Sea History 155 - Summer 2016

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The Cape H orn Road capcivaced readers fo r 22 inscallments, over most recently in the pages of Sea History he lent his voice to supche course of six years. ADM Robert Papp Jr., USCG, (Rec.), port the resurgence of South Street, and to bid fa rewell to our good friend, the late Pere Seeger. mascer of "America's flagship," USCG Barque Eagle, from 1995By 1976 Peter and Norma had left South Street Seaport 1999, and lacer commandant of che US Coasc G uard, once told NMHS president Burchenal G reen char he had jusc received che Museum to devote their full attention to N MHS, wh ich had lacesc issue of Sea History: "I am waicin g to read chis chapcer of moved out of South Street to set up headquarters in a defunct Cape H orn Road. le is a wo nderful series, and I learn so much." fireboat-house and pier in Brooklyn. From this vantage point, True co for m, when he reached che conclusion of che series, Pecer Peter envisioned an "East River Renaissa nce," the keysto ne of gave no indicacion he was ready to give his cruscy cypewricer a which wo uld be restoring ferry service linking Fulton Street in resc. H e had work to do, and he expecced no less of his fa ichful Manhattan with Fulton Stree t in Brooklyn. A New York Daily News article appearing in November 1979 stated that Peter "saw readers: the revived run as a means to bring people back ro the city's As we end chis voyage, che mission continues, discovering nt and to increase their consciousness of the important waterfro ics world and someching of ics purposes in char worldrole played by the harbor in the city's development." H e negotinaming ics parts, sounding ics seas, and developing che ated with a boat operator to take up the ferry route for a d ay, as music of ics meanings. Aren'c chose che kind of chings a means of demonstrating the idea's potential, and NMHS orgachar, in che end, all chis long voyaging was abouc? (The nized a day of music, food and drink to mark che occas ion . The Cape H orn Road, "Envoy" Sea History 92 , p. 9) Pecer continued to lead Sea History as editor until passing che . boar operator backed out, but then-NMHS assiscam direcro r baton to Juscine Ahlscrom in 1999, ass uming che posicion of Cindy Goulder relaces: Pecer was undaunted .. . For the firsc rime since 1924, editor-ac-large, to continue to offer guidance and pen articles. A private cicizens fer ried back and fo rth across che river, notorious sel f-editor, he wo uld hammer away at an article, then chis rime on boars provided by che N YC D epartment of take a red pen-and, sometimes, actual scissors-to his work, Ports and Terminals a nd che Pioneer M arine School. rearranging, adding new thoughts, rewording others. His penchant fo r m aking changes right up th ro ugh the moment when our Some even arrived ac the party by being ferried to ic. And, printer was typesetting the magazine drove the rest of the staff crowning the evening, che Accing Commissioner of Ports and Terminals announced char a reques t for proposals crazy, but it was generally worth the trouble, once you saw the finished produce. H e remained editor-at-large until his passing; had been issued and chat bidding for regular franchised ferry service, to begin in spring 1980, was officially open. Ferry service didn'c gee scarred in 1980. le wasn'c until 2002 char New York Water Taxi began operacion. New York Wacerways, based in New Jersey, added ics Eas e River runs soon thereafter. le had caken cwenty-chree yea rs and many complex and challenging dealings, bur che Daily News prediccion of 1979 had ac lase come crue: "If all goes well, a reac tivated Fulcon Ferry jusc mighc sift through an Ease Rive r fog so me morning like a ghosc ship of its predecessors.. ., and if it does ic will sail righc ouc of the heart of Peter Stanfo rd." For me, ic always will. U nder Pecer and Norm a's leadership, NM H S relocated to Croton-on-Hudson, New York, and chen to ics present locacion in Peekskill, on che Hudson River. The organization was accive on many fronts: ic co-sponsored che Millennial M aricime C onfe rence in 2000, and che triennial Maricime H ericage C onferences, and bro ughc call ships up che Hudson fo r che bicemennial of Rockland County, N ew York. U nder che imprint of Sea History Press, ic broughc the class ics lhe Skipper and the Eagle by Gordon M cGowan and Irving Johnson's Peking Battles Cape Horn to a new generacion of readers, and published Norman Brouwer's International Register ofHistoric Ships. Sea History welcomed the new fea tu re "Sea History for Kids," to introduce younger readers to che wo nderful sto ries of our seafaring pasc. H e was to lead NMH S as presidem umil retiring in 2003.




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Peter and Norma Stanford coffaborated to write A Dream of Tall Ships, teffing the story ofthe inspiration for the South Street Seaport Museum and the people who came together to make it happen. SEA HISTORY 155, SUMMER 201 6

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