Sea History 089 - Summer 1999

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NATIONAL MARITIME HISTORICAL SOCIETY O FFI CE RS & T RUST EES : Chairman, C raig A. C. Rey nold s; Vice Chairmen, Ri chard o Lopes, G uy E. C. Maitl and, Edward G. Zelinsky; President, Peter Stanford ; Vice President, No rm a Sta nford; Treasurer, William H. White; Secretr11y, Ma rshall Srreibert ; Trustees, Wa lte r R. Brow n, W. G rove Co nrad, Fred C. Hawki ns, Jakob lsbrand tsen, Steven W . Jones, Kare n E. Ma rkoe, Wa rren Ma rr, II , H arry Marshall , Brian A. McA llister, David A. O 'Ne il , Ogden Reid , Charl es A. Robenso n, Howard Slotni ck, Bradford Smi th, John Talbot, Louis A. T rapp, Jr., David B. Vieto r, Har ry E. Vi nall , Ill , Jean Wort, Alexa nder Zago reos; Chairman Emeritw, Alan G. C hoa te FOUN DER: Ka rl Kortum (19 17-1996)

liam Baker (des igner of Mayflower If) we re real sri ckl ers on rhis poinr. In rh e inreres r o f berrer scho larship and more accurate preserva ti o n of rhe historical reco rd fo r future ge nerati ons, perhaps an editori al guideline on rhis topic is in order. RA ND LE M. B IDD LE Valencia, Cali fo rni a M r. Biddle raises an interesting point. We invite our readers to weigh in on this subject of app rop riate designations for the ships inspired by vessels ftom our past.-ED.

Catch of the Day: A Piece of History O ne of our fishin g trawlers retri eved the sreeringwheel and mechanism of rh e schooner Rouse Simmons while dragg ing fo r smelr

Captain Dean's Service to His Country

O VERSEERS: RADM David C. Brow n, Wa lter C ronki te, John Leh ma n, J. W illi am M iddendo rf, fl, John Stobart, Wil li am G. Winterer

I enj oyed rhe great arricle and painrin gs o n rh esloop Experiment by Len Tantillo in rh e W inrer issue of Sea H istory. I found Caprai n Srewarr D ean's name in rhe Natio nal Archi ves on a list of appli ca n rs deni ed a pension afrer rhe war. A r rh e srart o f rh ewar we had no navy. Our young government enli sred rhe aid of a number o f pr iva tely owned m erchant vessels, w hi ch we re rh en armed and sent ro sea und er th e comm and of experienced sea caprain s. F ro m 1776 unril 1782 w hen he was wo unded and caprured aboard rh e Nimrod, D ean was a priva reer prorecrin g our merchanr f1 eer at sea. Evidenrl y, pnva ree rs never arrained mili rary srarus.

AD VISORS: Co-Chairmen, Frank 0 . Bray nard , Melbourn e Smith; D. K. Abbass, Ray mond Aker, Geo rge F. Bass, Francis E. Bowke r, Oswald L. Brett, No rmanJ. Bro uwer, RADM Josep h F. Ca llo, Will iam M . Doerflinger, Fran cis J. Duffy, John Ewa ld , Joseph L. Farr, T imo thy G. Foo te, William G il ke rson, T ho mas Gi llm er, Wa lter J. Handelman, C harles E. Herdendo rf, Steven A. H yman , Hajo Knuttel,. G unna r Lund ebe rg, Co nrad Milster, Willi am G. Mul ler, David E. Perkin s, Nan cy Hughes Richardso n, T imothy J. Runya n, Ralph L. Snow, Sha nn on J. Wall , T homas Wel ls SEAHJSTORY &N MHSSTAF F: Editor, Ju stin e Ah lstrom; Executive Editor, No rm a Stan fo rd ; Contributing Eaitor, Kevin Haydon; Editor-at-Large, Peter Stanford; Editorial Assistant, Shel ley Reid ; Director of Education, Dav id B. Al len; Director of Marketing and Membership DetJelopment, Blaire Bel liveau ; ChiefofStaff, Burchenal Green; Mem bershipSecretary!Merchandising, Erika Kurtenbach; Membership Assistant, Irene Eisenfeld; Advertising Secretary, Ca rmen McCa llum ;Accounting, Joseph Cacciola; Secretary to the !'resident, Ka ren Ri tell T O GET IN TOUCH WITH US :


5 John Wa lsh Blvd., PO Box 68 Pee kskil l NY I 0566 Phon e: 9 14 737-7878 Fax: 9 14 737-78 16 Web site: www.sea hi sto ry.o rg E-mail: nm hs@sea hi story.o rg

MEMBERSH IP is in vited. Afte rguard $ 10 ,000; Benefa ctor $5, 000; Pl ankow ner $2,5 00; Spon sor $ 1,000; Do nor $500; Patron $25 0; Fri end $ I 00; Co ntr ibu to r $75; Famil y $50; Regul ar $35 . All members outside the USA please add $ 10 fo r pos tage. SEA HI STO RY is sent to all members. fn d ividu al cop ies cost $3.75. Adverti sing: 1-8 00-22 1-NM HS (6647)


ery res pect ro rhe Liberri es and Vicrori es in rh eir conrriburion to rh e wa r effo rt. Yo u have made a srarr: rhe ship pi ctured o n page 34 of Sea H istory 88 is no r rhe Red Oak Victory, bur an LST, probably o f pos rWW1I vinrage. EDW. K . NEUBAUER Milwa uki e, O rego n There are red fa ces here in the editorial offices. We did indeed place the wrongpicture in the article on the Red Oak Vicrory. We apologize to author Joseph Rychetnick and the Richmond M useum of History for our error. The flood ofcorrections ft om our eagleeyed readers let us know that y ou are paying close attention.-ED.

near rhe remains of rh e fa mous C hrisrm as Tree ship , which sank o n irs fin al run of rhe year, deliverin g C hristm as trees harves ted in Michigan to sell in C hi cago. M an y objecrs have bee n caught in our ners over rhe years from rhe Rouse Simmons and rh e many orher w recks rhar lie in the Rawley Poinr area of Lake M ichi ga n, bur while looking ar rhis arri fac r, yo u realize rhar rhis is rhe ve ry w heel aga insr w hich Capt. Schuenem ann was fi ghring befo re he losr the Rouse Simmons to a wild storm 23 N ove mber 19 12! R OBERT R ULEAU III Capt. , F/V Robert Louis M enomin ee, Michigan

LST Recognition, After All? I agree with H arold L. Sagendorph ("Lerrers," SH 88) rhar ir wo uld be worrhwhile to include arricles o n rh e amphibious vessels of World W ar II. T hese were unusually wo rrh y and successful vessels, equal in ev-


Farr Lauderdale, Flo rida

Calling All Retired Merchant Mariners! The editorial sraff of The Hawsepipe, newslerrer of rhe M arin e Workers' Hi srori cal Association, has alerted us to a shorrage of marerial ro prinr in rh eir journal of !are. W e hear from N MHS m embers regularl y who are retired marin e wo rkers, and we kn ow yo u have sto ri es to share. The Hawsepipe (" Rernemberi ng the pas t; In volved in rh e presen t; C oncerned with the furure") is dedi cated to providing a forum for marine wo rkers pas r and presenr to share rh eir hi sro ry. A rricl es regularly fearure reco ll ecti o ns o f life ar sea, labor conditio ns and rh e development of unions. MWHA membership is nor required to submir arricles; however, for rhose who are interes ted , members hip is $ 15 . Contact Ms. Es ther Palazzi, 10 Mirchell Place # 3B, NewYo rk NY 1001 7. 1-


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