Sea History 156 - Autumn 2016

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Maritte Art News Michael Kahtfs "Photographs of the Sea'' at Mystic Seaport There is still rime to catch rhe special exhibition (and sale) of internationally renowned photographer Michael Kahn's Photographs of the Sea at the Maritime Gallery at Mystic Seaport, until 25 September. A practitioner of traditional techniques, Kahn travels extensively to photograph the world 's finest boars and pristine seascapes. Using his 1950sera camera, he collects images on black-and-white film and produces luminous silver gelatin prints in his darkroom. He uses a printmaking technique that incorporates an elaborate, predetermined combination of exposure sequence, exposure time, and varied enlarger settings. "Michael Kahn's old-school technique united with his distinctive sense of form, vision, and composition has made him one of the memorable photographers of our rime," said Monique Foster, the director of the Maritime Gallery. Kahn's work has been exhibited in galleries and museums around the world and has been featured in The New York Times, Forbes Life, Coastal Living, Architectural Digest, Sailing Magazine, WoodenBoat, and Historic Preservation, among many others. He is also the author of three books: Over the Dunes (2015), The Spirit ofSailing (2004), and Brandywine (1990). For more information on the Maritime Gallery and other exhibitions, visit

J. Russell Jinishian Gallery Aututttn Marine Art Exhibitions National Maritime Historical Society advisor and a leading authority on contemporary marine arr, ]. Russell Jinishian invites Sea History readers to two new marine arr exhibitions this fall. Marine Art of Today and Yesterday will be on display at the Union League Club in New York City during the month of September. The gallery will feature paintings by world-renowned artists with paintings depicting every aspect oflife in and around the water, including yachting scenes by Willard Bond, The Wooden Walls of England by Patrick O'Brien, 24 x 36 inches, oil Nicholas Berger, Peter Arguimbau, Marc Castelli, Carl Evers, Len Mizerek, Patrick O 'Brien, and Robert Sticker. The Union League Club is located at 38 East 37rh Srreet in New York City. (Ph. 212 685-3800) Also presented by Mr. Jinishian is Marine Art at the Ocean House, with more than 30 paintings by some of the world's leading marine artists. The exhibition opens on Labor Day at the Ocean House Resort, located at 1 Bluff Ave, Watch Hill, RI, and continues through 5 December. (Ph. 855 678-0364; The ]. Russell Jinishian Gallery in Fairfield, Connecticut, s>pecializes in marine and sporting arr. (1899 Bronson Road, Fairfield, CT;; Ph. 203 259-8753) Sally Caldwell Fisher's Three Sheets to the Wind will be on display at the Ocean House Resort (18 x 24 inches, acrylic).



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