Sea History 139 - Summer 2012

Page 35

Finally, the Argentinean coast guard, the Preferura Naval, has a long h istory daring back to a captain-of-th e-port organization in the nineteenth century. Since th e Falklands War (1982) and the fall of a mili tary d ictatorship, the Argentinean coast guard has introduced a slas h symbol on its vessels, painted in national colors to readily identify its sh ips with the service. The slash/stripe as a mariti me identification symbol for coast g uards and related sea services around the wo rld is a part of maritime cultural history, much like fig ureheads, fu nnel colors, ho use flags, uniforms-all of which have been subjects of serious specialized study. Beyond the cultural managem ent strategies that can be addressed, the racing stripe as a logo or paint scheme underlies corporate and executive identi ty of the coast guards to the surrounding maritime community an d th e general public. 1,


Argentinian coast guard (Prefetura Naval) vessel GC-24 PNA Doctor Manuel Mantilla.


National Historic Landmark Ii National Memorial to Coast

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Guardsmen who lost their lives during WWII through Vietnam. • Awarded two Naval Presidential Unit Citations for her service during Vietnam. • Credited with sinking U-Boat 626 duri ng convoy duty in the North Atlantic. Don't miss the opportunity to tour this ship. learn about its remarkable history. the recently completely underwater re-fit and the current workbeing done restoring her topside. USCGC ING HAM is located in Key West on the Truman Waterfront.

You Can Visit ...You Can Help The foundation seeks donations to continue restoration of this important vessel. Please send your tax-deductible contributions to:


USCGC INGHAM Memorial Museum

1396 Da hlgren Ave., SE W ashi ngton Navy Yard, DC 20374-5055

P. 0. Box186. Key West. Florida 33041 • Phone: (305)-218-6600









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