Sea History 128 - Autumn 2009

Page 46

SIDP NOTES, SEAPORT & MUSEUM NEWS The Los Angeles Maritime Institute has listed one of its twin brigantines for sale (or lease). Faced wi[h repaying a millionplus dollar cons[ruc[io n loan, LAMI is seeking m sell either the Irving Johnson or Exy Johnson, buye r's preference. Ideally, [hey would like m kee p [he briganrines sailing

Irving Johnson and Exy Johnson

mge[her wi[h inner-ciry kids, and if any generous do nor-sponsors are inreres[ed in helping pay off [he loan and endow the TopSail Yo uth Program, please conraC[ [hem immed ia[ely. Alrernarively, [hey're looking for a long-[erm lease/chaner or m sell one of [he ships. Bo[h ships were launched in 2002 and began their careers in sail [raining in 2003. Asking price is $4.2 million . (LAMI, Berth 84, Foor of 6rh Sr. , San Ped ro, CA 9073 1; Ph . 3 10 833-605 5; e-m ail,; www.lamimpsail. org) . . . Elysa Engelman of Mystic Seaport is seeking information on the maritime aspects of the Underground Railroad. Readers, if anyo ne is currend y researching o r knows of primary source ma[erials o n this important mpic, please com ae[ her. (Elysa Engelman, Mys[ic Seapo rc The M useum of America and [he Sea, This portion ofthe map, "Routes ofthe Underground Railroad" by Wilbur Siebert (1 898), shows routes up the eastern seaboard, along rivers, and through the Great Lakes.


75 Greenmanville Avenue, PO Box 6000, Mys[ic, CT 06355; Ph. 860-572-5302 ext. 407 1; e-mail: elysa.engelman@mys ... Paul Hundley, senior curator of the Australian National Maritime Museum USA Gallery, has invited scholars at maritime institutions to apply for the up-to-$30,000 Australian National Maritime Museum USA Gallery Fellowship that fosters relationships with key American institutions, promoting research into the two countries' shared heritage. This is an excellenr oppo rtuniry m do research in Australia. (For more info rma[ion: con [aC[ Paul H undley a[ ph undley@anmm. . .. The University of Exeter in the UK, the only university that offers MAs and PhDs in British Naval History, has announced its new MA program delivered wholly on-line. Ini ria[ed by Professor N icholas Rodger, [his course allows studem s who canno[ an end sem inars a[ Exeter m pursue a course of study in their own [ime fro m home. ( uk/ postgrad uate/ degrees/h istory/ navaldlma.html. ) ... The US Coast Guard has launched a new Web-based tool to provide information on the validity of merchant mariner credentials. The Merchant Mariner Credential Verifica[ion tool was created fo llowing Operarion Big Tow, a m arine safery program focused o n ensuring uni nspected mwing vessels are being operated by properly licensed individ uals, w hich idemified the need fo r a rapid means of ve rify ing the validi ry of merchant mari ner credenrials. The M erchant Mariner C redenrial Verificatio n tool provides m arine employers the m eans to ensure th ey are hi ri ng mariners with val id credentials, and also allows Port Srate Control officers in foreign ports a real-tim e capabili ry to verify US mariners' credentials. There are three ways to verify the val idi ry of a M M C: credential rype and serial number; mariner reference number; o r las[ nam e, date of birth, and last fo ur digi[s of [he mariner's social securi ry number. (For more informa[io n abour the Na[ional M ari[im e Cenrer's Mariner Licensing and Documen tatio n program visit hnp: //www.uscg. mil/ nm c or [he Homepo rt si[e a[ hnp://homepo rt.uscg. mil and then select M erchant M ariners.) .. . Could there be a return to commercial sailing ships in our future? C OSCO thinks so.

Las t year, C O SCO , China's bigges t shipping line, signed an agreement with Solar Sailor of Australia to retrofa [heir tankers wfrh large solar-powered sails, which are expected to red uce fuel costs by up m 40% . 1he first ship is supposed m be ready in 2010 . The sails are nearly 100-feer long and are covered with photovolaric panels. A comp uter linked wirh rhe ship's navigation system aummarically adjusts rhe angle of rhe sails m maxi mize rh eir exposure m rhe sun's rays and "rrim" rhe sails ar an an gle rhat best harnesses the wind . Sounds a litde like science fiction, but Solar Sailor already has ourfitted a number of vessels for different uses wi[h solar sails. The m anufacturer claims rha[ solar sails on C OSC O ships will

pay fo r themselves in savings on fuel in fo ur years. Solar Sailor also is [rying to ge[ into rhe luxury yacht business . (Solar Sailor is based in Sydney, Australia, www.solarsailor. com) .. . In May, UK-Halsey Sailmakers created a free " Rules Gadget," a Google Gadget designed to help sailors master the racing rules, which can be installed on any web site and links instantly to a bundle of five animated rules quizzes. The q uizzes show developing race co urse sirua[ions and explain [he rul es rh a[ apply. Anyo ne can place rhe Rules Gadget on [heir web sire free of charge. The race scenarios in the qui zzes are changed aum marically so [ha[ users will always be able m ffY it again and again withom repeating the sam e scenarios. The rules analysis for each situatio n was developed by Rob O verton, C hairman of US Sailing's Racing Rules Co mminee. To check out [he Gadge[, get on iG oogle, click on ''Add sruff' (toward [h e righ [ of [he page), then "Sea rch fo r gadgets." Yo u can always check OU[ [he many interac[ive games and q uizzes on UK-H alsey's official web si[e: www. . ... The New Bedford Whaling Museum has launched a new exhibit, From Pursuit to Preservation: The History of Human Interaction with Whales, that seeks to d efine and explore the complex and (continued on page 48)


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