Sea History 095 - Winter 2000-2001

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SHIP NOTES, SEAPORT & MUSEUM NEWS The American Neptune Enjoy the leading scholarly journal of maritime history and arts in the US. The American Nep tune, a quarterly publication of the Peabody Essex Museum, is a great read for coll ectors, model makers, and all who love ships and the sea. We offer Sea History readers an opportunity to subscribe to The American Neptune fo r $33 , a $6 savings over our regular subscription rate ($36 fo r non-US residents. Institutions: call for rates). To start your subscription, send a check or money order to: The American Neptune

Peabody Essex Museum East India Square Salem, MA 01 970 (508) 745-l 876 You may charge your subscription by fax at (5 08) 744-6776, or e-mail dori_phillips@ We accept VISA, MasterCard and American Express.

Visit our website at www.

Souvenirs of the Great Gathering of Sailing Ships in the Year 2000

Our handsome Ts show fo ur sailing ships pass ing Miss Liberty, silk screened in blue, light blue and crimson. T he official OpSail 2000 program has photos & stories of th e ships and the people who sai l them. Both commemorate a great occasion on 4 July 2000! Shirt: $12.50 + $2.50 s/h; availab le in S, M, L, XL, XXL Progra m: $6 + $2 s/h

Send check or money order to National Maritime Historical Soc. PO Box 68, Peekskill NY 10566 Or phone in your credit card order to 1-800-221-NMHS (6647)

Cooperative Venture Underway in Seattle The Center fo r Wooden Boats, Northwest Seaport, the North west Sch oon er Society, th e V irginia V Foundation and United Indians of All Tribes Foundation' s Native American Canoe Center are partners in the Maritime Heri tage Center being deve loped at South Lake Unio n in Seattle, Washington. Each of the partners developed independen d y and has made eno rmous suides in saving, preserving and educating p eopl e abo u t th e No rthwest's mari t ime past. T h ey are now working together to bring historic vessels, small craft sailing opportunities, boatb ui lding prog rams, and exhibits to one place in rhe proposed twelve-acre South Lake U nion Park. T his summer the US Navy transferred five acres of the former Naval Reserve pro perty on Lake Union, includ ing the armory building, to the C ity of Seatd e. An artist's preliminary impression of the proT h e $3 .4 mi ll ion in funding for rhis posed Maritime Heritage Center. acquisition came from the Shoreline Park Improvement Fu nd, Conservation Futures Tax Fund and Interagency Committee fo r Washington Wild life and Recreation Program. The Kreielsheimer Fou ndation has also anno unced a $ 1-m illion gift toward the build ing of the Center itself. T h e entire park wi ll be man aged by the Seatde Department of Parks and Recreation, w h ile the Maritime Heritage Center will be operated by the Mari time Heritage Foundation. When completed , th e site wi ll include a maritime- related m use u m , a wharf which wi ll be hom e to a number of historic water craft, and a Native America n village. The vessels calling the Center home are expected to include the Virginia VMosq ui to Fleer ferry, the sch ooner Zodiac, th e tugboat Arthur Foss, th e fireboat Duwamish and the ligh tship Swiftsure. SeaScouts and the owners of the historic ferry Kalakala are also invo lved in the project. T h e develo pment of th e Mari rim e He ritage Center is to take p lace over the next five to seven years. (MHF, 1000 Valley Street, Seatde WA 98109 ; 206 447-2622) recogn ize o utstand ing books dealing with the maritime and naval history of North America: Across the Top of the World: The Questfor the Northwest Passage, by Jam es P. Delgado (Checkmark Books); Forty-Niners Round the Horn, by Charles R. Schultz (Uni versity of So uth Carolina Press); Off

Soundings: Aspects of the Maritime History ofRhode Island, by Alexander Boyd Hawes (Posterity Press); The Official Chronology of the US Navy in World War II, by Robert]. C ress m an (Naval Institute Press); Confederate Admiral: The Life and Wars ofFranklin Buchanan, by Craig L. Symonds (Naval Institute Press). (NASOH, PO Box 18 108 , Washington DC 20036)

Full information on these and other stories can be found in Sea History Gazette, September/October 2 000. To subscribe to the bi-monthly Gazette fo r one y ear, send $18. 75 (add $10fo rforeign postage} to NMHS, PO Box 68, Peekskill NY I 0566. For credit card orders, call I 800 221-NMHS (6647) or sign up on-line at

CALL FOR PAPERS The 6rh Mari rime H eri rage Conference wi ll be in Wilmingron NC, 25-28 Ocrober 2001 , and wil l also incorporate rh e 4rh Imernationa1 Sh ip Prese rvation Co nference. Proposals are in vited for individual papers or sessions on all aspects of maritime hisrory, preservation, education, archaeology, technology, and rourism. Proposals sho uld include a shon abstract and a brief res ume. Session organize rs should submit all of the paper abstracts as a group. The deadline for proposals is l May 2001. Send ro: Dr. Timothy]. Runyan, Maritime Heritage Conference, Mari rim e Studies Program, Eller House, Ease Carolin a U niversiry, Greenville NC 27858-4353; 252 328-6097; fax: 252 328-6754; e-mail: Ocher gro ups may conducr business meerings on Monday, 29 Ocrober. To reserve facil ities, comacrCapr. David R. Scheu, Banleship Nonh Caro li na, Eagles Island, PO Box 480, Wi lmin g ton NC 28402-0480; 910 25 1-5 797; fax : 910 25 1-5807; e- mai l: ncbb55 For furt her information and upd ates, see rhe at ional Park Service web si re ar: mar itime.

SEA HISTORY 95 , WINTER 2000-0 1

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