Sea History 136 - Autumn 2011

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a unified and professional management structure for the collections and to expand the scope of the museum to embrace the history of naval operations in general. Its core operational costs would now be met by the Ministry and the collections were secured in perperuiry, thus laying down the groundwork for the launch of the aforementioned National Museum in autumn of2009. The new gallery occupied premises on the ground floors of one of the great eighteenth-century Dockyard storehouses, described by Nikolaus Pevsner as among the grandest of the numerous redbrick structures erected in the period between 1750 and 1800. These historic buildings had been threatened with imminent demolition as surplus to operational requirements in the 1960s, bur the gifr of the Lambert McCarthy Collection to rhe Royal Navy in 1972 gave them a (hard-fought, admittedly) stay of execution. Their progressive conversion since rhar dare embodies the distinguished naval tradition of evolving into a new and dignified usage. The gifr of the McCarthy Collection, together with the decision to place it in Storehouse No. 11, directly led to the formation of the Royal Naval Museum (now renamed the National Museum of rhe Royal Navy). Building on rhe pioneering achievements of Mark Edwin Pescorr Frosr, rhe foundation was laid for rhe development of the economic prosperiry of Porrsmouth's historic Dockyard, based on

rhe display, research and interprerarion of Britain's naval heritage, which has been such a vital contributor to rhe prosperiry of rhis ciry and irs people. ,t Campbell McMurray was the director of the Royal Naval Museum from 1989 to 2006 He began his career at the National Maritime Museum in 1970 as the first Caird Research Fellow; he was subsequently appointed assistant keeper in the Department ofPrinted Books and Manuscripts. He left Greenwich in 1983 to become the founding director ofthe Scottish Maritime Museum, where he served until 1989. His scholarly interests are in naval history and in the history ofseafaring labor in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Centenary Celebration of the National Museum of the Royal Navy Portsmouth, England, 29 June 2011 The N ational Maritime Historical Society was honored to be invited to represent rhe Uni red Srares ar rhe Centenary Celebration of Naval Heritage in Porrsmourh Historic Dockyard. Joining us in this privilege were RADM Jay Deloach, USN (Rer.) , Director of the Naval History and Heritage Command and his wife Jodi; RADM Joseph Callo, USNR (Rer.), and Captain Sally Chin McElwrearh, USNR (Rec.). NMHS trustees Admiral Callo and Captain McElwrearh were also representing rhe American Friends of the National Museum of the Royal Navy. Visiting the Dockyard is an incredible experience from rhe moment you walk through Victory Gare. Wirh HMS Victory in front of you, suddenly rhere yo u are-in Lord Nelson's great cabin, where in October 1805 he gathered his captains around rhe rable to plan rhe arrack on rhe combined French and Spanish fleer anchored in Cadiz Harbor, which proved to be arguably rhe grearesr naval bartle in history. Nexr door, rhe National Museum of rhe Royal Navy exhibits spectacular artifacts, displays, and images.

Also at the Portsmouth Historic Dockyard . .. King Henry VIII's flagship Mary Rose, which sank ourside Porrsmourh Harbor in 1545 and was raised in 1982, is gerring a new srare-of-rhe-art museum (scheduled for an early 2013 opening) and is rhe only 16th-century warship on display in rhe world. The ship and her 19,000 artifacts present an incredible snapshot ofTudor life and rhe srare of naval architecture and warfare of her day.

HRH The Princess Royal discusses the concerns of maritime museums with NMHS chairman Ronald Oswald, trustees jean Wort and Howard Slotnick, president Burchenal Green, and trustee Joseph Callo.

The 1860 HMS ~rrior, Grear Britain's first iron-hulled armored warship, powered by steam and auxiliary sail, was rhe "black snake" rhar changed rhe maritime world forever bur was made obsolete in jusr a decade. Ar more rhan 400 feer in lengrh, she presents a majestic and imposing presence ar rhe Dockyard. Visitors can rake a boar tour of rhe harbor and view modern warships, ferries from Gosport and rhe Isle of Wighr, yachrs, and finally rhe grear commercial ships working in and our of the harbor. Where else can you find so much history in rhe midsr of such a currently active naval and maritime center? Of course, key to rhe great success of the National Museum of rhe Royal Navy and the many ships ar rhe Dockyard is rhe enthusiastic, knowledgeable and gracious sraff. Many rhanks for rhe invirarion, rhe hospiraliry, and rhe chance to experience and learn more about rhe history of the Royal Navy. -Burchenal Green, NMHS President



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