Sea History 091 - Winter 1999-2000

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NATIONAL MARITIME HISTORICAL SOCIETY OFFICERS &TRUSTEES: Chairman, C raig A. C. Reynolds; Vice Chairmen, Richardo Lopes, G uy E. C. Maitland, Ed ward G. Zel insky; President, Peter Stanford; Vice President, No rm a Sranford; Treasurer, Wi lliam H. White; Secretary, Marshall Streibert; Trustees, Walter R. Brown, Fred C. H awkins, Jakob Isbrandtsen, Steven W. Jones, Robert La Banca, Wa rren Leback, Karen E. Markoe, Warren Marr, II , H arry W. Marsha ll , Bri an A . McAllister, D avid A. O 'Ne il , C harl es A. Robertson, Howard Slotnick, Bradford D. Smith, Jo hn Talbot, David B. Vieror, H arry E. Vinall , III, Jean Wort, Al exander Zago reos; Chairman Emeritus, Alan G. C hoate FOUN DER: Karl Kortum (1917- 1996) OVERSEERS : RADM D avid C. Brown, Chairman; Walter Cronkite, John Lehman, J. Wi lliam Middendorf, II, John Stobart, W illiam G. W interer ADVISORS: Co-Chairmen, Frank 0. Braynard , Melbourne Smith; D. K. Abbass, Raymond Aker, George F. Bass, Francis E. Bowker, Oswald L. Brett, Norm an J. Bro uwer, RADM Joseph F. Callo, William M. Doerflinger , Francis]. Duffy, John Ewald, Joseph L. Farr, Timothy G. Foote, William G ilkerso n, T homas Gillmer, Walter J. H andelman, Charles E. Herdendorf, Steven A. H yman, Hajo Knuttel, Gu nnar Lundeberg, Co nrad Milster, Wi lliam G. Muller, David E. Perkins, Nancy Hughes Richardso n, Timothy J. Runyan, Ralph L. Snow, Shannon J. Wall, Thomas Wells


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SEA H ISTORY & NMH S STAFF: Editor, J ustineAhlstrom ;Executive Editor, No rma Stanford; Contributing Editor, Kevin H aydon; Editor-at-Large, Peter Stanford; Editorial Assistant, Shelley Reid; ChiefofStaff, Burchenal G reen; Director ofEducation, David B. Allen; Director of Marketing and Membership Development, Blaire Belli vea u; Membership Coordinator, Nancy Schnaars; Membership Secretary, Irene Eisenfeld;AdvertisingSecretary, Carmen McCallum ; Accounting, Joseph Cacciola; Secretary to the President, Karen Ritell Address:

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SEA HISTORY 91 , WINTER 1999-2000

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