Sea History 093 - Summer 2000

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MARINE ART NEWS Hudson River Museums Explore the W aterway's Heritage Afloat Once yo u've seen the J uly Fourth Parade of Sail in New York Harbo r and enjoyed the sights, sounds and smells of New York C ity, head no rth up the H udso n River to discover the regio n's history in boats. T he broad reach ofa new exh ibi t at T he Hudso n Ri ve r M useum in Yo nkers, "Boars on the Hudson: Navigating T hro ugh History," incl udes rhe range of vessels used on the river over the pas t five centu ries, includ ing canoes, sloops, steamboats and rugs, and explo res how boats co ntributed to the social, cultural and eco no mic develo pment of the Hudson Rive r Valley. T he exhibit fearnres paintings, prints, h istorical photographs, m odels, ship plans, tick-

ets, schedules, log books, flags and banners, navigatio nal instruments, furnishings, cosrnmes and trophies. Several boats will also be on display, incl uding a 19 th-cenrnry iceboat, a du go ut canoe and a 1920s shad skiff. "Boats on the Hudson" runs fro m 7 July 2000 thro ugh 7 January 2001 . (H RM, 511 Warburton Ave., Yo nkers NY 1070 1- 1899; 914 963-4550 ; web site: Farther up rhe river, rhe Hudson Ri ver Maritime M useum is also celebrating irs local m aritime herirage with "T he H udso n River in rhe Age of Sail," from 28 April to 30 O ctober 2000 . T he m useum looks ar myriad sailing crafr of all sizes and shapes, designed fo r commerce, pleasure and war, rhat have called rhe river hom e since Hudson first explored rhe waterway, fo cusing particularly on rhe evolution of rhe hybrid H udso n River sloop of the 19th century. (H RMM , One Rondour Landing, Kingsto n NY 12401 ; 9 14 883-71 00) Continue to wend yo ur way north to join rhe festivities marking rhe 175rh year of navigatio n on the Erie Canal (see page 40). J,

Top: Currier & Ives lithograph ''iceboat on the Hudson, ca. 1860". (Courtesy the Museum of the City of New York, The Harry Peters Collection) Left: "The Hudson RiverSteamboatFrancisSkiddy, "byjames Bard, 1859, oil on canvas, 36" x 64''. (Courtesy the Hudson River Museum)

ASMA 12th Annual Exhibition The American Society of Marine Artists has an no un ced rhe dares and venues for irs 12th Natio nal Exhi bition. Following rhe success of rhe two-venue 11 rh Annual Exhibi rion, th e 12 th will open ar rhe Cape M useum of F ine An s in D ennis, Massachuserrs, fro m 28 April to 8 July 2000 and rhen move to the Delaware Center for rhe Arts in Wilmi ngton, Delawa re, to run from !are July th rough rhe late aurumn . T he 11 rh Ann u al Exhibition gained record attendance ar borh T he Frye M useum in Seanle, Was hingto n, and the C ummer M useum in Jackso nville, Florida. In fac t, rhe di rector of the C ummer Museum told ASMA's president, Robert Semler, rhar ir was rhe most well an ended exhibit in rhe museum 's histo ry. Many of the artists subm itting wo rk to this exhib tio n will be familiar to Sea H istory readers fro m past m arine art articles. T heir work is exemplary, in conveying rhe history of th e fiel d with accuracy and depth of feel ing, a nd in sharing the timeless beauty of o ur life in boats and the drama of man's relati o nship w ith rhe sea. To keep up with rhework being don e by today's marin e artists, visit rhe ASMA web sire ar www. m or write rhem arASMA, PO Box 369, Am bler PA 19002. Another web sire rhar will keep yo u upto-dare o n rhe wo rld of m aritime art, m odern and historical, is www.marinearr. com . T he sire in cl udes reso urces on m aritime museu ms, galleries, and auctions, and also has a discussion board to share information wirh or ask q uestions abo ut nautical art. ,!,

MARINE ART ExHIBITS & EvENTS • American Society of Marine Artists, W estern Region : 1 Augusr30 September 2000 (Ventura Counry Mariri me Museum, 2731 S. Vicroria Ave., Oxnard CA 93035; 805 984-6260) •Door Co u nty Maritime Museum: 13 May- 17 Seprember 2000, Maririme Arr by Gerh ard C. F. Mi ll er and by Kari An derso n (120 N. Madison Ave., Sru rgeon Bay WI 54235; 920 743-5958; web sire: www. dcm • H udson River Maritime Museum: 28 April-30 Ocrober 2000, "T he Hudson River in rhe Age of Sai l" (One Rondour Landing, Kingsron NY 1240 1; 9 14 883-7 100) • T he H udson River Museum: 7 Ju ly 2000-7 January 2001, "Boats on rhe Hudson " (511 Warburron Ave., Yonkers Y 10701-1899; 914 963-4550; web si re: www. • T heMariners' Museum: 17June-280crober2000, Scale Ship Model Exhibirion 2000 (100 Museum Dr.,


Newporr News VA 23606; 757 596-2222; web sire: • Penobscot Marine Museum: 2 J uly- 1 Ocrober 2000, "Pons and Passages: The MaririmeArrofJohn Srobarr" (5 Church Sr., POB 498, Searsport ME 04974; 207 548-2529; web site: • SouthStreetSeaportMuseum: from25 May2000, "T he Images Beh ind rhe Words: Prints from H erman Melville's Arr Collecti on"; from 25 June 2000, "The Alan Villiers Collection: T he Last of the T all Shi ps" (207 Front St., New Yo rk NY 10038; 2 12 748-8600; web si re: www.sourhstseaport. org) • Lake Champlain Maritime Museum: 29-30 July 2000, Maritime Model Show; 12-13 August 2000, Maritime Music F1estival (4472 Basin H arbor Rd., Vergennes VT 05i49 1; 802 475-2022; web site:

A Chinese export po1rcelain cider jug in the Penobscot Marine Museum '.r e:xxhibit (Photo: Roseann Costello)


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