Sea History 127 - Summer 2009

Page 10

NMHS: A CAUSE IN MOTION First Washington DC Awards Dinner

A ccording to dinner co-chairman Philip Webster,

''April 16th's ..l\Jirst Washington DC Awards Dinner for the Na tional M ari time Histori cal Sociery exceeded our expectations and was remarkable for an inaugural fundraising event in the middle of a recessio n. The room was filled to capaciry, everyone enjoyed themselves, and they bid often and well on the Silent Auction items and bought fo ur John Barber paintings to benefit NMHS. The comments we've heard from our guests are: 'warm and friend ly,' a 'fami ly gathering for those that love the sea,' ' interesting presentations,' 'well-paced,' 'lovely music by wo nderful yo ung people,' 'excell ent food and service,' 'lovely surroundings,' 'an event with energy."' It trul y was a great evening and one we will long cherish . Gary Jobso n, America's yachting spokes man, is a wealth of perso nal and funny stories and information- he was a perfect maste r of ceremo nies. The wo nderful voices of the USCG Academy Cadet "Idlers,'' under the direction of Dr. Robert Newto n, were enchanting. The stars of the evening, of course, were the two awa rd recipi ents. John M . Barber graciously gave the Sociery credit for influencing him by helping to fo und the American Sociery of Marine Artists, which has played such an important role in his life. Admiral Thad W. Allen, Commandant of the US Coast G uard, focused on the importance of the heritage of the Coast G uard in shap ing what it is today. H e stated that the prin ciples of their operations haven't changed for 200 years, regardless of the dangers facing them. Those principles are to maintain a clear objective, an


effective presence, a uniry of effort, an on-scene initiative, managed risk and restraint. "Because situations can change so rapidly," he stated, "we need to stay fixed o n where we're going. To do that we need to know where we've been. For that we thank the Sociery."

NMHS award winners john Barber (left) and Admiral Thad Allen (2nd from left) were fited by NMHS members and trustees at the inaugural Washington DC Awards Dinner. With them are (left-right) NMH S trustee Philip Webster, dinner co-chair I rmy Webster, overseer Gary Jo bson, and chairman Ron Oswald.

Registry of Historic Vessels


nder the leadership of our trustee Karen Helmerson , NMHS has been pleased to partner with the New York Stare Council on the Arts, the North River Historic Ship Sociery, the Working Harbor Committee, the Empire State Maritime Alliance Venture, and the Metropolitan Waterfront Al liance to create the 2009 Commemorative Registry ofWorking and Historic Vessels, a proj ect of the 2009 Hudson Fulton Champlain Quadricentennial Commission . The Registry, along with Vessels as Venues, will serve as a pub lic listing of New York State's histo ri c and working vessels and will be a great cultural resource for New York's waterfront communi ry, cultural o rganizations, and all New Yorkers for years to come.

This non-exclusive registry brings arts and cultural organizations in New York State together with vessels for public programs dockside, on the water, or underway. Vessels as Venues provides a platform for otherwise land-based events and audiences, communi ry tours, educational workshops, performances and exhibitions, from tugs to barges to sailing ships, fireboats and more. The 2009 Commemorative Registry is an online reso urce through the Quadricentennial web site www.exploreny400 .org, where cultural organizations and communities can find vessels as ve nues throughout New York State for programs and events in 2009 and beyond.



MHS is forming a committee to commemorate the bicentennial of the War of 18 12 and is asking for participation from museums, ships, organizations, schools, states, and all who realize how important it is to commemorate this essential chapter in Anglo-American relations. The co mmittee chairman , William H. White, is a trustee ofNMHS and the USS Constitution Museum and an award-winning author on the War of 1812. Famed '"round-the-world" sailor Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, naval historian Dr. William Dudley, and Captain Sally McElwreath, USNR (Ret.), are a few of those who have agreed to serve. Our vision is that there will be a spectacle to draw attention to the bicentennial- ideally a tall ship parade. We also envision a commemoration on both sides of the pond. There needs to be an educational com ponent, where students ado pt a museum or ship and learn hands-on about an aspect of the conflict. It is expected that forts,


ships, museums and organizations from the Great Lakes to the East Coast, from the C hesapeake Bay to Washington, D C, and from Baltimore to New Orleans, are planning commemorations over the three-year time period. A grand spectacle and an educational program wi ll serve to underscore the significance of these events and increase attendance and news coverage. Th e N aval History and H eritage Command, th e Naval Historical Foundation, Operation Sail, and the Massachusetts Port Authoriry (Massport), among others, are already planning to commemo rate the war. Together, we plan to highlight each other's activities, disseminate material, and involve schoolchildren. The NMH S web site www. will offer a calend ar of events as part of this effort. We invite yo ur participati o n and offer yo u our support. Co ntact nmhs@seahisrory.o rg and join the committee. Burchenal Green, President SEA HJ STORY 127, SUMMER 2009

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