Sea History 134 - Spring 2011

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NMHS: A CAUSE IN MOTION National Maritime Historical Society Washington DC Awards Dinner, 13 April 2011 The National Maritime Historical Society is m oving the location of our third Washington Awards Dinner to the Nati onal Press Club on Pennsylvania Ave nue because we quickly outgrew the beautiful Arm y and N avy C lub . Th e Na tio nal Press C lub boas ts magnificent views of rhe White H ouse and is itself an interesting and lovely serring for our gala evening. Dinner co-chairs Irmy and Philip Webster are ho nored to invite yo u to join us Wed nesday, 13 April 2011 , at 6rM to ho no r Admiral John C. Harvey Jr. , USN, Commander, US Fleer Forces Command; CDR Everett Alvarez Jr. , USN (Ret. ); and fo rmer Congresswoman Helen Delich Bentley. Gary Jobson, distinguished yachtsman, author and commenrato r, and presidenr of US Sailing, will be our mas ter of ceremonies and will delight our guests with commentary o n rhe upcoming campaign to retain rhe America's C up. Admiral John C. Harvey Jr., USN, an officer who relishes naval history, is being ho nored fo r pro mpting the US Navy to establish the Commemoratio ns Office as part of the Naval H istory and H eritage Command to commemo rate the upcoming bicenten nial of the War of 1812. The Commemo ratio ns Office is pl anning a wide range of activities, including an OpSail parade of rail ships up th e East Coast in summer 201 2 that will coin cide with a significant educati onal program . Admiral H arvey has served at sea aboard USS Enterprise, USS Bainbridge, and USS Mcinerney, as reacto r offi cer aboard USS Nimitz, and as executive officer on USS Long Beach. He commanded USS David R. Ray, USS Cape St. George, and C ruiser-D estroyer Group Eight/Th eodore Roosevelt Stri ke Gro up. Admi ral H arvey has deployed ro the N orth and South Atl antic, the Mediterranean, Baltic and Red Seas, rhe Western Pacific, the Indian O cean, and the Persian G ulf. As ho re, he served three tours at rhe Bureau of Naval Perso nnel in a variety of billets. Admiral H arvey ass umed co mmand of US Fleet Fo rces Co mm and in Jul y 2009. The awa rd will be presented by Admiral Bruce DeMars, USN (Ret.), chairman of the Naval Historical Foundation. Congresswoman Helen Delich Bentley is a fo rmer newspaper and televisio n journalist focused o n maritime affairs and has been a life-time advoca te of rhe Me rchant Marin e. She produced, directed, edited, and wro te the long- runnin g T V series, The Port That Built a City and State. In 1969 , she was appointed by President Richard N ixo n as chairman to th e Federal M aritime Commiss io n, at the time the fourth-highest ranking woman in the history of America's federal government. In 1984, Bentl ey was elected to serve the first of five terms representing M aryland 's 2nd Congressional District. In 2006, she served as chairman of the Port of Bal timore's Tricentennial Co mmirree. Governo r Ro bert L. Ehrlich Jr. renam ed Baltimo re's port as The Helen D elich Bentley Po rt of Baltimore by announcing: "There has been no one who has championed the vital ro le the Po rt plays in both the global economy and our everyday lives more than H elen ." Admi ral Robert] . Papp, C ommandanr of the US Coast Guard, will present the awa rd. CDR Everett Alvarez Jr., USN (Ret.) was the first American naval aviato r sho t down over No rth Vietnam during the Vietnam War and was a POW for 8V2 years. Upon his retirement from rhe US Navy in 1980, CDR Alvarez has held numerous notable pos itio ns, including deputy directo r of rhe US Peace Corps , depu ty administrator of what was then the Veterans Administration, and chairman of the CARES Commission. H e has co-authored two books, writing of his POW experiences in Chained Eagle and Code of Conduct. H e explained how impo rtant communi catio n was between him and his fell ow prisoners and how his faith was the key to his survival. CD R Alva rez holds num erous military deco rations, which include the Silver Star, two Legions of M erit, two Bronze Stars, the Distinguished Flying C ross, and two Purple H eart medals. In presenring him with this awa rd , the Society also recognizes and honors all of rhe prisoners of war from that co nflict. A highlight of rhe evening w ill be the sho rt vid eos of o ur award recipi ents created by NMHS Vice Chairman Rick Lopes at Lopes Pi cture Company. W ith a Combined Sea Services Color Guard and a performance by the US Naval Academy Glee Club conducted by Dr. Aaron Smith , as well as a M aritime Ar r Gallery showcasing o riginal wo rks by C hesapeake Baymari rim e artists John Barber, Marc Castelli, Patrick O'Brien, and Bill Stork created for th e event, ir's shaping up to be a spectacular evening. Visit our website at to place yo ur reserva ti o n, order a dinner journal ad, or to get more information about the event, including hotel info rmation. Yo u ca n also email us at or call 914 737-7878, ext 0. - Wendy Paggiotta & Burchenal Green



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