Sea History 135 - Summer 2011

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Marit1e Art News Explore Paradise at the Maritittte Museuttt of Satt Uiego The Maricime Museum of San Diego is launching a new exhibic, bringing chree discincc experiences of che beauciful and exocic Souch Pacific closer co home. Cook, Melville and Gauguin: Three Voyages to Paradise seeks co illuscrace che diverse experiences of chese chree South Sea icons wich more chan 110 pieces of original an and arrifaccs. Exhibiced for che first cime in che Uniced Sraces, Three Voyages co Paradise feawres original oil paimings by Caprain Cook's official expedicion anises, Will iam Hodges and John Webber; a colleccion of paimings, engravings and whaling anifaccs selecced co illuscrace quoces from Melville's wricings; and 34 original oils and

Matavai Bay, Island of Otaheite (Tahiti) by William Hodges, 1772.

wacercolors, woodblock prims, engravings, and lesser-known wood carving and sculp cural works from Gauguin's years in Tahici. Included among Gauguin's works is che newly discovered wood sculpwre, Nave Nave Faruru, found in Tahici by Dr. Richard Kelto n of The Kelton Fou ndacion. The experiences of chese individuals-explorer, auchor, arcisc-wich very differem reasons for craveling co me remoce islands of che Souch Pacific, were imerpreced in unique, creacive, and moving ways. Presenced by che Maricime Museum of San Diego, Three Voyages is drawn from che excensive colleccions of The Kelton Foundacion and runs fro m 27 May 2011 chrough New Year's Day, 20 12. (Maricime Museum of San Diego, 1492 Nonh Harbor Drive, San Diego, CA 92 101 ; Ph. 619 234-9153; The museum is open every day of che year.)

Nave Nave Faruru, Paul Gauguin, c. 1892.

fhe Cape Atttt School

Skipjack Nautical Wares Maritte Folk Art Show

The Oil Painters of America 20th Annual National Juried Exhibition of Traditional Oils, 10 June-9 July, in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, will include a presemacion by Charles Movalli on che "Cape Ann School." 1l1is gro up of G loucescer and Rockpon, MA, paimers-including Aldro Hibbard, Lescer Scevens, Emile Gruppe, and Carl Pecers-never moughc of chemselves as a "school;" chey were, in face, friendly rivals for masc of cheir careers. Their bond was chrough a devocion co ourdoor paiming, even chrough che biner wincers of coastal New England. Movalli's calk wi ll show how chey each developed cheir own shonhand for paiming oucdoors. Even non-anises will gain an en hanced appreciacion for che kind of chinking required co complece a paiming in che 2-3 hours allowed by narnre's shifring ligh c. (Devin Gall eries, 507 Sherman Avenue, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814; 208 667-2898; OPA, www.

Skipjack Naucical Wares & Marine Gallery in Porrsmouth, VA, is preseming the 2011 Marine Folk Art Show, 3-29 June, featuring a colleccion of original anwork by some of che coumry's besc comemporary fo lk anists. Wooden wall carvings and sculpwres of whales, mermaids, fish and fowl, plus ship models, weachervanes, scrimshaw, crade signs, sailor an and fancy knorwork will be on display. More chan a dozen anises will be represemed, including sculp tors Jae and Pacricia Johnson, master decoy carver Gentry Childress, scrimshander Tony Perry, and folk fish anist Joe Marinelli. Esrablished in 2003, Skipjack Nautical Wares moved co ics currem locacion in 2008 and boascs a sweeping view of che Elizabech River and che Hog Island Lighchouse Lens. The show is free and open co che public and may be viewed in person in che showroom or online ac (For more in fo rmacion, comacc Joe and Alison Elder by email ac or ac Skipjack Nautical Wares, One High Screet, Suite 3, Porrsmouth, VA 23704; Ph. 757 399-5012.)

Ripple Effect fhe Art of ff20

Opening on 18 June in che Peabody Essex Museum's imeraccive An & Nawre Cemer, Ripple Effecc highlighcs wacer as an inspriracion for aniscic expression and a medium for hands-on exploracion. Encoumer water in ics differem sraces-solid , liquid, and gas-as yo u invescigace anworks inspired by rivers, geysers, snowflakes, fog, and more. (PEM, East India Square, 161 Essex Sc., Salem, MA 01970; Ph. 978 745-9500; www.pem .org)


Errata: In the last issue of Sea History, we congratulated marine artist William G. Muller for having been awarded "Fellow Emeriws" status with the American Sociery of Marine Art:ists. In that notice, we mistaken ly stated that he had served in World War II. Mr. Muller served in the Army from 1956-58 and was still in gram1mar school during che Second World War. We regrec che error. SEAHHSTORY 135, SUMMER 20 11

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