sub-contracts and it is Industry attendees will have the opportunity ALLAN WEBB LTD CDS DEFENCE SUPPORT BAMPTON PACKAGING BCB INTERNATIONAL recognised that the scoping statement may not to have a small display stand (no more than be applicable Clydesmuir Road at some of these lower levels, eg one table) which delegates may visit at their Lenton Lane, The Bramery, Industrial Estate, NOTTINGHAM items procured on a regular basis where allocation discretion. It is requested that each company 44 Alstone Lane, CARDIFF CF24 2QS NG7 2NR is unknown at the time of purchase.Cheltenham The more limit their attendance to two participants. This T: 0115 986 8601 8HE UK / Norway Defence & Security W: www.bcbin.com & www.uas.wales Red Lodge, Bonds Mill, STONEHOUSE, extensive requirements of the DCPPT:GL51 Cyber is not a dedicated industry engagement, rather E: sales@bamptonpackaging.co.uk 01242 519119 Gloucestershire GL10 3RF T: +44 29 2043 3700 F: +44 29 2043 3700 W: www.bamptonpackaging.co.uk Industry Cooperation Day E: in enquiries@cdsds.uk T: 01453 E: dcb@allanwebb.co.uk Security Model will be implemented a phased E: info@bcbin.com V: www.youtube.com/bcbin an informal opportunity for824581 British industry to W: www.cdsds.uk W: www.allanwebb.co.uk MPAS certified. Military packing to Def Stan 81-41 to Catalogues: www.issuu.com/bcbin approach from April 2016. all levels including grade ‘A’ Cleaning to DGS-PS-5104. engage with the NATO MILENG community. Leading provider of specialist services within Integrated Designers and manufacturers of innovative quality In-house or on-site EXPORT packing service. HM Government commissioned a 2015 Inventory / Obsolescence Those companies Logistics with Support, an interest in military equipment, e.g. tents, ballistic protection, Manufacturers of bespoke timber and plywood Cases. Leading support company providing Technical Management, Technical Documentation, Codification field cooking innovative clothing, camouflage, Converters of corrugated (lightweight &heavy duty) Information Security Breaches Survey. There are LATTER HALF OF 2018 – OSLO, NORWAY Documentation, Safety, Training, Technology attending are requested to contact: Management and Spares Procurement Support bivouac,hand tools, marine medical and survival and most commonly used foams. Enhanced Learning and IA to the MOD and Defence some rather worrying statements, some of which ADS is welcoming expressions of interest for Maj Chris Coles BARUM & DEWAR LTD with FSi, Norway’s ADLER AND ALLAN OUTDOOR can be attributable to theCOTSWOLD cyber threat. 90% of a proposed collaboration BOWEN FLUID ENGINEERING SO2 Manoeuvre Support Plans large organisations and 74% of small businesses defence and security industry trade body, Tel: 01264 886178 will have suffered a security breach. 69% of large bringing UK and Norwegian defence industry Email: christopher.coles451@mod.gov.uk Defence Packaging Solutions and 38% of small businesses were attacked by companies together by staging a Defence & T: 01271 375197 Attendance is limited and will be allocated an unauthorised outsider last year whilst average E: Industry sales@barumanddewar.com Security Cooperation Day in15Oslo, in Cromarty Campus, Rosyth Dockyard, on a first come, first AdlerandAllan served basis. The deadline 01666 718576 W: www.barumanddewar.com costs for the worstT:E:possible breach range from 2YB follow-up to previous events in OsloFIFE in KY11 2012 groupsales@oandcc.com for applications is 25T: 0800 May5922018. 827 “Defence packaging solutions, rugged deployable cases, 01383427313 / 07940311164 W: www.cotswoldoutdoor.com/group-sales £75k to £311k for a small business to £1.46m to and London in bespoke 2014. Itinserts willandprovide aT:E:platform containers and 19” racks, foam fabric E: fm-defence@adlerandallan.co.uk accounts@bowenfluidengineering.co.uk / W: http://fm-defence.adlerandallan.co.uk £3.14m for a largeForbusiness. abowen@bowenfluidengineering.co.uk over 40 years we have worked closely with topouches/bag explore business development opportunities government and corporate organisations. We strive to W: www.bowenfluidengineering.co.uk Plastic cases Specialist Defence FM Support services used across · Peli, Storm,both SKB, Explorer, B&W, Thermodyne between industries, whether seeking new offer you a competitive and individually tailored 50 armed forces sites worldwide. ordering service. Specialising in marine and subsea hydraulics. We Aluminium cases business, offset opportunities, collaborative ITAR 2018 – US Export have 25 years’ experience in repairing, Bymaintaining implementing the basic cyber controls · Zarges & SKB and designing hydraulic equipment. Our focus is partners in each country or to address ATEC ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS CP CASES LTD Foam Engineering Controls Workshop required of the Government’s Cyber supporting the Royal Navy. · Custom Inserts for Cases/Fabric Bags opportunities inCNC third countries, or new sources · Dedicated facility using machines ENGINE CONTROLS Essentials Scheme businesses will protect Services: ofFlight supply. cases theiron information assets from almost 80% of · Delta ® Cases & Traditional Style • Hot oil flushing of hydraulic systems · The Plywood, Plastic and Aluminiumbe Honeycombe event would fully supported by both completion of manufacture, or after overhaul cyber threats. The MOD DCPP team would work or system failure. 23-25 JULY 2018 – STRATFORD UPON 19” Rack ʻSTRIVING FOR EXCELLENCEʼ governments with officials from both• Design countries · Delta ® Rack Cases Flexible Customised Design Unit 10-11, Worton Hall and manufacture of hydraulic power be happy to advise suppliers onIndustrial any aspects · Zarges, SKB , Thermodyne AVON packs/flushing rigs Units 10/11 Shield Drive, Wardley Industrial Estate,Worton Road, ISLEWORTH, participating in the programme including a • Overhaul/upgrade of existing power units of meeting these requirements and can be Estate, Worsley, Manchester M28 2QB Middlesex TW7 6ER Containers ADS is pleased to announce the return of • Overhaul of winches seminar and opportunity with · Delta ® Collapsible & Reusable Containersfor B2B meetings T: +44 (0) 161 727 0600 T: 020 8568 1881 E: sales@cpcases.com · Large Scale STC containers • Stabilizer systems and Steering gear contacted at: issdes-dcpp@mod.uk. www.atenginecontrols.com the increasingly popular ITAR workshop. This W: www.cpcases.com · Small to Medium Scale Containers the participating Norwegian companies. • Diesel engine strip repair · Standard Containers Adaptions and Modifications • Supply/ make/ fit hoses. Designers and manufacturers of hi-performance three-day workshop isATECfundamental those Engineering Solutions –to Reducing through life To register your interest, please contact: protective cases for transport, operation and Bespoke Fabrication costs of mission critical systems, Past, Present & Future · Trolleys and Handling Equipment” working in or those whose work involves storage of essential equipment Tamsin.Thorn@adsgroup.org.uk. knowledge of US Export Controls. With a range ATKINS of expert speakers leading conversations on a number of key topics, this comprehensive event really is the one and only place to learn about important updates, latest changes and The Hub, 500 Aztec West, Almondsbury, From only £650+VAT for a full year’s coverage, this is the most cost-effective way enhancing knowledge. BRISTOL BS32 4RZ of giving you a full 12 months’ promotion through MOD Defence Contracts Bulletin T: 01454 662000 Those who are new to US Export Controls E: defencecommunications@atkinsglobal.com will also benefit fromW: attending this event, www.atkinsglobal.com Space is at a premium, so for further information, please phone Engineering and project management expertise from with specific workshops targeted to aid your concept through to delivery and operation of defence 0845 557 1315 or email enquiries@defenceonline.co.uk equipment and systemssubject. understanding of thisfacilities, highly complex

