Sea History 172 - Autumn 2020

Page 37

The American Society of Marine Artists (ASMA), despite its 18th National Exhibition being on hold since mid-March, has been working straight through. Here you will find images by artists you already know—well-established artists like Don Demers, Richard Loud, Sheri Farabaugh, and Neal Hughes. Out of Harm’s Way was Len Mizerek’s direct response to the threat of the coronavirus, depicting ships, together, fleeing a dangerous storm at sea. You will also find artists you may not yet know—Val Sandell, Laura Cooper, Serena Bates, and others. Their work is inspiring and a muchneeded refuge in a time of crisis. Regatta Camaraderie by Val Sandell, 24 X 24 inches, oil

Gang’s All Here by Serena Bates, bronze (detail)

Out of Harm’s Way by Len Mizerek, 16 x 20 inches, oil Yawl Flaneur in Southern Waters by Don Demers, 20 x 24 inches, oil


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