Sea History 087 - Winter 1998-1999

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A Fresh C8tch of M8rine Antiques: Vintage photography. scrim shaw, moderately-priced pai ntings and prints, nautical artifacts, and out-of-print books.

ISee our catalog in color on our Web site I at For a b&w copy, please send $5 (refundable wi th purchase) to:

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Jonesport Nautical Antiques Visit our web site at or ca ll 978-537-1413. We have nautical art, nautical antiques, and a line of nautical reprodu cti ons of sextants, telescopes, and compasses.


O ne of the marit ime wo rld's legendary awa rds, the H ales T roph y, will return to the Ame ri can Me rchant Marine M useum , if o nl y in replica fo rm. T he elaborate replica is one of two co mmiss io ned by Carni val C rui se Lines at a cos t of $20,000 each. T he o ri gin al H ales Troph y was awarded to the holder o f th e fa mo us " Blue Ribband of the Atl anti c," symboli call y bestowed on the passenger li ner making th e fastes t rransArl anti c cross in g between New Yo rk and G reat Britain. One of rh e tro phy replicas will grace Carni val's MS Paradise, bui lt at the F innish Kvae m a Masa shipya rd, w hich also helped fund the rep li cas. T he other was presented to M useum offi cials in a cerem o ny aboa rd the Paradise in New Yo rk o n 18 N ovember. T he last passe nge r liner to capture the H ales T rophy was the SS United States in 1952. T he vessel 's owner, U nited States Lines, loaned the troph y to the US M erchant M arine Academy in rhe late 195 0s and d es ignated th e Academy as the trophy's guardi an in 1971. ln 1990 the tro phy was claimed by the Briti sh o perato r of a high-speed aluminum-hull ed fe rry boar that sped across the Atlanti c in reco rd rime. Although Museum o ffi cials and most maritim e historians argued th at the H ales Trophy was intended for large ocean lin ers in regul ar service, a British court uph eld the ferry ow ner's cl aim. T he prize remains in England to this day. Carnival's Joe Fa rcus said "Tr is fi tting that the H ales T roph y be returned to its ri ghtful place at the Am eri can Me rchant Marine M useum in honor of the last passenge r ocean li ner to win the Blue Ribband, the SS United States. Carni val C rui se Lines and Kvaerna M asa-Yards are proud to have recreated this important pi ece of our rich maritime histoty ." Competi tio n fo r the symboli c Blue Ribband began in 1838 . In 1935 Haro ld Keates H ales co mmiss io ned the tro phy "to serve as a stimulus to the craft of speed and mechanical perfectio n." T he H ales Trophy is made o f sol id sil ve r and heavy gilt, and stands almost fo ur feet tall , weighing nearly I 00 pounds. - LI NDA FAS BACH, Directo r AMMM, US Merchant Marine Academy, King• Point NY 11024; 5 16 773-5515



SEA CLOUD Sail the Legend with friends from NMHS and Mystic Seaport! 6-13 March 1999 Take thi s unique opportuni ty to sail the Ca ribbean on the leg en da ry Sea Cloud in company with fell ow NMHS me mbe rs, Pres ide nt Pe te r Stanfo rd a nd friend s from M ys tic Seaport.

For rates a nd Inform ation:

Carol VanderMaas Elegant Cruises & Tours 3 1 Central Drive Pt. Washin gton NY 11050 Ca ll or write for li stings of yo ur specific areas o f interest


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87, WINTER 1998- 99

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