The Dromedary Ship Modeler's Center We are specialist suppliers for all aspects of the model boating scene. (Not cars, trains, planes.) We can start you off with basic kits or provide you with plans and materials. Our range also covers working or static models, and we carry an extensive selection of fittings for all types of ships and boats.
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The American Neptune Enjoy the leading scholarly journal of maritime history and arts in the US. The American Nep tune, a quarterly publication of the Peabody Essex Museum, is a great read for collectors, model makers, and all who love ships and the sea. We offer Sea History readers an opportunity to subscribe to The American Neptune for $33, a $6 savings over our regular subscription rate ($36 for non-US residents. Institutions : call for rates) . To start your subscription, send a check or money order to:
The American Neptune Peabody Essex Museum East India Square Salem, MA 01970 (508) 745-1876 You may charge your subscription by fax at (508) 744-6776, or e-mail dori_phillips@ pem .org. We accept VISA, MasterCard and American Express.
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60th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor Commemorated at The Navy Museum T he Navy Museum 's new exh ibi tion , "Visions of Infamy: Pearl H arbor Remembered," opened on 7 D ecember 2001 , the 60rh annive rsary of the Japanese arrack on Pearl H arbor. The exhibit, whi ch wi ll run through 12 May, is open to the public, bur due to securi ty restrictions, yo u must call ahead to make an appointment to see ir, between 9AM and 4PM, Monday through Friday. The exhibit features paintings by arrisr To m Freeman, who has used ph otographs and firsthand accounts to create a series that rakes viewers from the Japanese navy preparing to leave for H awaii through the aftermath and the arrival of USS Enterprise the evening of the 7th. Other paintings show people carrying on with their daily lives rhar Sunday morning. More rhan 2000 peo pl e, prim arily US Navy personnel, lost their lives char day. Freeman's authenticity and exacting derail have won him acclaim, and his paintings hang in the White House and various Co ngressional offices. (The Navy Museum, Washington Navy Yard, 805 Kidder Breese Street, SE, Washington D C 20374-5060; 202 433-6897; web sire: www.history. navy. mil) J,
ASMA Catalog Available If you did nor get to the American Society of Marine Arrisrs' 12th National Exhibition, you ca n still enjoy the best the exhibit had to offer, albeit on a much smaller scale. T he 82-page co lor catalog, Contemporary American Marine Art, is available fo r $ 19 .95pb plus $3 .95 s&h. The images of paintings and sculptures are accompanied by comments by th e artists about th eir individual work. (ASMA 12th National Catalog, PO Box 369, Ambl er PA 19002; web sire: www. J,
Exhibits • Cold Spring Harbor Whaling Museum: 16 September 2001 -2 Sep tember 2002, "Mari rim e Miniatures: Sailing in a Borde" (PO Box 25, M ain Street, Cold Spring H arbor NY 11 724; 631367-3418) •Freer Gallery of Art: 1 July 200 1-31 March 2002, "Whi stl er in Ven ice" (S mithsonian Institution, Jefferson Dr. ar 12th Sr., SW, Washington DC 20560; 202 357-4880; web sire: •Lyman Allyn Museum: 30 November 200 I-April 2002, The Montesi Ship Collection: Ship Models by Folk Arrisr Pasquale Montesi (Co nnecticut College,
625 W illiams Sr., New London CT 06320; 860 443-2545; we b si re: lymanallyn .co nn coll. edu/general.hrml) •The Navy Museum: from 7 December 2001, "Visions ofl nfamy: Pearl H arbor Remembered" (Washingto n Navy Yard, 805 Kidder Breese Street, SE, Washington D C 2037 4-5060; 202 433-689 7; web sire: www. •San Diego Maritime Museum: 4 November 2001 - January 2003, "Treasures of the Man ila Galleons" (1492 N. Harbor Dr. ,, San Diego CA 9210 1; 619 2349153; wveb sire: www.sdmaririm e.o rg) SEA fHISTORY 99, WINTER 2001 - 02