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Cyber Protection in the Supply Chain SOME OF YOU may have noticed a reference in the recently published Cabinet Office Report on Progress and Forward Plans of The UK Cyber Security Strategy to the Defence Cyber Protection Partnership (DCPP); others may have seen a presentation on this topic in the past few months but I suspect for the majority this may be your first exposure to this work. DCPP is a Secretary of State endorsed joint government and industry initiative to improve the protection of defence information when held by the supply chain, ie companies like you. The principal way it will do this is through the roll-out of a Cyber Security Model (CSM). The CSM comprises three elements – a risk assessment process, a set of cyber assurance profiles, and a supplier assurance questionnaire. The risk assessment process will be completed by the contracting authority. This will be MOD in all cases; but, as elements of a contract flow down to sub-contractors, there will also be a requirement for this process to be repeated by the relevant supplier. The risk assessment process uses a set of questions about the proposed task to set a risk level for that contract based on a range of factors including the nature of the supply, the protective marking of the material being handled and the impact of any compromise of that information, among others There are five possible risk outcomes: • Not Applicable • Very Low • Low • Moderate • High There are a corresponding set of cyber assurance profiles which set out at each risk level the measures that a supplier will need to take to adequately and proportionately protect information. These measures build on HMG’s Cyber Essentials Scheme (CES) by adding, at Low, Moderate and High, additional measures needed to protect defence information from the greater and more sophisticated threat it faces. The final part of the CSM is a supplier assurance questionnaire which measures how a supplier is complying with the required measures. The intent is to mandate this approach contractually during 2015, although the exact start date won’t be known until we have agreed and implemented the required commercial mechanisms. However, it is planned to publish the assurance profiles ahead of any contractual implementation, along with a description of the criteria that will result in a contract being assigned each of the levels of risk (with the caveat that the ultimate decision will always be the output of the risk assessment process). Publishing this info will give you the opportunity to identify the risk level that the contracts you currently deliver, or aspire to deliver, are likely to attract along with visibility

of the measures you will need to achieve to demonstrate that you can satisfactorily mitigate that risk. In advance of the launch of the CSM you may wish to commence the process of achieving Cyber Essentials Scheme certification. Cyber Essentials is available at two levels: CES and CES Plus. Under our approach CES will be the sole measure required for Very Low risk contracts; for anything carrying a greater risk the baseline will be CES Plus. More information on what is involved and the difference between the two approaches is available at www.cyberstreetwise.com/cyberessentials. All of these elements and the proposed approach have been developed jointly with the industry partners of the DCPP – in fact they have led the work. Our piloting of the risk assessment process and supplier assurance questionnaire over the summer with a small number of projects (both MOD and supplier sides) gave us additional confidence that the approach is industry-friendly. That said we are also well aware that there will be further feedback generated when we start using these for real and will happily receive and collate all such comments for consideration as part of an ongoing review and refresh cycle. More targeted communications will follow as we get nearer to our lau nch date. In the meantime if you have any further questions please contact us at issdesdcpp@mod.uk

Function Information Note REQUIREMENT TO ENTER DUNS numbers when setting up new suppliers. 1. MOD needs to report spend with contractors by their Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number in order to meet Cabinet Office requirements, and on 18 December 2014 DBS changed their system to allow this change in reporting. This requires all Commercial staff to notify DBS of the DUNS number for any new supplier. A benefit for Commercial is that MOD will be able to report spend with SMEs more accurately. 2. The capture of the supplier DUNS number has now been mandated within the Defence Contracts Online tool, so that suppliers using this tool must enter their DUNS number when responding to adverts or using the Dynamic Pre Qualification Questionnaire. This allows Commercial users access to the supplier’s DUNS number. 3. Details of suppliers and their DUNS number therefore need to be set up on the Supplier Debtor Validation (SDV) application, managed by DBS. This enables the Department’s Financial Management System to recognise and pay the supplier. 4. Supplier set-up on SDV can be undertaken directly by those with user accounts. Commercial officers with accounts (or their business area users where known) should do so directly on SDV adding the supplier DUNS number when setting the supplier up.

5. Commercial officers without access to SDV either directly or through others, must ensure that the supplier DUNS number is annotated in the email that accompanies the electronic copy of DEFFORM 57 and contract documents sent to DBS. DBS will then update SDV. 6. If for any reason a DUNS number cannot be provided (eg the supplier is unwilling to obtain a DUNS number) then justification must be supplied. Submissions to DBS without DUNS number or justification will be rejected. 7. Suppliers who are not already in possession of a DUNS number can find more details and how to apply from www.dnb.co.uk (UK & ROI) or www.dnb.com. For UK & ROI suppliers there is no charge to obtain a DUNS number so you should strongly encourage suppliers to apply and provide details. 8. The TOPCAT team will report and monitor supplier records without DUNS number and challenge accordingly. 9. Existing supplier records are to be updated with DUNS numbers by a bulk data feed supplied by the TOPCAT team. The SDV User Guide is available from the DBS Finance – SDV webpage.

European Defence Standards Reference System UK DEFENCE STANDARDIZATION (DStan) and the International Relations Group (IRG) would like to inform DE&S staff of the European Defence Agency’s (EDA) standards selection support tool – the European Defence Standards Reference (EDSTAR) system. EDSTAR has been designed to aid members of project teams in national governmental procurement authorities or multinational project teams/ procurement agencies and others in their selection of the most appropriate standards and ‘standard-like’ documents when deciding upon and compiling their technical specifications. The system also provides invaluable support to members of project teams in defence industries with their standards selection when drafting technical specifications for sub-contractors. EDSTAR currently contains references to ‘Best Practice’ standards and standard-like specifications over 19 Technical Domains. The term Best Practice refers to standards and standard-like specifications which have been selected by consensus by industry and governmental organisations to be the best applicable standards for defence purposes. Beside references to Best Practice standards and standard-like specifications, EDSTAR also provides detailed recommendations for the application of the standards referenced in a number of Technical Domains. DStan and IRG would like to invite staff to utilise and participate in the further development of this free standards support tool for all their project and acquisition activities. Additionally, users will soon be able to access free copies of the Best Practice standards they require through the EDSTAR system. A number of nations, including France and Germany, are already encouraging their nations to use the EDSTAR system for multinational projects. For further information, visit: www.eda.europa.eu/EDSTAR/home.aspx

www.contracts.mod.uk :: Vol 16 No 11 :: 6 June 2018 :: MOD DCB



FINDING A HOME for the Royal Air Force’s mammoth A400M Atlas aircraft is no easy task. Designed and built to operate in the toughest locations, the aircraft will enhance the UK’s strategic capability and can carry up to 37 tonnes over a range of 2000 nautical miles and


has a wingspan of nearly 42.5 metres. A new £70 million hangar large enough to contain three of the RAF’s new Atlas transport aircraft at the same time has been built at RAF Brize Norton to make maintenance of the aircraft easier, safer and more efficient.

www.contracts.mod.uk :: Vol 16 No 11 :: 6 June 2018 :: MOD DCB

Officially opened in February by Minister for Defence Procurement Guto Bebb, the Atlas maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) facility, which covers 24,000 square metres and is 28 metres high, is now fitted out and fully operational in support of RAF transport operations all over the world. Entering operational service with the RAF in 2014, Atlas provides tactical airlift and strategic oversize lift capabilities complementing those of the Hercules and C-17 fleets. The aircraft is capable of carrying as many as 116 fully equipped troops; vehicles; helicopters, including a Chinook; mixed loads, including nine aircraft pallets and 54 passengers; or combinations of vehicles, pallets and personnel, up to a payload of 37 tonnes. It is able to deploy troops and equipment between and within theatres of operation either by parachute or by landing on short, potentially unprepared airstrips.


