Sea History 108 - Autumn 2004

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Seventh Maritime October 27-30, 2004


PUBLISH ER'S C IRC LE: Pecer Aron, Donald McG raw, W illi am H . W hice OF FICE RS & TRUSTEES: Chairman, Walcer R. Brown; Vice Chairmen, Richard o R. Lo pes, Edward G . Zelinsky; Executive Vice President, Burchenal G ree n; Treasurer, Ronald L. O swald; Secretary, Marshall Screiberc; Trustees, D onald M. Birney, Thomas F. Daly, Ri chard du Mo ulin , David S. Fowler, Virgini a Sceele G rubb, Rodney N . H o ugh con, Sceven W Jones, Richard M . Larrabee, Wa rren G . Leback, G uy E. C. Maitl and, Karen Ma rkoe, M ichael R. McKay, James J. McNamara, Howa rd Slo rnick, Bradford D . Smi ch; Chairmen Emeriti, Alan G . C hoate, G uy E. C. Ma itland , C raig A. C. Reynolds, Howa rd Slorni ck; President Emeritus, Peter Sca nford FOUN DER: Karl Ko rtum (19 17-1996) OVERSEE RS: Chairman, RADM David C. Brown; Walter Cro nk.i ce, Alan D . Hu tchiso n, Jakob Isbra ndcse n, John Lehm an, Warren Marr, 11, Brian A. McAl lister, D avid A. O ' Neil , VAD M John R. Ryan, John Srobarc, W illiam G. W inrerer ADVISO RS: Co-Chairmen, Fra nk 0. Braynard , Melbo urn e Smi ch; D. K. Ab bass, George F. Bass, Fra ncis E. Bowker, Oswa ld L. Breer, No rman J. Brouwer, RAD M Joseph F. Call o, Francis J. Du ffy, John W Ewald , T im othy Foore, W illiam G il kerson, Tho mas C. G illmer, Walter J . H andel man, Steve n A. Hyman, Hajo Knurrel, G unnar Lund eberg, Joseph A. Maggio, Co nrad M ilster, W il liam G. Mull er, David E. Perkins, Nancy Hughes Ri chard so n, Ti mo thy J. Runyan, Shanno n J . Wall NMH S STAFF: Executive Director, Bmchenal G reen; Membership Director, Na ncy Schn aars; Director of Education, David Al len; Accounting, Jill Ro meo; Executive Assistant, Cecil e Fas ul o; Membership Assistant, Jane Ma uri ce SEA HISTO RY Editor : Deirdre E. O ' Regan; Director ofAdvertising, Lisa D iBenedetro Add ress :

5 John Walsh Bo uleva rd PO Box 68 Peekskill NY 10566 Ph one: 9 14 737-7878; 800 22 1-NM H S Web sire: www.seahisto ry.o rg; N MH S e- mail : nmhs@seahisro ry.o rg; and Sea History e- mail: edi ro

MEMBERSHIP is in vited. Afterguard $ 10,000; Benefa cror $5, 000; Plankowner $2,5 00; Spo nso r $ 1,000; Dono r $5 00; Patron $25 0; Friend $ I 00; Co ntribu ro r $75; Fami ly $5 0; Regular $35 . All members oursid e the USA pl ease add $ 10 for postage. Sea History is se nt ro all members. Individual copies cos t $3.75. Advertising: l 800 22 1-NMHS (6647), x235



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Heritage Conference

Im e er1ta e

Norfolk, Virginia


aritime heritage and other organizations in Virginia are hosting the next maritime heritage conference in historic N orfolk. Among them are the Hampton Roads Naval Museum with the battleship USS Wisconsin, The M ariners' Museum , N auticus, the Monitor National Marine Sanctuary, the Portsmo uth Naval Shipyard Museum, and the Hampton Roads M aritime Association. Upwards of 500 attendees are expected. The conference opens with a reception on 27 October at Nauticus and aboard USS Wisconsin. Program sessions will continue thro ugh Saturday, October 30 covering the entire spectrum of maritime heritage. More than 130 presentations, panels, and meetings are scheduled in 54 concurrent sessions. The conference banquet speaker will be Nathaniel Philbrick, author of the bestsellers In the H eart of the Sea and Sea of Glory. Mystic Seaport Museum Director Emeritus J . Revell Carr will speak on his new book All Brave Sailors. Luncheon speakers will be C aptain Michael Watson, President of the American Pilots Association, and Peter Stanford, President Em eritus of NMHS. Underwater archaeologist, author and museum director James Delgado will speak on the discove ry of the Union submarine Explorer. Curtiss Peterson will lead a Mariners' Museum team update on the USS Mo nito r project in a co nference session and at the museum's conservati o n faci lity. A plenary on the current state of American m aritime and naval history will feature Dr. T imothy Runyan, Maritime Studies Program Director at East Carolina University; Dr. William Dudley, Director, Naval Histo rical Center; D r. William Cogar, Vice President for Collections and Research at Mystic Seaport Museum and Kelly Drake, Systems and Digital Librarian at Mys tic. NMHS members are encouraged to join us at our reception on Thursday, 28 October to meet the maritime community from 6 PM to 7:30 PM, at a location to be announced . On Friday, attendees will board the Sp irit of No rfolk fo r lunch and a narrated cruise of H ampton Roads. Jeff Johnston of the Monitor N ational M arine Sanctuary will describe the battle of the ironclads as the Spirit circles the site of the skirmish . Conferees will continue their afternoon at the M arin ers' Museum for tours and a reception. O n O ctober 30 and 3 1, Nauticus w ill host a symposium on the search for the U nion C ivil War submarine USS A lligator. Attendance the first day will be limited to project participants. The seco nd day will be open to all M aritime H eritage Confe rence attendees, without charge. The Sherato n No rfo lk Waterside H o tel will act as conference headquarters-just a short walk fro m two other conference venues, N auticus and USS Wisconsin. Reservations can be made online at the special conference rate of $89 plus tax. C omplete conference inform ation may be found on the N auticus web site at MHConference.html. Included are the meeting agenda, program sess ion descriptions, tour descrip tions, registration fo rm, and hotel reservatio n instructions. Both commercial fi rms and non-profit organizations are welcomed to exhibit, and there will be a book room fo r publishers and authors. For further information contact Conference Chair Captain Channing M. Zucker by e-mail at hnsaOl, ph. 757 499-1044 . 1,



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