Sea History 103 - Winter 2002-2003

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India House Club Exhibits WTC Anchor and Raises Funds for Its Conservation W h ile excavating the sire of the World Trade Center's Tower o ut the city, this exhibit, entitl ed "Fo rged by Fire," is a testament Two in New Yo rk C ity in 1967 , co nstru ction workers unea rthed to the resi lience o f New Yo rkers. Since 19 14, India H o use has o perated as a private club fo r an 11 -foot anchor. T he ancho r was later stowed in a subbaseshippin g executives and m erchants. Its Lower M anhattan site, ment of the Wo rld T rade C ente r. ln 1999, members of U nio n Electricia n Local # 3 , anxious to preserve the histor ic b u r deterio- co nside red rhe first wo rld trad e cen ter, is a particularly ap p rop rirating anchor, and with the cooperation of the Pon A uthority of ate locatio n fo r "Fo rged by F ire," mea nt to inspire the rege neratio n of Lower Ma nhatta n. New Yo rk and New Jersey, brough t the anchor to NMHS NMHS is ho no red ro have the histori c ancho r stand as the headquarters in Peekski ll , N ew York. It therefore survived the ce nterpi ece of the exhibi t. And we are parattack on the World Trade Center in 200 l . ticularly grateful that, as a res ult o f the P rel iminary research by conservator Gary exhibi t, fund s have been d onated fo r the McGowa n suggests that it is a wrough tco nservatio n of thi s artifac t. iro n bower anchor (a n anchor d eployed fro m the bow of a shi p) manu fact u red between 17 90 and 1815 , probably from an The anchor at India House with, ftorn left, E nglish sh ip of abo u t 225 tons . NMH S's trustee Ron Oswald and education I n the au tu mn of2002, the In d ia House director David Allen, conservator Gary C lu b in Lowe r Ma nhatta n insta lled an exMcGowan, India H ouse's curator Margaret hi bit docume nting New Yo rk C ity' res urStocker and president George Gregor, NMH S's chairman Howard Slotnick and rnernber Brian rection from major disasters over the past Young, who first brought the anchor to our three hu nd red years. With paintings and artifacts from museum collections through- ..:.-..__..-~.._-=:;;;..--..-.i~:___:'ll attention (Photo: Robert Sirnko)

Join Us inAnna.poCis for NMIIS'sAnnuaÂŁMeeti119 As we begin o u r 40rh yea r, we will ga ther to elect trustees, discuss NMHS activities, and plan fo r rhe Society's future at the Officers' C lu b of the US N aval Academy in A nnapolis, Ma ryland, o n Saturday, 10 M ay 2003 . Eve nts wi ll include a mo rnin g visit to the US N aval Academy M useum (8:30-9:45, with coffee), the Business Meeting ( 10- 12:30), lun cheo n (with cash bar), and afternoon tours of rhe Yard-as rhe Academy is known-and rh e m useu m. W e are also looking into a special tour for mem bers at another mari time h isto ry sire o n Su nday, fo ll owed by lun ch . Full d era il s will be avai lable o n our web sire even ts calenda r

(www.seah in Febru ary. W e have reserved a block of roo ms at T he O 'Callaghan H otel An napolis, 174 West Street, A nnapo lis M D 2 14 01 , fo r the evenings of Friday, 9 M ay, and Sa turday, 10 M ay. To get our special rate of $ 160 per nigh t, call rhe hotel at 4 10 263-7700 and req uest Na tional M ari rime H isto rical Society rooms. Please boo k early; the block will be ava ilable u ntil 9 April 2003, w hile roo ms las t. Parki ng is $ 11 per nigh t. T he hotel is within walkin g distance of the Naval Academ y, and a shu ttle will be provided between the Academ y and the hotel in the mo rning and afternoon.

,--------- - - - ---- ------ ----------- - -- --, NMHS Annual Meeting 2003 Registration


I/we will arrend the Annual Meeting and luncheon in Annapolis, Maryland. Please reserve _ _ places at $50 each.* Please make me a Parro n of the Annual Meeting. My $25 0 co ntribution includes two places at the luncheon. (I will use _ 1 _2 _ neith er of these places.*)


Please make me a Sponsor of th e Annual Meetin g. My $ 1000 co ntribution includes two places at the lun cheon and a half- page listi ng I in the Annual Meetin g program. (1 will use _ l _2 _ neither of these places.*) I wo uld like to help NMHS with this don ation: _ _ _ M y check for $_ _ _ is enclosed. NAME _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ADDRESS _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Please charge $_ __

to my

Visa Mas terCard AmExp CARD# _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ SIGNATURE - - -- - - -- -- -- -- - -- -

PHO E/E-MAIL: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _

EXP.DATE _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __



*Please provid e the names of y? ur guests'. so they can be included in the attendance list fo r th e event. J T o MAKE A RESERVATI ON , mail or fax rlllS form to: N MHS, PO Box 68, Peekskill NY 10566; 91 4 737-7816 (fax). Yo u may also call us at 800 221 -6647, xO or e-mail us at nmhs@seahistory.o rg. L - ------- ---- ---- -- ------ -- ------- - ----~



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