Sea History 096 - Spring 2001

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Services in the amoun t of $ 15 ,59 1 will enable The Mariners' Museum to conserve the Adney collection of120 North American native canoe models in a joint program of Mariners' and the Canadian Conservation Institute in Onawa, Ontario. The collection represents the boatbuilding traditions and vessel use of 30 Native American peo ples and includes photographs and written documentation of canoe-building techniques and designs as well as models . (TMM, 100 Museum Drive, Newport News VA 23606-3759; 757 596-2222; fax: 757 591-7320; web site: www.mariner .o rg) . . . A traveling version of The Mariners' exhibit "Waters of Despair, Waters of Hope: African-Americans and the Chesapeake Bay" will be created thanks to a National Park Se rvi ce grant in co nn ection with th e C hesapeake Bay Gateway Netwo rk. (CBGN, 1 800 YOUR-BAY; web sire:www.chesapeakebay. net/Gateways .htm ) ... The Columbia River Maritime Museum broke gro und on 17 November to launch its remodeling project. The $5million proj ect will add 6,200 square feet to th e mu seum and allow for the renovation of an additional 28,000 square feer. The museum has also received an $ 18,000 grant from US Bank for "Museum in th e Schools," a K-8 grade-specific o utreach program that covers maritime history and nautical science. (CRMM, 1792 Marine Drive, Asto ria OR 97103; 503 325-2323; web site: ... Rob ert Ballard discovered four ancient shipwrecks last summer in an expedition explorin g the deep anaerobic waters of the Black Sea off Sinop, Turkey. One of th e ships, whi ch radi ocarbo n testing dates to 410- 520 AD, has a well preserved wooden hull and an erect masr. The expedition was part of Ballard's work to define the anci ent coas tlin e and find evidence to support the hypothesis that a cataclysmic flood struck the area 7,600 years ago . (Institute for Explora tion, 55 Coogan Boulevard, Mystic CT 06355-1997; 860 572-5955; web site: www. ... Florida's Maritime Heritage Trail, completed in July 2000, promo res publi c access to th e stare' s coastal cultural and natural resources with sites organized into six themes-coastal communiti es, coastal environments, coas tal forts, li ghthouses, histo ri c ports, and historic shipwrecks. Information on the sites is provided online and on six poster/bro-


chures outlining the th emes and related sites, wh ich can be ordered for $12+shipping/set through the following web site: http :// m/ maritime .... A cooperative effort among the In stitute for Nautical Archaeo logy, the Naval Historical Center and the National Geographic Society is mapping the locations of the ships and landing craft that sank off Utah and Omaha Beaches at Normandy. The INA's searchboat Robo has found at least ten shipwrecks. Images can be seen on the INA website at ina. /photoserv .htm . (INA, PO Drawer HG , College Station TX 7784 1-5137; 979 845-6694; fax: 979 847-9260; e-mail:; web site: ... Tall Ship Newswire reports that Life Network in Toronto, Canada, is filming "Tall Ship Chronicles," following the experiences of th e 45 crew of th e Picton Castle through its seco nd circumnavigation as recorded by Canadian TV host, writer and journali st Andrew Younghusband. (Tall Ship Newswire: http: //www.; Bark Pi cto n Cas tle; web site: www.picto ncas m) ... Lighthouse Digest reporrs that officials in Delaware, North Carolina and M iss iss ippi want to rebuild lost li ghthouses. A D elaware plan calls for the building of a replica of the original colonial-era Cape Henlopen Lighthouse, which collapsed in th e 1920s, at an estimated cost of $ 11 million. The Town of Manteo in North Carolina wants to reconstruct the Roanoke Marshes Lighthouse and has funding to begin the task along with permi ss ion from th e Coas tal Area Management Authority, but the US Army Corps of Engineers has not approved the plan. The Pass C hristian Lighthouse Society, on Mi ss issippi Sound 15 miles west of Biloxi MS , is raising funds to rebuild its 1831 lighthou se, which was demolished in 1882 for salvage . (PCLS, PO Box 354, Pass C hristian MS 39571 ; web site: danellis.n et)

Full information on these and other stories can be found in Sea History Gazette, November/December 2000. To subscribe to the bi-monthly Gazette for one year, send $18.95 (add $10 for foreign postage) to NMHS, PO Box 68, Peekskill NY 10566. For credit card orders, call 1 800 221-NMHS (6647)x0, or sign up online at





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