Sea History 169 - Winter 2019-2020

Page 8

Neith, 1996, Cover photograph

Wood, Wind and Water

A Story of the Opera House Cup Race of Nantucket Photographs by Anne T. Converse Text by Carolyn M. Ford Live vicariously through the pictures and tales of classic wooden yacht owners who lovingly restore and race these gems of the sea. “An outstanding presentation deserves ongoing recommendation for both art and nautical collections.” 10”x12” Hardbound book; 132 pages, 85 full page color photographs; Price $45.00 For more information contact: Anne T. Converse Phone: 508-728-6210

OWNER’S STATEMENT: Statement filed 9/16/19 required by the Act of Aug. 12, 1970, Sec. 3685, Title 39, US Code: Sea History is published quarterly at 5 John Walsh Blvd., Peekskill NY 10566; minimum subscription price is $17.50. Publisher and editor-inchief: None; Editor is Deirdre E. O’Regan; owner is National Maritime Historical Society, a non-profit corporation; all are located at 5 John Walsh Blvd., Peekskill NY 10566. During the 12 months preceding October 2019 the average number of (A) copies printed each issue was 25,464; (B) paid and/or requested circulation was: (1) outside county mail subscriptions 7,148; (2) in-county subscriptions 0; (3) sales through dealers, carriers, counter sales, other non-USPS paid distribution 4,981; (4) other classes mailed through USPS 285; (C) total paid and/or requested circulation was 12,414; (D) free distribution by mail, samples, complimentary and other 11,583; (E) free distribution outside the mails 638; (F) total free distribution was 12346; (G) total distribution 24,583; (H) copies not distributed 881; (I) total [of 15G and H] 25,464; (J) Percentage paid and/or requested circulation 51%. The actual numbers for the single issue preceding October 2019 are: (A) total number printed 25,750; (B) paid and/or requested circulation was: (1) outside-county mail subscriptions 6,959; (2) in-county subscriptions 0; (3) sales through dealers, carriers, counter sales, other nonUSPS paid distribution 4,918; (4) other classes mailed through USPS 295; (C) total paid and/or requested circulation was 12,162; (D) free distribution by mail, samples, complimentary and other 11,865; (E) free distribution outside the mails 350; (F) total free distribution was 12,500; (G) total distribution 24,662; (H) copies not distributed 1,088; (I) total [of 15G and H] 25,750 (J) Percentage paid and/or requested circulation 49%. I certify that the above statements are correct and complete. (signed) Burchenal Green, Executive Director, National Maritime Historical Society.


Much of the combat of WWI took place within or near miles of trenches. These troughs were reinforced with sandbags made of jute fibers. The raw jute was separated and twisted by hand into heads or bundles, then put through a machine to soften or spread the fibers. The strands were then sprayed with a whale oil emulsion, then left for several days to allow the liquid to fully penetrate the filaments. The resulting yarns were then carded, drawn, spun, and finally woven into the sandbag fabric. The soldiers who walked, stood, or sat in these waterlogged and poorly drained muddy trenches found it difficult to keep their feet dry through leather boots and cotton or woolen stockings. The soldiers’ feet remained cold and wet, often for days on end, and, as a result, a malady called “trench foot” became commonplace. Also, pathogens such as the tetanus bacterium, thrived in the trenches’ mire. Because of compromised circulation, damaged feet became infected, resulting in swelling, numbness, puss-filled inflamed lesions, blackening of the toes, and peeling skin. Whale oil provided waterproofing for both their boots and skin. Whale grease, although sometimes malodorous, protected soldiers’ faces from the bitter cold. On the home front, there were shortages of vegetable oils and butter. Whale oil was used to make solid fat derivative that led to a process that turned the by-product of soapmaking into a primitive form of margarine. In order to make the whale oil an edible fat for human consumption, it had first to be hydrogenated to remove the dark color and fishy taste and odor. The process

consisted of blowing hydrogen through the oil in the presence of a catalyst. Thus, the civilian population benefited as well as the waning whaling industry. Therefore, whaling had a brief renaissance at the beginning of the last century and played a largely forgotten and unrecognized role in World War I. Louis Arthur Norton West Simsbury, Connecticut Inspired to Keep Painting I wish to thank you for all I keep seeing in Sea History. The one article that blew my mind was the art feature on Maarten Platje (No. 167, Summer 2019) and his extraordinary paintings. I’m stunned at the pure perfection of his canvases. I look forward to catching up on more reading. We have recently been entertaining a handful of genius painters (Don Demers, Russ Kramer, Chris Blossom, and Richard Land). I am fortunate to count this group (and their wives and partners) as close friends. My current effort is a painting of South Street in New York City, one of my favorite subjects to study and paint. I’ve also been finishing up some smaller works. My style is always to do small oils and sketches before switching to a larger picture. I still retain my enthusiasm and feel it my duty to fight on to the finish and enjoy having a go at something small—and maybe make someone happy in the process. I appreciate receiving each issue of Sea History and treasure its content. It inspires me to press on and continue to do my best. John Stobart Westport, Massachusetts

Sketch by John Stobart of the East River with a view of the Brooklyn Bridge.

courtesy john stobart

Anne T. Converse Photography


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