“The Atlas programme is delivering a world-class fleet for the RAF, offering the UK next-generation transport and airlift abilities for operations all over the world” Adrian Baguley, Director Air Support, DE&S

The RAF will operate 22 of the A400M Atlas aircraft, replacing the versatile C130 Hercules, in support of the deployment of the Joint Rapid Reaction Force. The tactical and strategic airlift aircraft will enable the RAF to support all three Services and be interoperable, while having the ability to operate from short, unprepared landing strips as well as performing at both low level (150 feet above ground) and high altitude (up to 40,000 feet); ensuring the deployment of conventional and high readiness forces and equipment directly into the operational area. Atlas can also carry armoured vehicles, drastically reducing the time it takes for a deploying force to be ready to fight. For humanitarian roles, it is capable of deploying mobile cranes, excavators and large dump trucks for disaster relief operations. The UK has ordered 22 Atlas aircraft

for the RAF, 18 of which have been delivered, with the entire fleet to be delivered by 2022. The hangar is designed to make Atlas maintenance easier, safer and more efficient. The internal layout is the result of extensive feedback from support delivery teams and has been designed to be highly adaptable with easy access to specialist tools and equipment. Minister for Defence Procurement Guto Bebb said: “From deploying troops and armoured vehicles to a war zone, to getting vital support to humanitarian disasters, our Atlas fleet plays a global role and it needs a home to match. “This huge hangar provides exactly that and will see Brize Norton ready our Atlas fleet for action wherever they are needed in the world.” The hangar was built under Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) contracts and cost approximately £70

million including fit-out work, with activity in the facility ramping up since late 2016 when it was handed to Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S), the MOD’s procurement organisation. Support for the UK’s Atlas fleet is enabled through a £410 million agreement between DE&S and Airbus Defence and Space – part of the UK’s ongoing commitment to the Atlas programme which is sustaining 8000 jobs across the national supply chain. Defence Equipment and Support Director Air Support, Adrian Baguley, commented: “The Atlas programme is delivering a world-class fleet for the RAF, offering the UK next-generation transport and airlift abilities for operations all over the world. “Expert support on the ground in the UK is an essential part of that capability and this new facility will ensure that work continues for decades to come.”

www.contracts.mod.uk :: Vol 16 No 11 :: 6 June 2018 :: MOD DCB



DVD2018 will bring together industry and defence in the land equipment sector on 19 and 20 September at Millbrook. It will showcase the equipment and technology that can support a British Army that is fit to meet future challenges and embrace the need for continuous evolution. The event, jointly sponsored by Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S) (Land Equipment) and Army Headquarters, will focus on 21st Century Manoeuvre and the importance of Army innovation to its future delivery and transformation. The theme for DVD2018 is ‘Innovation today and tomorrow: exploiting current capabilities more creatively and identifying novel solutions to enable Conceptual Force Land 2035.’ The international system is undergoing a major transition; the rules-based international order is under strain, characterised by uncertainty and instability. At the same time, the tempo of technological change and the pervasiveness of information are driving changes in the character of conflict.


However, the role of land power remains the same – to exert control within the land environment and to influence the behaviour of actors and the course of events. The framework through which this is achieved remains manoeuvre. A modern Army must explore novel solutions and experimentation in how it achieves manoeuvre. It must examine how it might use its current inventory differently and how it will operate in the future land environment, interoperable with combined, joint, intra-governmental, inter-agency and multinational systems. Such innovation must be cognisant of the need to train for complex future operating environments exploiting simulation and technology that can support a live, virtual and constructive blend of training. Future equipment must also provide logistic efficiency and agility with key emphasis placed upon reducing logistic need. DVD2018 is an opportunity to demonstrate the vital contribution capability innovation and industry collaboration can make to enable an affordable and sustainable Army ready

www.contracts.mod.uk :: Vol 16 No 11 :: 6 June 2018 :: MOD DCB

for the challenges of the future. Innovation Innovation can be achieved through technological innovation of equipment and systems – which will be exhibited at DVD2018. However, change could also be realised through innovating how equipment is procured, stored, held at readiness, deployed, operated and supported on operations, and could include a holistic review of the workforce required to conduct these activities – be they military or contractor solutions – as part of the Whole Force Approach. Particular areas of interest that will be developed through DVD2018 engagement between defence industry, DE&S and Army Teams, defence presentations and workshops include: • The Army Strike Concept Strike aims to deliver a highly deployable infantry force able to sustain movement, manoeuvre and long-range patrolling, under armour, for distances that a heavy armoured-tracked force


“DVD2018 will afford both customer and supplier the opportunity to enhance our shared understanding of the challenges that we face and to generate solutions” Colin McClean, Director Land Equipment

cannot match. Concept developed is being enabled through the Strike Experimentation Group (SEG). Ideas and solutions to store, prepare, deploy, project and support the ‘Strike’ force and its equipment will be considered. • Specialised Infantry Group Specialised Infantry Battalions are being developed to provide an increased contribution to countering terrorism and building stability overseas. They will conduct defence engagement and capacity building, providing training, assistance, advice and mentoring to our partners. There are currently two Specialised Infantry Battalions, with a further two planned to be established in 2019. • Reducing Logistic Need (RLN) Reducing Logistic Need is a significant challenge – enabling Manoeuvre, supporting the Strike concept with enhanced reach and agility, set within the context of the current financial pressures. RLN will consider improvements to support solutions for land systems, ideas to reduce both logistic demand and efficient supply, the need to develop Logistic Information Exploitation (Log IX) systems, and appropriate people to manage and deliver agile logistic solutions. • DEEP operations The deep battle focuses on an enemy’s uncommitted forces. As part of developing the deep battle, improvements in Intelligence,

Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance (ISTAR) capabilities and Mobile Fires Platforms are envisaged. • Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence (C4I) systems The development of C4I systems and investment in our ability to communicate and to share information will complement the Army’s contribution to the Joint Force Capability. • Year of Engineering and STEM development The Year of Engineering is a government campaign which celebrates engineering. It forms an important part of our Industrial Strategy which is committed to boosting engineering across the UK. This campaign includes activities to highlight the need to develop science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) skills and improve awareness designed to inspire interest in these sectors. Those attending will be able to see a wide range of equipment on display from industry and the military, with more than 250 companies expected to exhibit at the event. Displays will include mobile vehicle demonstrations, equipment suppliers, spares provisioners and service providers. Visitors will experience a full agenda over the two days. They will have the opportunity to interact with defence

industry exhibitors, showcasing the equipment, innovative technology and support solutions that might meet the future land equipment requirements. For those involved in Land Equipment for Army Headquarters, DE&S and Front Line Commands, DVD2018 provides an ideal opportunity to identify innovation, develop ideas and generate a greater understanding of technologies, capabilities and requirements. In recognition of the ‘Year of Engineering’ and the Army’s commitment to encouraging more young people into STEM subjects and related careers within the Army, this year’s DVD will welcome a number of engineering undergraduates, who will have the unique opportunity to access the end users of equipment, together with those who make decisions on acquisition and industry, all in one event. Colin McClean, Director Land Equipment, explains: “Having been a founding member of DVD when I worked in CSVL IPT in 2001, I am a huge fan of what the event offers. We currently live in challenging times, both operationally and financially, so as never before we must work as a team for mutually beneficial outcomes. “DVD2018 will afford both customer and supplier the opportunity to enhance our shared understanding of the challenges that we face and to generate solutions. I look forward to welcoming you to Millbrook.”


