Sea History 123 - Summer 2008

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(continued from page 44) History readers might find of interest restructuring of priorities for the US include: 400 years since Christopher Naval Academy's midshipmen sailing Newport sailed back w ith the first re-sup- program. Phillips reported that two years The Art of the Sea. Exquisite oil paintings and plying mission to Jamestown, VA, to dis- ago, about 1,000 midshipmen m ade sumreproductions by one of America's premier cover only 38 survivors. He returned with mer passages aboard the Academy's 21 44coastal artists Jack Saylor. Phone: 252 504-7022, 100 new settlers in January and returned foot sloops, getting "small-unit leadership to England in April. In July of the same trai ning" at sea and livi ng in close quarters year, Quebec City was founded by Samuel for one to two weeks at a time. This year, Great maritime history books from Washington de Champlain for France. Two hundred they only expect to send approximately State University Press. Shop online at wsupress. 125 "Mids." The Academy will maintain years later in 1808, importation of slaves is or call 800 354-7360. Free Catalog. banned in the United States for the first and continue to develop their intercolleCUSTOM SCRIMSHAW on antique ivory. Made time, in January. The fo llowing month, giate dingy raci ng program, but offshore by hand in the USA by me, Peter Driscoll. www. the ship Topaz, which had sailed from passage-making appears to be the victim Free brochure: chipsmay@aol. Boston in Apri l 1807, arrived in Pitcairn of budget curs and a different approach to com, Phone: 336 998-0459. Island and discovered the last survivi ng training under the leadership of the new Jonesport Nautical Antiques. We offer world Bounty mutineer, Alexander Smith , who (as of June 2007) superintendent Vice class nautical antiques & nautical gifts (old & was granted amnesty for the mutiny 18 Adm . Jeffrey L. Fowler. . . . In February, new): Phone 1-800-996-5655 or visit us on the web years before. In Jul y 1908 Robert Peary set Adm. Thad Allen, Commandant of the at sail from New Yo rk in Roosevelt for the Coast Guard, announced that he plans North Pole. Also in 1908, Pearl Harbor to send vessels and aircraft to the North Custom Ship Models Half Hulls. Free Catalog. Spencer, Box 1034, Quakertown, PA 18951. Navy Yard, later called Pearl Harbor Naval Slope area (as in, the Northwest Passage) Shipyard, was officially established in the to assess the waterway's use for commerBOOKS: It Didn't Happen on My U'latch and Scuttlebutt by George E. Murphy. Memoi rs of Territory of Hawaii as a coaling statio n for cial traffic following the seasonal thaw. US Navy ships transiting rhe Pacific NOAA will be involved in the deployment forry-rhree yea rs with United States Lines aboard Ocean. June 19th marks the 65th anniverto help determine bottom co ntours in cargo and passe nger ships. Anecdotes of captains, sary of the launch of the Liberty Ship SS their assessment as to whether the passage chief engineers, crew members and the company between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans is office. Web sire:; e- mail: Jeremiah O'Brien . Fifty years ago this year, gemurphy@carrol l. com. USS Wisconsin was decommissioned, leav- safe. . .. The Schooner Virginia has aning the US Navy without an active battle- nounced it still has openings available FREIGHTERCRUISES.COM. Mail ships, conship for the first rime since 1896. USS rainerships, trampers ... Find the ship and voyWisconsin was recommissioned on 22 Ocage that's perfect for yo u. Ph. 1-800-99-Maris. tober 1988 in Pascagoula, Mississippi, and Model Restoration I Construction, Captain was assigned to the US Atlantic fleer. AnNorman Smith, Great Island Model Shipyard, other US Navy an niversary this year: in 106 Lombos Hole Rd., Harpswell, ME 04079; 1958 USS Nautilus (SSN-571), a nuclearPh. 207 833-6670; e-mail: dysmith@gwi.ner. powered submarine, became the fi rst ves1812 Privateer FAME of Salem, MA Sails Daily sel to cross the North Pole under water on May - Ocrober. Phone: 978 729-7600; www. 3 August as part of"Operarion Sunshine." Schooner Philadelphia's Independence Seaport Museum has announced that Lori EXPERIENCED MODEL BUILDER. Ray Dillard Rech has accepted the position Guinta, PO Box 74, Leonia, New Jersey 07605; of President of the Seaport Museum, fective 5 September. Ms. Dillard Rech ATOMIC 4 pans, carburerors, Oberdorfer has 16 years of experience as an adminispumps, Featherman Enterprises, Phone: 7 17 trato r and educator in history museums, 432-9203; web sire: www.fearhermanenterprises. most recen tly as executive director of the co m. Betsy Ross House. She is an avid competi- for "guest crew" this summer for 1 to 4 Ship and boat portraits custom carved by hand. tive sailor and presently serves as Commo- day passages in ports from Virginia to Lou Carreras, woodcarver. Phone 978 466-863 1, dore of the Liberty Sailing C lub. The mu- Massachusetts, including participation e-mail: Web: http://web. seum will celebrate its 50th anniversary in in the Gloucester Schooner Race, the 20 10. (ISM, Penn's Landing, Philadelphia, Annapolis Boat Show, and the ChesaCLASSIFIED ADVERTISING wirh Sea History: PA; Ph. 215 413-8655; www.phillysea- peake Bay Schooner Race. Contact their To place yo ur classified ad ar $1.60 per word, . . . On 6 April, The Washing- office for specific dares, ports of call, and mail yo ur complete message along wirh payment, ton Post ran an article, "Shifting Winds derai ls. (S.chooner Virginia, 500 East Main ro: Sea History, Advertising Desk, PO Box 68, Affect the Mids' Sailing Program" by St. , Sre. 6i00, No rfolk, VA 23510; Ph. 757 Peekski ll NY 10566. Angus Phillips, which examined recent 627-7400); www.schoonervirginia.o rg) •. . Thousands of century-old ship postcards, ephemera -in San Francisco; Ph. 415 5869386; kprag@planeteria.ner.



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