Sea History 120 - Autumn 2007

Page 33

8th Maritime Heritage Conference 9~ 12

October 2007


San Diego, California


h e date for the triennial Maritime Heritage Con ' San Diego on Monday, 8 October, the day before the ference is fast approaching, a nd individuals ~ conference opens. Those interested should check the appropriate box on the co nference registration form. with an interest in any aspect of o ur maritim e heri- ( Attendees also have the option of returning to San tage wi ll want to participate. The story of human interaction with oceans and waterways w ill be prePedro o n board the Lane Victory on 15 October after sented in papers and panels, and the list of session the conference concludes. The visit of the Lane Victory to San Diego also coincides with the co nferral of topics represents the broad range of study that sto ry inspires. Specialists in ma ritime histo ry, edu cation , the World Ship Trust awa rd by the Trust chairman, the preservation of histo ric vessels, m arine sancruarLord Ambrose G reenway. This ceremony will be held onboard SS Lane Victory at 2PM on 9 October. ies, histo ric small craft, lighthouses, und erwater arConference festivities officially commence at chaeo logy, as well as interested amateu rs will gather 5PM on the 9 th with a welcome reception onboard in Sa n D iego to socialize, exchange ideas, network, the museum's flagship, the 1863-barque Star of Inand sh are experiences. Those wishing to register fo r the co nferen ce should visit the official web site at dia. Entry to this reception is included with full and fo llow the link to the Mariference registration. The American Society of Marin e time H eritage Conference. ".;:'! Artists Region 5 M aritimeArt Exhibit will also open onThe response to the call for papers has been tru ly - ..board the Star of India that evening, allowing conferees to phenomenal. Rep resentatives from organizations, including the S view so me of the best co ntemporary marine artists in America. Natio nal Maritime Historical Society, NOAA, the American The fo llowing m orning at SAM, all will gather on the fli ght Lighthouse Coordinating Committee, the Historic Naval Ships deck of USS Midway fo r th e offici al commencement of the conference proceedings. The keynote address formally opening rhe Association, the Naval Historical Fo undation, and the Museum Small C raft Association, h ave together submitted more than th irty complete panels, and individual researchers, educators, and maritime heritage professionals will p resent more than 100 paUSS Midway pers. The sess ions reflect the rich tapestry that m akes maritime culture, tradition, history, and science such a vibrant subj ect. Conference attendees will learn about developments in the field of underwater archaeology, the vital tole maritime sanctuaries play as stewards of submerged cultural and environmental resources, sail training and sea ed ucatio nal programs, and the history and preservation of naval and histo ric commercial vessels fro m so me of the most prominent specialists in their res pective fields. Attendees will have upwards of seventy different panels to choose from, making this one of the larges t M aritime Heritage Co nferences ever held. With all conference sess ions held aboard th e vessels of the Ma ritim e Museum of San Diego and the San Diego Aircraft Car- conference will be delivered by Ian Toll, author of Six Frigates: The rier Museum, this event offers participants the unique opportu- Epic History of the Founding of the US Navy, published in 2006. ni ty to experience maritim e h eritage first hand as they listen to Sessions will get off to a brisk start at 9:30AM. D etails of the daily conference program can be found on the official web site. 111e conference will conclude on the even ing of Frid ay, 12 October, with a formal banquet and harbor cruise aboard the luxury yacht Inspiration Hornblower. Here's your chance to wine, d ine, and celebrate maritime heritage against the spectacular backdrop of San Diego's historic harbo r and city lights. Dr. Alex Roland, co-autho r of The mty ofthe Ship: America's Maritime History Re-envisioned, to be published in late 2007, will be the banquet keynote speaker. Questions regardin g panels and papers can be adMaritime Museum of San Diego ships (above) and USS Midway dressed to the conference program chair, Kevin Sheehan, at (above right) will be the venue for all conference sessions. (P h. 6 19 234-9 153, ext. 118) . Inpresentations. As mentioned in the last issue of Sea H istory, the quiries about special needs, the Lane Victory transit, registration, WWII Victory Shi p, SS Lane Victory, will berth alongside the mu- sponsorship packages, m eetings, and ve ndor/exhibitor boo ths seum fo r the duration of the co nference. Attendees may travel free can be sent to th e conference coordinato r, Robyn Wilner at of charge o n the Victory ship as she steam s sou th from Los Angeles (Ph . 6 19 234-9 153, ext. 106) . ,!,



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