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Contractor Directory

The specification requirements of the MOD and Prime Contractor market are constantly changing, increasing the need to identify new potential suppliers on a daily basis. MOD DCB continues to develop its position as the essential marketing platform for this sector. ALLAN WEBB LTD

Red Lodge, Bonds Mill, STONEHOUSE, Gloucestershire GL10 3RF T: 01453 824581 E: dcb@allanwebb.co.uk W: www.allanwebb.co.uk Leading provider of specialist services within Integrated Logistics Support, Inventory / Obsolescence Management, Technical Documentation, Codification Management and Spares Procurement Support


BAMPTON PACKAGING Lenton Lane, NOTTINGHAM NG7 2NR T: 0115 986 8601 E: sales@bamptonpackaging.co.uk W: www.bamptonpackaging.co.uk MPAS certified. Military packing to Def Stan 81-41 to all levels including grade ‘A’ Cleaning to DGS-PS-5104. In-house or on-site EXPORT packing service. Manufacturers of bespoke timber and plywood Cases. Converters of corrugated (lightweight &heavy duty) and most commonly used foams.



BCB INTERNATIONAL Clydesmuir Road Industrial Estate, CARDIFF CF24 2QS

The Bramery, 44 Alstone Lane, Cheltenham GL51 8HE T: 01242 519119 E: enquiries@cdsds.uk W: www.cdsds.uk

W: www.bcbin.com & www.uas.wales T: +44 29 2043 3700 F: +44 29 2043 3700 E: info@bcbin.com V: www.youtube.com/bcbin Catalogues: www.issuu.com/bcbin Designers and manufacturers of innovative quality military equipment, e.g. tents, ballistic protection, field cooking innovative clothing, camouflage, bivouac,hand tools, marine medical and survival

Leading support company providing Technical Documentation, Safety, Training, Technology Enhanced Learning and IA to the MOD and Defence



Defence Packaging Solutions


T: 01271 375197 E: sales@barumanddewar.com W: www.barumanddewar.com

T: 0800 592 827 E: fm-defence@adlerandallan.co.uk W: http://fm-defence.adlerandallan.co.uk

“Defence packaging solutions, rugged deployable cases, containers and 19” racks, bespoke foam inserts and fabric pouches/bag

Specialist Defence FM Support services used across 50 armed forces sites worldwide.

Plastic cases · Peli, Storm, SKB, Explorer, B&W, Thermodyne Aluminium cases · Zarges & SKB


Foam Engineering · Custom Inserts for Cases/Fabric Bags · Dedicated facility using CNC machines Flight cases · Delta ® Cases & Traditional Style · Plywood, Plastic and Aluminium Honeycombe


Units 10/11 Shield Drive, Wardley Industrial Estate, Worsley, Manchester M28 2QB T: +44 (0) 161 727 0600 www.atenginecontrols.com ATEC Engineering Solutions – Reducing through life costs of mission critical systems, Past, Present & Future


The Hub, 500 Aztec West, Almondsbury, BRISTOL BS32 4RZ T: 01454 662000 E: defencecommunications@atkinsglobal.com W: www.atkinsglobal.com Engineering and project management expertise from concept through to delivery and operation of defence facilities, equipment and systems

19” Rack · Delta ® Rack Cases Flexible Customised Design · Zarges, SKB , Thermodyne Containers · Delta ® Collapsible & Reusable Containers · Large Scale STC containers · Small to Medium Scale Containers · Standard Containers Adaptions and Modifications

15 Cromarty Campus, Rosyth Dockyard, FIFE KY11 2YB T: 01383427313 / 07940311164 E: accounts@bowenfluidengineering.co.uk / abowen@bowenfluidengineering.co.uk W: www.bowenfluidengineering.co.uk Specialising in marine and subsea hydraulics. We have 25 years’ experience in repairing, maintaining and designing hydraulic equipment. Our focus is supporting the Royal Navy.

T: 01666 718576 E: groupsales@oandcc.com W: www.cotswoldoutdoor.com/group-sales For over 40 years we have worked closely with government and corporate organisations. We strive to offer you a competitive and individually tailored ordering service.


Services: • Hot oil flushing of hydraulic systems on completion of manufacture, or after overhaul work or system failure. • Design and manufacture of hydraulic power packs/flushing rigs • Overhaul/upgrade of existing power units • Overhaul of winches • Stabilizer systems and Steering gear • Diesel engine strip repair • Supply/ make/ fit hoses.

Bespoke Fabrication · Trolleys and Handling Equipment”

Unit 10-11, Worton Hall Industrial Estate,Worton Road, ISLEWORTH, Middlesex TW7 6ER T: 020 8568 1881 E: sales@cpcases.com W: www.cpcases.com Designers and manufacturers of hi-performance protective cases for transport, operation and storage of essential equipment

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Park Road, Lockwood, HUDDERSFIELD, West Yorkshire, HD4 5DD T: +44 (0) 1484 465500 E: uk@dbsantasalo.com W: www.dbsantasalo.com Innovative designer and manufacturer of power transmission systems for land and marine defence gearing applications.

Cranfield Defence and Security SHRIVENHAM, Oxon SN6 8LA E: study@cranfield.ac.uk T: 01234 758540

Cranfield University is one of the world's leading universities for defence and security education, research and consultancy. Our staff and facilities are at the forefront of their fields, offering a diverse range of capabilities from energetics and forensic sciences to international stabilisation and cyber security.

Cranfield provides specialist knowledge to industry, security and emergency services, military, governments and NGOs, underpinning defence and security sector reform around the world. As a postgraduate academic provider to the UK’s Ministry of Defence, we offer a unique gateway to delivering practical education and solutions that make a real difference to the lives of military, security and civilian personnel.




GORDANO SUPPORT G R O U P BRISTOL and CHELTENHAM T: 01275 349888 E: sales@gordanosupport.com W: www.gordanosupport.com MPAS certified design and manufacture of performance packaging. Logistics support services & contract packing, Military std. materials @ Go2for.com


Units 14 and 15 Pages Industrial Park, Eden Way, LEIGHTON BUZZARD, Bedfordshire LU7 4TZ T: 01525 374416 E: sales@jitpaktechnical.com W: www.jptltd.com Leading case & foam solution manufacturer. 3000+ designs produced for industry Multi CNC production facility

Millham, Mountfield, ROBERTSBRIDGE, East Sussex TN32 5JU E: info@dvsmil.com T: +44(0)1580881199 W: www.dvsmil.com Second Generation EMCCD. A new 2G EMCCD colour camera for 24-hour operation. The single camera able to provide images from full daylight to clear starlight.


100 Longwater Avenue, Green Park, READING, Berkshire RG2 6GP T: 0118 921 3510 E: info@dssec.co.uk W: www.dssec.co.uk Specialist ILS, ARM, Safety and Cyber Security support solution design and implementation provider.


47 Victoria Industrial Park, DARTFORD, Kent DA1 5AJ T: 01322 291595 E: info@fewellprecision.com W: www.fewellprecision.com Manufacturers of precision components and assemblies including suppliers of parts for the 105 light gun and military vehicles BS EN ISO 9001 2015

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Cowley Road, UXBRIDGE, Middlesex UB8 2AF T: 01895 457551 E: hhvdefsales@circor.com W: www.halehamilton.com Hale Hamilton supply valves for submarine and warship applications, specialising in high pressure systems/ components


4 Merse Road, North Moon’s Moat, REDDITCH, Worcestershire B98 9HL T: 0152 761243 E: headoffice@b-hepworth.com W: www.b-hepworth.com Hepworth International design, manufacture and supply windscreen wiping systems, washing equipment, and associated control systems


Unit 3 The Woodford Centre, Lysander Way SALISBURY SP4 6BU T: +44 (0) 1722 439880 F: +44 (0) 1722 326818 E: sales@icenta.co.uk W: icenta.co.uk


Swanwick Marina, Swanwick, SOUTHAMPTON, SO31 1ZL T: 01489 577588 E: service@landauuk.com W: www.landauuk.com Landau UK specialises in vessel general maintenance, upgrades and annual contract maintenance projects for military and commercial marine boats, workboats and commercial passenger ships across the UK and Europe.


