Sea History 089 - Summer 1999

Page 30

MARINE ART NEWS Marine Art and Artifacts in Kalamazoo


"Fro m Ship to Shore: M arine Painrings from rhe Burl er Institute of Am eri ca n Arr" has just opened at the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts and will run through 3 July. T he B u tl e r In s t it u te was fou nd ed eigh ry yea rs ago in Youngstown, Ohio, by ind ustrialist Joseph G . Burl er, Jr. , an avid collector of American marine arr . His heirs conrin ued th e trad ition , res ulting in an impressive coll ection represenr"Cliff Scene, Grand M anan, 1865, "oil on canvas, ing rwo ce ntu ries of by Robert Swain Gifford (1840-1905) American marine paintings. T homas Birch, Jam es E. Burrersworrh and Dun can Mcfarlane are among the artists in rhis exhi bition who created so me of th e fin est known examples of ship portraiture. Ro u nd ing our rh e exhibit are Great Lakes shipp ing artifacts from So uth H ave n's M ich igan M aritim e Museum, includin g a 27-foor Mackinaw sailboat. Related KIA events include a Fami ly Night, themed "Anchors Aweigh, " on 17 June, and the mo vie classics "The Sea H awk," 10 Jun e, "Treasure Island," 17 June, and "Captain Blood," 24 June. .t Kalamazoo Institute ofArts, 314 South Park St., Kalamazoo MI 49007-5102; 616349-7775

Coronet:: An Air of Greatness T he historic schoo ner yach t Coronet (featured on pages 19-2 1) will be the focus of an exhibi t ru n ni ng from 26 June to 12 September at the Newpo rt Arr Museum in Newpo rt, Rhode Island. T he exhibit, entitled "An Air of Greatness: The Schooner Yacht Coronet," will presenr a co mprehensive picture of thi s histo ri c vessel in painrings and photographs, des ign elem ents from the vessel, artifacts, and unique co nremporary wo rks of arr drawn from a va ri ety of museum and priva te collections. Some of rh e works of arr fea tured include: a late- 19th-century oil painting by Marshall J ohnson of the vessel at sea; a modern painting by Scott Kennedy d epicting a speculati ve match between Coronet and the cutter yacht Bloodhound; photo collages by Newport artist Sandy Nesbitt; three painrings by yachting artist John Mecray (one of which is shown on page 19); a Fitz Hugh Lane work of an early New York Yacht Club schooner race; and a com posire work of a pai nred Co ronet w ith shaped silk sails from rhe 1800s. Visitors will be ab le to "see" th e vessel from a number of unique perspectives and will come to understand her significance in "Coronet and Bloodhound," by Scott Kennedy American arr and culture. .t International Yacht Restoration School, 449 Thames Street, Newport RI 02840; 41 0 848-5777; Newport Art Museum, 76 Bellevue Avenue, Newport RI 02840;

401 848-8200


•Kalamazo o Insti tu te of Arts: 15 May-4 July 1999, "From Ship to Shore" (3 14 South Park Srree[, Kalamazoo Ml 49007-5 102; 616 349-7775) • M ichigan M aritime M useum : I August 1998- 1Ocro ber1 999, "McCrimmonView: The Maritime Photography of Roy S. McCrimmon , 1900-1950" (260 Dyckm an Avenue, PO Box 534, Sourh Have n MT 49090; 1 800 747-38 10) • Naval U ndersea M useum: Seprem berNovember 1999, "The Navy ArrofThomas Harr Benro n " (PO Box 408, 60 1 Dowell Srreer, Keyport WA 98345; 360 396-4 148) • New Bedford Whal ing Museum: 24 Jun e - 17 September 1999, "Ma ririm e Prints fro m H erma n Melv ill e's Co ll ection of Art" (18 Johnny Cake H ill, ew Bedford MA027406398; 508 997-0046) • Newpo rt Art Museum: "An AirofG rea tness: the Scho oner Yacht Coronet" (NAM, 76 Bellevue Avenue, Newport RI 02840; 40 1 848-8200 ; Jnrern ation al Yacht Restoration Schoo l; 401 848-5 777) • Penobscot M arine M useum: 29 May17 October 1999, "Model Shipwrights: Mar in e Model Makers in Ma ine"; "T he Sai lors' Arr of Scrim shaw: Selections fro m rh e Perma nenr Co llection of Penobscot Ma rin e M use um " (5 Church Sr. , PO Box 498, Searspo rt ME 04974-0498; 207 5482529; e- mail: PMMuseum@acad ia. net) • South Street Seaport Museum: from l March 1999, "While the C ity Sleeps: An Artist Paints th e Fulron Fis h Ma rker" (SSSM, Port Life Gallery, 209 Water Srree t, ew York Y 10038; 212 748-8600)

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