Sea History 132 - Autumn 2010

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SIDP NOTES, SEAPORT & MUSEUM NEWS On 25 June, Senator John McCain (RAZ) announced that he has introduced legislation that would fully repeal the Jones Act. The Jones Act requires that all goods shipped between waterborne ports of the United States be carried by vessels built in the US and owned and operated by Am ericans. McCain claims that "this res triction only serves ro raise shipping costs, thereby m aking US farmers less competitive and increasing cos ts for Am erican consumers." The issue cam e up recently during rhe discussion about how best ro clean up the G ulf of Mexico oil spill. The Jones Act forbids foreign vessels from working in US waters and thus the U S wo uld nor be able ro accept fo reign assistance . O ther US Senators h ave put forward legislation to waive rhe Jones Act during emergen cy situatio ns, and officials from rhe O bam a administrati o n have stated they would be willing to waive the USC G PH OTO BY P ETIY OF FICE R J RD CLASS ANN MARI E GORDEN.

Local fishing vessel M as ter C raig conducts skimming operations in the Gulf ofMexico.

restricti ons of rhe Jo nes Act in this particular situation. M cCain, h owever, states that "bes t co urse of actio n is ro perm anently repeal rhe Jones Ac r," calling it "unnecessary" and "antiquated." The M aritime Cabotage Task Force stated that it opposes legislation ro repeal the Jon es Ac t, claimin g rhat all the M cCain bill wo uld do is put more Am ericans o ut of wo rk. To read the text of the Bill (S .3525) and fo llow its pro gress thro ugh Congress, visit rhe Library of Co ngress THOMAS website at: hrrp:// th om as .loc. gov and type in S.3525 under "Bill N umber." ... The Maine Maritime Museum announced in June that is merging with the Portland Harbor Museum. The MMM in Bath, abo ut a forty-m inute d rive fro m Portland, will abso rb the Po rtland m useum's collectio n and will begin ro explo re where ro display exhibits within the city of Portland in the fut ure. The SEA HISTORY 132, AU TUMN 2010

Po rdand H arbor Museum will close and its m embers will become m embers of rhe .MMM. As part of rhe m erger, rhe Portland H arbor M useum's executive directo r, M ark Thompson , will join rhe staff in Bath as the Maine M aritime M useum's n ew regional director for southern Maine. The Portland museum's building was being sold, and m erging with the larger m aritime museum was deem ed the bes t way to guarantee the safety and preservation of their collection. (MMM, 243 Washington Street, Bath, M E 0453 0; Ph. 2 07 443- 13 16; www. m ainem .. • The American Sail Training Association (ASTA) has been officially recognized by Congress as the National Sail Training Association of the United States, as well as the United States's representative in the International Sail Training Forum. Congress also commended ASTA for its adva ncement of character-building experi ences for yo uth ar sea. Th e US Senate passed Sen ate Resolution # 15 8 in M arch : principal spo nso rs included Senators John Kerry (MA), Jack Reed (RI), Sheldo n W hiteh ouse (RI ), and Lindsay G raham (SC). Patrick Kennedy (RI) has spo nsored the Ho use ve rsio n of rhe resolution (HR- 197), with Representative Elij ah C umm ings (MD), C hairman of the Subcommit tee on Coast G uard and Maritime Transpo rtatio n, staring, "ASTA's work is critical ro prese rving o ur Nation's rich mariti me heritage and ensurin g that its tradi tio ns are passed o n ro the next ge neratio n ." ASTA is a no n-profi t organization foc used on yo uth education , leade rshi p develo pment, and the preservation of the m aritime heri tage of No rth Am erica. Rep resen ting m o re than 200 m ember

vessels, ASTA organizes the Tall Ships C hallenge" Series, m anages scholarship programs ro make sail training experiences mo re affordabl e for yo un g peo ple, and administers grant programs ro assist crew of ASTA member vessels with the costs of profess io nal development courses and licensin g requirements. (ASTA, 29 To uro Street, POB 1459, Newport, RI 02840; Ph. 401 -846- 177 5; ... The Independence Seaport Museum has a new president and CEO as of 2 August-John J. Gazzola, most recently the vice president and general manager of the Philadelphia division of Moran Towing Corporation. H e replaces interim President Jam es

M cl ane, who in February took over after the resignation of Lori Dillard Rech. M cl ane will return ro rhe board . "H aving been closely involved with the Delaware River since 1985, John brings with him a wealth of experience, deep passion fo r the waterfro nt, and strong relationships within the port community," said Peter McCausland, chai rman of the museum's board . Gazzola graduated from M aine M aritime Academy in Castine, M E, in 1982. He has wo rked fo r C rowley Maritime C orp. in the Pacific No rthwes t,

Making Plans for the War of 1812 Bicentennial? NMHS and Sea History Want to Know. If your museum , cultural center, historic


site, educational organization, or ship will be commemorating the War of 1812, would you please let us know? We are spearheading efforts to promote these events and want to include you. We'd love to hear from authors about their work related to the anniversary as well . Please send information to


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