T: 0118 981 1406 E: sales@lifemarque.co.uk W: www.lifesystems.co.uk

iCenta Controls is an independent company that specialises in the supply of flow meters, level sensors, instrumentation and control systems to engineering, manufacturing and process industries throughout the UK and overseas.

Leading provider of First Aid Kits, Mosquito Repellents and Nets, Survival Kit, Dry Bags and Thermal Mugs. UK design – bespoke available. Quick turnaround.



Contact: Richard Poole E: rpoole@3sisafety.com W: www.ispl.co.uk Experts in developing bespoke integrated lifejacket solutions for niche military applications from ground forces to aircrew and amphibious operations. Products carry a range of NSN’s.


Over 50 years of design and case and foam manufacturing experience in our small team We are one of Europe’s largest multi brand case dealers. We can supply the market leading Peli and Peli-Storm brands, with support from Explorer, SKB and Nanuk case ranges. We also can offer the extensive Peli-Hardigg range of Rotational moulded cases, boasting more than 400 military approved case options.

331 Lysons Avenue, ASH VALE, Surrey GU12 5QF T: 01252 894600 E: enquiries@lincad.co.uk W: www.lincad.co.uk Experts in the design and manufacture of bespoke batteries, chargers and power management systems for military and other specialist applications


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Diplocks Way, HAILSHAM, East Sussex BN27 3GU T: 01323 444444 E: sales@marlowropes.com W: www.marlowropes.com


Marlow Ropes manufacture and supply British made fibre ropes to both regular and special forces


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The official source of UK MOD contract opportunities Registration on MOD DCO is absolutely free and brings you access to the following features: Access to MOD defence contracts and awards database 24/7 Online Search Bespoke Daily Email Alert MOD Defence Contracts Bulletin*

Find out more about MOD DCO or register FREE at:


* Available through annual subscription

5 April 2017 :: Vol 15 No 6

S Pre CT vie X 2 w 01 Ed 7 itio n

CONTENTS Selling to the Ministry of Defence


How to Use this Publication 33 Guide to Contracts


Defence Standards


CONTRACTS Index 36 Requests for Information 38 Prior Information Notices 38 Contract Notices


Voluntary Transparency Notices 49 Contract Bidders Notices 50

SCTX 2017: Contract Awards an international 50 Inside this platform for Addendum 57 issue: global security Page 22

Protecting against low-tech assaults on our critical infrastructure Page 24

MOD DCB Service provided by Defence Contracts Online (DCO)

Guarding against the rise in terrorist cyber skills

Page 26

Page 28

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© Crown Copyright


Tackling the rising force of cyber terrorism

Published in association with thethe Ministry of Defence Published in association with Ministry of Defence

MOD DCB Service provided by Defence Contracts Online (DCO)

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Helping You Sell to the Ministry of Defence


t is important for any company seeking business to find out as much as they can about the potential customer and their needs. The MOD Defence Contracts Bulletin (MOD DCB), published in conjunction with the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD), contains details of potential prime and sub-contract opportunities arising from the MOD's competitive and non-competitive ‘warlike’ and ‘non-warlike’ requirements valued at £118,133 and above. Details of potential prime and sub-contract opportunities arising from all the MOD's competitive and non-competitive ‘warlike’ and ‘nonwarlike’ requirements valued at £10,000 and above can be found on the Defence Contracts Online (MOD DCO) service at www.contracts.mod.uk free of charge. The material in this publication is intended only as a guide. The MOD is UK industry’s single largest customer, with a spend of £19.6 billion in FY 2014/15. Supplying to the MOD can open up not just opportunities in the UK, but also export opportunities to other defence buyers. While many of the MOD’s requirements are military in nature, many are not – as a major land and property owner and employer, the MOD has requirements for anything from window cleaning to catering. Although every effort is made to ensure that the information given within MOD DCB is accurate, the MOD is not to be taken as incurring any legal or contractual liability whatsoever as a result of any statements made in the magazine. Announcements contained in this publication remain Crown Copyright, with the sole exception of those concerning requirements of US Forces, copyright of which is vested in the US Government.

Quality Assurance and Certification To reduce risk the MOD prefers to contract with suppliers that use certified management systems. The management system specified in an Invitation To Tender (ITT) depends on the type and complexity of the product or service required. When no particular management system is specified (No Def ), the MOD does not require a supplier to have a certified management system. When a particular management system (eg ISO 9001) is specified in the ITT, then certification must be obtained from a third-party Certification Body which has been accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) or by a signatory to

the International Accreditation Forum – Multi Lateral Agreement (IAF-MLA). When responding to an MOD ITT in which ISO 9001 has been specified, suppliers are to clearly state what exclusions, if any, have been made in their certification from the full requirements of ISO 9001. The MOD reserves the right at all times to conduct sufficient investigation to determine the credibility of accredited quality certificates offered by suppliers. Should it be necessary, the MOD will conduct its own assessments or take action to have the credibility of the certification verified.

Commitment to Procure Suppliers should note that, whilst entries in either the Contract Notices / Voluntary Transparency Notices or Contract Bidders Notices sections of this publication are placed in good faith with the aim of fulfilling a potential MOD requirement, needs, priorities or applications may subsequently change. Thus, the announcement of a Contract Notice / Voluntary Transparency Notice, or the issue of an Invitation to Tender, is not to be construed as a commitment by the MOD to place an order as a result of the tendering exercise or at a later stage. Any expenditure, work or effort undertaken prior to contract award is accordingly a matter solely for the commercial judgement of potential suppliers.

Contract Notices / Voluntary Transparency Notices The intention of this section is to provide companies with as much advance warning as possible of forthcoming MOD tenders or contracts. Should a purchase be decided, full documentation for the requirement will be available in due course and an announcement will appear in the usual way. Companies are invited to note the summaries given and register their interest, if appropriate, with the named MOD acquisition team, quoting the project/requirement title. The announcement of a future requirement is not to be construed as confirmation that a tender/contract will subsequently be issued. Announcements are for information only.

Advice for New Suppliers


he UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) spends over half its budget each year on equipment, works and miscellaneous stores and services, ranging from tanks, ships and aircraft through to tools, clothing, window cleaning and much more besides. Increasingly, the MOD is placing its requirements with Prime Contractors and many of the opportunities will arise within the Prime Contractor’s supply chain. To ensure it achieves best value for money, the MOD encourages competition in the supply chain. If you are interested in competing for defence business at the prime or sub-contractor level, you should contact, in the first place, the Doing Business with Defence Team (previously DSS).

What does the Team offer? • Easily accessible focal point for enquiries. • Free advice and assistance to all new suppliers on how to do business with the MOD. • Signposting services. If you need specialist advice they can put you in touch with the right people who are directly involved with the procurment of a wide range of goods, services or works. For your copy of Doing Business with the MOD, freephone 0800 282 324.

will add any new bidders to the competition or accept any of the resulting bids. In considering any applications for addition to the list of bidders, the MOD will have regard to the number of companies already invited in relation to the size and nature of the requirement.

