Sea History 122 - Spring 2008

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NMHS Annual Meeting on the Chesapeake, 31May2008 Ronald Oswald, chairman of the National Maritime Historical Society, invites you to the Society's 2008 Annual Meeting to be held at the Harbourtowne Resort and Conference Center in historic St. Michaels, Maryland. This 153-acre resort offers waterfront guest rooms with sweeping views of th e C hesapeake Bay and the Miles River. The resort is not your typ ical conference hotel, so yo u may want to co me a day earl y and take advantage of their championship golf course or any of the other amenities, from which there are many to choose. Histo ri c Sr. Michaels is just a short ride from Harbourtowne. Sr. Michaels has a rich maritime heritage-it was a shipbuilding center and trading port from colonial times to the early 1800s. Today it retains th e quiet charm and hospitality of an earli er age. In town, yo u will find brick-lined walkways and colonial homes, stone churches, decorated storefronts, and, of course, the Chesapeake Bay Maritim e Museum. Please refer to our profile of the museum in this issue of Sea H istory, pages 16-19. Maritime enthusiasts will find the O xfo rd-Bellevue Ferry, believed to be th e nation 's oldest privately operated ferry service, worth the short ride across th e Tred Avon River. For the more hearty, go sailing in an authentic working skipjack. Like to stay dry? Many shoreside entertainment choices abound in the area. The NMHS Business Meeting starts promptly at 9:30AM, followed by maritime heritage presentations given by experts well-versed in the history of C hesapeake Bay. NM HS trustee, Philip Webster, a local resident who has also served on the boards of the C hesapeake Bay Maritime Museum and of Sultana Projects, Inc., will host the luncheon at the Commodore Room of the Miles Ri ver Yacht Club. After lunch , we'll divide into gro ups to tour the museum and rake to the wate r aboard the skipjack, H. M Krentz, and the replica buyboat, Mister Jim . In addition, Sultana Projects, Inc., will display the shallop they built for last yea r's re-enactment of] ohn Sm ith's 1608 circumnavigation of the Chesapeake Bay, th e winner of the 2007 MHS Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence in Maritime Education. PLEASE NOTE: NMHS members will Annual Meeting Maritime Heritage Presentations vo te on six new trustees and three trustees standing for re-election at our business meeting. Peter Lesher, C urator of Collections, C hesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, A ballot is provided on the Registration Form "Historic Vessels on the Chesapeake" on page 14 to cast your vote. The three trustees William S. Dudley, former director, Naval Historical Center, standin g for re-election are Howard Slotnick, "Maryland's Maritime Heritage" H. C. Bowen Smith, and Philip J Webster. Our six new candidates are listed below. James W. Cheevers, Associate Director/Senior C urato r, US Naval Academy Museum, Charles B. Anderson comes from a family "The Renovation of a Naval Museum" with a long tradition of maritime service. His Drew McMullen, Pres., and Chris Cerino, Vice Pres., Sultana Projects, Inc., father was master of SS United States, and his "Retracing Captain John Smith's 1608 Chesapeake Expedition" grandfather was a steamboat pilot operatin g on the Tennessee and Ohio Rivers in the early Ri ve r Park Trust, Metropolitan Waterfront Al1900s. Mr. Anderson served on destroyers in with a particular affection for catboats. the US Navy and currently holds th e rank of Karen Helmerson has maintained a life- liance, Passenger Vessel Association, and Save commander in the US Naval Reserve. Mr. An- long interest in marine history and culture. She Our Ships. Peter H. Sharp is th e head of The Windderson serves as head of Skuld North America, serves on the board of American Sai l Training Inc. H e is also the co-author of Shipping and the Association (ASTA) and is an active member ward Group in Providence, Rl, an active and Environment, published in 1998, and teaches of the NY harbor and waterfront community. influential trustee of Mystic Seaport, involved admiralty law at Columbia Unive rsity as an ad- Karen is the Director of Electroni c Media and with th e International Yacht Restoration School, and a wooden boar sailor. Film at th e NYS Coun cil on the Arts. junct professor. Richard Scarano is vice president of ScarDaniel W. Whalen is managing director James Carter is the Managing Partner of The Lighthouse Group (TLG). Jim's 25-year ano Boat Building and operates C lassic H arbor an d co-head of th e Loan & High Yield Bond business career has covered marketing and Line and Sai ling Excursions, offering public Syndicate Group at BNP Paribus in New York. general management, cons ulting and entrepre- sa ils on the schooners Imagine, Adirondack I A graduate ofTufts University, he is a life-lon g neurial new business development. H e holds and II and the classic motor vessel Manhat- avid sailor and has competed in many regattas. degrees from TCU and the Un ive rsity of Illi- tan. Richard is associated with many public H e cruises the northeast coast in a 34-ft. 1966 nois. H e's a lover of rraditional small sailboats, programs, including ASTA, Friends of Hudson Morgan sloop.

Accommodations (please reserve under the NMHS block of rooms at each to take advantage of the conference discount) : Harbourtowne Resort and Conference Center-Rares: $189 .99; Best Western, St. Michaels: 1228 S. Talbot St.-Rate: $139 .50. Ph. suites ava ilable at $289.99, check in 30 May, depart 1 June 2008. 410 745-3333; web sire: Ph: 800 446-9066; web site: We encourage you to book early. Please register for the meeting today by returning the Reservation Form (located on the back side of this page) or by visiting NMHS's web sire at or call us at NMHS headquarters at 1-800-221-NMH S.



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