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USS New York (LPD-21), a San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock which incorporated 24 tons of steel salvaged from the World Trade Center towers in her construction, was christened in March in Avondale, Louisiana. The New York is rhe 6rh ship of rhe US Navy to
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be named fo r rhe srare of New York. The ship was designed to deliver a fullyequipped barralion of 700 Marines. The ship is rhe firsr to be fu lly designed from rhe CAD-screen up to suppon all rhree of rhe Marines' primary mobiliry capabiliries-Expedirionary Fighring Vehicle, Landing C rafr, Landing Crafr Air C ushioned vehicle, and rhe MV-22 O sprey. In rhe US Navy, srare names are usually reserved for submarines, bur an exceprion was made so rhar rhe name could be given to a surface ship. Sreel from rhe World Trade Cem er was mel red down ar Amire Foundry and Machine in Amire, LA, to casr rhe ship's bow secrion. The Navy is building rwo sisrer ships, USS Arlington (LPD 24) and USS Somerset (LPD 25), to honor rhose who were aboard rhe rwo orher planes used in rhe 9/11 an acks rhat crashed in Arlington, VA, and Somerset Counry, PA. USS New Yo rk was built ar N onhrop Grumman Ship Sys rems, Avondale Operarions, in Louisiana. The shipyard is located on rhe banks of rhe M ississippi River approximately 12 miles upriver from New Orleans ... World Ocean Observatory (W20), a web-based resource for scientific, cultural, and political information about the ocean, has announced that it h as joined forces with Ocean C lassroom Foundation, owners and operators of the schooners Spirit of Massaichusetts, Harvey Gamage, and W'estw1ard. The rwo non-pro fit organizations wvill share info rmation and administrative assets bur maintain separare fund -