Potential Sub-Contractors Companies wishing to apply for sub-contracting work on the tenders or contracts listed herein may apply to any of the companies to which the tender or contract concerned has been issued. Any additions to, or deletions from, lists of tenderers will be contained in the Addendum section in each issue of the Bulletin. It is the responsibility of the Prime Contractor to decide with whom to place sub-contracts. In making the decision, the Prime will take into account the ability of the sub-contractor to meet the quality required and to meet all other aspects of the requirement.

How do you contact the Team? Write to:

Doing Business with Defence Team Supplier Relations Team (SRT) Abbey Wood South, Poplar Level 1, #2119 BRISTOL BS34 8JH


(from inside UK) 030 6793 2843 (from outside UK) +44 (0)117 913 2483



Potential Prime Contractors Companies wishing to consider tendering for a requirement shown in this publication should contact the Issuing Branch named. The MOD reserves the right not to release further information or to entertain requests to be placed on bidders lists for specific projects. The MOD’s judgement is final in any such matters. Publication of the details of an Invitation to Tender does not imply that the MOD 32  34

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How to Use this Publication


OD Defence Contracts Bulletin (MOD DCB) provides a gateway to new business opportunities for companies, large and small, who wish to compete for UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) business, either directly as a Prime Contractor, or indirectly as a sub-contractor. MOD DCB, in addition to containing information on how to tender for UK MOD contracts as a Prime Contractor or sub-contractor, contains announcements made by defence-related organisations that are pertinent to defence procurement. It also provides information on MOD Contract Notices/VTNs, so providing suppliers with advance notification of forthcoming MOD tenders or contracts. The publication of Contract Bidders Notices and Contract Award Notices also allows those wishing to act as subcontractors to identify potential new business opportunities. The Sub-Contract Opportunities section also provides potential business opportunities for those companies wishing to act as sub-contractors to the MOD. It allows the MOD’s Prime Contractors to advertise, free of charge, subcontract opportunities valued in excess of £10,000 and resulting from MOD Prime Contracts. This may be of particular interest to small and medium-sized companies interested in becoming defence suppliers.* For ease of reference, information within MOD DCB is listed by section, each relating to a specific topic area. Useful resources to assist companies in dealing with the UK MOD, and the broader defence and security marketplace, can be found on the MOD Defence Contracts Online (MOD DCO) website at www.contracts.mod.uk. *The MOD and BiP Solutions Ltd do not take any responsibility for the content of the announcements made within the Sub-Contract Opportunities section.


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65 June 1615 NoNo 11 6 April2018 2017:: ::VolVol

S Pre CT vie X 2 w 01 Ed 7 itio n

Access Code Each tender exercise has a unique tender Access Code which will be published in the Contract Notice. Suppliers use this code to access the PQQ documents and respond online.

Address for Further Information Address to which you apply for further information.

Advertised in Indicates MOD DCB publication date, volume number and issue number in which the contract advertisement first appeared (where appropriate).

Awarded to Name, address and contact details of organisation successful in winning the contract. Giant of the Skies: Atlas finds a new home at Brize Norton

Inside this issue:

SCTX 2017: an international platform for global security


Page 22

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5 April 2017 :: Vol 15 No 6


Protecting against low-tech assaults on our critical infrastructure Page 24

Tackling the rising force of cyber terrorism

Guarding againstDVD2018 the – is rise in Innovation terrorist key to Army cyberTransformation skills

Page 26

Page 28 PAGE 24


© Crown Copyright

© Crown Copyright

Contract Bidders Notices These notices apply to all competitive contracts, both OJEU and exempt, and identify which organisations have been invited to tender.

SCTX Previe w 2017 Editio n


CONTENTS Selling to the Ministry of Defence


How to Use this Publication


Guide to Contracts


Defence Standards




Requests for Information 38 Prior Information Notices 40 Contract Notices


Voluntary Transparency Notices


Contract Bidders Notices 50 Contract Awards

Inside this Addendum issue:

SCTX 2017: an international 50 platform for global57 security Page 22

Protecting against low-tech assaults on our critical infrastructure Page 24

Guarding against the rise in terrorist cyber skills

Page 26

Page 28

DEFENCE CONTRACTS www.contracts.mod.uk

© Crown Copyright


MOD DCB Service provided by Defence Contracts Online (DCO)

Tackling the rising force of cyber terrorism

Published in association with thethe Ministry of Defence Published in association with Ministry of Defence

MOD DCB Service provided by Defence Contracts Online (DCO)

www.contracts.mod.uk :: Vol 16 No 11 :: 6 June 2018 :: MOD DCB



Published in association with thethe Ministry of Defence Published in association with Ministry of Defence MOD DCB DCB Service MOD Service provided by provided byDefence Defence Contracts Online Contracts Online(DCO) (DCO)

Contract Number Reference number of contract in Contracts Awarded section (usually the same as the Contract Notice number and ITT number). Also the reference number for Sub-Contractor Opportunities. This reference must be quoted in all communications regarding the contract.

MOD DCB Production Deadlines MOD buyers can view the production deadlines and publication dates for MOD DCB at: www.contracts.mod.uk/buyers/ activitycentre/index.shtml

Guide to Contract Notice Sections

Contract Strategy Strategy under which the contract has been issued.

Contract Title Title of contract, giving basic description of requirement.

Date Sent to EU Journal Indicates the date the contact advertisement was issued for inclusion in the Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) (where appropriate).

Dynamic Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (DPQQ) Standardised online PQQ templates used for responding to tenders.

Estimated Value of Requirement

Requests for Information (RFI)

A banding within which the value of a contract is expected to fall.

The purpose of an RFI is to obtain information from the market and/or experts. This will likely relate to procurements where the requirement and procurement strategy is in the early stages of development.

Issue Date of Contract

Prior Information Notices (PIN)

Issued to

The purpose of a PIN is to give potential suppliers early opportunity to prepare for an upcoming procurement. Where the requirement and/or procurement strategy has yet to be fixed, the PIN may also be used to seek information/feedback from the market. Contract Notices are used as the call for competition in all competitive procedures. The Contract Notice starts the formal procurement procedure. It allows potential suppliers to express an interest (or request to participate) in the procurement procedure. The purpose of the VTN is to announce the decision that the MOD intends to conduct single source procurement. The notice includes the name of the chosen supplier and the reason(s) why the procurement is single source. The VTN provides the market with an opportunity to raise an objection if they think single source procurement is unjustified or contact the proposed supplier with regards to subcontracting opportunities.

ITT Issue Date Indicates the date for issue of the Invitation to Tender (ITT) to selected organisations. Reference number of contract in Tenders Invited section (usually same as Contract Notice number). This reference must be quoted in all communications regarding the contract.

ITT Return Date Indicates the date by which organisations should return their tenders to the issuing branch.

QA Standards

Contract Bidders Notices

The purpose of the CBN is to announce the names and addresses of suppliers who have been issued an Invitation to Tender (ITT), Invitation to Negotiate (ITN) or Invitation to Participate in Dialogue (ITPD). The purpose of this notice is to announce the result of a procurement procedure. It will state the name and address of the supplier(s) to whom the MOD has awarded the contract(s) as well as the value of the contract(s). Some contracts are awarded after a competitive procedure, while others are placed non-competitively. Announces amendments to notices previously published.

Issuing Branch/Organisation Details

ITT Number

Voluntary Transparency Notices (VTN)


Name, address and contact details of organisations successful in being invited to tender for a contract. The body issuing the contract, to whom enquiries (quoting the appropriate reference number) should be addressed.

Contract Notices

Contract Awards

Intended date for issue of contract to successful organisation(s).

Indicates the minimum quality standard acceptable to the issuing branch.

Response Manager The Response Manager tool allows suppliers to view, manage and track their responses to opportunities.

