of [he Bounty saga. Of [he Endeavour, her selec[ion was claimed by a number of people, including Pallisser, Cook's fim commanding officer in [he Navy, and Dalrympl e, who had hoped w command [he expedi[ion , bu[ i[ appears w have been a corpora[e decision. Cook wo uld have been undoub[edly deligh[ed a[ [he choice of [his type of collier in whi ch he served his [im e prior w vo lun[eering for [he Navy. Ano[her ou[S[anding officer a[ [he Admiralty was Adm iral John CampbelI who had served as Mas[er's Ma[e under Anson in [h e Centurion on her famous Pacific voyage. Like Cook, Campbell had firs[ gon e w sea in [h ese ca[-buih Eas[ CoaS[ vessels in [he North Sea coal uade and was familiar wi[h [heir S[erling quali [ies . He no doub[ would have been in favor of her choice. Campbell was also a proponem of namical as[ronomy (when not wo many were) and developed [he sextant from H adl ey's quadram. H e also introduced Cook w the Royal Society, wh o had initially proposed [he scientific voyage w [he Sou[h Seas w observe [he uansi[ ofVen us. How did I ever ge[ off on all this? Better blame yo ur fascinating w ritings in Sea History for this digression o n a hot forenoon . OSWALD BRETT
Levittown, New Yo rk
A Worthwhile Endeavour Yo ur invitation to guide aboard the Australian replica of HMS Endeavour whe n she was in New York C ity in June was righ[ up my alley, and I wa nt to thank yo u. I spent three days and [hree nights aboard the ship and, in addi[ion, recruited rwo fri ends who each vo lunteered fora day. We all had a wonderful [ime. le mrned OU[ [ha[ I have a knack for climbing rigging, and I sailed as a crew member from New York to Norwalk, Connec[icut. I had th e time of my life! CARY BLOSSER
Northport, New York More than 50 NMHS members and friends served as volunteer guides aboard HMS Endeavour in New York City, and we thank them far their enthusiasm. In September and October, Endeavour will travel to New Hampshire, Maine, and Nova Scotia, and then head south far Bermuda, Tortola, Barbados, Balboa, Galapagos, Acapulco, and Cabo San Lucas before arriving in San D iego in February far a two-month refit. Plans are
currently being made far the West Coast voyage in the summer and autumn of 1999. Ifyou are interested in being a volunteer guide or in sailing aboard, contact The Crew Manager, 201 North Fairfax Street, Alexan-ED. dria VA 22314; 703 519-4556
"The Bully Ruffian" Escapes fr was a pity tha[ i[ was no[ explained in yo ur article on [he Battle of [he Nile in Sea H istory85 [ha[ bauleships in [hose days did not carry enough crew to man [he guns on bo[h sides of the ship wi[h fu ll effec[iveness, which made the "doubling" of the French ships so disasuo us for [hem. I also [hink [he fo llowing little-known stoty of [he baule deserves w be known. HMS Bellerophon , 74 guns, (always known to sailors as "The Bully Ruffian") was S[a[ioned ou[side [he French fl agship L 'Orient and escaped easrward OU[ of [he fray afrer being dismas[ed . She had no[ on ly los[ all her mas[s bu[ also all her officers down w a 14-year-old midshipman named John Hindmarsh. On ass umin g co mmand and realizing [ha[ L 'Orient was abom to blow up, he ga[hered some of his crew and ordered [he spri[sail to be se[ ([h e only sail scill available) and [hen [he cable to be cm , where upon he sailed her away w a safe anchorage befo re [he foreseen explosion occurred . The next day Nelson came on board wi th several of his "Band of Brothers," co ngramla[ed Hindmarsh on his ini[ia[ive and made him a lieutenam on [he spo[ before
introducing him to the o[her Caprains. CDR MORIN SCOTT, RN (Re[) Paphos, Cyprus
San Francisco Schooners Keep the Sea Sea History is always welcome a[ our h ouse and [he Summer 1998 issue was certainly no excep[ion. The gentleman from Cos[a Rica is "righ[ on" in his praise of [he late Ka rl Konum, and his fascina[ ion wi[h [he San Francisco wa[erfron[ of 1945 is undersrandabl e. I vividly recall [h e sce ne as a boy in [h e 1920s and 1930s. I, wo, recall [he pilo[S boarding and leavi ng [he ships in open boa[S manned by seamen with oars, bm no[ in dori es, as yo ur letter writer recalls. T hose were superb seamen who pm tl1 e pilo[S aboard inbound ships or took them from [hose ombound. Three capable wooden schooners, former yach[s, maimain ed [h e Sa n Francisco Bar Pilo[s on [heir sra[ion off [he Golden Ga[e. The schooners in [hose days were [he California (ex-Zodiac), theAdventuressand [he Gracie S. All were re[i red from [heir pilorage work a few years ago. T he California (o nce more named Zodiac), and [he Adventuress are doing chaner work on and around Puge[ Sound. T he Gracie S, in [h e ownership of tha[ fine sailorm an, [he la[e S[erling Hayden, wok him w many exocic pom in the legendary Somh Seas. She was subsequently lost in [ha[ region, afrer passin g from H ayden ownership. BRUCE B. M CCLOSKEY
Santa C ruz, California
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