Sea History 086 - Autumn 1998

Page 38




Friendship Goes Home

Oldest House in South Florida tells of Key West wrecking history.

T he hull of the replica East Indiam anFriendship was laun ched o n Saturday, 17 A ugust, by Scarano Boar Bui lders in Albany, New York. The Salem Maritime National H istorical Site's replica of the Salem-built ship of 1797 has been over rwo years in constru ction . She arrived in Salem, Massachusetts, on 3 1 August where preparati o ns for her arrival have long been underway. Masts and rigging have ro be installed, and extensive interior work and deco rat ive detailing on her hull must be co mp leted . -KEVIN H AYDON


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The Friendship 's hull, with the tug Towline, passes beneath the H udson River's NewburghBeacon Brid e on its wa to Salem.



Bernard Klayman, a New York C iry schoo l mainten ance manage r who rook up fo lk music a nd danci ng as an avocation, went on ro b ecom e leader of th e X-Sea men's Institute, an active quartet wh ich helped m ake sea music history in the US. Startin g in th e 1960s, they sang on the piers in New York's South Street, helping to draw attention ro the fl edgling So uth Street, and pav in g rh e way fo r oth er chanteymen like Louis Killen. Gen erations of chantey aficion ados grew up on rhe X-Seam en's reco rdin gs . As his great fri end and supporter Wal rer Handelm an once said: "Bernie drew music ourof p eople who didn ' t dream rhey had it in them. " Bernie's wife Lotte died eigh t years ago. His co mpanion Kare n Waterman Hoffman will carry on some aspects of his work, in tandem with NMHS. A group led by Eric Russell and Frank Woerner (and including myself) ga thered to sing fo llowing Bern ie's burial in Pinewoods Cemetery, Long Island, starring with that grand verse, "Ir was pleasant and delightful. " And so it was, Bernie, so it was-for so many, m any pwpk. PS

AMERICAN M ERCHANT MARINE MUSEUM NEWS T here are m any Au rumn evems and programs at the Museum rharyou won'rwantro miss. Fa ns of mari rime arr isr Pere Eagleto n are in for a real treat when his show, "Backwaters and Basins-Ships of rhe Working Waterfront, " opens at th e American M erchant M arine Museum on 7 October 1998. T h e paintings featured in rhe exhibition are being offered for sale during rhe sh ow. Through rhe gen eros iry of the artist, a portion of the proceeds from each sale w il l benefit the American Merchant Marine Museum Foundation . A member of rhe Na tional Maritime Historical Sociery, an official US Coast Guard artist and a ch arter m em ber of the American Sociery ofMarineArrisrs, Eagleton has always been interested in shippin g. As a kid, he'd spend rhe day roaming the New York Harbor waterfront and backwaters, wi th pen and p encil in hand. For more than 35 yea rs, he wo rked in rh e shipping in dustry. His paintings in pastels, watercolor, go uache and oil are mostly of working ships on worki ng waterways-rugs, barges, coastal and harbor rankers, freighters , container ships, drydocks and scrap yards. The images in "Backwaters and Basins" illustrate our nation's rich maritime history and rh e important wo rk of America's merchant marine. Ir w ill be on view at the Museum through 29 November 1998. Merchant marine vete rans and former empl oyees of G race Lines shou ld m a rk 7 Nove mber 1998 on their calendars. Our annual M erchant Marine Veterans Reun io n promises robe a special even t. G race Lines employees particularly will be honored. Not o nly will attendees have an opportuniry ro renew old acq uaintan ces, swa p sea sto ri es, enj oy special program s, eat delicio us food, and see rhe "Backwaters and Basins" exhibit, but they w ill also have the h ono r of helping the Museum induct D ennis A Roland into the Nati o nal Maritime H all of Fame. Correctio n: The dares listed in Sea History 86 for rhe exhibition fearuring th e Meredith Victory were repo rted i nco rrecrl y as 25 May throuash 31 October 1998. The exhibitio n runs through 3 1October 1999 . -ILINDA FASBACH, Executive Director

American M erchant Marine Museum, USMMA, Kiings Point NY 11024; 516 773-5515; web site: 36


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