Reverse Auction An auction process involving various bidders, the aim of which is for the buyer to achieve the lowest price.

Summary of Requirement/Description of Works A more detailed description of the requirements of the contract.

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Advertising the MOD’s Tender MOD DCO / MOD DCB Value Bands and Contract Opportunities


he MOD already leads the way in the transparency of its tender and contract opportunities and procedures. The MOD lowered the threshold for the advertisement of its tender and contract opportunities from 1 April 2011. In line with the measures contained in the White Paper ‘National Security Through Technology’, published in February 2014, this was one of a range of measures aimed at making the MOD easier for SMES to do business with. The MOD is committed to encouraging SME entry into a broader range of defence opportunities, and this change has been welcomed by the defence trade associations.

All competitive contract opportunities for goods, services and works valued at greater than £10,000 must be advertised both before and after contract award on MOD DCO, unless the requirement meets the approved grounds for exclusion from MOD DCO (see ‘Exemptions’ below). All noncompetitive contract opportunities with a value of over £40,000 are also required to be advertised on MOD DCO. The MOD’s requirements for goods, services and works valued at £118,133 or above must also be advertised within the MOD DCB publication. The advertising regimes and thresholds are as set out below: £10,000 to £118,133 – All requirements for goods, services or works valued at equal to or less than £118,133 that are not exempt from being advertised in MOD DCO, can be advertised, at the discretion of MOD acquisition staff, on MOD DCO and on the Contracts Finder portal, the exception being requirements met by call-offs under an existing framework agreement. £118,133 or above – All requirements for goods, services or works valued at equal to or greater than £118,133 will be advertised on MOD DCO and within MOD DCB unless the requirement meets the approved grounds for exclusion from MOD DCO and MOD DCB. Where EU Public Procurement Regulations apply, the requirement must be advertised in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) as well as in MOD DCO/DCB. MOD DCB is published fortnightly whereas MOD DCO is updated daily. Tender and contract notices are advertised in the Contract Notices / Voluntary Transparency Notices, Contract Bidders Notices, Contract Awards and Sub-Contract Opportunities sections of each. The Sub-Contract Opportunities section provides details of the MOD’s Prime Contractors’ requirements, while the Contract Bidders Notices section includes the names and addresses of the companies that have been invited to tender for various Prime Contract requirements and which may be seeking subcontractors for elements of their bids. Subscriptions to MOD DCB are available from the publisher, BiP Solutions Ltd. The MOD DCO website is free to access upon registration. Further information regarding MOD DCO and MOD DCB can be found at www.contracts.mod.uk.

Exemptions from advertising in MOD DCO/DCB Requirements for the following, and services connected to them, are approved exemptions from advertisement in MOD DCO/DCB: a) Nuclear weapons and nuclear propulsion systems; b) Toxic and radioactive agents; c) Requirements for which no meaningful unclassified advertisement can be written; d) Requirements covered by international agreements and/or a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), the terms of which preclude MOD DCO/DCB announcements; e) Formally approved Urgent Operational Requirements (UORs) may be exempted from adverts in the Contract Notices / Voluntary Transparency Notices and Contract Bidders Notices sections of MOD DCO/DCB and reduced timescales may be applied. Further guidance regarding advertisement of the MOD’s tender and contract opportunities can be found in the ‘Advertising’ topic in the Commercial Toolkit. This can be accessed as follows: www.aof.mod.uk/aofcontent/tactical/ toolkit/downloadsindexed/advert/advert_cps.pdf 34  36

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ontracts published within the Contract Notices / Voluntary Transparency Notices and Contract Bidders Notices sections of MOD DCB contain value banding information. Value bands are used by the MOD to indicate the approximate value of the contract being advertised. They are provided for guidance only, but are useful in helping to assess whether your organisation should consider responding to the contract notice.


The bandings are: Category A:

£400,000,000 and above

Category A1:

£250,000,000 to £400,000,000

Category B1:

£100,000,000 to £250,000,000

Category C:

£20,000,000 to £100,000,000

Category D:

£10,000,000 to £20,000,000

Category E1:

£4,500,000 to £10,000,000

Category F1c:

£869,716 to £4,500,000

Category F1d:

£347,868 to £869,716

Category G1:

£113,057 to £347,868

Category H1b:

£10,000 to £113,057

BiP Solutions, the publisher of MOD Defence Contracts Bulletin, does not accept responsibility for any errors, inaccuracies or omissions contained within this section of MOD Defence Contracts Bulletin, and shall not be held liable for any loss suffered directly or indirectly as a result of the use of this publication.

The threshold for MOD sub-contract opportunities has been lowered from £250,000 to £10,000 to align it with the reduced advertising thresholds for MOD's tender and contract opportunities.

MOD Supplier Information Database (MOD SID)


he MOD Supplier Information Database (MOD SID) raises the visibility of your company among MOD buyers, and can be found on the MOD DCO website (www.contracts.mod.uk). The MOD SID is a database of active and potential suppliers available to all MOD and UK defence procurement personnel, and is the main supplier database of MOD procurement organisations. Please note: The MOD SID does not represent a list of approved or vetted suppliers. Supplier information on the MOD SID is not vetted by the MOD, and MOD staff are advised that the supplier information displayed on the MOD SID is provided and maintained by suppliers. The registration and publication of a company profile on the MOD SID does not mean or imply that the supplier has in any way been vetted or approved by the MOD. Suppliers wishing to compete for advertised MOD contracts must respond to any specific call for competition by submitting a separate Expression of Interest in accordance with the instructions of the purchasing organisation.

MOD Defence Contracts Online Resources


number of useful resources are available on the MOD DCO website (www.contracts.mod.uk), with the aim of helping businesses engage more effectively with the MOD. The resources will be updated frequently, so ensure you visit this section regularly to keep up to date with developments. Resources include: European and Global Defence Contracts – Access to these subscription services which provide details of European and Global defence contract opportunities are provided by BiP Solutions Ltd entirely independently of the MOD. MOD Actions Plans for SMEs – The MOD has agreed with its key suppliers methods of increasing the level of opportunities available for SMEs to participate within its supply chain. A list of contact email addresses for the MOD’s key suppliers is now available online; companies wishing to contact these suppliers in the context of possible defence-related sub-contract opportunities can do so via this list. NATO Infrastructure Projects – Overview of NATO Maintenance and Supply Projects.

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Selection of Standards for Use in Defence Acquisition


he selection of standards is key to the success of any technical acquisition project. This selection process needs to be conducted intelligently and in accordance with the correct EU Directives to ensure success. The intelligent selection of standards will drive standardization and interoperability within a project by achieving commonality, interchangeability and compatibility. Standardization and interoperability assist the UK in achieving its NATO obligations and bring NATO into the heart of defence. This intelligent selection process enables a through-life standardization management approach that promotes: • The use of civil standards wherever possible, utilising military standards only where necessary. • Collaboration with NATO as the bedrock of our defence. • Security and prosperity through an outward-facing European Union. • Collaborative relationships with national and international standards development organisations This is all enabled by the EU Defence and Security Public Contracts Regulations (DSPCR) which establish the rules for the procurement of defence and sensitive security-related goods, works and services. It ensures that technical specifications do not create obstacles to opening up public procurement to competition. Subject to: • Technical requirements related to product safety, which are compulsory in the UK, or

• Technical requirements related to interoperability to be met by the UK under international standardization agreements Standards must be referenced in contracts in accordance with the following order of preference highlighted in the technical requirements section of the DSPCR: • British standards transposing European standards (BS EN <number>) • Common technical specifications (a technical specification drawn up in accordance with a procedure recognised by Member States with a view to uniform application in all Member States and which had been published in the Official Journal) • British standards transposing international standards (BS ISO <number>) • Other international standards (civil standards adopted by an international standards organisation including ISO or IEC standards) • British standards (BS <number>) • Civil technical specifications (originated and recognised by industry, Lloyds register, IEEE standards) Defence Standards are only referenced when no other suitable technical specification exists. UK Defence standards are available from the DStan website and the DStan Helpdesk. DStan also offers advice and guidance on the intelligent selection of standards.

Supply of Standards


K Defence Standards are available from the UK Defence Standardization (DStan) website (www.dstan.mod.uk), the Acquisition Systems Guidance (ASG), the DStan intranet and the DStan Helpdesk. Information on other standards is also available from the DStan Helpdesk.

Advertising opportunities available, call: 0845 270 7066 or email: advertising@bipsolutions.com


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Reach Prime Contractors and second and third tier suppliers and open up sub-contracting opportunities. Develop strategic business growth opportunities

0161 270 413 7066 6170 Discover your advertising opportunities today by contacting advertising@bipsolutions.com or contact us on 0845 www.contracts.mod.uk :: ::Vol NoNo 116:: ::65June www.contracts.mod.uk Vol1615 April2018 2017:: ::MOD MODDCB DCB

35  37


Contract Notices

Requests for Information DESCRIPTION





ADEWS/RFI/Antennas GB-Henlow: Antenna Systems



GB-Huntingdon: RAF Lakenheath PAS Refurbishment



UK-Telford: Protective Shelters



UK-Lisburn Satellite-Related Communications Equipment



UK-Bristol: Cargo Ships



GB-Telford: Supply of Machine Gun & Mortar 81mm Spares




GB-Salisbury: Underpinning Data Science Request for Information


Prior Information Notices CONTRACT NUMBER




GB-Fareham: Accredited Certification Body Assessment Services



GB-Bristol: COTS Beacons



GB-British Forces South Atlantic Islands: Provision of Ford Spares


UK-Bristol: Weapons, Ammunition and Associated Parts


GB-Lichfield: Provision of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Training



GB-Bristol: DE&S ISO9001 Certification



GB-British Forces South Atlantic Islands: Provision of a Bus, Warranty, Diagnostic Computer and Spares Package



UK-Bristol: Mobile Bridges






UK-Bristol: Cargo Ships



GB-Bristol: MORPHEUS Battlefield Management Application




Voluntary Transparency Notices



GB-Leuchars: Leuchars: Finlock and Roof Replacements; 36 SFA






GB-Telford: The Repair of Various Cooling Systems


GB-Lichfield: Provision of Pharmacy Technician Training


GB-Yeovil: Joint Modification Contracting Arrangement



Contract Bidders Notices





UK-Gloucester: Medals



UK-High Wycombe: Environmental Issues Consultancy Services


UK-Telford: Cooling and Ventilation Equipment


GB-Gloucester: MOD Medals, Awards, Badges and Other Miscellaneous Items


41 IRM17/4607

UK-Lichfield: Invalid Carriages, Wheelchairs and Associated Devices



UK-Bristol: Batteries



GB-Portsmouth: Security Contractor for FC BISA




The regimes are as follows:


K MOD contract notices published within MOD DCB will display the advertising regime chosen to publicise the notice.


These contract opportunities are published in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) and MOD DCB. The award of any subsequent contract arising from such requirements is subject to the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.


Telephone Helpline Service for MOD Suppliers 36


GB-Huntingdon: The Supply of Body Armour Plate Carriers



Contract Notices CONTRACT NUMBER


These contract opportunities are published in MOD DCB.


n association with the Doing Business with Defence Team (previously DSS) of the UK Ministry of Defence, BiP Solutions Ltd provides a helpline service offering businesses advice on the various publications and support

MOD DCB :: 6 June 2018 :: Vol 16 No 11 :: www.contracts.mod.uk

services that are available to help them become suppliers to the MOD. Callers will receive a copy of MOD Defence Contracts Bulletin and a copy of the booklet Doing Business with the MOD. Callers will also be provided with details

on how to obtain information regarding contact points within the major defence contractors, who may provide sub-contracting opportunities. Call the Doing Business with Defence Team Freephone Helpline on 0800 282 324.





UK-Telford: Repair, Maintenance and Associated Services of Vehicles and Related Equipment


UK-Yeovil: Digital Mapping System


UK-Glasgow: Technical Support Services


UK-Bristol: Repair and Maintenance Services of Security and Defence Materials


UK-Bristol: Weapons, Ammunition and Associated Parts


UK-Gloucester: Laboratory Services


GB-Bristol: Calibration of Engine Test Kits


GB-Bristol: Supply of Astazou IIIN2 Specific Spare Parts






UK-Telford: Parts of Military Vehicles


UK-Glasgow: Facilities Management Services


GB-RAF Croughton: Elementary, Middle & High (EMH) School












ADEWS/RFI/Antennas GB-Henlow: Antenna Systems CCDT/473

GB-Bristol: DE&S ISO9001 Certification



Increasing opportunities within defence


he MOD DCO website provides details of UK MOD requirements over £10,000, whereas MOD DCB provides subscribers with details of all UK MOD contracts with a value of over £118,133. However, for those businesses that have ambitions to sell to the broader defence and security marketplace, or to defence organisations outside of the UK, a range of other services are available to increase the visibility of such opportunities. The Defence Contracts International (DCI) UK & ROI service provides online access to all of the UK MOD contract opportunities contained within MOD DCB magazine and on the MOD Defence Contracts Online (MOD DCO) portal, as well as details of contract opportunities from the emergency services, coastguard, civil aviation and homeland security organisations. The DC Europe service builds on DC UK & ROI, containing all of its contract opportunities as well as details of contracts from European defence ministries, agencies and other organisations, including all defence-related contracts published in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU). DC Europe also contains contracts from organisations such as the European Defence Agency (EDA), NATO and the European Space Agency, as well as aid-agency requirements from organisations such as the Red Cross and the United Nations. DC Global provides the most comprehensive view of defence, defence-related, humanitarian aid and emergency services contracts from around the world. It contains all of the content within DC Europe, as well as details of contract opportunities from regions such as Asia, Africa and North and South America. As with each of the DCI services, DC Global is supported by a dedicated business intelligence research team – focused on locating not just high-value contract opportunities, but contract opportunities of all values. DC Europe and DC Global are subscription services provided independently of the UK MOD by BiP Solutions, the official publisher of MOD DCB. Each of the DCI services enables users to create a profile that matches contract announcements to their requirements, and then delivers these in a daily email alert. Subscribers to DCI can also benefit from access to the Defence Market Intelligence service, which provides constantly updated news on all issues and announcements affecting the defence industry and its supply chain. The UK MOD is a great place to start for companies wishing to supply to the defence sector. However, as the Defence Contracts International service demonstrates, a world of other defence and defence-related opportunities also exists. Upgrade today to DCI at www.dcicontracts.com.

How to Advertise a Sub-Contract Opportunity (Prime/Private Sector Contractors)

A related sub-contract opportunity for publication within MOD DCO and

s a prime or private sector organisation you may submit a defence-

MOD DCB. In order to do so, please use the online sub-contract form available at www.contracts.mod.uk/contract-submission-3/ Please complete all details and press submit. If you have missed any of the required fields the service will highlight these to you and you can then complete them. MOD buyers should continue to use the DCO- or DCB-only subcontract form within the MOD DCO eNotice Service if submitting a notice on behalf of the prime/private sector. For any assistance in completing the form, please use the Contact Us form on www.contracts.mod.uk www.contracts.mod.uk :: Vol 16 No 11 :: 6 June 2018 :: MOD DCB



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